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Lecture Date: 8th January 2020

First Lecture

Introduced Course Operational Procedures

• Discussed Ground Rules for Course; Grading Scheme; Homework Assignments; Exam dates.
• Discussed Course Web Site Location and Access
• Discussed course policy regarding academic misconduct; as result of past violations new course policy will
not permanently return graded material. Similarly, no detailed solutions to homework assignments
or exams will be provided; rather qualitative summaries of solution procedures will be posted.
• Summaries of Lectures will be posted weekly.

Introduction to Mass Transport

Text book sections recommended: Momentum Basics Chapters 2,3,&5

Energy Basics Chapter 17
Mass Transport Chapters 6-12

Lecture discussed analogy of “transport laws” between momentum & energy.

Momentum Transport Law: Known as “Newton’s Law of Viscosity”.

states Momentum Flux (or Shear Stress), t , is proportional to an applied velocity gradient, where the
proportionality constant is the absolute viscosity, µ.

Vx (y) 𝜏"# = − 𝜇  relates a momentum flux to a
velocity gradient. Definitions of
subscript nomenclature were
provided in class.
Dimensions (Length L, Mass M, Time t) for each variable in the equation
were provided in class. Physical values of µ were given in class for water
and air as a function of temperature. µ was plotted as t versus dV/dy for
both Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids. Physical examples (e.g.,
peanut butter) of each type fluid were provided in class.

Energy Transport Law: Known as “Fourier’s Law of Conduction”.

states Heat Flux, qy , is proportional to an applied temperature gradient, where the proportionality
constant is the thermal conductivity, k.
𝑞" = − 𝑘 ‚
Dimensions (Length L, Mass M, Time t) for each variable in the equation were provided in class. Physical
values of k were given in class.

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So to summarize and draw an analogy..

µ = momentum flux / velocity gradient

k = heat flux / temperature gradient

So should we expect a similar relationship and a similar physical parameter for mass transport as we got in
momentum and energy ???

That parameter is defined as Di j = diffusivity (or diffusion coefficient) of species i in species j.

What just happened ?? Why do we need subscripts to define a physical parameter; we did not in the case
of µ or k ????

Now that we are dealing with mixtures not ideal single fluids, need
to account for the relative kinetic energies of each component in
the mixture, which defines their relative velocities to each other
and the overall mixture. Necessitates the creation of various
velocity terms and establishment of either a Lagrangian versus a
Eulerian reference coordinate system. Various definitions
provided in PDF file handouts posted on-line.

With these definitions several forms of Mass Transport Laws (know as FICK’s LAW) are possible and all are

so, Fick’s Law states for a binary system .. Species A diffuses (moves relative to the motion of the mixture)
in a direction of decreasing concentration of A and the FLUX of species A per unit area is proportional to the
concentration gradient of A. Fluxes and concentrations can be expressed in either MASS or MOLAR units.

So, one form of Fick’s law that “looks” analogous to Eq.  and ‚ is..

molar flux 𝐽/Ø = −𝒄 𝐷/2 ∇𝑋/ 𝑜𝑟 − 𝐷/2 ∇𝐶/ ƒ

So, depending on the definition of concentrations, velocities, and coordinate system there are essentially 8
variations of Fick’s law, provided in a PDF posted on the web site.

Next, we discussed various concepts and names of diffusivities.

First, we considered multi-component systems and the structure of the “Stefan-Maxwell Equations” Page
352-355 Truskey. Then gave an example of how complex it is to deal with multi-component systems, which
led to simplifying approach of always assuming a “BINARY SYSTEM”.

Then gave examples/definitions of “special” case diffusivities: mutual diffusivity, self-diffusion, tracer
diffusivity, and the reasoning behind the assumption of “dilute systems”.

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