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Magic Soup an adventure for level 1 players

Guildmaster Tashloe, head of the DeepHollow guild, made a boo-boo...... he recently tried an
experiment with elemental binding in an effort to give life to a suit of armor. Things didn't go exactly as
planned however as his binding circle was not complete. Instead of binding the elemental to the armor he
combined it with his familiar, the result was a Fire Element Leopard. The poor creature, frightened out of
its mind, fled straight through the window.
Since then Tashloe has been frantically searching for his familiar, which no longer seems
connected to him, and searching for a cure to it's fiery condition. He believes he may have found the answer
in one of his older tomes of magic. A ritual of transformation allowing creatures to be given elemental
properties. By reversing this ritual he hopes to solve the problem.
He still needs several ingredients however, The tail of a Dire Rat, a 3 Pixie Mushrooms, a
scorched lizard, and the Hand of a Ghoul (not to mention the afflicted familiar). Finding these things will of
course be a royal pain in the arse so in order to speed things along he has created a magic artifact that will
find them for him. This object, an old pocketwatch, points in the directions of the closest of the objects by
means of the minute hand. The hour hand points out the Familiar and the second hand points the way back
to the guild.
Tashloe isn't as young as he used to be, and he cannot hope to track down the familiar. He needs
Option A. The players visit the Mages Guild in DeepHollow for whatever reason. When they do Tashloe
seizes the opportunity to offer them a job.

Inside the guild you see all manner of magical ingredients, and scrolls by the dozens line the
walls. Books are everywhere in stacks great and small. The center of the room is a painted summoning
circle. You also notice a smell of burnt wood and see a burnt trail leading from the circle to the back
window, which is shattered. Sitting behind a desk buried in a great tome, is an old man in dirty grey-blue
robes. He sees you and his eyes light up, and a smile tugs at the corner of his lips.
"Hello my young friends, You look the type to be willing to do something dangerous for a little
coin. How would you like to help an old man out, hmmm? I can make it worth your while."

Option B. The players hear from a tavern dweller about how a "Flaming Cat burst through the window of
the Mages' Guild last week. and that Old Tashloe is offering a reward if someone can help him.

Option C. The players are in the forest and The Firecat rushes by, pursued by a screaming old man
(Tashloe) he then askes for their help.

You are on a forest path when you suddenly hear a rustling behind you and smell smoke. A tree
bursts into flame. and the underbrush quickly catches fire as well. To your surprise a fireball bursts free
of the flames and flys right at you. It lands about five feet away and you see that it is not just a fireball,
but a flaming wild cat larger then you. Every inch of the creature is ablaze and instead of flesh its body
appears to be made of liquid brass. The Heat is intense and where it stands the underbrush catches fire.
"WAIT STOP!" someone yells. The firecat crouches as though frightened and quickly dashes
away, flames in its wake. Then the flames quell in a great puff of smoke. Someone is coughing from
inside the great smoke cloud and out steps an old man in dirty blue-grey robes, still coughing.
"CUFF! Sorry CUFF about that CUFFCUFF. Your not hurt are you my young friends
If the players ask about the Firecat or show an interest in the job.

"My name is Tashloe Whitebutton, Im the Master of the Mages' Guild in DeepHollow. And
about a week ago I made a terrible mistake. In an experiment gone awry I turned my gentle cat into a
fiery monstrousity. Since then I've been searching for the creature as well as a way to cure her. I've
found the cure, however I still need several hard to find ingredients and of course the Firecat.
If you find the ingredients, and bring me the cat alive. I can change her back and for your
trouble I will pay you handsomely in coin or goods whichever you prefer, I'll even advance you some
money for helping me.

If the players agree he hands them, a metal chain and some gloves, 50gold apiece and also the list
of ingredients he needs as well as the magic watch; explaining its use. Upon their successful return he
promises 100 more gold and a magic potion of Cure Light Wounds each. If they attempt to haggle for more
he will give up to 75gold in advance and on success, 150gold and 3 potions of cure light wounds to each
player; with a successful Diplomacy check DC 20.

This adventure is divided into five parts, one for each of the four ingredients and the last for the
Firecat encounter. There is also two optional encouters if the players are doing well and need a little more
challenge. The first optional encounter should be run in the forest. Typically between the second and third
ingredients. However it can be run at any time, as with the Firecat encounter. The second should only be
run if the players return to town to rest for the evening.
The players are not required to finish this mission all at once. They may have to return to town on
multiple occasions to heal and resupply based on need. The Watch will guide them nonetheless. However if
two weeks go by the cat is killed by a random adventurer and there is no reward.

The Firecat Encounter can be run whenever, However should typically be run between the fourth
and fifth ingredients. When the players are in the forest read.

The Hour hand has been steadily moving in generally the same direction you've been heading.
Suddnenly it starts spinning wildly in circles. You smell smoke and look up, In a tree above you is the
Firecat. The branches around it are catching fire as it sits ready to pounce. Then it strikes.

The Firecat begins combat by Pouncing and then attempts to fight the weakest looking player.
Capturing the Firecat is part of the requirement to complete the mission. And about the only way to bring
the creature back is to knock it unconscious and drag it with the metal chain and gloves. Luckily, after the
creature is unconscious the flames surronding its body subside. Though its body remains quite warm to the

-MONSTERS- The Firecat EL 2

Firecat: Fire Element Leopard; CR 2; N Medium Elemental (augmented animal)(fire)
Senses: Dark 60 ft, Low-light vision, Scent, Listen +6, Spot +6
HD: 3d8+6 (19hp); Immune: Elemental, Fire; Weaknesses: Cold; Init: +4; Spd: 40ft, climb 20ft;
AC: 15 (+4 Dex, +1 nat), Saves Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +2
AT: Bite +6 (1d6+3 and burn), Full Attack: Bite and 2 Claws +1 (1d3+1 and burn);
Base At: +2; Grp: (Bite) Improved Grab +5
Special Abilites: Burn (DC10 1d6 dmg 1d4 rounds), Pounce, Rake +6 (1d3+1)
STR 16 DEX 19 CON 15 INT 2 WIS 12 CHA 6
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse
Skills: Balance +12, Climb +11, Hide +8, Jump +11, Move Silently +8
Possessions: none
Elemental- Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stun, and critical hits.

The Dire Rat is actually in the town of DeepHollow, Located behind the Roughneck's Holiday in a
pile of refuse from the tavern. Finding it is quite easy. The Watch leads the players right near the pile
before it starts spinning. When someone disturbs the pile the creature attempts to run away. It quickly darts
for the forest. The players get only one shot apiece with a ranged weapon or an attack of oppurnity if they
have a weapon drawn.

As you search the pile suddenly you see a flash of fur and fangs. You've stumbled upon the
hiding place of a Dire Rat and its attempting to run awa

-MONSTERS- A Dire Rat EL 1/3

Dire Rat: Dire Rat; CR 1/3; N Small Animal
Senses: Low-light vision, Scent, Listen +4, Spot +4
HD: 1d8+1(5hp) ; Init: +3; Spd: 40ft, climb 20ft; AC: 15(+1size, +3dex, +1nat),
Saves Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3
AT: Bite +4 (1d4 and disease), Base At: +0; Grp: -4
Special Abilites: Disease (Filth Fever Bite DC11 1d3days 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con)
STR 10 DEX 17 CON 12 INT 1 WIS 12 CHA 4
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse
Skills: Climb +11, Hide +8, Move Sillently +4, Swim +11
Possessions: none


Not far from the town is a common Tree Lizard. Finding it is the hardest part, It is hidden in a pile
of leaves at the foot of and old crooked tree. When the players get nearby the watch goes crazy. Finding the
tiny creature requires a successful search (DC 25)

The watch's minute hand begins spinning wildly. Looking around you see a nothing but trees
Once found the creature attempts to dart away but is easily caught.


The Pixie Shrooms are about three or four miles from the town. Currently three pixies are having a
problem. A Dire Toad is sitting near their Faerie Circle, and apparently it has a taste for faeries. It has just
eaten one of the creatures and the remaining three are trying desperately to find away to drive the creature
The watch's minute hand has begun to swing crazily. Suddenly you hear a buzzing sound up
ahead and three colored lights come whizzing up. "Please Please help us travelers!That FaeireEater just
ate our friend! We need to get home! His majesty will be angry! Please Please! The tiny faeries spin
around you two or three times then fly off in the direction the watch was pointing.

The Faerie Eater isn't looking for a fight, if struck a couple of times it attempts to flee. If pursued
it will fight to the death. If the players win the fight. The fearies quickly dive into the center of the
toadstools and disappear in a wink. It attempts to eat the faeries with its tongue however.
The Faeries will attack the players as well if they are attacked. If not helped, The Eater eats all but
one of the Faeries which flees screaming angry expletives.

Up ahead you see a small clearing, the "FaerieEater" sits in the center of a circle of toadstools
about fifteen feet wide. Apparently the FaerieEater is a great grey toad. Almost as large as a human that
is crouched down. The grey abphibian has a number of small bony horns. The faeries are buzzing
around it wildly and you watch as the Toad's tongue shoots out of its mouth and attempts to capture the
tiny fey.

-MONSTERS- Faerie Eater EL 1 (due to the fact that the Toad ignores the players EL 3 if

Faerielight Pixies: Petal; CR 1; N Tiny Fey

Senses: Low-light Vision, Listen +4, Spot +4
HD: 1d6+2 (5hp) ; Resis: DR 5/cold iron; Init: +9; Spd: 15ft. fly 60ft(good); AC: 17 (+2size,+5dex),
Saves Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +2
AT: Pixie Lance +7 (1d4-4), Base At: +0; Grp: -12
Special Abilites: Songs(Lullaby DC 14, Sleep DC 14), STR 3 DEX 20 CON 15 INT 15 WIS 10 CHA 18
Feats: Improved Iniative, Weapon Finesse
Skills: Profession(dream picking) +6, Escape Artist +9, Hide +17, Knowledge(Faerie World) +6,
Move Silently +9, Tumble+9
Possessions: Gear, ruby dust worth 250gp

Fearie Eater: Dire Toad; CR 3; N medium animal

Senses: Low-light vision, Listen +7, Spot +11
HD: 4d8+8 (26hp); Init:+2; Spd: 30ft; AC: 15 (+2 Dex, +3 nat), Saves Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6
AT: Bite +5 (1d4 & poison), Tongue +5 (Grapple +3) Base At: +3; Grp: Improved Grab +3
Special Abilites: Poison (1d6 Cons), Swallow Whole (Grp +3, 1d4acid, AC13, 10hp)
STR 10 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 2 WIS 15 CHA 7
Feats: Weapon Finesse
Skills: Hide +12, Jump+11
Possessions: none


The ghoul is located deep in the forest almost half a days journey from town. Near a small pond. It
has just killed a goat that came to the pond for a drink and is enjoying the meal.

The watch has brought you deep into the forest, you notice the birds have stopped making
noise. Then the minute hand starts spinning wildly. Up ahead you hear a sound like twigs snapping. As
you creep closer you see a pool of water. Near the edge is a thin man, covered in wet water plants,
stooped next to the carcass of a goat. as you watch it kneels down and bites the carcass's chest tearing
great chunks of flesh free and slurping loudly.

The players have a chance to sneak up on this ghoul (DC 5), If they fail It turns on them and then
dives in the water. When they get close to the edge it attacks. Otherwise it just attacks as normal. If it
paralyses anyone it attempts to drag to body into the water and drown them.

-MONSTERS- Lacedon (Aquatic Ghoul) EL1

Lacedon: Aquatic Ghoul; CR 1, CE Medium Undead
Senses: Dark 60ft, Listen +2, Spot +7
HD: 2d12 (13hp) ; Immune: Undead; Resis: +2 Turn; Init: +2; Spd: 30ft, Swim 30ft;
AC: 14 (+2 dex, +2 nat), Saves Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +5
AT: Bite +2 (1d6+1 & disease/para) Full Attack: Bite & 2 Claws +0 (1d3 & para); Base At: +1; Grp: +2
Special Abilites: Ghoul Fever (Fort 12 1 day/ 1d3 cons & 1d3 dex), Paralysis (DC12 1d4+1 rounds)
STR 13 DEX 15 CON - INT 13 WIS 14 CHA 12
Feats: Multiattack
Skills: Balance +6, Climb+5, Hide +6, Jump +5, Move Silently +6
Possessions: none
Undead- Immune to Mind affects, Poison, Sleep, Para, Stun, Death Effects, Critical Hits, Non-Lethal,
Ability Damage, Energy Drain
This encounter begins when the players are in the forest, looking for one of the ingredients. The
Spider is normal in every aspect from the statistics in the Monster Manual. It is a Hunting Spider and
simply rushes to attack the smallest prey among the group and attempts to poison it. It will not retreat.

You hear a soft thud from behind you. And a rustling of leaves on the forest floor. turning
quickly you see a monstrous wolf spider, as big as you, rushing towards you.

-MONSTERS- A medium monstrous spider EL 1

Wolf Spider: Monsterous Spider(hunter); CR 1; N medium vermin
Senses: Dark 60ft., Tremorsense 60ft. Listen +0, Spot +8
HD: 2d8+2 (11hp); Immune: vs. mind affects; Init: +3; Spd: 40ft.;
AC: 14 (+1 natural, +3 Dex), Saves Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0
AT: Bite+4 (1d6 plus poison) Base At: +1;Grp: +5
Special Abilites: Poison (Fort DC 12 1d4 STR), Web (Esp Art 12, Break 16, HP 6)
STR 11 DEX 17 CON 12 INT- WIS 10 CHA 2
Feats: Weapon Finesse
Skills: Climb +11, Jump +10, Hide +7
Possessions: none

This encouter gives the players a little hiccup in their plans to rest for the evening. Juck the
changling was going to accept Tashloe's quest. However the players got there first. Not one to share, He
decides to trick the players into giving him the watch and any items they have already collected. His ability
change his appearence will serve him well in his endeaver. He hatches a plan to become Tashloe and come
to the players saying that he has managed to capture the cat already (If the players haven't already) and
finished collecting the items for the spell.

To your surprise you see Old Tashloe walking down the street towards you. "Good Day masters.
I have good news! I managed to find the remainder of the ingredients myself (and also captured the
Cat). So thankyou very much for your help, Ill take my watch back and the ingredients you collected, if
you stop by the shop later this afternoon I'll give you your reward."
He holds out his left gloved hand and his red silk cape blows in the wind.

If the players suspect something they may roll a Sense Motive check against his Bluff, or
Disguise. Success reveals that Tashloes voice is different and so are his clothes. If discovered, Juck turns
angry and attempts to snatch the watch. Then flees down the street, When he turns a corner he releases his
cape and changes forms to appear as an old lady and quickly pulls his hood up. Same if he manages to
trick the players.
If Juck manages to get away with his trick, He can be found in the Roughnecks Holiday, disguised
as a rough Half-Orc. attempting to make heads or tails of the Watch. If the players go back to Tashloe is of
course has no idea what they are talking about and becomes very agitated that they were so easily tricked.
Then he divines that the watch is still in the town, not far west of the guildhouse.
If at anytime Juck is attacked he fights back.

-MONSTERS- Juck the Changling EL 1 (statistics next page)

Juck: CR 1
CN Medium-Size Male Humanoid(shapechanger)
Rogue 1
Init: +6 , Senses: Listen +4, Spot +4
Languages: Common, Elven, Orc

HD: 1d6+1 (7hp)

Resis: +2 vs. sleep, charm
AC: 15 (+2 Dex, +3 Mwk Studded Leather)
Spd: 30ft.
Sv: Fort: +1 Reflex: +4 Will: +0
Melee: Mwk Short Sword +2 (1d6+1)
Ranged: Mwk Hand Crossbow +3 range 30ft (1d4)
Face/Reach: 5/5 Base At: +0 , Grp: +1
Attack Options: Sneak Attack +1d6
Special Options: Minor Change Shape (Su), Trapfinding
Combat Gear: Gear, Potion of Cure Light Wounds
Abilites: STR 12 DEX 15 CON 13 INT 14 WIS 10 CHA 8
Feats: Improved Initiative
Skills: Balance +6, Bluff +5, Disguise +13(using change shape), Gather Info +3, Intimidate +5,
Open Lock +6, Sense Motive +2, Sleight of Hand +6
Possessions: Combat Gear, plus 50gold


If the players succeed at every mission in time to save the creature, Tashloe is happy to reward
them for all their hard work. And he holds up his end of the bargain. If the players would like to watch him
turn his pet back they are welcome too.
The players recieve a 300xp experience bonus for completing this mission.

The Firecat paces the circle, angry but unable to escape its magic prison. Tashloe stands in
front of a great black cauldren chanting soft words over and over he tosses various ingredients into the
pot, including powdered versions of the ingredients you collected. As he adds the ingredients, he reads
from and ancient tome on a pedestal to his left, Light begans to glow inside the circle and grows in
intesity. Tashloe chants louder now and casts a spell, energy flys from his fingers to the circle. and
There is an explosion of light.
When it fades you see that the Firecat is no more. In its place is common Rooster, It bobs its
head and pecks the ground. Then it flaps its wings and lets out a cry "MEOOOWWWW".
Tashloe coughs in "Ahem, well... Not exactly perfect but close enough I guess. Once again the
Great Tashsloe is successful. Thank you for all your help."

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