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Chapter Sixteen: Ran Over and Over Again By A Pick-up Truck.

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Chapter Sixteen: "Ran Over and Over Again By A Pick-up Trucl{."

"MORNING FAMILY." JUSTIN came into the living room where Dad was reading the
newspaper and Natalie and I were watching a re-run marathon of Fresh Prince of Bel-air.

What's so good about the morning? You're either cranky or like Justin you wake up with
a smile on your face. I don't understand what he dreams about and for a teenage boy I
don't think I want to know either.

Surprisingly, Natalie seemed different and now and then. She hasn't tried anything on
me since yesterday morning but just smiled and made conversation with everyone else

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but me. Thank God but I caught all the sneers she threw at me. I don't even know what
she did yesterday when we were at school and Dad was at work. Apparently she hung
around town and met up with some old friends. Did I mention that she used to live here a
couple years ago like a block away from circle street?

"What's got you so happy?" I say flatly as Will downsizes Carlton on his shortness.

Justin smiles as he plops down on the couch next to me. "Nothing actually, it just feels
like a good day. You should know."

My face turns red and my dad looks at me from his newspaper. "You guys should do
something today."

Natalie's face lit up. "Can we go to the amusement park today?"

Something was up. She looked excited yet devilish at the same time. Because that was an
amazing combination to have in a person.

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My dad nodded and turned to me. "You can invite the gang if you want."

"We just have to be back at 5." Natalie says.

Justin scrunches his eyebrows. "Why? It should go through the day and night!" Why is
he so excited? It's like a puppy that just found his bone.

Natalie glances at me. "You have a date to get to."

My dad's newspaper drops to the ground in shock and I roll my eyes. "You have a date?"

It's understandable for him to be in shock. The whole eyes bugging out thing and his
jaw practically falling to the floor. I've never dated, I've never been kissed, I've never
been asked out because Jasmine says that they're scared and intimidated by Andrew
and the team.

"No, I'm going to drop out of school and live with the hobo down the street," I sighed.

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"Yeah, I have a date."

"It's not just a date. They've been dating since yesterday." Justin made kissy-faces at me.
I grabbed a pillow and whacked him as hard as I could. Right now he was holding his
face on the floor.

"What mind of sister do I have?" He mutters, rubbing his face.

"Who is it?" My dad asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Cedric Cahill." I say bluntly, hoping he doesn't know who he is. But this was a small
town so ...

"Oh, I like that boy. I'm the lawyer for his father's company."

"You're the lawyer for everyone dad." Justin said, rubbing his cheek while giving me a

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"Well, I don't care honestly. That kid is smart and nice and-"

"Has all the good qualities that you look for in a guy. I get it." I ended off for him.

My dad rolled his eyes and stood up. That is where I get the attitude from. "No back-
talking from you, Macy. In the meantime, I'm going to have a chat with the Prescott's.
Jackson and I need to fix up his car a bit. I better see you kids out of the house. I don't
need sarcastic teenagers and video games for one day. "

Before I could say anything, my dad was out the door, handing me money. I look down
at my outfit, shorts-not the sport kind and a tank top. "Okay, I guess we're going to the
amusement park."

Natalie glanced at me from the TV screen. "You don't actually think I'll be talking to you
people once we get there right?" she took out her phone and started texting.

"Wasn't planning to." I retorted back taking out my own phone. I didn';t wantb to talk to

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her either. All she did was scowl and sneer at me like we're in the act of Tom and Jerry.

I sent the text to Jasmine, Andrew, Jon Ming, Brandon and the twins. I hesitated yet sent
one to Sam too who immediately replied.


>>We'll be there;).

By we'll im guessing Caleb is coming too.

I sent the text to Cedric. The heart was thanks to Jasmine who took my phone away and I
was too lazy to fix it.

Cedric <3 Football Master:

>>Sorry, Mace. I have a college meeting today but I'll be back in time for our date;)

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Cahill boys ...

<<S'okay, I'll see u tonight

In five minutes are so, my doorbell rings. Justin opens it and trudging through the living
room, are Sam and Caleb. Both of them wearing their normal attire as Sam fixed a lace
on his black all-Star Converse. Caleb ran to me and gave me a hug the swept my feet off
the ground. "Okay, Charming put me down."

He looked over at Natalie who was texting on the couch, his eyebrows raised. His eyes
were sparkling in a way and I knew he was in 'player mode'. I turned to Sam who was
smirking at me. "You called for entertainment today?"

"No I called for an intervention," I say to him dryly. "I actually just wanted a hang-out
day. Well my dad wanted it not me."

He nodded as people filed in through the door. Jacob's eyes widened at the sight of

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Natalie and fixed his snapback uncomfortable. Cheese, I forgot... "Uh ... Nat?"

She looked up from her phone, her own eyes wide as she realized the voice. "Jake. What
a surprise."

Did I ever mention that when Natalie lived here she and Jake kind of had a thing going
on? I didn't? Must've slipped my mind. This day might as well be awkward. And with
Caleb's eyes shining in the predator kind of way I would say it was about to get wither a
whole lot more awkward or disgusting.

"Let's get going." Justin yelled.

"Hold up, shrimp is coming with us?" Austin shouted at me.

''.Austin don't be such a prick." Andrew rolled his eyes. "We'll take my car and the twins'."

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Let me tell you how the car plan worked out. In the twins' car was Jacob who secretly
told me not to put Natalie in his car, Brandon, Jon Ming, Austin and Justin in the middle
of the back. I mean Jacob? It was like three years ago, GET OVER IT!

In Andrew's, was me-of course because the twins' car smelt like something only a frat
party bedroom would smell like, Sam beside me in the back, Natalie and Caleb in front
of us, Andrew in the driver's seat and Jasmine in the passenger seat.

Usually when we hang out on a weekend, I meet up with my friends at 2 in the afternoon
playing soccer, pigging out on food or playing COD. But since that day at the diner, I've
noticed how they get up early now...

I turned my head away from the sight in front of me and looked over at Sam who was
playing a game on his phone. Natalie and Caleb had been talking since we got in the
car and now they were kissing, vigorously. Cue the noises and everything.

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"What're you playing?"

Sam glanced at me and smirked. "The Kim Kardashian Game."

I'm slightly amused by the fact he plays the game. "Are you for real?"

He nodded, smirking. "It gets addicting." Seriously because I found it extremely boring.
I didn't understand that game at all, why do you have to go to functions and get your
photo taken. Most of all I swear the photographer with the pink pants is gay. But never
judge a book by its cover, right?

No I'm still sure.

"I thought that game was for girls."

"Well I'm an A-Lister and I didn't know you were a girl so I guess we're clear." Jerk was
back everyone. I'm fine with his annoying comments and everything but comments like

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that were just plain mean.

"Go to Tartarus."

He smirked at me as he shut his phone off. "You can't even say hell now."

"Fine. Go to hell." I barked at him. That was the closest I ever got to saying a swear word
but the word 'ass' as come out a couple of times. It's hard not to when your surrounded
by boys who say anything vulgar about everything.

"That wasn't so hard was it?" He teased and pouted at me.

I sighed then cringed at the sight in front of me. She was on his lap now, hands
everywhere. This is a car, I wanted to shout at them. Not a place to get down and dirty in a
car chair. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who was disgusted by the game of tonsil

hockey because Sam groaned loudly. "Okay, you two. Stop. Now!"

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Caleb gently pulled Natalie off of him. Both of their faces were flushed, hair messy.
"Come on people it's only 9 AM!"

Sam shrugged and looked at me. "That doesn't stop anyone from having morning sex."

I rolled my eyes. "You would know."

He smiled amusingly. "Yeah I would and the girl would always-"

Jasmine spoke up, cutting Sam off. She knows how I hate when the boys would describe
their sexual lives to me. "How about we play a game? I mean, we have an hour to kill
before we get there and it could help calm down the sexual tension between everyone
else here."

Caleb blushed furiously but grinned nevertheless. "How about Confession? I'll start. I
confess that I sucked my thumb until I was ten."

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"Oh what a baby!" Jasmine and I said in unison laughing. Well that was interesting.

He waved it off. "Yeah, yeah but that baby filled out and turned into this. The result was
good." He gestured to himself. The result was good but it was perverted too.

''.Andrew, you go." Jasmine said.

He thought for a second as he turned a right in a large intersection. "I confess that
Chelsea Palmero is the only girl I dated but never had sex with."

"Seriously?" I asked. He usually did committed fornication with every girl he dated. Yes
I call it fornication because no teenager was married yet they still got action with one
another. What this world has come too ...

He nodded and turned to Jasmine. "How about you, weirdo?"

She scowled at the nickname he's given her since sophomore year. "I confess that when

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I was ten I dressed Drake up in a dress and made him go to school in it."

"Okay that was lame." Natalie pointed out. "It wasn't even about you."

Jasmine shrugged. "Because I'm an open book, you want to know about something just
ask me."

"First kiss?" Natalie asked.

"Seventh grade with Damon Green." My best friend answered bluntly.

"First time?" Andrew asked blankly.

"Last year with Sean." Her voice grew quiet but she smiled anyway. "Now Natalie you
confess something."

"I confess that I have nothing to confess."

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"Don't be a Jasmine, everyone has a secret."

"Not really," Jasmine said then she glared at Caleb who said that. "You can't be me!
That's impossible. I'm one of a kind."

"Oh we know." Andrew and I said together.

"Why did you and Jacob break up?" Sam spoke up, his voice filled with curiosity.

Natalie eyes widened and she looked down ashamed. "Because, I kissed another guy
when I was with him."

Jacob came to me that day like Jasmine when Sean broke up with her. Am I the
relationship consulter in everyone's lives?

The car filled with silence and as Andrew took a left in another street. "I confess," Sam
said, breaking the awkward tension. "That Hazel is love with me ."

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I smacked him. "No I'm not, we're friends ... but with the way you act maybe not for long."

"You can't stop hitting me can you?" He rubbed his arm.

That can possibly never happen. It's a reflex to hit someone at least once a day.

"Well you make it hard to not. Everything that comes out of your mouth is stupid."

"Stop talking about yourself like that Macy. God made you just the way you are, don't
doubt yourself."

"Shut up, you egotistical brat."

"Well I'm not egotistical because people call me out on my Ryan Gosling over the top
looks. But could you blame them?"

"Don't flatter yourself Jerk. I'd rather lick a monkey than look at your face all day."

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"Oh please, for a person with an almost 5.0 GPA you shouldn't be that dense to lie to my

"Why would I want to do anything with something that looks like it's been ran over and
over again by a pick-up truck?"

He glared at me. "At least I don't look like I've been stampeded by a bunch of horses
every morning."

I crossed my arms. "I make effort unlike the guy who chooses to wear the same thing
every day!"

"Hazel, if you wanted me to take off my shirt," His hard gaze softened with a sparkle in
his eyes. "You could've just asked. You were checking me out last time."

My face was heated. "No I was just checking if you photoshoped your abs," I patted his
stomach. It was soft yet hard at the same time. "The app makes people like you feel

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better about themselves. Because we all need musclemen in the world." I said coolly.

"Babe, if you wanted to touch my stomach, get in line. A whole bunch of girls want too

"But I'm not like them." I point out, not wanting to know who they are.

He smirked at me. "Who said you ever were?"

"Macy stop lying," I widen my eyes at my best friend. I thought she would be on my side
with this! "Even I know that Sam is hot but doesn't mean I like him."

"See Hazel," He turns to me. "Your best friend can see better than you."

"Go shove your ego up your butt?"

"Is it that hard to say ass?" he questions me in exasperation.

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"I just don't want to swear. Get over it!"

We stared at each other when I noticed that the car had gone silent. Everyone, including
Andrew who frequently glanced through the rearview mirror, was staring at us.

Caleb had a grin on his face as he shook his head. "You both are like an old married
couple. Dried up parts that cause for horrible sex life for the next five years." Where the
heck does he get this stuff from?

Sam frowned and at the same time he said. "Why would I want to marry her?", Caleb
said. "I know where to get Viagra!" Huh?

I scoffed, "I should be asking that question. Look at you, you wear the same clothes
everyday now, you have some obsession with flirting with girls and you've only
returned to school for two full days! Why would anyone want to settle down with you?" I
take back what I said yesterday about calling him my friend now.

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''.Are you blind? The girls come up to me. It's practically harassment!"

"It isn't harassment if you allow it, dingbat!"

"They come up to me because they want me," He glares at me. "Who wouldn't want this?
Girls who aren't stupid enough to look in front of them." He defends himself.

Is he really as cocky as he appeals because this was just downright shameful?

"No wonder you attract girls like Beatrice! She doesn't even know what cosine is and
we're in senior year of high school."

"That may be true about the bimbo," He admits. "Did you see what she wore yesterday?
It was so tight I swear she would've popped right out."

I start laughing. "I know right? I don't know how someone wears leather pants that tight.
They probably cut of the circulation from her brain."

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Sam joins me in laughter. "1-1 can totally see it,'' He continues in a high falsetto voice.
"Sir, I can no longer tell the difference between a Gucci and Prada. HELP ME!"

"Her clothes have been looking like that for years." I tell him.

He grins. "I know. But some days it's like are you going to school or are you waiting for
your client at your pimp joint?"

This makes Sam and I laugh even harder and I'm holding onto him. Now I'm starting to
like this side of him, the joking one not the one with the perverted jokes ...

Before either of us could say anything else, Andrew belted out a song as the radio
turned on. "You know what to do with that big fat butt?"

He paused and him and Caleb yelled. "Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle."

Their expressions were so funny as they started dancing in their seats that everyone

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started laughing even Sam. I grabbed my camera and recorded as Caleb sang the song
which scared me because at a time he grabbed Natalie's hands and wiggled his
eyebrows singing the chorus.

"Let's keep the songs coming." Caleb yelled. I reminded myself that he could be as
hyper as Jasmine who gladly joined him in this sing-a-long of a February trip. After two
songs of 'Love the Way you Lie' that Caleb just mumbled the rap and Jasmine shaking
Andrew's shoulder as he drove to 'Am I Wrong?' I noticed Sam was just watching us sing
out loud to 'Fancy'.

I nudged him. "Sing-a-long, Jerk. You got to loosen up. Moments like this won't last
forever ."

He smirked at me and rapped with me as everyone else bobbed their head to the beat. I
focused on his voice. He was kind of singing-talking in the chorus but I knew he could
sing. I could just tell and not the messed up kind of singing Charming was doing in front

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Suddenly 'Rolling In the Deep' came on and Jasmine and looked directly at Andrew. He
glared at both ofus before we could say something. "No!"

"Come on, Andrew!"

"Yeah, go Drew I want to see this." Sam encouraged, smirking and leaning his back into
the seat.

He took a deep breath and Caleb joined him. "We could have had it all! Rolling in the

We started laughing because Caleb voice cracked at the end. Even Natalie loosened up
without sneering at me ... a new record!

Throughout the song everyone screamed the lyrics and I could hear a dog barking in
the opposing car. Yeah, we were that loud. Sam shook his head at us but I knew he was
humming along way.

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+ 0 c!J

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