Republic of The Philippines Sorsogon State College Sorsogon City Campus Sorsogon City

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Republic of the Philippines

Sorsogon State College

Sorsogon City Campus

Sorsogon City


Jhon Dave Surbano



Diagnostics: Direction: Write agree if you think the statement is correct; otherwise write

AGREE 1) Development is about modern infrastructures, high technology and economic growth.

AGREE 2) Sustainable development is a goal for all countries.

DISAGREE 3) Sustainable development is focused only on the environment.

DISAGREE 4) Stability and sustainability means the same thing.

AGREE 5) Sustainability is a long-term process while sustainable development refers to the

processes to achieve sustainability.

AGREE 6) In achieving sustainable development, it is important to consider the limits of the


DISAGREE 7) Economic, political and social concerns should be set aside if we are to achieve
sustainable development. image from



What do you understand about the term development? List down words or phrases that
you identify with development.

• evolution
• Wealth
• Environmental
• Economic growth
• Social advancement in terms of the quality of human life.
• includes infrastructure (roads, railroads, seaports, airports, canals, sewage disposal,
water supply, electrical power distribution), industry (businesses that contribute to GDP,
whether manufacturing or service industries), an educational system with accredited
universities, adequate medical facilities and staff. And cultural things like the rule of law,
or at least predictable law
• is a process of improvement and changes required for better living and existence?
• positive and progressive change
• improvement in country's economic and social conditions. More specially, it refers to
improvements in way of managing an area's natural and human resources. In order to
create wealth and improve people's lives.
• More comfort for more people.
• upward movement of the entire social system


1) Read about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Choose one and do a research
on it using the following questions as guide:

a. What is it all about? Give a brief background on its targets and indicators.

Decent work and economic growth UWS schools provide

employment for locals during construction and as teachers. In the
long-term, educated children are will have higher incomes and
more skilled employment, aiding a country’s overall economic
growth. Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth,
employment and decent work for all, It Roughly half the world’s
population still lives on the equivalent of about US$2 a day. And
in too many places, having a job doesn’t guarantee the ability to
escape from poverty. This slow and uneven progress requires us
to rethink and retool our economic and social policies aimed at
eradicating poverty. The UN has defined 12 Targets and
17 Indicators for SDG 8. Targets specify the goals and Indicators
represent the metrics by which the world aims to track whether
these Targets are achieved. Below we quote the original text of all Targets and show the data on
the agreed Indicators.

Target 1: Sustainable economic growth

Sustain per capita economic growth in accordance with national circumstances and, in
particular, at least 7 per cent gross domestic product growth per annum in the least developed

Target 2: Diversify, innovate and upgrade for economic productivity

Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological
upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labor-intensive
Target 3: Promote policies to support job creation and growing enterprises
Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job
creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth
of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services.

Target 4: Improve resource efficiency in consumption and production

Improve progressively, through 2030, global resource efficiency in consumption and
production and endeavor to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, in
accordance with the 10-Year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and
Production, with developed countries taking the lead.

Target 8.5: Full employment and decent work with equal pay
By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men,
including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value.

Target 8.6: Promote youth employment, education and training

By 2020, substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or

Target 8.7: End modern slavery, trafficking, and child labor

Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labor, end modern slavery
and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labor,
including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labor in all its forms.

Target 8.8: Protect labor rights and promote safe working environments
Protect labor rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers,
including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment.

Target 8.9: Promote beneficial and sustainable tourism

By 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs
and promotes local culture and products

Target 8.10: Universal access to banking, insurance and financial services

Strengthen the capacity of domestic financial institutions to encourage and expand access
to banking, insurance and financial services for all

Target 8.A: Increase aid for trade support

Increase Aid for Trade support for developing countries, in particular least developed
countries, including through the Enhanced Integrated Framework for Trade-related Technical
Assistance to Least Developed Countries.

Target 8.B: Develop a global youth employment strategy

By 2020, develop and operationalize a global strategy for youth employment and
implement the Global Jobs Pact of the International Labor Organization.

a. How far has its targets been achieved?

• SDG targets with a target for 2030, the goal date for this indicator is 2020.

b. What programs/projects are the nations, particularly the Philippines, implementing

as responses to this your chosen SDG?
The Philippines 2020-24 Decent Work Country Program (DWCP) is an integrated strategic
roadmap for national stakeholders to lead and implement inclusive growth in the country. The
DWCP is the product of broad consultations with tripartite constituents, focused on three priorities:
employment, labor, market governance and social protection. In 2015, the Philippine government
adopted a United Nations resolution entitled "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for
sustainable development". The document listed the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
that all member states should strive to achieve in or before 2030 based on their national
circumstances and capacities. One of the SDGs is “Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and
sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.” Since
2015, the Philippine economy has registered an average annual growth of 6 percent, which is one
of the fastest in Asia.

The continued economic expansion is a welcome development, although it is still

insufficient to cover the many unemployed and provide full employment for many more
underemployed Filipinos. Furthermore, the fruits of economic growth are not equitably distributed;
wealth remains concentrated in the hands of a few companies, families, and individuals. The most
difficult goal is to promote “decent work for all”. The International Labor Organization (ILO), of
which the Philippines is a member, defines decent work as “work that is productive and generates
fair income, safety in the workplace and social protection for families, better prospects for personal
development and social integration, freedom for people to express their concerns, organize and
participate in decisions that affect their lives, and equal opportunities and treatment for all women
and men. "Unfortunately, decent work is difficult to achieve in the Philippines for millions of
Filipinos joining the new class of precarious workers. Past employment refers to" non-standard or
irregular forms of employment, "which include" short-term or seasonal or "casual work, some
forms of fixed-term or project work contracts, seasonal work and employment through contractual
or subcontracting agreements "(ILO, 2017). Contract end or" Endo "is just one form of precarious
employment in the country. Parary work in the public sector manifests the existence of around
500,000" Work contracts "and" service contracts "that do not have an" employer-employee
relationship "with the government.

The precarious work in the country is not completely ended." Illegal and subcontracting
"does not change the fundamental and unfair employment relationship that exists in the indirect
setting v on workers by workers occurs more and more agencies and contractors. Workers who
are under agencies, contractors and subcontractors have no real job security as their employment
is still tied to a service contract that can be arbitrarily terminated by the main employer. And after
a few months with no prospect of redeployment. The unemployed worker just needs to move on
and try to find another recruiting agency where he or she remains a precarious worker. 6 percent
in 2015 to 13 percent by the end of the president's term in 2022 and his public statements
promoting "shared prosperity" to enable Filipinos to lead a decent life are all good word and paper.
But the prospects for decent work will remain abstract for millions of Filipinos if the current system
of oppression and exploitation is not changed. Now it is Congress, particularly the Senate, that
must step up and draft legislation that makes direct hiring policy the norm rather than the
exception, as it is today.

The workers agreed with the then presidential candidate Rodrigo Duterte that change is
an imperative for Filipinos to have a decent life. The president has said that he is not a legislator
and cannot change the Labor Code, but the labor sector still hopes that he will use his influence,
political capital and moral suasion to get Congress to pass a law that really contributes to the
achievement of decent work for all Filipinos.
2) Create a simple action plan on how your locality (barangay, town or province) can
contribute to achieving the SDG

Action step Responsible Deadline Resources Potential Result


Establish Mayor and End of Government Inadequate of More health

good health barangay 2021 programs that and end of
and well officials are realated malnutrion in
being to the health our town
and to
overcome this
we will
good health
and well
being in our
barangay to
our labor

Provide Deped, Ched End of Government shortage of More people

Quality and also if we 2021 funding and are educated
Education want a good due to the and we can
quality of increasing of help our
education it population country to
start it from become a
ouselves by global and
educating more progress
yourself becoming and
also we can
help ourselves
to become

Reduce Mayor, End of Ensure equal Lack of Having good

inequality Barangay 2021 opportunities political will to communication
officails and and end end this we and better
ourselves discrimination should end place for us as
discriminating a citizen and
and spread we can
our love and contribute
acceptance to good things in
each other no our community
matter what and less crime.
status they In addition
does as long people are free
as we accept to choose their
it and respect pathways

Do better Youth End 2021 Educatiing Because of We can have

by doing ourselves, being greedy the unity and
less harm discipline, or selfish strong
stop community
discriminating with living
to other happier
gender or
anything that
could possible
harm to our

Promote Youth and End of Barangay We don’t Good

voluntering barangay 2021 thouth about it organization
official and we don’t and
care about participating to
what our community
happening to and better
our environment
community. for the future
And because
of our work
sometimes if
we have
spare time we
do other
things with

Ponder on this:

• What should we aim for: development or sustainable development?

“Sustainable development; inclusive growth”

Sustainable development is a forms everywhere

To ensure the needs of people

By promoting a good condition of agriculture

To ensure the capability of generations for a better future

Sustainable development is what we need

Not just for the sake, but for the livelihood

Sustainable development promote changes

To achieve equitable quality and opportunities for all to reduce global challenges

Strengthen the means is what we aim for

A plan to achieve a better and sustainably future

Promote Sustainability is what we seeking for

To transform the world into a better future

• How can your future profession/career contribute in achieving it? Answer the above
questions creatively by creating a poem, song (lyrics only or with music video) or an

“Contributor for the better future”

Education is the power to rich sustainable development

Which can bring to the greater development of environment

Kwoledge help to light up on sorrounding help the environment

That lead for the growth and sustainable development

As a future educators I can barely help in achieving better future

Througth educating the students at all, helpful to be valuable

Be able to support, success can truly be achieve the sustainable

That contributing to development with positive action for the renewable

As a future eduacator

I can preach the significance of raising awareness to be a critical thinker

By integrating values and understanding

We can achieve the sustainable development for country which developing

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