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Sanctuary Honour Booklet

Name: _______________________________
Church: _______________________________
Club: _______________________________
Class _______________________________
Due Date: _______________________________

In order to successfully complete this honour, you must:

1. Satisfactorily complete this Booklet. The pass mark is 75%.
The number of marks allocated for each question is given in
[ ] – maximum 132 marks; and
2. Pass the Sanctuary Honour Exam. The pass mark is 60%.

Booklet Score ________

Exam Score ________

Honour Granted Yes  No 

Authorized Signature

EJC Honours 2013

Outreach Ministries – Sanctuary 1
1. Identify the following parts in the diagram below. [9]

A. ________________________________________________

B. ________________________________________________

C. ________________________________________________

1. ________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________

2. Fill in the blanks below: [30]

7. The ________________________ was where forgiveness of
sins was obtained. The three parts of the Sanctuary – the
________________, the ____________________ and the
_______________________ – indicate three phases in the
plan of salvation and of the ministry of Jesus.

EJC Honours 2013

Outreach Ministries – Sanctuary 2
a) Jesus, by His death upon Calvary's cross, fulfilled the Old
Testament's Sanctuary's ___________________. Here were
the ________________________ and the
_________________. Jesus became the sinner's sacrifice;
the ______________________ of God. No longer do
people need to offer a lamb to God when they confess their
sins. Jesus, the Lamb of God, died for our sins.

b) The work of the Sanctuary dealt with the removal (or

forgiveness) of sin from the sinner and transferring that sin
and its wages (death) to the substitute (the
_________________). The sinner lay his hands on the
head of the lamb and confessed his sin. Then the sinner
killed the lamb by the Altar of

c) In the Holy Place were the _________________________

________________________, the ____________________
___________________________ and the ____________
____________________________________. Blood from
the lamb killed in the Courtyard was then sprinkled before
the veil by the ___________________________________in
the Holy Place. In this symbolic manner, the fact that sin
had been committed and then forgiven was recorded in the
Sanctuary. The dwelling place of God thus became defiled
by the sins of His people and needed cleansing and re-

d) The _____________________________ represents Jesus'

work of sacrifice and the ____________________________
His work of intercession. The altar of __________________
EJC Honours 2013
Outreach Ministries – Sanctuary 3
represents the death of Jesus; the altar of
_______________________ represents the life of Jesus
which we claim as our own when we accept forgiveness.
The sinner is reconciled to God through the death of Jesus
and saved by His life.

e) In the Most Holy Place was the ______________________

_________________, containing the__________________
___________________________. (Later it also contained
Aaron's rod that had budded and a small pot of manna.)
The Ark had a golden lid called the atonement cover, or
mercy seat, which covered the Law. Mercy and Law in one
piece of furniture indicates how God's justice and mercy are
interwoven. On the mercy seat were two _______________
and between them was the_________________
______________________, God's literal presence on earth.

f) The work in the Courtyard and the Holy Place was

performed daily, but the work of the Most Holy Place was
performed ______________ a year, on the Day of
___________________________. On this day, the High
Priest entered the Most Holy Place for the cleansing of the
sanctuary which required _____________ goats – the Lord’s
goat and the scapegoat, known in Hebrew as
__________________________. The Lord’s goat was
sacrificed on the altar of burnt offerings and its blood applied
by the High Priest directly to the mercy seat. Then this
blood was applied to the altar of incense and the altar of
burnt offerings, which on every other day had been sprinkled
with blood representing confessed sins. Thus the high priest
thereby made atonement for the sanctuary, as well as the
EJC Honours 2013
Outreach Ministries – Sanctuary 4
people, and brought about cleansing of both. While the
priest was involved in cleansing the sanctuary, the people
observed a Sabbath rest and humbled themselves before

g) After the sanctuary was cleansed, the High Priest,

representing ____________________ as mediator, took
upon himself the sins that had polluted the sanctuary and
transferred them to the live scapegoat which was then led
away from the camp of God's people into the wilderness,
from which it would never return. This action removed the
sins of the people that had been symbolically transferred
from the repentant believers to the sanctuary through the
blood or flesh of the sacrifices of the daily ministry of
forgiveness. In this way the sanctuary was cleansed and
prepared for another year's work of ministry.

h) The Sanctuary has symbolized for us three phases in the

ministry of Jesus:
 His work of _____________________________
completed on the cross.
 His work of __________________________ began when
He ascended into Heaven and sat down at the right hand
of God, and continuing until He comes the second time.
 His work of final ____________________________,
dealing with the removal of sin, is symbolized by the work
of the Most Holy Place, the cleansing of the heavenly
Sanctuary. Thus the cleansing of the Sanctuary refers to
Jesus' final work of judgment in the heavenly Sanctuary.

EJC Honours 2013

Outreach Ministries – Sanctuary 5
3. Why was there was no need for an earthly priest system in New
Testament times? [1]


4. What kinds of animals were brought daily to the courtyard? [7]


5. In the table below identify the meaning of the following: [10]

Item Meaning

a) Ark of Covenant

b) Altar of Incense

c) Altar of Sacrifice

d) Candlestick

e) Cherubim

EJC Honours 2013

Outreach Ministries – Sanctuary 6
f) Holy Bread

g) Lamb

h) Mercy Seat

i) Shekinah Glory

j) Wash Basin (Laver)

6. The sanctuary was covered with four layers. List the coverings in
order from inside to outside and tell what each represented. [12]

a) ___________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________
c) ___________________________________________________
d) ___________________________________________________
EJC Honours 2013
Outreach Ministries – Sanctuary 7

7. Give the meanings of the following colours used in the sanctuary

and the priest’s clothing: [8]

Item Meaning

a) Red

b) Blue

c) Purple

d) White

e) Black

f) Gold

g) Silver

h) Brass

8. In brief sentences write what the following texts mean to you: [9]
a) 1 John 1:9 – “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to
forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
EJC Honours 2013
Outreach Ministries – Sanctuary 8
b) Daniel 8:14 – “And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and
three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.”

c) Exodus 25:8 – “And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may

dwell among them.”

9. Which of the twelve tribes were the priests from? Why? [2]

10. Describe the garments worn by:

a) Common Priests: [7]
EJC Honours 2013
Outreach Ministries – Sanctuary 9

b) High Priests: [18]


EJC Honours 2013

Outreach Ministries – Sanctuary 10

11. In your own words, summarize page 488 of The Great

Controversy by Ellen White and Hebrews 4:14-16.
a) Page 488 of The Great Controversy [9]

EJC Honours 2013

Outreach Ministries – Sanctuary 11
EJC Honours 2013
Outreach Ministries – Sanctuary 12

b) ‘Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone

through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to
the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is
unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one
who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was
without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with
confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help
us in our time of need.'
Hebrews 4:14-16, NIV [5]

EJC Honours 2013

Outreach Ministries – Sanctuary 13
EJC Honours 2013
Outreach Ministries – Sanctuary 14
12. Write a paragraph to tell how you see Christ represented in the
sanctuary and its services. [5]

EJC Honours 2013

Outreach Ministries – Sanctuary 15
Level 1 Year 2004 North American Division
1. Name the three main parts of the sanctuary and the court yard.
(a) Tell what was in each part.
(b) Tell what each piece of furniture represents.
2. Draw a scale model of the sanctuary, the court yard and the
position of all the furnishings. (Remember to add N, S, E, W)
3. How many coverings were over the sanctuary?
(a) List the type of coverings in the order from inside to outside.
(b) Tell what each covering represented.
4. The following colors were used in the sanctuary and in the
priests clothing: Red, blue, purple, white, black, gold, silver,
brass. Tell what each color represented.
5. Discuss and memorize 1 John 1:9, Daniel 8:14, and Exodus
6. The priests were from which of the 12 tribes? Why?
7. Describe the robe of:
(a) The common priest.
(b) The high priest.
8. Read and discuss The Great Controversy page 488 and
Hebrews 4:14-16.
9. What kinds of animals were brought daily to the courtyard?
10. Write a paragraph or tell how you see Christ represented in the
sanctuary and its services.

EJC Honours 2013

Outreach Ministries – Sanctuary 16

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