Goole Analytics IQ Guide

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•This course of two sessions covers Analytics Academy's

"Digital Analytics Fundamentals" and "Platform Principles"
scope to prepare for Google Analytics IQ exam.

•Digital Analytics Fundamentals is designed for beginner to

intermediate users of Google Analytics who are looking for a
comprehensive introduction to digital analytics.

•These sessions will help you learn about key concepts and
tools to become a better practitioner of Digital Analytics and
Google Analytics, in particular.

Why earn an individual qualification?

Well, here is what Google says:
•The Google Analytics Individual Qualification (IQ) is a
demonstration of proficiency in Google Analytics that is
available to any individual who has passed the Google
Analytics IQ exam.

•While Google Analytics is easy to use for beginners, it's

also a very powerful tool in the hands of knowledgeable
users. Qualified users will be effective at leveraging
Google Analytics within their organizations and at
helping others to do the same.
How much does this cost?
•The good news is, you no longer need to
purchase the Google Analytics IQ exam.
•The Google Analytics IQ exam has moved to, where it is available free
of charge.

•Google Analytics IQ study guide

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