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Chapter One

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Chapter One

I ran my fingers through my hair and

stared at the shelf in front of me. ·

Alright. There was no way in hell

I could squeeze the big encyclopaedia
that was sitting on my carry-on on that
shelf. , ,·

I let out a big sigh and walked

back to my counter.

I loved working at the library

-well this was more a volunteer
curriculum activity but whatever-and
I loved being surrounded by all these
books, but the no space deal, not so
While I mumbled angrily about
that fact and walked back to the
counter where you checked books out,
that's when I heard a high pitch giggle
and turned around to see who was
. .
coming ,n.

And oh, surprise surprise, it was

Drake Eaton carrying with him one of
his fake platinum blond and orange
tanned conquests.

That was another thing I hated

about this library, aside from the
no space deal; the fraking seminars!
Stupid rooms the size of freaking
closets that student were suppose to
used to study in little groups. But that
was the only thing people didn't do in
them! I didn't even go near them.

I didn't even want to think about

how dirty they must really be.
It was simply disgusting! We were
in school for crying out loud, not in a
brothel! .,,

"I'm not sure about this ... Are

you sure we won't get caught," the girl
whispered too loudly still giggling.

"Don't worry babe," Drake

answered with one of his seductive
half smiles.

The girl giggled again and stuck

her tongue in his mouth. ,

Wow, way to go girl! It's all about

girl power, I thought dryly and rolled
my eyes at them.

Drake Eaton was-as anyone

could easily guess-the school jock.
Every girl wanted him, every guy
wanted to be him ... blah blah blah.

All of th is was way too

predictable for me.

Now sitting behind the counter,

I picked up the encyclopaedia and
started to turn the pages not really
seeing what was in front of me. ••

Afew minutes later, the poor

girl ran out of the seminar crying, her
hair everywhere, her blouse half way

"Aw' come on ' I didn't mean"'

Drake said as he rushed out of the
room, his shirt in his hand.

Well that was a first, a totally

inappropriate first, but still a first.

I couldn't help myself from

grinning at this.

Take that, asshole!

Of course, my smiling didn't go

unnoticed. "What are you staring at,"
he asked me rudely.

"A public humiliation," I

answered grinning even more.

"That's funny, I thought you were

drooling over my perfect body," he
replied with his cocky attitude.

Well it's not like I hadn't notice

how hot his perfect muscled chest
, , ,+h · n
But I sure as hell wasn't drooling
over him!

"Oh yeah, baby, you got me. I

can't stop myself from staring at you
fake creatine boost up body," I mocked
and rolled my eyes.

I wasn't going to lose some of my

precious minutes over that arrogant

"See, wasn't so hard to admit,"

he smirked.

"If you're too dumb to realize

it by now, I was using sarcasm," I
mumbled and looked down, turning
the pages again.

"Am I making you

uncomfortable?" he asked an almost
victorious grin on his lips, probably
reading my last move as a sign of
uneasiness, like he was winning or
something. .. ·

"No, I'm just finding this

old decrepit encyclopaedia more
interesting than you, sorry." I smiled,
making a face. I was not sorry. Sarcasm

Just like that, he darted out of

the library, while putting his shirt back
on, obviously scowling.

Inappropriate much? That boy

was acting... well like an hormonal
teenager boy. If only he could be some
nobody, that way they wouldn't let
him do whatever he wanted whenever
he wanted.

Sure, other people were misusing

the seminar but never as
noticeably as him. It was almost
marked on his forehead Wanna bang
in a seminar? But no one dared to stop
him because he basically ruled the


I turned the pages of the

encyclopaedia for a few more minutes,
and then Katy came in to take her shift. ·

"You won't find any room for this

one," I informed her.

"They should really think about

buying new shelves," she answered.

"I know... Hey, you didn't find my

ring did you?"

Last week I had l ost it while c

working here. One minute I was
playing with it, spinning it on the
counter and then after I had answered
a question to a new student it had
disappeared. (

It pissed me off. I loved that ring.

I had bought it on a trip to Hawaii,
when my family was still happy and
perfect; the way it was supposed to be.
It was a real normal kind of ring, just a
band of silver with a little orange stone
incrusted in the middle which you
barely noticed since it was so tiny.

I hated any kind of big rock in the

middle kind of ring. And this one was
just perfect.

But now I had lost it and my right

index felt naked without it.

"No still haven't. Sorry," she

simply said.


"Okay, thanks," I simply replied

and stormed out.

The second I walked outside,

I saw Alexander, aka my best friend
in the male department, lying on a
bench, looking like he was asleep, with
his arm over his eyes and his iPod's
earplug in his ears.

I walked towards him and poked

him in the ribs.

"Hey what the... Oh Lexi, have

you finished," he asked sitting up.

"Yep," I answered popping the p

and waited for him to pick up his bag.

"Alright, let's go."

too and she was n't hav ing one with
my fath er and I wou ld have forgiven
her som eho w, I kne w that , but last
wee k my fath er had gott en a call from
a frien d of his. He had seen my mom
with ano ther man .

And it real ly was n't like I had n't

seen it coming. I mean ever since my
mom had turn ed fort y she had star ted
goin g crazy abo ut her age. She wan ted
to change eve ryth ing abo ut herself;
her hair, her clot hes , her frien ds ... !
sho uld have guessed she wan ted to
cha nge us too.

So toda y, I was hav ing dinn er

with her and I kne w exa ctly wha t I was
goin g to do. I was goin g to sho w up
ther e and look noth ing like my usu al
self. I didn 't kno w her any mor e. She
wou ldn' t kno w me either. I wou ld
dress up as sexily as I cou ld to mak e
her thin k the worse thin g that she
could. She'd always been adamant
about nice presentation and what
people thought of us. I'd make sure
she'd have a heart attack seeing me
at that restaurant. She would never
know anything about me again. I
would never let her see any of my
drawings anymore, I wouldn't let tell
her my crazy stories anymore and I
would never share anything with her
ever again.

I know it was a little harsh but

she had broken my heart. She had
abandoned me! And I wasn't good with

I hopped in Alex's black Jeep in

silence and waited for him to start the

"Alright I don't like th is Lexi," Alex

said, the keys still in his hands
I mean I knew I had been moping
a lot lately but I wouldn't have thought
I was that bad ...

"Good, now let's get you all sexy

missy!" He smiled and started driving.

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