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Communication: Pairwork Unit 8

1 Read each of the situations. In pairs, choose a role and role play each situation. Use the Useful language
below to help you.

You: You forgot your friend’s birthday. You didn’t buy a present or a card and you even forgot to say ‘Happy
Birthday’. Apologize to your friend.
Friend: Accept the apology.
You: Suggest something you could do together.

Mum: Your son / daughter forgot to phone to tell you he / she was going to be late home. Ask why.
You: You had extra sports practice. You couldn’t phone. Apologize to your mum.
Mum: Accept the apology but explain why it’s important he / she calls you.

You: You needed to write some questions to prepare for a school quiz which is tomorrow, but you haven’t
done it.
Friend: Ask what the problem is.
You: Apologize to your friend. You were ill.
Friend: Offer to help now.

You: You forgot to do your homework. Everyone in your class has given it to the teacher. Apologize to
the teacher.
Teacher: Ask why.
You: You forgot but you will hand it in tomorrow.

You: You are meeting your friend at the cinema and you are going to be late. Call her to explain and apologize.
Friend: Accept but ask how long he / she will be.
You: Apologize again and say about ten minutes.

Mum/Dad: Ask about a low mark in a test. You are disappointed and you know your son / daughter didn’t
study enough.
You: You know you didn’t study for it. Apologize to your parents.
Mum/Dad: Ask how he / she will make it better.

2 In pairs, choose one situation. Practise your dialogue and present it to the

3 What would you do in each situation? Discuss with your partner.

1 If I forgot my friend’s birthday, I would …
2 If I had extra clubs after school, I would …
3 If I forgot to do my homework or prepare for something, I would …
4 If I was late, I would …
5 If I got a low mark in a test, I would …

Useful language
I apologize for … That’s all right.
I’m really / so sorry (about) … Never mind.
Sorry, it was all my fault. Don’t worry about it.
I’ll do better next time.
It won’t happen again.
Next time I’ll remember to …

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