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Reasearch method.

The data would be gathered by The student who study in Faculty of moden languages and
communication. In this study, we have chosen to apply the method quantitative in the form of surveys
(surveys). According to Babbie (2001), the use of survey methods is a good way for data collectors to be
considered the best in a social science study as it can provide accurate and accurate explanations to
represent a large population. In fact, most scholars emphasize the importance of surveys in facilitating
researchers to conclude research findings from a particular group to provide an overview of a large
population. The results of this survey questionnaire will be analyzed using statistical methods. The focus
of this study is to review The neglection of Facebook among teenage students in Modern language and
communication faculties. The questionnaire will be distributed to a total of 30 questionnaires to
students at Universiti Putra Malaysia's Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication in Serdang
Selangor. Questionnaire distribution to students is based on their randomness and their perception as
students about The neglection of Facebook.

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