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1. What is the most significant learning-discovery you have from PCU” s Vision-Mission Statements?

Explain why.

- I think the most significant learning- discovery is to restore strong faith in god why because I think
we can achieve all the PCU’s mission and vision like enhancing the development of Christian
character, becoming responsible stewards of God, understanding the other people and having a
goodwill, in all that aspects we can do it by believing and trusting him and also our faith is woven
into each area of learning and being a student God's can help us to find our purpose and meaning of
life in through God’s will. (Galang)

- The most significant learning discovery I’ve had is that while we are taking our courses and
profession, we can always perform our character, (a Christian character). In academics or even our
actual life, we always carry the Christian character. In everything that we do we can always bring
out the best in us towards the future. The mission statement stating that we have to be responsible to
our place, to other people and to ourselves. (Aguilar)

- What I learned from the Vision and Mission of Philippine Christian University are ways on how to
live a quality of life and have a great understanding how to maintain and enhance your relationship
to God. By discovering that I can change my way of living to a better one by the guide of what's
right and true and also by the will of God. I must say that my relationship in God is not that great
before, but now I can say that it is far better than before. (Van)

- The most significant learning discovery for me is the Vision statement, integrating faith, character,
and service because an individual that has faith to a higher being states that we follow moral that
God has ordained for an individual to follow and therefore if those moral laws are integrated to
character then all of us would be living in peace, love, Joy and unity and when it is integrated with
service then unfair will not be a word, anger hatred, unforgiveness would not be in us because true
service to our environment, to our country, to God, to everyone is unconditional. (Doyayag)

- The most significant learning-discovery is to have a strong christian character and promote
academic excellence and highest quality education. Why? Because PCU wants students to have
strong religious belief on the existence of God, become a good steward of God and being faithful to
him. And by promoting academic excellence, the goal of the University is to help the student to
building up and enhance the goal in life, enhancing a good academic to students may improve the
value and quality of education that can guarantees to the students to be extraordinary or to excel and
be the best and get a better career in the future. (Audan)

- The most significant learning discovery I’ve had is having a strong faith to God. Philippine
Christian University wants us students to build a strong connection between us and God – be a good
instrument to everyone and have faith. Despite of negativity and stress, God is here to guide us and
He just wants to prove that this is a mission for us on attaining what we want to be in the future.

- Promote academic excellence and the highest quality education because academic excellence is more
than just making good grades. It is the maximum development of your intellectual capacities and
skills in service to humanity. (Aydid)

2. After your individual sharing, find out what stands out as the group’s most common answer. Discuss
why you think it stands out. Consolidate your group’s answer and write it here on this Team
Discussion page.
-The Common Learning discovery that we had as a group was, all of us agreed that the vision and
mission statements of our university is to allow all of us to grow closer to God and in the process of
growing closer and having strong faith in God, our character or the way we perceive things in a good
way off course, and also an individual who has faith and fears God possess a Christian character in
which a Christian character obeys all moral laws, it includes good character, a helping hand, has the
sense of being excellent in the things that they do.

3. Discuss and share your Individual Resolution on the acronym DEEPER and come out with a Group
Resolution on what concrete actions you as a group commits to do in the fulfillment of each goal.
Begin your statement with: “As students of PCU we resolve to:” One statement per goal in the

- As students of PCU, we resolve to… (Galang)

D – Decide a fruitful college life
E – Embrace our insecurities
E – Emerge from negativity
P – Pursue good grades
E – Emit positivity throughout college
R – Restore faith in God

- As students of PCU, we resolve to … (Aguilar)

D- Deliver good service with people and work
E- Enhance the life we are living
E- Engaging to what makes us best
P- Prioritizing God's will
E-Eliminate bad attitude and behavior
R- Reconcile with each other

- As students of PCU, we resolve to … (Doyayag)

D – Deepen our relationship to God
E – Engage on our Countries needs
E – Enhance the next generation way of living
P – Promote the Christian Character
E – Elevate our knowledge about our profession
R – Re-kindle humanity

- As students of PCU, we resolve to… (Audan)

D- Discard the weaknesses
E -Enrich the strengths
E -Explore spiritual core
P -Practice & prepare myself for better future
E -Enhance the Christian Character
R - Render love and kindness to others.

- As students of PCU, we resolve to (Van)

D – Deep understanding on faith to our God
E – Embark on what path you're throw into
E – Emphasize your faith and character
P – Promote a better life for living
E – Enhance your knowledge either academic or religion
R – Rapport your feelings towards humanity

- As students of PCU, we resolve to (Ivan)

D – Discard negative thoughts
E – Explore ourselves
E – Enjoy Life to the fullest
P – Positive Thinking
E – Enhance our knowledge academically or as a good instrument of the Lord
R – Render happiness and positivity to others

- D – Deep understanding on faith to our God (Aydid)

E – excellence in various fields
E – enhance our understanding ways we live
P – promote academic success
E – enhance the development of Christian character
R – Relationship with God and People

- As students of PCU, we resolve to… (Group Resolution)

D – Deepen our understanding and relationship to God
E – Enhance the life we are living
E – Emerge from negativity
P – Practice & prepare myself for better future
E – Enhance our knowledge academically or as a good instrument of the Lord
R – Rapport your feelings towards humanity

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