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The userman

Step by step guide

Step 1: How to connect your theuserman to winbox

1. Go to IP>HOTSPOT>SELECT TAB server Profiles

2. Select hsprof1 and new window will appear
3. To see your hotspot ip address
4. Open you’re theuserman and input the ip address,user,password same in you
Step 2: tool

1. Go to >tool>validty settings>install
Step 3: Creating Bandwidth Group limitation (user profiles)

1. Select tab>Bandwidth & Quota

2. Select tab>list bandwidth limitation
3. Below part of window Click >Add
4. New window will show Input group name, shared user, and bandwith limit
then same THEN press NEW for another group name.
 After Creating user profiles you will see the list of bandwidth limitation group
Step 4: Generating Batch user account for your hotspot

1. Select Tab>Hotspot User Management 4. This window input all details for users
2. Select Tab>Hotspot User List> 5. Generate then Press New for new user
3. Press>Generate
 After pressing generate information will show then press ok
 List of generated users account winbox and theuserman
Step 5: Checking tools configuration

1. Select validity settings make sure it installed

2. Select Voucher Templates>Click on Default Template (no image)
Step 6: Generating voucher Codes per user accounts

1. Select tab>Hotspot User Management

2. Select tab>Export Voucher and follow the screen #3 #4 #5
3. New window appear Choose 1h on the list and Export
 When exporting files select save path of your voucher code and name it 1h or
2h for you to identify the codes you generated.
 Press Yes to open it, exported to PDF files format.
Step 7: Printing your Codes you created

1. You can directly print your codes once you generated it.
2. Or Open your desktop where you save your generated code
The End
Practice Makes Perfec

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