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1. Which valve of the left ventricle is located at the posterior sternum at the 3 rd intercostals space?

a. Mitral
b. Aortic
c. Pulmonary
d. Tricuspid

2. Which aortic sinus is considered non-coronary where the artery arise?

a. Right
b. Left
c. Posterior
d. Anterior

3. Which chamber of the heart occupies the entire inferior border?

a. Right atrium
b. Right ventricle
c. Left atrium
d. Left ventricle

4. What valve is usually located at the 4 th 5th intercostals spaces of the thoracic wall?
a. Tricuspid
b. Pulmonary
c. Mitral
d. Aortic

5. What do you call a dilated portion which is superior to each cusps that prevents it from sticking to
the wall of the vessel?
a. Valve
b. Nodule
c. Lunule
d. Sinus

6. The base of the heart is formed mainly by what chamber?

a. R atrium
b. R ventricle
c. L atrium
d. L ventricle
7. The anterior or sternocostal surface of the heart is formed by which chamber?
a. R atrium
b. R ventricle
c. L atrium
d. L ventricle
8. What structure within the Right atrium separates the smooth and rough parts
a. Sinus venarum
b. Right auricle
c. Crista terminalis
d. Sulcus terminalis

9. What structure of the right ventricle is described as thick and muscular that separates the wall of
the inflow part from the smooth muscle wall of the outflow tract?
a. Supraventricular crest
b. Trabeculae carnae
c. Infundibulum
d. Chordate tendinae

10. What do you call a muscle bundle that traverse the right ventricle chamber from the inferior part of
the interventricular septum to the base of the anterior papillary muscle?
a. Septomarginal trabecula
b. Conus arteriosus
c. Papillary muscle
d. Chordate tendinae

11. What chamber of the heart do the valveless pair of pulmonary veins enter?
a. R atrium
b. R ventricle
c. L atrium
d. L ventricle

12. What is the structure of the left ventricle that mostly covers it, finer and more numerous than the
a. Interventricular septum
b. Papillary muscles
c. Trabeculae carnae
d. Tendinous cords

13. Which chamber of the heart do you find the remnant of oval foramen present during fetal
a. R atrium
b. R ventricle
c. L atrium
d. L ventricle

14. What particular chamber of the heart produces the cardiac notch?
a. R atrium
b. R ventricle
c. L atrium
d. L ventricle

15. What particular layer of the pericardium is reflected into the heart including the great vessels?
a. Fibrous
b. Parietal layer of serous
c. Serous
d. Visceral layer of serous
16. Which of the following statements is true regarding the fibrous pericardium?
a. Continuous posteriorly with the central tendon of the diaphragm
b. Bounded laterally by loose connective tissue
c. Attached inferiorly to the posterior surface of the sternum
d. Continuous superiorly with the great vessels to and from the
17. The visceral layer of serous pericardium makes up what layer of the heart wall?
a. Myocardium
b. Epicardium
c. Subendocardial tissue
d. Endocardium

18. What structure is posterior to the intrapericardial parts of the pulmonary trunk, ascending aorta,
anterior to the superior vena cava and atria of the heart?
a. Pericardiophrenic ligament
b. Oblique pericardial sinus
c. Transvers pericardial sinus
d. Pericardiophrenic artery

19. What is the nerve supply of the pericardium which is vasomotor in function?
a. Sympathetic trunk
b. Vagus nerve
c. C5-c6 spinal nerves
d. Phrenic nerve
20. Where does the pericardiophrenic artery arise from?
a. Thoracic aorta
b. Subclavian artery
c. Internal thoracic artery
d. Axillary artery

21. A wide recess in the pericardial cavity, the oblique sinus is posterior to the base of the heart and is
formed by which chamber?
a. R atria
b. R ventricle
c. L atria
d. L ventricle

22. What layer of the heart is made up of mesothelium and is covered by the visceral layer of serous
a. Endocardium
b. Epicardium
c. Subendocardial tissue
d. Myocardium

23. Which structure in the right atrium separates the smooth and rough parts?
a. Auricle
b. Crista terminalis
c. Oval fossa
d. Sulcus terminalis
24. Which papillary muscle of the right ventricle is the largest and is attached to the cusps?
a. Anterior
b. Posterior
c. Septal
d. Lateral

25. What structure in the right ventricle is a muscular bundle that traverses the chamber from the
inferior part of the interventricular septum?
a. Trabeculae carnae
b. Tendinous cords
c. Supraventricular crest
d. Septomarginal trabeculae

1. Most common valve affected by rheumatic heart valve disease- mitral

2. most common form of angina is- stable
3. Choose the best answer about Prinz mental angina.-All
4. Choose the best- all
5. Is the most common cause of the death in the first several hours following infraction- none
6. Most commonly affected arteries in Mönckeberg arteriosclerosis: ALL
7. Choose the best answer about hyaline arteriolosclerosis: ALL
8. Choose the best answer about hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis- it is marked by onionlike skin
thicking of the arteriolar walls
9. Ring like calcifications in the media of the arteries are characteristics.- none
10. Lining epithelium endocardium- SIMPLE SQUAMOUS
11. the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of glucose 6 phosphate into Fructose 6 phosphate
is classified as- an isomerase
12. enzyme that cleaves covalent bond with the use of water belongs to which of the general
classes of enzymes- hydrolase
13. enzyme involved in the so-called Ping Pong reaction are- transaminase
14. kinases are enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of energy for Speed from ATP to and
acceptor molecules belong to this general classes of enzyme- phosphate
15. lactate dehydrogenase is an enzyme that exist in five form this multiple form of enzyme that
catalyzes the same reaction are known as- isoenzymes
16. isoenzymes of Diagnostic value in medicine because- different isoenzymes are found in
different tissues
17. Complex and joint system responsible for the metabolism of xenobiotics are known as-
cytochrome p450
18. Which is not a characteristic of coenzyme- acceptes and receives functional group in the
course of reaction
19. NAD a coenzyme that participate in many oxidation reduction reaction can be synthesized
from which of the following amino acid- tryptophan
20. the following disease may be diagnosed by enzyme assays of the blood which of the
following pair of disease and enzyme is incorrect-myocardial infarction- creatine
21. which of the following myocardial enzymes is are elevated in myocardial infarction- all
22. significantly elevated in case of metastatic prostate Cancer is- alkaline phosphatase
23. which cytochrome has a higher affinity for oxygen-cyt b
24. direct synthesis of the ATP from high energy phosphate compound is known as- High
energy phosphorylation
25. under aerobic conditions additional ATP can be synthesized if any D + H produce in the
cytosol are transported into the mitochondria through the- glycerophosphate shuttle
26. the final acceptor of electron in the electron transport chain is- oxygen
27. cytochrome oxidase is the last and Rhyme of the respiratory chain is inhibited by all of the
following substances except- oligomycin
28. cyanide produce hypoxia by- all of above
29. the enzyme found in the blood responsible for the destruction of hydrogen peroxide formed
by the action of aerobic dehydrogenase is- catalase
30. The following are true of superoxide metabolism except- superoxide dismutase has a
limited distriction in the body
31. The toxicity of oxygen is directly related to - it's production of oxygen free redials through
one electron reduction step of oxygen
32. uncouplers like 2 4 Dai nitrophenols affected the respiratory chain by trying up oxygen-
preventing ATP synthesis
33. ionophores- are lipophilic
34. xanthine oxidase produces peroxide radicals. in order to remove this free radical which of the
enzyme- superoxide dismutase
35. Location of vasavasorum- ALL

36. Aorta is a or an – ELLASTIC ARTERY

37. Lining epithelium of heart-ALL

38. Vasoconstriction-

39. Vasodilation-NITRIC OXIDE

40. Continuous capillary-NONE

41. Visceral capillary-ENDOCRINE GLANDS

42. Sinusoidal- NONE

43. Choose the best answer-

44. Mechanism of heart failure in dilated cardiomyopathy- SYSTOLIC DYSFUNCTION

45. Impairment of compliance is the mechanism of heart failure-

46. Epicardium is composed of-NONE

47. Rheumatic heart valve disease is a sequel of pharyngeal infection with

48. removal of electrons during a chemical reaction is known as- oxidation
49. the respiratory chain of the mitochondrial synthesis ATP through which of the following
process- oxidative phosphorylation
50. which of the following is true of the electron transport chain- cytoplasmic in location
51. the maximum number of ATP that can be synthesized remind and NADH+ H is oxidized
through the electron transport chain- two
52. most reduced cytochrome in are normally respiring mitochondria is- cyt c
53. Mitochondrial respiration is not inhibit by deficiency of - ADP
54. Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation means- inhibition of both substrate oxidation and
ATP synthesis
55. The enzyme ATP synthase is located in which of the structure below- F1 subunit
56. the cytochrome members of the electron transport chain contains is known protein
prosthetic group-- iron porphyt ring
57. All of the coenzyme are involved in the transfer of electron in the respiratory chain-
coenzyme A
58. the location of the electron transport chain in the mitochondria is- inner mitochondrial

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