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Unknown Speaker

First question is, how is the work organised in your organisation? And what are
the important work that you notice that's happening in our institute in the
institution as well as what is the work that you do in the institution? Just a
brief on that?

Unknown Speaker
Okay, well, like in our college, I like to be having various departments and
various walks happening on campuses like administration, and education are kind of
like we haven't had placement officer, Assistant, and mean, myself as a placement.
group of students as placement volunteers, this is how we work. This is the
hierarchy level. department is headed by a Polish principal. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker
Okay. Thank you for that. Next awareness. So, how is like how would you classify
the work? Like, is it? Is it? Are you happy with the work that you're doing? Or is
there any problems that you see in the current system? Like, how is the current
system working, in the sense that is there some where we could improve,

Unknown Speaker
you're like, I'm happy in the current system. And it gives me more satisfaction.
Next student gets placed, I get my seniors, my superior and my colleagues, and
they're very friendly, and they get all freedom to work with. I don't find myself
problems. Anytime.

Unknown Speaker
It's not a good, it's not a good HR kind of way. But then is there anything that
that is affecting the placements as maybe you could employ in the near future?
Like, maybe I could give you an example as in, like, if the preparation of students
improves, or a few are able to get more companies on board? Like how can we? Like,
I'm just giving you an example like, how can you maybe, uh, how can as an
institution, we can improve on

Unknown Speaker
that? Yeah, well, when it comes for the improvement of our placement, we are
focusing more on now. Taken yesterday, from the second year, we started focusing on
the students to improve the company's expectations, like companies. Like upgraded
to programming coding, computer oriented, they're expecting more oriented skills
from the students. So from computer and electronics students, and students started
to gain technical training in the area of computer and students. The occupy area
holding companies right now.

Unknown Speaker
let alone my work a lot. Because I used to mingle with students, lot of students
and the anger generation, and I used to get a lot of knowledge from them too. And
my superiors given me a lot of freedom to work on my style to see that music
platform me to put my creativity or my knowledge into that and that helps for the
benefits of placements and for the students development. Okay, and I don't find
much problems and that basically, I'm very happy to be in this organisation.

Unknown Speaker
Okay, so the next question is, who is the main decision maker in the system like,
and how is he dividing the work amongst or like, how is the work divided amongst

Unknown Speaker
Okay, Celica our code of instruction principle is audition we go on, we used to
like he used to give us the instructions that happens in the placements. And as a
part of my job, I take care of internal, like internal come coordination
communication for students. And our placement officer used to take care of
communicating communication in companies HS. And like I used to arrange all the
case back to this happening incident, I used to have a contact with students
volunteer time to bring their students in other wanting to work. So, this is a high
level we used to follow.

Unknown Speaker
Okay. Again, next question is, is the is late class coordination, coordination
mechanisms that you're doing? Like your What can I say there? Is there any
community like how is the communication happening between all the members of the
organisation like in the placements? And like asking? Yeah, can you just give me an
idea on how the outside our company could approach late and how the, how the
process works, basically. Okay.

Unknown Speaker
Okay, okay. My next one is how do you like you told me that you have a bunch of
four days until you so how do you drain them? And how do you divide the task to
these warranties? particularly how do they do they work?

Unknown Speaker
Well, like we used to recruit volunteers along during the time of the second year,
second academic year of their course, and used to conduct interviews. Submit First,
we used to ask them to submit a volunteer application we're interested and after
after submitting news to shortlist from the application form and we call for the
interview, like based on the interviews, performance and their personal interest is
to select people unwilling to them another trial run for six months, at least with
the help of senior volunteers, and they get some knowledge from there. We used to
like me, me myself and our placement officer used to observe placement volunteers
who are on trial run and if they are satisfied that performs with their
performance, we used to select them in the third year. And by the way, I used to
attend you this purely based on the students interested in some are going to say
coordinating things some are good in hospitality and among most keeping and like
based on their interest and their capacity which I used to be in a job. But if one
way or like if one day repeating the link comm students will be shuffled into
different things during the time of payments. We used to do this when it comes for
the registration all are given equal importance and paired up in response everyone
is seen to based on their interest and all we used to send you designs when it
comes to registration. I like the work will be nice to all the volunteers they
taking care of the interest in decision and when it comes to the final year. They
are the main backbone of jazz and they are the main coverage they act within the
act as a bridge between ganglion, their class to what other communications past is
funded through the volunteers to the big smart, reacting, responding to whatever
the message is happening. Since we have a very good team of volunteers. Every
company used to come and appreciate them in good old induces volunteer team.

Unknown Speaker
Okay, so next question is, do you, your colleagues and subordinates or the students
that you are the the students that you interact with? Do they tell you about their
problems while being a placement coordinator? Or have you seen some of the
problems? Like what are the things that you notice that these people face? And by
doing their jobs, or task?

Unknown Speaker
Yeah, like, with my experience, I have seen some of the students come and use to
share the problems, even if they are not interested, little comment, or frankly,
tell me like, ma'am, we don't want to work in this. So I'll be shifting the
annuities what they can I don't find much problem with the students. Very few, very
few has told me but everyone, majority of the students are very happy with what
they are.
Unknown Speaker
Okay, okay. So, as the students are the like, the main job is to get the students
pleased. Do you think that the like, do you think the board games are really
efficient doing the work? And can you just state some of the facts or something
like that, like, Can you just tell us about the past performance of the Liga like
in percentage wise terms or something like that, like the performance of our cell?

Unknown Speaker
As I said, you'll be used to conduct interviews for selection process after one in
this, okay, we like, first thing, we select the students who are more friendly with
their classmates, with a lot of friends in their class, he or she should be very
open minded to the classmates and they should not have any quarrels or something
like that, or any party, among them to give more importance to students who are
more friendly with their classmates and departments and all the who's so smart, and
talking and communicating. That's a mean, long selection process. That helps us to
And meanwhile, self selecting the volunteers, we used to tell them, it's in service
likely to service for their classmates to they are not working for placements, but
they are doing they are giving their service. So when I say in few departments,
like few departments, students are smart. And volunteers are very smart. And they
used to come in, if any positive some companies are not visiting, they'll give me
the list of the companies who are visiting our campuses or they'll ask us to never
come to the company, the summary company, and like some, sometimes some of the
students may get to say they will lose their attitude after sitting meditation and
non greeting face. And so they will try to boost the wall, like students were not
placed and they'll help the students to get placed on exactly 80 to 7070 to 80% of
student use took

Unknown Speaker
like, during normal days, we used to work on our college timings. But during the
time of placements, and the day before the placements or the day after the
placement of the day of placement. We used to work like accordingly to the
company's requirement of in some companies to come early morning and last to stay
back in the late night. So We have fluctuated we fluctuate our timings like
according to the company's interest and their preference, we give more importance
to their companies to friends about the time itself. So there is no timing time
limits as Amina placement coordinator,

Unknown Speaker
ask students to bring lots of companies contact details like to volunteers and
their true classmates we had like many parents or brothers or sisters or some of
your friends might be working in different companies and have different hierarchy
to through them, we asked us those students to bring their contact details like who
or which company are recruiting. So, we are planning to have an detailed talk with
a high chance through them they reference so by means we are trying to eliminate
also we have time for eliminate make these two and through focusing to bring more
companies to our campus.

Unknown Speaker
You. Me both basically my questions are all our own. Thank you, ma'am. That's it.

Unknown Speaker
Thank you. Good, nice to walk into you.

Unknown Speaker
Okay, okay, so you guys are early improvement is happening. So, so again, back to
your work, ma'am? What do you think is the like, what do you enjoy most about the
work that you do? And what do you think is kind of not that beneficial? Or do you
think can be improved in your work?

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
Like being announced, record being here. Now, what is the government aided college
and it's built in 1961. Like startups in 1965, we have lot of nice looking all over
our country, sorry, all over the world. And they are in good position. The one way
which we use to get to companies is through our own eyes. Like we used to conduct
regular aluminium meats and from the elements for the placement and the families
are very happy to come and recruit our students from our campus is one method.
Second, we used to form a group of students who also good in communication and kind
of stats you're used to select. And we used to get an appointment from the company
with students to meet the haters, and explained about our college and we used to
invite them around campus and the companies. The third, the third is the companies
by themselves approve to acknowledge a sponsor. And if we find that the company is
good for our students to work with, we definitely invite them and we provide all
the festivities five moves to get complex.

Unknown Speaker
place. Okay, okay. That's in other than that, how much of like, Can you just
describe a typical workday of yours? Like, what is the timing and which days you
have to go? And he said, fixtured, or is it the actuating workers? flexible Nah,

Unknown Speaker
okay, okay. got other from ma'am. My last question is, do you think? Like how can
we better like you already said that 80% of the batches getting placed and out? And
how do you think can be improved the quality of the placements? And do you think
even during this COVID times, it's actually hard to get people pleased? How can we
improve the batches capability thereby improving the placement scenario? as a

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
actually, like

Unknown Speaker
any other plans, I'll call you in the future. Like in the sense in that

Unknown Speaker
future we

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