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Federal Urdu university Islamabad

Mid Exam / Spring 2020 (Paper Duration 24 hours)

To be filled by Teacher

Course No.: … … Course Title: international Managrment,

Total Marks:…30 ………… Date of Exam: 25/07/2020
Degree: M.COM………… Semester:…3RD EVE Section:…00……
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Obtained/
Total Marks in Words:
Name of the teacher:
Who taught the course:Signature of teacher / Examiner:

To be filled by Student

Registration No.: ……22055 Name:……Afraz Chishti

Answer the following questions.

Q.No.1. Click this link and watch the video and elaborate below questions?
As mentioned in the video How effective do you think this is in raising awareness about
working conditions in other countries? Do you think pressure from officials, the media,
and the public is the best way to prevent companies from doing business with countries
that violate international labor standards, or do you think other methods would be
more effective?
(Marks 10)

In video, it's been addressed that the Goals included such things as decreasing Child Mortality,

Promoting Gender Equality and to fight Major Diseases is that the primary precedence at the List Was

to Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger. Now, Poverty Means numerous matters in numerous

Countries due to the fact there’s Different Standards Of Living spherical the World. Regular with the

U.N the Poverty threshold is "a situation characterized through extreme deprivation of simple human

needs, inclusive of food, secure beverage, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, schooling and

knowledge. Globalization Promotes Child Labor, free trade, the world's economies and cultures have
become more interconnected and free trade has driven the growth of many developing economies. .

Free trade agreements and technological advances in transportation and communication mean goods

and services move around the world more easily than ever. International trade has also shaped new

opportunities for people to sell their products and labor in a global marketplace. As a result of

globalization, most companies compete their competitors by using cheapest sources and weakest

regulations to produce goods around the world. Some oppose globalization by outsourcing of jobs,

exploitation and oppression. . But others focus on the foreign workers themselves by demanding they

receive higher wages and more protections. The root of many arguments in opposition to globalization

is that agencies ought not to comply with the equal regulations they do in evolved nations. Some

growing nations don't have any minimal salary legal guidelines. They don't have guidelines that offer

secure operating conditions, or defend the environment. And despite the fact that almost each Banned

infant labor, the ones legal guidelines aren't usually enforced. In the absence of regulation, it's still

conceivable workers won't be extremely neglected. First, public awareness is emergent, along with

more pressure from the international community to take steps for protecting workers. For example,

the U.S. produces an annual publication called "The List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or

Forced Labor

Part ii

Awareness is the first step to improvement. In order to overcome child labor, awareness about these

following factors should be given.

 Invest in early childhood development, care, and pre-primary education programmes

 Schooling must be affordable in order to be available alternative to child labor.

 Reduced direct and indirect schooling costs

 Mitigate economic vulnerabilities associated with child labor

 Promote decent rural livelihoods includes investment in food processing, infrastructure, improve

technologies. Improving access to inputs, credit creation to families for development.

 Determination of national hazardous work lists.

Q.No.2. what responsibility do businesses have to developing economies, workers, and

the environment when they choose to pursue global strategies? Do you think

corporations like Apple, which has a well-developed global supply chain, have done

enough to manage the potential negative effects of their globalized operations?

(Marks 10)

Answer 2nd

Businesses are crucial members of society; in fact, many are also significant social

institutions. The decisions they make and the actions they take reverberate throughout

society. Society depends on businesses in their provision of jobs, investment, goods and

services produced, and development of new technologies. Thus, business has become a

profound driver of employment, investment and wealth creation within society. In addition,

business may also impact society beyond its obvious economic influence. Increasingly,

corporations are motivated to become more socially responsible because their most important

stakeholders (customers, employees, shareholders and investors, community, etc) expect

business to understand and address relevant social and community issues. Without

appropriate actions in response to these demands, stakeholders may react negatively to

business. Taking suitable actions, thus, often leads to a positive contribution to business

success. Understanding what causes are important to employees is often a priority because of

the many interrelated business benefits that can be derived from increased employee

engagement in terms of more loyalty, improved recruitment, increased retention, higher

productivity, and So on. Shareholders and investors (particularly institutional investors)

themselves, through socially responsible investing (SRI) are exerting pressure on

corporations to behave responsibly and ethically. With CSR, organizations take responsibility

for the impact of their activities on customers, employees, shareholders, communities, and the

environment in all aspects of operations. This effort extends beyond simply obeying local
laws, as organizations voluntarily take steps to improve the quality of life for employees and

their families, as well as society at large. CSR is sometimes called “corporate citizenship,”

meaning that a company should be a good neighbor to the communities that are affected by

its presence.

Part ii

Apple is committed to the highest standards of social responsibility across our worldwide

supply chain. We insist that all of our suppliers provide safe working conditions, treat

workers with dignity and respect, and use environmentally responsible manufacturing

processes. Our actions — from thorough site audits to industry-leading training programs —

demonstrate this commitment.”

Q.No.3. Is it ethical to follow host country standards when product safety laws are
stricter in a firm’s home country than in a foreign country? (Marks 10)

Answer 3rd.

The answer to this question is related to Product safety laws set certain safety standards.

Product safety laws set certain safety standards to which a product must adhere. Product

liability involves holding a firm and its officers responsible when a product causes injury,

death, or damage. Product liability can be much greater if a product does not conform to

required safety standards. Both civil and criminal product liability laws exist. Civil laws call

for payment and monetary damages. Criminal liability laws result in fines or imprisonment.

Both civil and criminal liability laws are probably more extensive in the United States than in

any other country, although many other Western nations also have comprehensive liability

laws. Liability laws are typically least extensive in less developed nations. A boom in product

liability suits and awards in the United States resulted in a dramatic increase in the cost of

liability insurance. Many business executives argue that the high costs of liability insurance

make American businesses less competitive in the global marketplace.

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