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2 Imprint Imprint This documentation is based on PTV Vissim PTV Planung Transport Verkehr AG
Haid-und-Neu-Str. 15 D Karlsruhe Germany Tel.: +49 (0) Fax: +49 (0)
Disclaimer PTV Vissim is a trademark of PTV AG. All brand or product names in this documentation
are trademarks or registered trademarks of the corresponding companies or organizations. All rights
reserved. The information contained in this document is subject to change without prior notice and
should not be construed as a commitment on the part of the vendor. This document may not be used
for any other purpose than the personal use of the trainee. No part of this documentation may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically,
mechanically, by photocopying, recording or otherwise, edited or translated, except as permitted
under the terms of the copyright, without the prior written permission of PTV AG. Limited Warranty
Although this documentation was compiled with great care, we cannot guarantee for its correctness.
We are thankful for hints on errors or shortcomings PTV AG Page 2

3 Contents Contents 1 Introduction 7 2 Base Data User Preferences Simulation Parameters Network
Settings Functions (Acceleration, Deceleration) Distributions Vehicle Types & Vehicle Classes Driving
Behavior Link Behavior Types Display Types Levels 16 3 Basics of Program Handling Graphical User
Interface (GUI) Components Basic Navigation in the Network Editor Network Object Sidebar Lists 18
4 Building the Vissim Network Backgrounds Links & Connectors 21 5 Demand Modelling Vehicle
Compositions Vehicle Inputs Vehicle Volumes and Composition Time Intervals 22 6 Route Choice
Add Routing Decisions and Routes Route Volumes Generation Time Intervals Lane Change Distance
and Emergency Stop Position Adapting the Route Sequence Class-specific Routes 26 7 Speeds
Reduced Speed Areas Desired Speed Decisions PTV AG Page 3

4 Contents 8 Parking Lots 29 9 Right Of Way (unsignalized) Conflict Areas Branching Merging
Crossing Modeling Priority Rules Stop Signs Signal Control Signal Groups Intergreen Matrix Signal
Program Add Signal Heads Live Signal Times Traffic Actuated Signal Control Public Transport (PT)
Links Public Transport Stops Public Transport Lines Add New PT Line Editing Line Stop Data
Adapting the Line Route Evaluations Evaluation Configuration Result Management Evaluation
Definition by Type Data Collection Measurements Travel Times Queue Lengths Node Evaluation Link
Evaluation Charts Chart Creation Chart Configuration Chart Settings Presentation Graphical Display
D-Mode Display Types Pavement Markings D Traffic Signals PTV AG Page 4

5 Contents Static 3D models Animation Recording Definition Recording Replay AVI-Video Recording
Camera Positions Keyframes Storyboards Compile the Storybook Recording an AVI-Video Hints for
Recording AVI-Videos 54 Conclusion and Outlook 55 Appendix A: Data for Vissim Projects 56 A 1
General Data 56 A 2 Network Data 56 A 3 Traffic Flow Data 56 A 4 Signal Control Data 56 A 5 Transit
(Public Transport) Data PTV AG Page 5

6 Conventions in this document Conventions in this document The following typography is used for
better orientation within this document: Element MENU COMMANDS, BUTTONS & TABS
KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS Titles & dialog components FILE NAMES Typography Small capitals
Small capitals bold Italic Courier font Hints inform about possible consequences or provide
background information for the topic. Warnings point to critical issues or possible data loss. Blue
boxes provide click sequences that step by step lead to the desired action. Exercises provide a
deeper understanding of a topic and valuable working experience with the application. Accompanying
the training, Vissim example files are provided. They are named by chapter. number in such a way
that they contain all the topics up to the end of a certain chapter. Example: the file HEADQUARTERS
07.INPX contains all modelling that is described in chapter 7, including the exercises PTV AG Page 6

7 Introduction 1 Introduction Vissim is a microscopic, time step and behavior based simulation model
for realistic modelling of city and interurban traffic plus pedestrian movements. Besides private traffic
also rail- and road-based public transport (PT) can be modelled. The traffic flow is simulated
considering lane allocation, vehicle compositions, signal control and detection of private and public
transport vehicles. Field of Applications for PTV Vissim Vissim can be used for answering a vast
variety of traffic challenges. The following use cases show a small extract of applications: Junction
layout comparison (roundabout vs. signal control, multi-modal etc.) Transport development planning
(road works management, building evacuation etc.) Capacity analysis (demand raise, roundabout with
pedestrian flows etc.) Active traffic management (VMS, temporary use of hard shoulder etc.) Public
transport simulation (Preemption, railway stations etc.) 2015 PTV AG Page 7

8 Introduction 2015 PTV AG Page 8

9 Introduction 2015 PTV AG Page 9

10 Introduction 2015 PTV AG Page 10

11 Base Data 2 Base Data The stochastic nature of traffic demands for a simulation model to reflect
this variability. Vissim offers a wide range of settings such as for driving or lane change behavior. For
example, the base data for the simulation describe the various types of distribution functions, the
modeling of vehicles and pedestrians and their basic driving behavior. Most of the base data are
predefined with common standard values, yet can be adapted if necessary. However, a fundamental
understanding of the effects of such changes is essential. This chapter provides an overview of
Vissim s base data and its default settings. 2.1 User Preferences General program settings that are
stored in the registry - independent of the current network settings. Right-Click Behavior in Network
Editors When starting Vissim for the first time you are asked to select the desired right-click behavior
in Vissim: 1. Start Vissim 2. Choose opens the context menu and confirm with OK. This setting can
also be changed later via EDIT - USER PREFERENCES... - Network Editor: Action After Object
Creation Another preference defines the automatic action after creating an network object (for
example after adding an input): 2015 PTV AG Page 11

12 Base Data 1. EDIT - USER PREFERENCES... - Network Editor 2. Choose the topmost option. 2.2
Simulation Parameters SIMULATION - PARAMETER For simulation Period, consider the warm-up
period (here: 10 minutes) Simulation resolution: - Vehicles: 10 (recommended), for High-End AVI
videos = 20, minimum = 5. - Pedestrians: 5, 10 or 20. Otherwise unrealistic simulation behavior may
occur PTV AG Page 12

13 Base Data The simulation resolution takes influence on vehicle and pedestrian behavior as well as
their interactions. Hence simulations with different simulation resolutions may produce different
results. 2.3 Network Settings In addition to the simulation parameters, there are general settings to be
defined networkspecific. Typical settings are traffic regulations or units. 1. BASE DATA - NETWORK
SETTINGS 2. For imperial units press ALL IMPERIAL For metric units press ALL METRIC 2.4
Functions (Acceleration, Deceleration) For every vehicle type in Vissim there are two acceleration and
two deceleration curves. BASE DATA - FUNCTIONS -... Maximum acceleration: technical feasible
acceleration. Comes into action especially at gradients Desired acceleration: used in all other cases
Maximum deceleration: technical feasible deceleration. At gradients there is an automatic
compensation: m/s² per percent for positive gradients (uphill) m/s² per percent for negative gradients
(downhill) - Desired acceleration 2.5 Distributions The various stochastic effects on the traffic
simulation are modelled using distributions. As an example here the desired speed distribution: 2015
PTV AG Page 13

14 Base Data 1. BASE DATA - DISTRIBUTIONS - DESIRED SPEED The list Desired Speed
Distributions opens 2. Double click on the row header of distribution no. 120 The editable curve
window opens: 3. Using intermediate points any type of distribution curve can be modelled: - Right-
click defined a new point - Dragging a point onto another one deletes it. 2.6 Vehicle Types & Vehicle
Classes Hierarchy Class: Composition of types Type: Vehicles with similar driving behavior Vehicle
category: Essential behavior 1. BASE DATA - VEHICLE TYPES 2. BASE DATA - VEHICLE
CLASSES 2015 PTV AG Page 14

15 Base Data 2D/3D Model defines appearance of vehicles and pedestrians facilitates length (and
width) distribution various models possible within same vehicle type 1. BASE DATA - 2D/3D MODELS
2. Double click in row header display and selection of models 3. Add articulated bus 2.7 Driving
Behavior A key feature of Vissim is its detailed driving behavior which includes both the following and
lane change behavior. Therefore a broad range of parameters is accessible by the user in order to
adjust the driving behavior to local characteristics. At the same time there is a danger to produce
unrealistic results by wrong adaptions. Hence changing the driving behavior parameters must only be
done with a fundamental understanding of the parameters and their interaction PTV AG Page 15

16 Base Data BASE DATA - DRIVING BEHAVIOR 2.8 Link Behavior Types Driving behavior
parameters are assigned to a link by means of link behavior types. With Vissim it is possible to assign
different driving behavior to different road users traveling on the same link. For this purpose, within a
link behavior type for each vehicle class a dedicated driving behavior parameter set may be assigned
1. BASE DATA - LINK BEHAVIOR TYPES List Link Behavior Types opens 2. Select subtype Driving
Behavior In the list to the right the exceptions of the standard behavior are shown 3. Left list: Select
Link Behavior Type, then right list: shortcut menu NEW Select Vehicle class and the desired driving
behavior 2.9 Display Types Design medium for links, connectors, areas etc. for presentation purposes
and clarity for example to discern different link types. BASE DATA - DISPLAY TYPES 2.10 Levels
Level List: Definition of a level BASE DATA - LEVELS Level sidebar: Show/hide the entire level or
only vehicles or pedestrians on it. Select LEVELS from the Sidebar 2015 PTV AG Page 16

17 Quick View Network Objects Sidebar Training PTV Vissim - Basic course Basics of Program
Handling 3 Basics of Program Handling 3.1 Graphical User Interface (GUI) Network Editor Network
Editor List Components Network editor (several also) Standard toolbar Sidebars: - Network objects -
Levels - Backgrounds - Quick view - Smart map Lists Diagrams Status bar The network editor is used
to setup the network. All network objects are accessible through the network object sidebar (details
see below). Attributes of a selected network object can be edited in the quick view. Open another
network editor: 1. VIEW - OPEN NEW NETWORK EDITOR 2. Dock the new network editor to the
right of the existing one Lists are used to edit all data, also for non-graphic network objects such as
vehicle types. Windows and lists can be arranged almost in any way inside and outside the main
Vissim window PTV AG Page 17

18 Basics of Program Handling Open lists 1. BASE DATA - DISPLAY TYPES 2. BASE DATA -
VEHICLE TYPES 3. Dock the list above another list Basic Navigation in the Network Editor Use one
of the following commands to move and zoom the network inside the network window. There are
mouse and keyboard options available for your convenience: Action Mouse Keyboard Toolbar Zoom
in/out Wheel PGUP, PGDN Pan Press wheel + Drag (cursor) 3.2 Network Objects Sidebar The
network object sidebar contains a list with all network object types. Through icons and context menu
settings and functionality for appearance, visibility and selectability for network objects in a network
editor are available. These settings always refer to the last active network editor. If you activate
another network editor by mouse click, the current settings for this network editor are shown in the
network objects sidebar. Functionality Column Description Comment Visibility Selectability Insert
mode Label Graphic Parameters Hides/shows objects of this type Prevents from accidental editing
objects of this type Enables creation of new objects and some extended editing Shows label as
defined in graphic parameters of this type Type legend and access to type-specific graphic
parameters 3.3 Lists The attributes of all network objects and base data are accessible through lists.
In addition, for some network object types, dialog boxes are available for single object editing.
Furthermore result attributes can also be shown in lists PTV AG Page 18

19 Basics of Program Handling For more complex network objects and also for display of
relationships Vissim offers coupled lists: Primary network objects are listed on the left Secondary
(depending) network objects are listed on the right. Its display depends on the selection of the primary
network object(s). Coupled list of vehicle routing decisions and routes Same as with network editors
also lists can be arranged in any way within and outside the main Vissim window. Important List
Functionality Command Synchronization Description Every selection in the list also changes the
selection in all network editors, and vice versa. Attribute selection Add, delete, move and configure
columns. Irrelevant cell Read-only cell Values that are currently irrelevant (most times because of a
dependency of another attribute). Values that cannot be edited (for example calculated or result
attributes) 2015 PTV AG Page 19

20 Building the Vissim Network 4 Building the Vissim Network Start with a clean network: 1. FILE -
NEW 2. SIMULATION - PARAMETERS - Period = 4200 (peak hour plus warm-up) 4.1 Backgrounds
The careful and precise handling of background plans and images is essential for the entire Vissim
project. The scale of a Vissim network model cannot be changed later on. Preparations for all
plans/aerial photos Scale and north direction must be clearly marked Is the desired data format (for
example jpg, tif) supported by Vissim? 1. Switch off the background map (Bing or OpenStreetMap) 2.
Add background image HEADQUARTERS AERIAL.ECW 3. Open the Background Images list and
edit attributes: - Position bottom left = Width = 500 m - Height = 250 m - zoffset = SHOW ENTIRE
NETWORK 5. Disable the selectability of background images to avoid accidental re-location. In case
there are multiple background images for the same project, all of these need to be scaled identically
and aligned properly. The recommended procedure is to model some major links on a background
image that covers a larger area and then and then use the links for aligning the more detailed maps.
In addition, (temporary) links may be placed at building corners or similar to align the different maps
with each other. For large bitmap files (for example aerial photos) we recommend the use of the ECW
(enhanced compression wavelet) file format. It is a high-performance imagecompression format
designed specifically for geospatial imagery and provides high compression ratios at visually lossless
image quality. In contrast to other file formats the ECW format does not lead to remarkable delays
while navigating the network. For Vissim, a compression rate of 9:1 for high quality is recommended.
Use 20:1 for good quality but shorter load times PTV AG Page 20

21 Building the Vissim Network As an alternative to your own background images, Vissim offers to
display live internet maps of online map services such as OpenStreetMap or Bing. For some of these
services a software maintenance contract with PTV AG is required. 4.2 Links & Connectors Links and
connectors are the core of the Vissim road network (not nodes and edges). This allows virtually any
kind of junction and road layout. 1. Select the Links insert mode For the junction on the top right
(Tullastr.): 2. Model all links for private traffic (no connectors yet) 3. Add connectors between the links
Exercise 1: Model all links and connectors for the junction PTV Headquarters (Stumpfstr.) 2015 PTV
AG Page 21

22 Demand Modelling 5 Demand Modelling Traffic that should travel through the road network. 5.1
Vehicle Compositions Here the vehicle mix for each incoming link of the network is defined. 1.
TRAFFIC - VEHICLE COMPOSITIONS The Vehicle Compositions list opens 2. Add additional
composition Cars only (with 30 km/h or 20 mph) 5.2 Vehicle Inputs Vehicle Volumes and Composition
Definition of the absolute vehicle volume per hour that are inserted at the start of a link. Vehicles on
public transport lines must not be included here as they are modelled separately. 1. Select the Vehicle
Inputs insert mode 2. Add inputs on all incoming links (except pure public transport links) 3. Edit
volumes as vehicles per hour and select the vehicle composition: Input volumes in veh/h Vehicle
composition no Time Intervals Input volumes can not only be defined for a single time interval but also
for multiple ones. Hence different volumes and compositions may be defined for the same input PTV
AG Page 22

23 Demand Modelling 1. BASE DATA - TIME INTERVALS The Time Intervals list opens 2. Select the
subtype Vehicle inputs from the list toolbar As a shortcut, time intervals can be accessed directly from
the Vehicle Inputs list by shortcut menu EDIT TIME INTERVALS. 3. Use the shortcut menu to insert
new time intervals up to the last interval MAX 4. From the Vehicle Inputs list toolbar select Vehicle
volumes by time interval: In the list to the right now vehicle volumes and compositions can be edited
for each time interval. 5. To simplify the example file delete the additional time intervals For use of
Dynamic Assignment (optional add-on) the definition of vehicle inputs is not necessary. Exercise 2:
Modeling a demand time series For the input flow nearby PTV headquarters (Stumpfstr., cars only)
define the following vehicle volumes for 10 minute intervals: 100, 150, 200, 250, 150, 100, 100 veh/h
PTV AG Page 23

24 Route Choice 6 Route Choice Routes define the path that a vehicle follows at branches. A route is
assigned to every arriving vehicle according to the proportions defined for all the routes (turning
volumes for example). At this point vehicles are neither generated, nor are they taken out of the
network. 6.1 Add Routing Decisions and Routes 1. Select the Vehicle Routes (Static) insert mode 2.
Add a new routing decision with CTRL + right-click (route start) 3. Define route destination by click on
destination link/connector (Recommendation: place it shortly after the last connector of the (turning)
movement) 4. Repeat step 3 for all directions possible from the selected route start 5. Click twice
outside the road network to end insert procedure Repeat steps 2 to 5 for all incoming links of junction
Tullastr.. The routing decisions must be placed well ahead of the start of the next downstream
link/connector to ensure that all vehicles are affected. Take into account the maximum vehicle speed
the current simulation resolution the maximum number of lanes to be crossed Vehicle indicators: The
connector attribute Direction controls the direction of the indicator of a vehicle that approaches this
connector. 6.2 Route Volumes Generation For a routing decision the relative flow defines how the
arriving vehicles are distributed among its routes. 1. Right click on a route destination (turquoise) and
select SHOW IN LIST. The Static Vehicle Routes list opens. 2. Enter the Relative flow volume for
each route according to the illustration: 2015 PTV AG Page 24

25 Route Choice Time Intervals Same as with vehicle inputs also for routes multiple time intervals
with different route volumes are possible. 1. see section 5.2.2, but with subtype Vehicle routes (static)
2. Show coupled list Static Vehicle Routing Decisions - Static Vehicle Routes 3. For each time interval
there is now a separate colum for relative flow 6.3 Lane Change Distance and Emergency Stop
Position For a vehicle to follow its route on a multi-lane link, a lane change may be necessary.
Therefore mainly the following parameters are relevant: Connectors: - Lane change distance -
Emergency stop position Driving behavior parameters: - Those 6 parameters at Necessary lane
change (Route) It is important to define the lane change distance in such a way that vehicles may
change lanes in good time. The driving behavior parameters then control how determined the vehicles
change to the destination lane. Exercise 3: Add routes for junction PTV Headquarters. Use the
following relative route volumes: 6.4 Adapting the Route Sequence In case the route sequence
automatically chosen by Vissim is not the correct one, the sequence can be adapted in the following
way: 1. Select the Vehicle Routes (Static) insert mode 2. Select the route (for example by clicking the
route destination) 3. Add a (temporary) intermediate point on the route with CTRL + right-click 4.
Move this intermediate point to the desired link/connector Intermediate route points are temporary.
That means they are discarded as soon as the route is not visible any more PTV AG Page 25

26 Route Choice In order to preserve a manually adapted route sequence from unexpected
modifications, such a route section must be secured from automatic recalculation as soon as the route
is modified again. This is done by enclosing the route section which is to be modified by two additional
intermediate points that act as pins. Only the route section in between will be recalculated then. 6.5
Class-specific Routes Routing decision may be defined for specific vehicle classes only. Hence
different routes and/or route proportions may be modelled e.g. for cars and HGVs PTV AG Page 26

27 Speeds 7 Speeds 2 types: temporary reduction (reduced speed areas) permanent change (desired
speed decisions) 7.1 Reduced Speed Areas For short temporary speed reductions, for example at
turning movements or bumpers (sleeping policemen). Vehicles decelerate automatically prior to
reaching the reduced speed area and accelerate thereafter. 1. Select the Reduced Speed Area insert
mode 2. Add a reduced speed area with a length of 2 m 3. Define speed distribution and deceleration
for each vehicle class Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all relevant locations at the junction Tullastr. : The
illustration shows the numbers of the desired speed distributions for vehicle classes Car, HGV, Bus.
Deceleration typically 2.0, for HGV 1.3 m/s². Option: Show Distributions as Label 1. Open the graphic
parameters for reduced speed areas 2. Click the button next to Label attribute 3. Select Speed
reductions - Concatenate - Desired speed distribution: 4. Activate label visibility 2015 PTV AG Page

28 Speeds When defining reduced speed areas it is recommended to consider future model
extensions (further vehicle classes). For this reason it may be useful to define a generic vehicle class
All that includes all vehicle types. 7.2 Desired Speed Decisions Permanent change of the desired
speed, either faster or slower. Vehicles react to the decision only after crossing over it. 1. Select the
Desired Speed Decision insert mode 2. Add decision at Stumpfstr.: zone 30 km/h (link 11.0 m) 3.
Define speed distribution by vehicle class Exercise 4: Define correct speeds at junction PTV
Headquarters. Choose the suitable network object depending on the use case. Consider also the use
of a vehicle class All PTV AG Page 28

29 Parking Lots 8 Parking Lots Parking lots are suitable for modeling longitudinal road side parking
along a link. Depending on the use case the dwell time may be varied, so that besides parking also
loading procedures as well as drop off zones (for example at stations or airports) can be modelled.
Furthermore there are abstract parking lots that are used for Dynamic Assignment. 1. Select the
Parking lot insert mode 2. Add parking lot with the desired length 3. Define the parking space length
(typically: 6 m) 4. Select the Vehicle Routes (Parking Lot) insert mode 5. Add routing decision
(connector 1.0 m) 6. Place route destination within the parking lot (exact position doesn t matter) 7.
Click outside network to end route insert procedure 8. Show list Parking Routing Decisions / Parking
Rate By Time Interval 9. Define attributes Parking rate (50 %) und Parking duration (5 Min) Further
options: Blocking time distribution, attraction Exercise 5: Model parking lots for the opposite direction
Use a parking duration of 3 Min and a parking rate of 30% PTV AG Page 29

30 Right Of Way (unsignalized) 9 Right Of Way (unsignalized) 9.1 Conflict Areas Conflict areas are
the preferred method to model unsignalized right of way Branching 2015 PTV AG Page 30

31 Right Of Way (unsignalized) Merging 2015 PTV AG Page 31

32 Right Of Way (unsignalized) Crossing 2015 PTV AG Page 32

33 Right Of Way (unsignalized) 2015 PTV AG Page 33

34 Right Of Way (unsignalized) Modeling 1. Select the Conflict Areas insert mode all potential conflict
areas are displayed as yellow (passive) 2. Right-click on conflict area and choose desired right-of-
way: - 2 waits for 1 (green/red) - 1 waits for 2 (red/green) - undetermined (red/red) 3. Repeat step 2
for all relevant conflict areas at junction Tullastr.. The number of conflict areas is reduced if overlaps
of links and connectors are minimized wherever possible (< 0.5 m). Exercise 6: Model all relevant
conflict areas for junction Stumpfstr. 9.2 Priority Rules Conflict areas are superior to priority rules as
they include tactical driving. With priority rules, the decision for stop or go is done in every simulation
time step only. Application examples for priority rules: Conflicts without a common overlap area Keep-
clear area on a link/connector In case the use of conflict areas did not lead to the desired behavior 1.
Select the Priority Rules insert mode 2. Add stop line (red cross section) 3. Place conflict marker
(green cross section) downstream of the relevant conflict. The dialog box Priority Rule opens 4. Edit
attributes Headway und Gap time 5. If applicable, add further conlfict markers to the same stop line 6.
Stop the insert procedure with click outside the network For use with keep clear areas the attribute
max. Speed is relevant also. 9.3 Stop Signs In addition to priority rules or conflict areas, stop signs
may be modeled if every vehicle needs to stop for at least on time step. Furthermore a time
distribution may be assigned to the stop sign to model toll plazas or processing counters (for example
at cross-country borders). 1. Select the Stop Sign insert mode 2. Add stop sign 2015 PTV AG Page

35 Signal Control 10 Signal Control Vissim offers a generic interface for signal controllers of various
types. Here the signal group based fixed time controller type is explained as it is available with every
Vissim license. To create a signal control, various data are needed which typically originate from a
dedicated signal control planning. As this procedure is time-consuming and done outside of Vissim,
here the resulting data of the signal control planning are readily provided. Preparation: Set all conflict
areas at junction Tullastr. to passive as they are not needed after the signal control is implemented.
Use multi-select and Quick view Signal Groups The exact location of the signal groups is marked in
the signal plan below. Here the relevant signal groups are marked as blue for private traffic and green
for public transport. Inserting the Signal Plan in Vissim 1. Add TULLASTR SG.PNG as new
background image 2. Adapt data: - Position bottom left = Width = m - zoffset = m 2015 PTV AG Page

36 Signal Control Define Signal Controller and Signal Groups 1. SIGNAL CONTROL - SIGNAL
CONTROLLERS The Signal Controllers / Signal Groups list opens 2. Add new signal control 3. In the
dialog box Signal Control click on EDIT SIGNAL CONTROL The window Fixed Time - SC 1 opens:
Note that the training license typically contains more signal controller types than the standard Vissim
license. Hence you may see more options compared to the illustrations here. 4. Add signal groups: 5.
Define the default sequence for every signal group: V1-V5: T52, T53: 2015 PTV AG Page 36

37 Signal Control 10.2 Intergreen Matrix 1. Select Intergreen matrices from the sidebar of the Fixed
time window 2. Create new intergreen matrix 3. Insert data from Excel file (TULLASTR INTERGREEN
MATRIX.XLSX) with copy & paste In Excel the matrix diagonal may not contain any numbers (not
even zero). Otherwise the data cannot be inserted in Vissim Signal Program 1. Select Signal
programs from the sidebar of window Fixed time 2. Add new signal program 3. Edit signal program
data: - Select intergreen matrix - Cycle time = 72 s 4. Enter signal times for each signal group (see
illustration) 5. Save controller and close with FILE - EXIT 10.4 Add Signal Heads 1. Select the Signal
Heads insert mode 2. Add signal head at stop line position according to signal plan 2015 PTV AG
Page 37

38 Signal Control 10.5 Live Signal Times Activation 1. EVALUATION - WINDOWS - SIGNAL TIMES
TABLE 2. Select SC 1 and confirm with OK. Configuration Vissim by default uses a layout that shows
all signal groups in sequence. You may adjust the layout if you wish: 1. SIGNAL CONTROL - SIGNAL
CONTROLLERS 2. Double click on row header to open the Signal Control dialog 3. Go to SIGTIMTBL
CONFIG tab 4. Disable Automatic signal times table configuration 5. Configure the desired layout 10.6
Traffic Actuated Signal Control In addition to fixed time signal controllers, Vissim can also simulate
traffic actuated controllers. For this reason several controller types are available as add-on. Especially
the add-on VAP in combination with the graphical user interface VisVAP provides a straight forward
method to model and simulate traffic actuated controls such as public transport preemption PTV AG
Page 38

39 Public Transport (PT) 11 Public Transport (PT) In contrast to private traffic, the demand and
routing of line-based transportation (for example buses and trains) is modelled separately in Vissim
Links For those network parts where the PT travels on a dedicated railroad track, new links and
connectors need to be modeled: 1. Model the railroad track in East-West direction according to the
aerial photo (width = 2.8 m, display type = 12) 2. Upstream of the link start, add another link and
connector (link length = 100 m; at minimum two times the maximum PT vehicle length) This additional
link will hold a dummy stop that is used to model arrival time variations of PT vehicles (for example
delays, change in sequence) Public Transport Stops 1. Select the Public Transport Stops insert mode
2. Add regular stop (on new East-West link, length = 70 m) 3. Add Dummy stop (length = 40 ca. 40 m)
11.3 Public Transport Lines Add New PT Line 1. Select the Public Transport Lines insert mode 2. Add
new PT line from East to West, starting on the additional link 3. Edit line data: - Vehicle Type =
Desired speed distribution = 50 - Color = orange 4. Add timetable data: - Click on DEPARTURE
TIMES in the PT Line dialog box - Right-click - GENERATE START TIMES - Begin = 0 s, Rate = 120
s, End = Simulation period, Occupancy = 50 pers/veh 5. Start simulation: The dwell times at the two
stops are different PTV AG Page 39

40 Public Transport (PT) Editing Line Stop Data By default the dwell time is computed by the
Calculation method. It takes into account the number of passengers currently in the vehicle boarding
passengers of each PT stop (optional line-specific) alighting percentage of each PT line stop vehicle
type specific PT parameters The dwell time determination method is changed to Distribution in the
following way: 1. Select desired PT line 2. Double click on PT stop Dialog box PT Line Stop opens 3.
Set Dwell time- Distribution = 1 (20 s) Adapting the Line Route Adapting the route is necessary for
example if a bus lay-by needs to be added to an existing PT line. The adaption works in the same way
as with static routes (see chapter 6.4). Exercise 7: Model the opposite direction of the tram (West-
East) Hint: In case that a tram stops and dissolves after a certain time, it might well be that it wants to
park 2015 PTV AG Page 40

41 Evaluations 12 Evaluations 12.1 Evaluation Configuration Evaluations are structured in two types:
Result Attributes (directly available in Vissim) Direct Output (available as file/database) In order to get
results, the corresponding evaluation type needs to be active: 1. EVALUATION - CONFIGURATION
Activate Collect Data for the desired types 3. Click MORE... for more evaluation attributes where
applicable PTV AG Page 41

42 Evaluations 12.2 Result Management EVALUATION - KONFIGURATION - RESULT

MANAGEMENT Here you may define if results of previous simulation runs should be retained or
deleted. Furthermore user-defined percentile values may be defined here for use in result lists. For
every simulation run the active result attributes are stored automatically. Hence they are available
also after the simulation run is finished. According to the evaluation configuration settings (tab
RESULT MANAGEMENT) even data of several simulation runs are preserved. The results are
structured by type and can be accessed through EVALUATION - RESULT LISTS. Furthermore result
attributes may be added to existing lists using the attribute selection dialog box. Saved simulation
runs are also listed (EVALUATION - RESULT LISTS - SIMULATION RUNS). Stored results can be
deleted by deleting the corresponding simulation run. Aggregated Results Vissim can aggregate
results of several simulation runs automatically. The aggregated values are available in the
corresponding result lists and are activated with the following two commands in the list toolbar: Result
attribute aggregated over all simulation runs Result attribute aggregated over all time intervals of a
single run. In case both aggregates are active, also the aggregate over all runs and all time intervals
is shown Evaluation Definition by Type Data Collection Measurements 1. Select the Data Collection
Points insert mode 2. Insert data collection points at the desired positions (here: West-East, West-
MEASUREMENTS: Define a measurement for each data collection point Result list: EVALUATION -
RESULTS LISTS - DATA COLLECTION Travel Times 1. Select the Vehicle Travel Times insert mode
2. Add start and end cross section (here: West-East) 3. Repeat step 2 for directions East-West and
Page 42

43 Evaluations Queue Lengths 1. Select the Queue Counters insert mode 2. Add queue counter at
desired stop line position signal group 1, 4, 5) 3. Define queue condition: EVALUATION -
CONFIGURATION... - Queue Counters - MORE... Result list: EVALUATION - RESULTS LISTS -
QUEUE LENGTHS Visualization of queuing vehicles: Activate graphics parameter Color by vehicle
state for Vehicles in Network. Then queuing vehicles are displays in white color Node Evaluation The
node evaluation offers a comfortable way to define several typical evaluations at junctions or
intersections. Mainly the following types are evaluated: Turning movements Delays Queue lengths 1.
Select the Node insert mode 2. Add node in such a way that all turning movements are contained
inside Result list: EVALUATION - RESULTS LISTS - NODES Exercise 8: Include a node evaluation
for both junctions and evaluate them Link Evaluation These data are available in a list as well as
graphically during a simulation run. For this reason links/connectors are colored according to a color
scheme PTV AG Page 43

44 Evaluations Set Link Attributes 1. Network objects sidebar: MAKE NO TYPES SELECTABLE 2.
Select the Links insert mode 3. Select alle links/connectors with the mouse 4. In quick view activate
the attributes - Link evaluation active and - Link evaluation segment length 5. Check for all links and
connectors if - link evaluation is active - segment length is set to 10 m Activate Graphical Display 1.
Open link graphic parameters 2. Drawing mode: Select Use color scheme The Edit Color Schemes for
Links dialog opens 3. Classification based on - Link Segments 4. For Classification by color - Attribute
select: 2015 PTV AG Page 44

45 Evaluations 5. Click on and select Speed. The class boundaries with their associated color appear:
6. Confirm with OK. 7. Select all links and check/activate link attribute link evaluation active 8.
SEGMENTS The result list for link segments may rapidly grow in rows. Hence it is recommended to
define an evaluation interval not too small and/or to include only a part of the network Charts In
addition to the result attributes that are available in a numerical way, Vissim also offers charts as a
visual way for presenting results. Key features are: 2015 PTV AG Page 45

46 Evaluations visualization of all result and static attributes inside Vissim, including aggregates a tool
to - present results - analyze the network - support calibration available before, during and after a
simulation run export as image to clipboard or file Chart Creation There are several ways to create a
chart. Here one of the most effective ways is outlined by means of vehicle travel time evaluations. 1.
Ensure that at least two simulation runs with different random seeds were completed with active travel
time evaluation (check the simulation run list if not sure). 2. Open Vehicle Travel Time Results list 3.
Right click inside the first data cell of the last list column (TravTm(All)) and select CREATE CHART -
Configuration From the many different possible combinations of network objects, attributes, simulation
runs, time intervals and vehicle classes, here some typical applications are shown: 2015 PTV AG
Page 46

47 Evaluations 1. Open chart configuration (from the toolbar of the chart window) All objects 2. Tick
the All option next to Network objects 3. Save to Named layout Travel times - all objects 4. Deactivate
All network objects Additional attribute 5. Select Attributes row and add an attribute: From the
selection list, choose Vehicles - 1 x <Time Intervals> x All types 6. Remove the Vehicles attribute All
Simulation runs 7. Tick the On/Off and All options for Simulation runs Chart type 8. In the top left,
change Chart type to Line 9. Save to Named layout Travel Times - all runs Call Layouts 10. Activate
previously saved layout Travel times - all objects all options are adapted, including object and attribute
settings! 11. Close the configuration dialog with OK Live View Instead of showing the network objects
configured in the chart, there is a more dynamic option that shows the results of the currently selected
network object(s): 1. Open Vehicle Travel Time Measurements list (not the corresponding result list)
2. In the chart window activate Synchronization. Now the results of the currently selected travel time
measurement are shown in the chart. 3. In the list, choose a different travel time measurement
(different row) and see the chart changing at the same time. This also works with a multi-selection.
Similarly you can select the travel time object also in a network editor PTV AG Page 47

48 Evaluations The chart is also updated during a simulation run - if the current run is selected in the
chart configuration. Then you can see the data changing while the simulation is running Chart
Settings In addition to the data associated with the chart, also its layout may be adjusted: Custom title
and font size Legend position and size Background color and grid Various settings for x and y axis
Appearance of data series 2015 PTV AG Page 48

49 Presentation 13 Presentation Even so the presentation of the simulation has no impact on

simulation results, it is an important tool to transfer the findings and results to others - especially to a
non-technical audience. This chapter shows how impressive graphics can be achieved by use of
Vissim s graphics capabilities. Furthermore two types of simulation recording are explained Graphical
Display D-Mode Links, areas and background images are automatically displayed in 3D mode also. In
addition, for all standard vehicles and pedestrians 3D models are provided that are shown during a
simulation run. toggles 3D mode (keyboard: CTRL + D) Navigation Action Mouse Keyboard Toolbar
Zoom in/out Wheel PGUP, PGDN Pan (parallel to land) Press wheel + Drag (cursor) Elevate CTRL +
Press wheel + Drag R, F - Rotate ALT + Press wheel + Drag I, K, J, L 3D Graphic Parameters 1.
Open 3D graphic parameters 2. Sky texture already defined (for example SKY_BRIGHT03.BMP) 3.
Choose Land texture (for example GRASS06.BMP) Graphic parameters are stored in a layout file
(*.layx), not in the network file (*.inpx) Display Types 1. BASE DATA - DISPLAY TYPES Display
Types list opens 2. For display types 1 and 12 choose a texture file name (for example
ROADS\GRAY01.BMP) 2015 PTV AG Page 49

50 Presentation To see the changes of the display types in the network, the link drawing mode needs
to be set to Use display types. Further Options: Curved Shaded sides All sides same color/texture
Show railroad tracks Pavement Markings Vissim generates lane markings automatically according to
the number of lanes and the lane change bans. Arrow markings and zebra crossing may be added at
any location inside a link/connector: 0. Activate 2D mode 1. Select the Pavement Markings insert
mode 2. Add Arrow markings on all incoming legs of junction Tullastr. Example for the southern leg: D
Traffic Signals By default signal heads in 3D mode are displayed as block. Hence its color state can
be seen for all directions simultaneously. For realistic display, Vissim offers 3D traffic signals: 2015
PTV AG Page 50

51 Presentation 0. Activate 2D mode 1. Select the 3D Traffic Signals insert mode 2. Right-click a 2D
signal head (here: SigGrp 4) - ADD NEW 3D TRAFFIC SIGNAL FOR SIGNAL HEAD 3. Select
Directly on new mast The dialog box 3D Traffic Signal opens 4. Double-click on the signal head in the
preview The 3D Signal Head dialog box opens 5. Select the matching Layout (for SigGrp 4 = 3-lens:
Protected right) 6. Select the correct values for SC und SigGrp (SC 1, SigGrp 4) and close. In 2D the
signal head is displayed like that (the blue circle represents the signal head): 7. Use ALT + mouse
drag to rotate the signal head The 3D display of 2D signal heads (block, stop line) is set by graphics
parameter Signal head display mode 3D Static 3D models For better orientation, buildings, trees and
city furniture are valuable accessories. The Vissim installation already includes a number of static 3D
models. Furthermore other models can be directly imported in Vissim using one of the following data
formats: 3DS, DWF or SKP (DWF and SKP only for the 32-Bit edition of Vissim). 1. Select the Static
3D Models insert mode 2. Add static model (here: HEADQUARTERS.V3D) 3. Place model using the
mouse: - Rotate = ALT + Drag - Move in x/y direction = Drag - Move in z direction = ALT + Right-drag
- Change size = SHIFT + Right-drag 13.2 Animation Recording Records vehicle and pedestrian
movements based on the Vissim network (or part thereof) for a replay with faster speed PTV AG Page

52 Presentation Definition 1. PRESENTATION - ANIMATION RECORDINGS The Animation

Recordings list opens 2. Add new recording: - End time = 100 s - Define Filename Instead of
recording the entire Vissim network, it is possible to record only parts thereof using Sections. For
every animation recording one or more sections may be defined. If no section is defined, the entire
network is recorded Recording 1. Activate PRESENTATION - RECORD ANIMATIONS 2. Start the
simulation all active animation recordings are recorded Replay 1. Right-click the standard toolbar and
tick ANIMATION The animation toolbar appears 2. In the animation toolbar, click CONTINUOUS The
File Open dialog box appears 3. Choose file to replay The animation starts 4. Control the animation
using the buttons of the animation toolbar. Even reverse play is possible AVI-Video Recording Best
choice for a presentation of vehicle and pedestrian movements independently of a Vissim installation
is an AVI-Video. The video can be played with all standard players (for example Windows Media
Player or VLC) or with Microsoft PowerPoint Camera Positions Camera positions are stored 3D views
that can be selected both during edit or simulation mode in order to show a specific portion of the
network. In addition, they are needed for keyframes. Camera positions are defined and selected
through the network editor toolbar: 2015 PTV AG Page 52

53 Presentation Create new camera position: 1. In 3D mode, navigate to a viewing position that
shows the junction Tullastr from the South-West. 2. Type the name Tullastr in the camera position box
and confirm with ENTER. Exercise 9: Insert camera position PTV Headquarters 3D View should point
westward. Ensure that junction Stumpfstr. is visible also Keyframes Element of a storyboard: Camera
positions arranged by simulation start time with a dwell time and a transition time to the subsequent
keyframe Storyboards A Storyboard is a keyframe sequence for recording of an AVI-Video. Important
attributes: Resolution of the video = 1280 x 720 Pixel Framerate = 25 fps (fps = frames per second).
Values below 25 lead to a visible jerking of the video. The resulting Real time factor depends on the
Framerate and the Simulation resolution (SIMULATION - PARAMETERS ). 1. PRESENTATION -
STORYBOARDS The Storyboards / Keyframes list opens 2. Add new storyboard 3. Add new
keyframe to the secondary list: - Start time = Dwell time = Camera position = Tullastr 4. Add another
keyframe: - Start time = Dwell time = Camera position = PTV Headquarters 3D 5. Show preview:
Storyboard shortcut menu PREVIEW WITH AVI SPEED Compile the Storybook A major part of
creating an AVI-video is the compilation and temporal arrangement of keyframes. This is the
recommended procedure for this task: 1. Define the overall goal of the video (see also section Hints
for Recording AVI- Video ) 2. Define the camera positions (see section ) 3. Create the storyboard (see
section ) 4. Create the keyframes with camera positions in the desired sequence (see section ) 5. Run
an animation recording for the entire duration of the video (see sections and ) 2015 PTV AG Page 53

54 Presentation 6. Fine-tune the start and dwell times of keyframes while running the animation.
Therefore, start the animation run with single step (see section ), and then in the storyboard list start
the PREVIEW WITH SIMULATION SPEED. Make sure that the network editor windows has focus in
order to control the animation. Keyframe times and camera positions can be modified even during an
animation or simulation run. The preview window is updated in the following time step accordingly. 7.
After completion of the storybook, record the AVI-video Exercise 10: Fine-tuning by adapting the
keyframes Adapt the keyframe timings so that the camera pans with the first two vehicles that drive
from East to West. The vehicles need to be visible at all times Recording an AVI-Video 1. Select video
compression: EDIT - USER PREFERENCES - Graphics - COMPRESSION. Recommended codec:
x264 ( 2. Storyboard: - Type the desired filename (HEADQUARTERS 13.AVI) - Tick Record AVI 3.
Tick PRESENTATION - RECORD AVIS 4. Start the simulation As soon as the start time of the first
keyframe of any of the active storyboards is reached, the preview window is displayed and the AVI
recording starts Hints for Recording AVI-Videos Besides the necessary settings in Vissim, the
dramaturgic point of view should not be neglected in order to produce a convincing video. Storybook
What is the key message of the video? Work towards it. What audience is watching that video?
Technical/general public? Abstract thinking? Choose contents and detail level of 3D visualization
accordingly. Less is more: Concentrate on the hot spots Stay objective, don t manipulate (see also
Variation of field of view ) Golden thread: Encourage your audience to follow the presentation: - point
out the relations between the scenes - provide clear and traceable transitions between different topics
Keyframe Definition Keep in mind that the video generally runs faster than the simulation Smooth
transitions or cuts? Variation of field of view. Note: - Wide angle (fov > 55 degrees): looks spacious -
more generous - Telephoto (fov < 20 degrees): looks focused and condensed - more dramatic Too
many fast camera pans may cause dizziness in the audience 2015 PTV AG Page 54

55 Conclusion and Outlook Conclusion and Outlook Congratulations! You ve now successfully
completed the Vissim Basic course. Feedback As a small request we kindly ask you to provide us with
your feedback upon this training course. It will only take a few minutes. For your convenience we ve
prepared a web form that you find here: Your rating and comments are highly appreciated and act as
a valuable input for the ongoing process of further improving our trainings. Thank you very much.
Discover more about PTV Vissim YouTube: Gain visual experience of PTV Vissim Blog: Read all
insights on transportation planning topics Webinars: Register online or browse the archive of past
webinars Newsletter: Put your name on our ing list to receive our quarterly news Events: Meet us face
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online Click on one of the illustrations above to open directly the corresponding website in your web
browser PTV AG Page 55

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