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Running head: Unit 9: Checklist 1

Spiritual and Psychological Checklist

Shontinique L. Kay

Purdue Global University

Unit 9: Checklist 2

A Checklist for the Self.

1. What are your priorities in life?

2. What are your wants or desires?

3. Do you have loved ones that impact your life? (Y/N) What are their love languages?

4. What is your love language?

5. What do you have to offer the people around you?

6. What would help you build yourself up?

7. How do you take time to love yourself?

8. How do you step outside of your comfort zone?

9. How often do you listen to others? How do listen to others?

10. What will help push your current life to the next level?

Checklists have become and invaluable part of society. They help regulate and quantify

productivity and task completion. Having a good mental wellness checklist can assist in building

resilience, while developing the practice of critical thinking and problem-solving to better cope

with the overwhelming weight that life can bestow upon a person (Health Direct, 2019). Having

a mental and spiritual checklist can make an individual think about how often they practice self-

care and offer care and support to the people around them (Beacon, 2015). Every day consists of

living, so it is important to make sure all requirements are met to ensure a smooth journey

(Beyond Blue, 2020). An Air Force officer and single mother, Jess, was interviewed on her life

of being a savvy businesswoman and armed forces member to ensure the best future for her son.

1. What are your priorities in life?

Jess explained that, at the moment, no matter how busy she is, her son will come before

everything. She is very serious about her independence and her ability to fully care for herself
Unit 9: Checklist 3

and her family’s needs. She is an entrepreneur at heart and an avid believer in finding direct

solutions to attack issues at the source. Understanding priorities will help build personal values.

If people understand their values, they can better accomplish their life missions without getting


2. What are your wants and desires?

Aside from seeing her son have a successful future as a young black man in America, she aspires

to create her own enterprise-planning and consultation business to help other emerging

businesses bring their ideas to fruition. She would like to take more time for herself and enjoy

those small vacations and self-care moments.

3. Do you have loved ones that impact your life? (Y/N) What are their love languages?

Jess explained that her child’s current love language, is “words of affirmation.” He is currently in

an attentive phase and needs to know that he is doing well when he tries to take care of his

mother. She makes sure to respond appropriately, so that she cultivates a child that cares about

others, rather than being vexed by or ungrateful for his efforts. Knowing what your loved ones

require also helps improve the environment and level of stress around you.

4. What is your love language?

Knowing how you need to be loved or appreciated can be applied to all interpersonal

relationships. What is acceptable in a friendship, a familial bond, and an intimate relationship

will all usually be different. Jess understanding that when she has a problem, she just needs a

listening ear from her significant other is key. She knows that she does not need anything from

her significant other because her strong sense of independence keeps her from utilizing language

that implies a falsehood. However, she has learned to adapt her communication skills to express
Unit 9: Checklist 4

what she wants from her partner, otherwise the idea of a partnership is rendered void when there

is nothing for either side to offer the relationship.

5. What do you have to offer the people around you?

Jess is a flight commander, who has recently been promoted. Aside from the love, care, support,

and provisions to her son and family, she is dedicated to creating sessions to support young

airmen and teaches them to develop alternate success plans- short and long-term goals that do

not rely on the mercy of their armed forces careera. When the surrounding community is cared

for, the concept of personal responsibility and public service help contribute to a whole-wellness


6. What would help you build yourself up?

There are already significantly fewer females serving in commissioned officer positions, and the

amount of black officers is even fewer. As far as her current profession goes, it is imperative to

build those human networks to guide her life and career in the desired direction. Having

leadership and connections that support diversity and inclusion to strengthen the effectiveness of

operations is key in any goal achievement.

7. How do you take time to love yourself?

Jess ensures that weekday bedtime is enforced to keep routine, but also to allow herself personal

time before she retires for the night. Taking time to love yourself is particularly important when

life is fast-paced and full of sudden obstacles. Personal time will allow a person to reset, find

their center, and focus on tending to the things they can control (to include their reactions to life


8. How do you step outside of your comfort zone?

Jess is very adamant about understanding herself and her realm of comfort. She is aware of the

activities that are simply “not her thing.” Children are not always going follow in their mothers’
Unit 9: Checklist 5

footsteps. Children will always forge their own ways and opinions on certain subjects, especially

when passion and excitement are involved. She would usually prefer a nice brunch or a calming

trip to the spa, however, her son’s love for the outdoors has pushed her to go hiking and see

nature in a positive light that has formed a new connection to earth and the beauties it has to


9. How often do you listen to others? In what ways do you listen?

Jess has explained that she is an only child, so initially she had to learn that she would not be

able to get the undivided attention from others that she had grown accustom to at home.

However, through self-assessments, she has learned to be accepting of the fact that it is also

important to listen to the surrounding environment, so that with all properly accumulated

information and non-biased assessments, you can come to a proper conclusion or solution for the

next course of action. She is an amazing listener, that engages every day. She adjusts her

listening style according to the needs of those around her.

10. What will help push your current life to the next level?
Jess knows that ultimately; she does not want to rely on any organization telling her who she gets

to be or when she gets to achieve her goals in life. She aspires to be her own boss and forge long-

term partnerships that pave the way for success. She knows that her purpose is not one of

meaningless servitude in any form and continues to work towards a future of independence.

Mystical moments are always met with skepticism, however, instead of outsiders simply

applying the label of magical nonsense to the field, they should try to look at the concepts that

create them. Many people are overly capable of finding the messages of justice in Avengers

movies or Harry Potter movies. These are movies filled made up fantastical exploits, but they

refuse to apply simple belief systems to their everyday experiences. The concepts that make
Unit 9: Checklist 6

mystical moments, require an open and analytical mind to creatively assess their value and

application in a real-world setting. Do not go looking for the magic, look for the meaning and

intention of the mystical moment. As life and time passes, this spiritual checklist should evolve,

as all assessments should change as people change.

Unit 9: Checklist 7


Beacon . (2015, December 15). List of psychological tests. Retrieved from Value Options:

Beyond Blue. (2020). Mental health checklists. Retrieved from Beyond Blue:

Health Direct. (2019, February). Good Mental health. Retrieved from Health Direct:

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