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1. Family members would like to bring in birthday cake for a client with nerve damage.
What cranial nerve needs to be functioning so the client can chew?
a. Cranial nerve II
b. Cranial nerve V
c. Cranial nerve IX
d. Cranial nerve X
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying

2. The nurse is caring for the client following a cerebral vascular accident. Which portion of
the brain is responsible for taste, smell and hearing?
a. Occipital
b. Frontal
c. Temporal
d. Parietal
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

3. The assessment that ensures the ER nurse that a patient’s spinal cord injury is below C4
a. Voluntary eye movement
b. Ability to blink the eyelids
c. Unlabored respiration
d. Ability to make a facial grimace
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying

4. Bell’s palsy is a disorder of cranial nerve VII. What are the clinical manifestations of the
a. tinnitus
b. Facial paralysis
c. Pain at the base of the tongue
d. diplopia
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying

5. The nurse is assessing a patient with a head injury due to a motor vehicle accident who
is experiencing temporary blindness in the left eye would be correct in documenting this
abnormal finding as corresponding to which of the following cerebral lobes?
a. Temporal
b. Occipital
c. Parietal
d. Frontal
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying

6. A nurse completing a neurological assessment on a patient with Meniere’s disease is

assessing cranial nerve VIII. The nurse would be correct in identifying the function of this
nerve as which of the following?
a. Movement of the tongue
b. Visual acuity
c. Sense of smell
d. Hearing and equilibrium
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying

7. The nurse is assessing a patient who exhibits an uncoordinated gait knows that which of
the following brain structures affects balance and coordination?
a. Cerebellum
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for more nursing test banks, sample exam, reviewers, and notes.

b. Pons
c. medulla
d. midbrain
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

8. A nurse is caring for a patient with altered level of consciousness is preparing to test
cranial nerve. The nurse would complete which of the following assessment techniques
to elicit a response from cranial nerve VII?
a. Palpate the trapezius muscle while the patient shrugs his shoulders against
b. Administer the whisper or watch tick test
c. Observe for symmetry of facial movements, such as smile
d. Note any hoarseness in the patient’s voice
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying

9. A patient with a C3 spinal cord injury is exhibiting extreme temperature elevations due to
his injury. The nurse knows that the area of the brain that regulates body temperature is
which of the following?
a. Cerebellum
b. Thalamus
c. Hypothalamus
d. Midbrain
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

10. The meninges provide protection, support, and nourishment to the brain and spinal cord.
Which of the following terms is used to describe the fibrous connective tissue that hugs
the brain closely and extends into every fold of the brain’s surface?
a. Dura mater
b. Arachnoid
c. Fascia
d. Pia mater
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Understanding

11. The patient is postoperative following a radial neck dissection. The physician who asks
the patient to stick out his tongue and move it back and forth is assessing for damage to
which of the following?
a. Hypoglossal nerve
b. Vagus nerve
c. Spinal nerve
d. Trochlear nerve
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying

12. A patient’s parasympathetic system has been stimulated. Which of the following is an
effect of parasympathetic stimulation?
a. Constricted pupils
b. Dilated bronchioles
c. Decreased peristaltic movement
d. Relaxed muscular walls of the urinary bladder
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying

13. A patient who is extremely upset after a confrontation with a family member is having
“fight or flight response.” What effect will this have on the sympathetic nervous system?
a. Constriction of blood vessels in the heart muscle
b. Constriction of bronchioles
c. Increase secretion of sweat
d. Constriction of pupils
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for more nursing test banks, sample exam, reviewers, and notes.

Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying

14. It is essential for an elderly patient who lives alone and has atrophy of his olfactory
organs to which of the following installed in the home?
a. Grab bars
b. Non-slip mats
c. Baseboard heaters
d. A smoke detector
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying

15. To assess a patient’s cranial nerve function, the nurse should assess:
a. Hand grip
b. Orientation to person, time and place
c. Arm drifting
d. Gag reflex
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying

16. What is the nurse doing a neurologic assessment on a patient who has suffered a LEFT
stroke likely to find?
a. Weakness in the patient’s left hand
b. Drooling from the left side of the mouth when the patient is eating
c. Right visual field defects
d. Fixed left pupil
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying

17. The nurse teaching patient with trigeminal neuralgia about the factors that precipitate an
attack would be correct in teaching him to avoid:
a. Washing his face
b. Exposing his skin to sunlight
c. Using artificial tears
d. Drinking liquids at room temperature
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying

18. The peripheral nervous system includes the:

a. somatic nervous system.
b. brain.
c. spinal cord.
d. nuclei.
e. all of the above.
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Understanding

19. The part of the nervous system that controls smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands
is the:
a s.omatic nervous system.
b. autonomic nervous system.
c. skeletal division.
d. sensory division.
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

20. Concerning concentration difference across the plasma membrane, there are:
a. more K_ and Na_ outside the cell than inside.
b. more K_ and Na_ inside the cell than outside.
c. more K_ outside the cell than inside and more Na_ inside the cell than outside.
d. more K_ inside the cell than outside and more Na_ outside the cell than inside.
Check my twitter account @nursetopia or IG @nursetopia1
for more nursing test banks, sample exam, reviewers, and notes.

Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

21. Which of these is a correct count of the spinal nerves?

a. 9 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, 1 coccygeal
b. 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, 1 coccygeal
c. 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, 1 coccygeal
d. 8 cervical, 11 thoracic, 4 lumbar, 6 sacral, 1 coccygeal
e. 7 cervical, 11 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 6 sacral, 1
coccygeal Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Understanding

22. Important centers for heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, swallowing, coughing, and
vomiting are located in the:
a. cerebrum.
b. medulla oblongata.
c. midbrain.
d. pons.
e. cerebellum.
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

23. In which of these parts of the brain does decussation of descending nerve tracts
involved in the conscious control of skeletal muscles occur?
a. cerebrum
b. diencephalon
c. midbrain
d. pons
e. medulla oblongata
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

24. Important respiratory centers are located in the:

a. cerebrum.
b. cerebellum.
c. pons and medulla oblongata.
d. midbrain
e. limbic system.
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

25. Which of these cerebral lobes is important in voluntary motor function, motivation,
aggression, sense of smell, and mood?
a. frontal
b. insula
c. occipital
d. parietal
e. temporal

26. The most superficial of the meninges is a thick, tough membrane called the:
a. pia mater.
b. dura mater.
c. arachnoid mater.
d. epidural mater.
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Understanding

27. Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by the________, circulates through the ventricles, and
enters the subarachnoid space. The cerebrospinal fluid leaves the subarachnoid space
through the____________.
a. choroid plexuses, arachnoid granulations
b. arachnoid granulations, choroid plexuses
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for more nursing test banks, sample exam, reviewers, and notes.

c. dural sinuses, dura mater

d. dura mater, dural sinuses
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

28. The cranial nerve responsible for focusing the eye (innervates the ciliary muscle of the
eye) is the:
a. optic (II).
b. oculomotor (III).
c. trochlear (IV).
d. abducens (VI).
e. facial (VII).
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

29. The cranial nerve involved in feeling a toothache is the:

a. trochlear (IV).
b. trigeminal (V).
c. abducens (VI).
d. facial (VII).
e. vestibulocochlear (VIII).
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying

30. From this list of cranial nerves:

1. olfactory (I)
2. optic (II)
3. oculomotor (III)
4. abducens (VI)
5. vestibulocochlear (VIII)

a. 1,2,3
b. 2,3,4
c. 1,2,5
d. 2,3,5
e. 3,4,5
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

31. From this list of cranial nerves:

1. trigeminal (V)
2. facial (VII)
3. glossopharyngeal (IX)
4. vagus (X)
5. hypoglossal (XII)

a. 1,2,3
b. 1,4,5
c. 2,3,4
d. 2,3,5
e. 3,4,5
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

32. Which of these activities is mostly associated with the left cerebral hemisphere in most
a. sensory input from the left side of the body
b. mathematics and speech
c. spatial perception
d. recognition of faces
e. musical ability
Learning Outcome:
Check my twitter account @nursetopia or IG @nursetopia1
for more nursing test banks, sample exam, reviewers, and notes.

Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying

33. The limbic system is involved in the control of:

a. sleep and wakefulness.
b. maintaining posture.
c. higher intellectual processes.
d. emotion, mood, and sensations of pain or pleasure.
e. hearing.
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

34. Neurons have cytoplasmic extensions that connect one neuron to another neuron. Given
these structures:
1. axon
2. dendrite
3. dendritic spine
4. presynaptic terminal
Choose the arrangement that lists the structures in the order they are found between two
a. 1,4,2,3
b. 1,4,3,2
c. 4,1,2,3
d. 4,1,3,2
e. 4,3,2,1
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

35. Gray matter contains primarily

a. myelinated fibers.
b. neuron cell bodies.
c. Schwann cells.
d. oligodendrocytes.
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

36. Neurotransmitter substances are stored in vesicles that are located in specialized
portions of the
a. neuron cell body.
b. axon.
c. dendrite.
d. postsynaptic membrane.
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

37. Given these components of a reflex arc:

1. effector organ
2. interneuron
3. motor neuron
4. sensory neuron
5. sensory receptor
Choose the correct order an action potential follows after a sensory receptor is stimulated.
a. 5,4,3,2,1
b. 5,4,2,3,1
c. 5,3,4,1,2
d. 5,2,4,3,1
e. 5,3,2,1,4
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

38. Damage to the dorsal ramus of a spinal nerve results in

a. loss of sensation.
b. loss of motor function.
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for more nursing test banks, sample exam, reviewers, and notes.

c. both a and b.
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

39. A person with a spinal cord injury is suffering from paresis (partial paralysis) in the right
lower limb.Which of these pathways is probably involved?
a. left lateral corticospinal tract
b. right lateral corticospinal tract
c. left dorsal column/medial lemniscal system
d. right dorsal column/medial lemniscal system
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying

40. Given these areas of the cerebral cortex:

1. Broca’s area
2. premotor area
3. primary motor cortex
4. Wernicke’s area
If a person hears and understands a word and then says the word out loud, in what order are
the areas used?
a. 1,4,2,3
b. 1,4,3,2
c. 3,1,4,2
d. 4,1,2,3
e. 4,1,3,2
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying

41. Which of these is not one of the basic tastes?

a. spicy
b. salt
c. bitter
d. umami
e. sour
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Understanding

42. Given these structures:

1. lens
2. aqueous humor
3. vitreous humor
4. cornea
Choose the arrangement that lists the structures in the order that light entering the eye
encounters them.
a. 1,2,3,4
b. 1,4,2,3
c. 4,1,2,3
d. 4,2,1,3
e. 4,3,2,1 Learning
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

43. Sounds are detected by _____-receptors.

a. chemo
b. thermo
c. mechano
d. photo
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Understanding
Feedback: Correct Answer: Air vibrations are mechanical in nature.

44. Which of the following is not likely to cause a headache.

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for more nursing test banks, sample exam, reviewers, and notes.

a. school stress
b. high blood pressure
c. a full stomach
d. food flavorings such as
MSG\ Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying
Feedback: Correct Answer: Although blood sugar levels can cause headache, a
stretched stomach should not be sufficient cause; psychological stress, certain food
additives such as monosodium glutamate, and high blood pressure are known to elicit
headache (cephalgia).

45. An analgesic is a drug which usually _____ pain impulses.

a. increases
b. decreases
c. has no effect on
d. decreases the threshold for
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying
Feedback: Correct Answer: Analgesia means to be without pain; few pain relievers would
cause pain or have no effect.

46. Which area allows one to perceive the aroma of a pizza.

a. olfactory bulb
b. olfactory lobe
c. olfactory cortex
d. olfactory tracts
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying
Feedback: Correct Answer: Only the cortex area deep in the temporal region can
perceive smells. The olfactory bulb is a synaptic area. The olfactory lobe is not a
perceptual area. Tracts relay impulses.

47. Which sense is most likely to adapt rapidly?

a. taste
b. smell
c. hearing
d. vision
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying
Feedback: Correct Answer: Olfactory receptors drop to 50% sensitivity within one second
following stimulation.

48. Which of the following could be detected on the back of the tongue?
a. sweet
b. sour
c. salty
d. bitter
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Understanding
Feedback: Correct Answer: The buds on the posterior part of the tongue respond to
bitter; the tip is sweet and the sides are sour and salt.

49. The purpose of the auricle is to _____sound waves.

a. dampen
b. increase the intensity of
c. act as a collector of
d. vibrate in response to
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing
Feedback: Correct Answer: The auricle is a funnel shaped outer ear structure that acts to
concentrate and direct sound waves into the middle ear.
50. The auditory tube acts to equalize pressure between the middle ear and _____.
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for more nursing test banks, sample exam, reviewers, and notes.

a. throat
b. inner ear
c. outer ear
d. cochlea
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing
Feedback: Correct Answer: The auditory tube or Eustachian tube equalizes the air
pressure between the middle ear and nasopharynx or throat to allow proper eardrum

51. The term labyrinth refers to the appearance of the _____.

a. outer ear
b. inner ear
c. middle ear
d. vestibule
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Understanding
Feedback: Correct Answer: The labyrinth is the complex, twisted appearance of the inner
52. The cells that convert vibrations into neurological impulses are the _____ cells.
a. hair
b. otolith
c. basilar membrane
d. crista acoustica
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Understanding
Feedback: Correct Answer: The hair cells of the organ of Corti vibrate and depolarize the
neurons associated with them.
53. The process of adjusting vision from a near to a distant object is called _____.
a. adaptation
b. accommodation
c. amblyopia
d. cataracts
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying
Feedback: Correct Answer: Changes in the eye that allow the ability to see near and far
are called accommodation mechanisms; cataracts is an abnormal loss of lens
transparency. Ambylopia involves eye muscles. Adaptation occurs in response to
changes in light intensity.

54. An increase in aqueous fluid pressure is a symptom of _____.

a. cataract
b. migraine
c. glaucoma
d. hyperopia
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying

Feedback: Correct Answer: Glaucoma is evidenced by an increase in anterior chamber

pressure and is usually caused by failure to properly drain the fluid; hyperopia is far-

55. The point of sharpest retinal vision is called the _____.

a. fovea centralis
b. macula lutea
c. vitreous body
d. optic disk
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing
Feedback: Correct Answer: The fovea centralis is the center of the macula lutea which
contains the greatest concentration of cones.
Check my twitter account @nursetopia or IG @nursetopia1
for more nursing test banks, sample exam, reviewers, and notes.

56. Which of these photoreceptor cells is not correctly matched with its function?
a. rods—vision in low light
b. rods—visual acuity
c. cones—color vision
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

57. A person with an abnormally long eyeball (anterior to posterior) is________ and uses
a________ to correct his or her vision.
a. nearsighted, concave lens
b. nearsighted, convex lens
c. farsighted, concave lens
d. farsighted, convex lens
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying

58. An increase in the loudness of sound occurs as a result of an increase in the of the sound
a. frequency
b. amplitude
c. resonance
d. both a and b
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Understanding

59. Tears:
a. are released onto the surface of the eye near the medial corner of the eye.
b. in excess are removed by the canal of Schlemm.
c. in excess can cause a sty.
d. can pass through the nasolacrimal duct into the oral cavity.
e. contain water, salts, mucus, and lysozyme.
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Understanding

60. In the retina there are cones that are most sensitive to a particular color. Given this list of
1. red
2. yellow
3. green
4. blue

a. 2,3
b. 3,4
c. 1,2,3
d. 1,3,4
e. 1,2,3,4
Learning Outcome:
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing

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