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Prevalence of maxillofacial on women who had domestic violance is …

A. 20%
B. 25%
C. 30%
D. 50%
E. 40%

2. When in the ER, the first step in management of burn injury be is …

A. Covered with moist Nacl gauze
B. Debridement
C. Wash the wound with Nacl and Savlon 5 cc
D. Covered with sofratul gauze
E. Open care

3. Klasifikasi atau jenis-jenis luka berdasarkan ciri dan mekanisme benturannya pada
trauma dibedakan menjadi adalah …
A. Luka terbuka dan Luka tertutup
B. Luka lecet, Luka memar dan Luka robek
C. Luka lecet geser, luka lecet tekan dan luka lecet gores
D. Luka sayat, Luka tusuk dan Luka bacok
E. Luka sayat, Luka tusuk, Luka bacok serta luka tembak masuk dan luka
tembak keluar dari anak peluru tajam

4. A 30 years old man comes unconsciously, post accident car crashed injury, snoring
sound was obtaimed after being jawed his trusting snoring disappears. The evaluation
showed that the patient was getting more anxious vital signs was within normal limits,
physical examination of the right chest: there are left breathing movement and
auscultation of the right lung was hypersonor.
What is the most appropriate diagnosis in this patient …
A. Costae fracture
B. Contusio pulmonum dextra
C. Pneumonia
D. Pneumothorax dextra
E. Hematothoraks dextra
5. A 23 years old man comes to the ER delivered by his family with complaints of
right sided low back pain 1 hours before entering the hospital the patient had an
accident while driving a motorcycle crashing into intersection , the patient bounced
and the right hip hit an electric pole. From the result of the primary servey ABCD
clear, vital signs tension 100/70 mmhg, pulse 110 bpm minute weak, respiration 24
bpm, temprature 36,8 C, urological status Regio Flank dextra visible hematoma
diameter of 10 cm, supra pubic tenderness positive, minimal bulging urethral exsterna
is within normal limits 20 minutes after examination, the patient’s consciousness was
decreased, the patient complains that he cannot urinate 5 minutes before. Then the
doctor installed a dower cateter no 18 F
urine came out 600 cc of fresh red. From illustration above the most probable
diagnosis for this patient is …
A. Posterior urethral rupture pars bulbosa
B. Partial bladder rupture
C. Urethral rupture
D. Complete bladder rupture
E. Kidney rupture

6. yang berkewajiban dan memiliki kewenangan dalam meminta keterangan saksi ahli
(Visum Et Repertum) menurut KUHP pasal 133 adalah …
A. Hakim
B. Penyidik
C. Jaksa
D. Pengacara
E. Korban/Keluarga

7. A male 28 years old came to the emergency room in a weak condition after falling
from a motorcycle two hour ago. Vital sign, BP 90/50 mmhg. There found bruises and
pain in the left hypocandrium. Pain also felt at the of the left shoulder (Kehr’s sign).
Palpable mass in the left abdomen with dull percussion and abdominal distension. The
diagnosis of this patient is …
A. Gastric trauma
B. Ascendent colon injury
C. Spleen trauma
D. Liver trauma
E. Left kidney trauma

8. Which one below the spasmolytic drugs that has hypotension and sleepiness effects
A. Ranitidine
B. Simetidine
C. Tizanidine
E. Petidin

9. yang merupakan indikasi operasi pasien dengan EDH adalah …

A. Perdarahan dengan volume > 30 ml
B. Ketebalan EDH mencapai 1,5 cm
C. Midline shift > 5 mm palpasi digital
D. A, B, dan C benar

10. the gold standar of axamination for diagnosing orbital fractures/facial fractures is
A. Bimanual palpation test
B. Tongue blade test
D. CT-scan
E. Plain films

11. At the end of the exam the group of student with their lecturer went to tht beach ro
refresh. When on the road suddenly their car had accidentally. One of the students
bounced and his head hit the asphalt. The student was diagnosed by Doctor with
capitis trauma.

Which of the things in capitis trauma that often arise and need to be carefull
a. Cervical fractures
b. Thoracal fractures
c. Lumbar fractures
d. Cranii base fractures
e. Coxae fractures

12. The result on palpation of physical examination on maxillofacial trauma


a. Tenderness
b. Step off
c. Facial stability
d. Crepitus
e. Blindness

13. Inspection of physical examination result on maxillofacial trauma has facial

elongation this result is acording to

a. Deformited and cranial nerve injury

b. High grade le fort fractures
c. Tenderness
d. Step offs
e. Crepitus

14. What is portion of mandibula is most commanly fractured

a. Body
b. Angel
c. Condyle
d. Symphisis
e. Ramus

15. Bagian pemberitan atau hasil pemeriksaan dari visum et repertum memiliki
ciri atau berisi tentang adalah

a. Fakta yang ditemukan seorang dokter berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan

medis dan bersika subjektif
b. Fakta yang ditemukan seorang dokter berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan
medis dan bersifat objectif dan subjectif
c. Fakta yang ditemukan seorang dokter berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan
medis dan ilmu pengetahuan yang bersifat subjektif
d. Fakta yang ditemukan seorang dokter berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan
medis dan bersifat objectif menurut hasil olah tempat kejadian peristiwa
e. Bukan salah satu di atas

16. Drugs that works to block neuromuscular have some side effects, except

a. Respiratory paralysis
b. Histamine release
c. Hyperkalemia
d. Emesis
e. Chepalgia

17. Ciri yang di miliki luka memar adalah

a. Memiliki bengkak pada permyukaan luka serta perdarahan subcutis dan

tidak ditemukan tanda patah tulang atau kerusakan organ vital
b. Rambut terpotong dengan kerusakan epitel kulit pada permukaan luka
c. Menimbulkan perdarahan hebat pada superficial kulit
d. Terdapat jembatan jaringan/ jembatan luka dengan pinggir/ tepi luka tidak
e. Memiliki bengkak pada permukaan luka serta perdarahan subcutis dan
sering ditemukan dan tanda patah tulang atau kerusakan organ vital

18. A 32 y.o man had a history of stab wounds injury in the lower night abdomen.
Patients treated at the hospital. He complaints that he cannot defecate and suffered
nausea, vormit and flatulence. On BNO examination the picture looks like a
“PIGURA” of the abdominal wall. The diagnosis in this patient is?

a. Appendicitis
b. Obstructive ileus
c. Peritonitis
d. Diventiculitis
e. Enterocolitis
19. A 20 years old man came to the emergency room RSPBA with complaints can
not urinate since 6 hours ago, one day before entering hospital. The patient
experiaced fall from a durain’s tree. The patient can walk from the results of
examination, awarness compos mentis, vital sign within normal limits,
urological,back region, suprapubic region tenderness, bulging (-), normal urethral

After installing the dewey catheter , 50 cc urine comes out . possible diagnoses
in this caseis?
a. Rupur bladder
b. Urethral rupture
c. Acute kidney failure
d. Grade 1 renal rupture
e. Grade 2 renal rupure

20. If you help a person that suffer unconscious drowning, he breath

spontaneously but with additional sounds like snoring. Then what should you do?

a. Just leave it because it’sbphysiological

b. Take the suction device then do suction in the oral cavity
c. Do a head tilt chin lift,than install an oropharyngeal tube
d. Perform endotracheal tube installation
e. Perform nasogatric tube installation

21. Ciri yang dimiliki luka lecet?

a. Memiliki bengkak pada permukaan luka dengan kerusakan epitel kulit

pada permukaan luka
b. Rambut terpotong dengan kerusakan epitel kulit pada permukaan luka
c. Pinggir dan permukaan luka tidak rata atau teraba kasar karena terdapat
kerusakan epitel kulit
d. Menimbulkan perdarahan hebat di bawah kulit
e. Membentuk lubang/ rongga luka (bersifat luka terbuka) serta permukaan
tidak rata
22. A 45-years-old man came to the RSPBA emergency room by his family with
complaints of burns on both upper arms and the entire chest. From the
examination result obtained vital signs: blood pressure 130/90 mmHg, pulse 90
bpm, respiration 22 bpm, temperature 37,2C. localize status appear: bullae (+) on
both arms of the upper hand and chest, pain (+). If 50% of the required fluid is
given within the first 8 hours, how many cc of fluid should be gien to the patient
with 60 kg of body weight?

a. 4320 cc
b. 3240 cc
c. 1080 cc
d. 2160 cc
e. 1620 cc

23. A car driver,crashing into intersection road while driving in drunk. The patient
did not use seatbelt, so that his head sulfiened severe trauma. In your opinion, if
the patient had maxillary fracture but did not reach the orbital cavity. What type of
Le Fort fracture did the patient have?

a. Le Fort 1
b. Le Fort 2
c. Le Fort 3
d. Le Fort 4
e. Le Fort 5

24. Di bawah ini pernyataan yang paling benar mengenai musibah massal adalah?

a. Penderita yang datang melebihi kemampuan lokal dan Triage diarahkan

untuk memilah pasien- pasien tersebut berdasarkan kegawatannya, untuk
menurunkan angka kematian dan kesakitan.
b. Penderita yang dating melebihi kemampuan lokal dan Triage diarahkan
untuk memilah pasien-pasien tersebut berdasarkan kegawatannya, untuk
menurunkan angka kesakitan
c. Penderita yang datang melebihi kemampuan nasional dan Triage diarahkan
untuk memilah pasien-pasien tersebut berdasarkan kegawatannya, untuk
menurunkan angka kematian dan kesakitan
d. Penderita yang dating melebihi kemampuan lokal dan Triage diarahkan
untuk memilah pasien-pasien tersebut berdasarkan kelengkapan peralatan,
untuk menurunkan angka kematian dan kesakitan
e. Penderita yang datang melebihi kemampuan internasional dan Triage
diarahkan untuk memilah pasin-pasien tersebut berdasarkan kegawatanya,
untuk menurunkan angka kematian dan kesakitan.

25. Perbedaan dari ciri umum pada luka-luka akibat Trauma Tumpul dengan luka-
luka akibat Trauma Tajam?

a. Luka-luka trauma tumpul memiliki luka penyerta lainnya (luka kotor),

sedangkan luka-luka trauma tajam tidak memiliki luka penyerta lainnya
(luka kotor)
b. Luka-luka trauma tumpul memiliki sifat luka terbuka sedangkan luka-luka
trauma tajam memiliki sifat luka terbuka dan tertutup
c. Luka-luka trauma tumpul memiliki dasar serta dinding luka yang rata
sedangkan luka-luka trauma tajam memiliki dasar serta dinding luka yang
tidak rata
d. Luka-luka trauma tumpul memiliki bentuk luka seperti garis bercelah,
bundar, atau titik sedangkan luka-luka trauma tajam memiliki bentuk luka
tidak beraturan
e. Luka-luka trauma tumpul memiliki pinggir/ sisi luka tidak rata, sedangkan
luka-luka trauma tajam memiliki pinggir/ sisi luka yang rata

26. An 8-years-old girl came to the RSPBA emergency room by her parents, she
complaining that her right has a burn wound, 1 hour before entering the hospital,
the patient was stung by a chipped electric cable. From examination found a
general condition looked moderate pain, compost mentist consciousness, Vital
sign Blood pressure 90/65mmhg, pulse 112x/menit, breathing 22x/menit,
temperature 37,8. On localist status, regional dextra manus: the appearance of an
electric shock burn is matched with a colored inlet (inlet flow) with a partially
necrotic wound edge and a wound base in the muscle with a diameter cm in
diameter. The first initial management of the patient performed in the ER is?

a. Calculate the area of a burn

b. Debridement cleans necrotic tissue
c. Assess ABCD simultaneously
d. Install a Dower cateter for the evaluation of urine products
e. Provides analgesics and antibiotics

27. A 45-years-old man came to the RSPBA emergency room by his family with
complaints of burns on both upper arms and the entire chest. From the
examination result obtained vital signs: blood pressure 130/90 mmHg, pulse 90
bpm, respiration 22 bpm, temperature 37,2C. localize status appear: bullae (+) on
both arms of the upper hand and chest, pain (+). If 50% of the required fluid is
given within the first 8 hours, how many cc of fluid should be gien to the patient
with 60 kgs of body weight?

a. 4320 cc
b. 3240 cc
c. 1080 cc
d. 2160 cc
e. 1620 cc

28. A 4 years old child had burn injury with a grayish base wound and the edge of
the partial necrosis, bullae (-). Which one the correct degree of burn injury below

a. 1st degree
b. 2nd degree
c. 2nd degree (shallow)
d. 2nd degree (deep)
e. 3rd degree

29. An 18 years old woman coming to the RSPBA emergency room after refered by a
type C private hospital with a diagnosis of suspected kidney trauma. From the result
of supporting examinations in RSPBA , expertise was obtained from radiologis. He
found the from of subscapular hematoma, renal laceration (>2cm) does not involve
collecting system. The most appropriate diagnosis for this case is?.......
a. Grade 1 renal trauma
b. Grade 2 renal trauma
c. Grade 3 kidney injury
d. Grade 4 kidney injury
e. Grade 5 kidney injury

30. Here is the truth statement about orbital fracture is......

a. Emphysema subcutan’
b. Step off infraorbital deformity
c. Anasthesia, diplopia, and enophtalmus’
d. A,B,C are true
e. All above are wrong
31. A 23 years old man, brought by the police due to a traffic accident . During
accident, the chest was hit motorcycle’s handlebar. On physical examination found
injury on the left chest , there are left breathing movement in the left chest ,
hypersonor percussion and weak of breath sounds. On the x-ray examination, it was
found that the trachea was pushed to the right, the left chest was hyperluscent. Thee
right diagnosis for this case is?......
a. Tension Pnemotorax
b. Pneumotorax
c. Hematotorax
d. Pleurisy
e. Hematopneumotorax

32. An 8 years old girl came to the RSPBA, emergency room by her parents, she
complanning that her right hand had a burn wound, 1 hour before entening the
hospital, the patient was stung by a chipped electric cable. From the examination
found a general condition looked moderate pain, Compost mentis consciousness, Vital
sign : blood pressure 90/65 mmhg, pulse 112x/minutes, breathing 22x/minutes,
temperature 37.8. On localist status, regional dextra manus. The appearance of an
electric shock burn is matched with a grey colored inlet (inlet flow) with a partially
necrotic wound edge base in the muscle with a diameter of 1 cm in diameter.
Two days after being taken home, the pattient came back to the RSPBA emergency
room with complaints of frequent fainting. The parents only gave eucalyptus oil
rubbing each time the child fainted, and regained consciousness. From the
examination of vital signs within normal limits. The wound still looks wet and has
pus, after that the doctor clean it with NaCl 0.9%. And installing IVFD RL 20gtt/m.
Cefotaxim 500 mg i.v/ 12 hours, paracetamol syrup 3 times 1 cth. What cause fainting
in the case?
a. Lack of fluids
b. Pain
c. Arrhytmia
d. Infection
e. Kidney disorders

33. Klasifikasi atau jenis-jenis luka berdasarkan ciri dan mekanismebenturannya pada
trauma tajam dapat dibedakan menjadi....adalah...
a. Luka terbuka dan luka tertutup
b. luka lecet, luka memar, dan luka robek
c. luka lecet geser, luka lecet tekan, dan luka lecet gores
d. Luka sayat, luka tusuk, dan luka bacok
e. luka sayat, luka tusuk, luka bacok. Serta luka tembak masuk, dan luka
tertembak keluar dari anak peluru tajam

34. A years 30 old man is taken to a hospital with a previous history of accidents. The
pattitents chest was hit by an electric pole. On physical examination there is injury to
the right hemithorax . Deep and fast breathing. Dullness percussion on right chest and
theweak of breath sounds. On the rontgen picture there is a radiopacque in the right
lower lung region. The diagnosis in this patient is?
a. Hematothorax
b. Massive pleural effusion
c. pneumotorax
d. hematopneumotorax
e. pleurisy

35. A 66 years old patient came with complaint of left chest pain refered to the neck
and armsfor hours. On physical examination obtained BP 110/70, HR 110bpm, RR 22
bpm T 37C . To reduce the chest pain , doctor gave ISDN 5 mg in 3 times, but the
paint doesnt go away. The next pain medicine that will be given by a doctor is?....
a. Fentanyl
b. Paracetamol
c. Mefenamic Acid
d. Morphine

36. An 18 years old get came to the RSPBA emergency room with complaints of
bleeding from his genitals. 1 day before entering hospital, the patient suffered fall
from a bicycle and the patients gen itals hit the bicycle handlepost, from the result of
physical examination vital sign within normal limits, the urethral outflow fresh blood
dripping, scrotum appearing edema, perineal buterfly hematome. What actions should
be done by the ER guard?...
a. install IVFD 2 lanes to prevent shock
b. Conduct cystouretrographic examination
c. Urine drainage by installing a dower cateter to avoid urinary retention
d. Blast puncture
e. FAST ultrasound

37. Male 20 years old, was hospitalized due to a motorcycle collision with a car 30
minutes ago. The patient is conscious after being in the hospital. On physical
examination there are found lession in the upper right abdomen and bruises on the
forehead area. After 15 minutes being in the hospital, GCS= E3V4M3. After
laparotomy surgery, a tear in thr liver was found. The following statements below is
not a trauma mechanism in the case above is?....
a. A sudden increase intra-abdominal pressure
b. Shearing injury
c. Compression injury
d. Acceleration-deceleration
e. Sharp trauma

38. At the end of the exam, the group of students with their lecturer went to the beach
to refresh. When on the road suddenly their car had accidentally. One of the students
bounced and his head hit the asphalts. The student was diagnosed by doctor with
capitis trauma. Which of the things in capitis trauma that often arise and need to be
carefull for ? .......
a. Cervical fracture
b. Thoracal fractures
c. Lumbar fractures
d. Cranii base fracture
d. Coxae fracture.

39. A 21 years old student riding a motorcycle within speed of 80km/hour. The
motorcycle accidentally felt into a hole, then bounced. The student uses a half face
helmet, so the lower jaw (os mandible) was traumatized
The part of the mandible that is rarely fractured is......
a. Body
b. Angle conscious
c. Condly
d. Ramus
e. Coronoid Processus

40.Bagian kesimpulan dari visum et refertum memiliki ciri atau berisi tentang
a. Pendapat seorang dokter yang bersifat subjektif
b. pendapat seorang dokter yang bersifat subjektif dan objektif
c. Pendapat seorang dokter yang bersifat objektif
d. pendapat seorang dokter yang bersifat Subjektif berdasarkan temuan yang
bersifat objektif menurut Hasil Olah Tempat Kejadian Peristiwa.
e. pendapat seorang dokter yang bersifat Subjektif berdasarkan temuan yang
bersifat objektif menurut analisa Ilmu Pengetahuan

41. A 37 years old man was planned by a doctor to be given the drug tubocuranne.
But after taking the deeper history the doctor chose to cancle the drug
administration, because the patient had a history of illnesses related to abnormalities
in neuromuscular junction.
What is the possible diagnosis in the patient?
a. Gullain barre syndrome
b. Epilepsy
c. Myastenia Gravis
d. Nerve pain
e. Nerve pain

42. A 65 years old patient came with complain of left chest pain refered to the neck
and arms for 3 hours. On physical examination obtained BP: 110/70, HR: 110 bpm,
RR: 22bpm, T: 370C Toreduce the chest pain, doctor gave ISDN 5 mg in 3 times, but
the pain doesnt go away.
Side effects of painkillers that will be given next by the doctor is?...
a. Breathing depression
b. Urticaria
c. Fatigur
d. Sedation
e. Dizziness

43. A 24 years old woman receives succinylcholine drug therapy from an

anesthesiologist. The side effects are mo likely caused by these drugs.
a. Muscle ache
b. Muscle damage
c. Hyperkalemia
d. Hypercalcemia
e. Emesis

44. A 23 years old man comes to the ER delivered by his family with complaints of
right sided low back pain. 1 hor before entering the hospital the patient had an
accident while driving a motorcycle crshing into intersection, the patient bounced and
the right hip hit an electric pole. From the result of the primary survei ABCD clear,
VS; Tension 100/70mmhg, pulse 110 bpm minute weak, respiration 24 bpm,
temperature36.8c, urological status regio flank dextra visible hematoma diameter of
10cm, supra pubic tendeness positif, minimal bulging urethral externa is within
normal limits, 20 minutes after the examination, the patieint conscioisness was
decreased, the patient complain that he cannot urinate 5 minutes before . then the
doctors installed a dower cateter no 18 F urine came out 600cc of fresh red.
After the situation was stable, consciousness improves, the doctor give antibiotic and
analgetic drugs, before being moved to the inpatient room the doctor request a
supportive examination to establish a definitife diagnosis
The most apropriateexamination above is?

a. plain abdominal potos

b. abdomen 3 position
c. BNO
d. ct scan abdomen
e. doplers ultrasound to see tthe presence or absence of bledding

45. a 40 years old male shuffered abdominal trauma fromfalling from the 3rd floor,
the client looks restless, looks injured on his back and arms. BP : 80/50mmhg, pulse
110bpm, breathing 24bpm,
What the initial step can be done with the client?

a. give artificial breath

b. signs of bleeding
c. provides fluid resuscitation
d. airway and breathing management
e. perform infusion

47. a 50 yars old man came to the RSPBA emergency rrom with complaint of reddish
urinate before entering hospital, the patient was electrrocuted in the while workig as
an electrical mechanicm had burns on the palms and feet
What causes the patient urine to turn red?............

a. Hemoglobinuria
b. Erythrourinaria’
c.Damaged bladder mucosa
d. Myoglobinuria
e. Bldder muscle damaged

48. Berikut adalah ketentuan yang benar tentang tatacara penulisan visum et rapertum
a. Diketik pd kertas yg baik dan bersih, menggunakan bahasa medis, diberi
tanggal sesuai pembuatan visum et rapertum, tidak menggynakan
singkatan kata atau huruf atau lambang bahasa
b. Diketik pd kertas yg baik dan bersih, menggunakan bhs awam yg mudah
dimengerti, diberi tanggal sesuai tanggal pembuatan visum et rapertum,
menggunakan singkatan kata atau huruf lamban
c. Dikertis pd kertas yg baik dan bersih,menggunakan bhs awam yg mudah
dimengerti, tidak menggunakan singkatann kata atau huruf atau lambang
d. Diketik pd kertas yg baik dan bersih, menggunakan bahsa awam yg mudah
dimengerti, menggunakan singkatan kata atau huruf atau lambang bahasa,
pd bagian atas kertas (kepala surat) diketik lambat
e. Diketik pd kertas yg baik dan bersih,menggunakan bahasa medis,
menggunakan singkatan kata atau huruf lambang, pd bagian atas kertas

49. An 8 years old girl came to the RSPBA, emergency room by her parents, she
complanning that her right hand had a burn wound, 1 hour before entening the
hospital, the patient was stung by a chipped electric cable. From the examination
found a general condition looked moderate pain, Compost mentis consciousness,
Vital sign : blood pressure 90/65 mmhg, pulse 112x/minutes, breathing
22x/minutes, temperature 37.8. On localist status, regional dextra manus. The
appearance of an electric shock burn is matched with a grey colored inlet (inlet
flow) with a partially necrotic wound edge base in the muscle with a diameter of 1
cm in diameter.
In such cases, patient are advised to be hospital for observation but because
her parents feel the patient condition is get better, they refused. As an
emergency physician, what supporting investigation must be done before the
patient is taken home

a. Routine blood
b. Electrocardiogram
c. Thorax x-ray
d. Electrolyte examination
e. urinalisasi
50. a 34 y.o man came without complain of seizure since 2 day before entering
hospital he suffered full body spasme within 10 mnt, and after that the patient fall a
sleep. While in the ER, the patient returned to seizures. The doctor gives an
antispasmolytic drug that have low sedation effect
spasmolytic drugs that are most likely given by doctor is
a. diazepam
b. dantrolene
c. bacloeren
d. tiazanidine
e. ranitidine

51. upaya memperkecil jumlah korban jiwa dan kerugian akibat bencana alam
a. Simulasi bencana
b. Antisipasi bencana
c. Mitigasi bencana
d. Tanggap darurat
e. Lokalisasi bencana

52. An 18 y.o man was take to the emergancy room of pertamina bintang amin after a
collision his motorcycle hit the road barrier. He suffer bleeding from the nose and
mouth, RR 32x/menit, BP 110/70mmHg, pulse = 110 bpm. He’s unconscious state.
The eye does not o[en when given pain,extremity decebration, his voice only
moaning. Theres found vulnus laceratum on his head
Which must be done first in the ER when the patient arrives
a. Red label
b. Yellow label
c. Green label
d. Blue label
e. Black label
53. Drugs that work to block neuromuscular have some side effects, except
A. Repiratory paralysis
B. Histamine releses
C. Hyperkalemia
D. Emesis
E. Chepalgia

54. Derajat Kualifikasi luka

Tingkatan/stadium keparahan luka (ringan,sedang,berat) yang dapat

menimbulkan dampak/masalah bagi kesehatan tubuh dan kehidupan
manusia/korban berdasarkan kitab UU hukum pidana

55. luka bakar luas pada tangan anak kecil

56. Manajemen bencana
Mitigasi , kesiapsiagaan , tanggap darurat (respon) , pemulihan , pencegahan
57. pra rumah sakit terfokus pada
Penanganan korban massal terfokus pencarian dan penyelamatan
58. obat yang mengandung Gaba Agonis
59. Obat Low sedation
60. obat dengan act like nicotinic agonis
61. suksinilkolin adalah obat untuk
Myasthenia gravis

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