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MS LAB Week c.

Mask Simple = 5-8 L (40-60%)

d. Mask Partial Rebreather = 6-10 L
Respiratory System Skills and (60-90%)
e. Mask, Nonrebreather = 10-15 L (80-
Nursing Consideration 100%
2. High Flow
Oxygen Therapy a. Transtracheal = ¼ - 4 L/min (60-
Goal: 100%)
- Provide adequate transport of O2 in the b. Venturi = 4 – 10 L/min (24%) =
blood while decreasing the work of color coded jet adapter = BLUE 4 L,
breathing and reducing stress on the 40%, 50% à <35% 8 L GREEN
myocardium c. Mask, aerosol = 8 – 10 L/min (30-
Complications: 100%)
- Oxygen toxicity - 21% inhaled O2 (if more d. Tracheostomy collar = 8 – 10 L/min
it damages the lung lining tissues and air (30 – 100%)
sacs) e. T-piece = 8 – 10 L/min (30 – 100%)
- Coughing irritation of the large airways, f. Face Tent = 8 – 10 L/min (30 –
damage to the lung tissues may cause fluid 100%)
leakage into the air sacs, accompanied by
increasingly severe shortness of breath
- Bert's Effect - perioral and hand twitching –
- Smith's effect - pulmonary toxicity - damage
pulmonary epithelium and destroys
- Suppression of ventilation

Measures to Promote Adequate Respiratory

1. Adequate oxygen supply from the
2. Deep breathing and coughing exercises
3. Chest physiotherapy (PD, percussion,
4. Bronchial Hygiene measures:
- Steam Inhalation - for 15 to 20 minutes
- Others - Aerosol, Medimist
- Oro and Nasopharyngeal Suctioning
- Incentive Spirometry
Oxygen Therapy: Methods of Administration
1. Low Flow
a. Nasal Cannula = 1-2 L (23%-30%),
6L (42%)
b. Oropharyngeal catheter 1-6 L (23-
Tracheostomy collar – may be only opened through - Patients might be able to experience
Cricoidotomy complications like: dryness of the
- COPD patient must receive 2 – 3 L of O2
only to prevent cessation of breathing
(hypoxic drive)
- COPD – loss of functional recoil in the
lungs; have more oxygen trapped in the
- Proper positioning is always Fowler’s
position = promote good lung expansion
- Check the content of the tank. Open the
regulator (hissing sound) to remove tiny
- If hissing sound occurs during O2 therapy
Partial Rebreather mask – merong reservoir suspect kinking of the tube
wherein kapag huminga ang patient, dun pwede - Kinking – may naipit or obstruction;
pumunta ang CO2 (CO2 is a stimulant). Dito rin - Refill the container of the humidifier with
pumupunta ang oxygen, and there is possible tap (any clean) water.
mixing of carbon dioxide and oxygen to your - Possible complications include:
patient. aspiration of fluid, and possibly,
Partial Non-rebreather mask – totally isolated; big difficulty of breathing
help to prevent residual volume na mawala
- Insertion of airway catheter through the
Nursing Considerations: OXYGEN THERAPY mouth or nose into the trachea (above the
- Administer O2 in the lowest possible bifurcation of the trachea)
concentration just to relieve hypoxemia - Attach to mechanical ventilation machine
(normal O2sat = > 94%) and to deliver high pressure O2
- Neonates – too much oxygen can cause - 20 – 25 mm Hg (pressure of the cuff)
blindness - “The cuff when inflated, prevents the
- O2 supports combustion (ex. Silk, dislodging of tube”
smoking, oil base)
- Check ABG before O2 therapy (if
- Check for Allen’s test: for blood flow
- Assess signs/symptoms of hypoxia
(nailbeds, capillary refill, cyanosis, mucous
- Blanche test – 2 – 5 seconds refill
Laryngoscope – For insertion of ETT;
- Consider Endotracheal Tube (ETT)/
observation and assessment of the larynx
Tracheostomy Tube (TT) insertion if O2
Pediatrics – If epiglottitis (inflammation of
therapy will be given in a long period of
epiglottis) occurs, it is a big no no for child to
stay in the house. The child should be admitted,
because the epiglottis will be totally closed - Reposition the tube at the opposite side per 8
(especially when tongue depressor is used) hour shift (to prevent irritation to the oral
causing total obstruction of the airway. mucosa)
Nursing Considerations: Endotracheal Tube
- Done when patient is awake
Extubation (Removal of Endotracheal Tube)
- Explain procedure
- Have self-inflating bag and mask
- Why? Patients may experience
difficulty of breathing after removal.
Self-inflating bags help patients to be
adapted to transfer/modifications
• Hyperextend the patient to align passage - Suction, remove tape, deflate cuff
way for easier insertion of tube - To prevent destruction of trachea
Nursing Considerations: ENDOTRACHEAL - Give 100% O2 for a few breaths, then
TUBE: Immediately after Intubation suction
- Check symmetry of chest expansion - Have the patient inhale
- Auscultate breath sounds (5-point - At peak inspiration, remove tube
auscultation) - Sasabayan ang pagremove ng tube
- Chest x-ray – confirmed (inflate cuff) habang nageexpire
– 5 – 10 cc of air Care of Patient Following Extubation:
- Check cuff PRESSURE every 8 – 12 - Give humidified O2 by face mask, high
hours (20-25 mmHg) fowler’s position
- Monitor signs/symptoms of aspiration - Use of face mask help the patient adapt
- Oral or nasal care every 2 – 4 hours to the external environment after ETT
§ Patients may experience use
drooling - Monitor RR, quality of chest rise (stridor,
- Suction then administer oxygen color change, LOC)
- Secure the tube to the patient’s face with - NPO or give ice chips
tape and mark the proximal end for position - Oral care
- Mark will be the hint if bumababa pa - Teach coughing and breathing exercises
ang tube below the bifurcation area (if - GAG reflex – before
di na makita ang mark, baka pumunta feeding/eating/drinking
na sa left or right bronchus ang tube) - Two kinds of reflexes that remain in
- PetCO2 = 35 – 45 mmHg (continuous the patient (until the day they die):
waveform capnography) – correct ETT Cough and Gag reflex
- You can see presence of Respiratory
- Surgical insertion of hollow tube of rubber,
Care of Patient Following Intubation (that the
metal, or plastic in trachea for long-term
nurse should be continually doing)
airway support
- Reposition patient every 2 hours
- Auscultate after insertion to check if the tube
- Provide oral hygiene and suction the
is in the right place
oropharynx whenever necessary
- Positioned between the 2nd and 3rd tracheal
- After the trachea is exposed, cuffed trach
tube is inserted
- Cuff 15 – 25 mmHg (types: cuffed,
uncuffed, fenestrated)
- Obturator should always be at bedside
- Obturator – instrument that we are
using to insert in the cannula to check
the patency, obstructions.
- Clean inner cannula with sterile saline
- Use absorbable type of gauze not moist
type of gauze (moist type creates
bacterial growth) Nursing Consideration: TRACHEOSTOMY TUBE
- Inner cannula is the one that should be - Maintenance of patency
cleaned regularly (common cause of - Adequate humidification
infections) - Wound care and sterile tracheal suctioning
- Clean incision site with ½ solution of and cleaning of the materials
hydrogen peroxide (Eto yung time na nag-ingay si Lacsa)
- One to two fingers under the ties - Assess breath sounds every 2 hours to verify
- Not too loose, not too tight needs of suctioning and TURN every 2
§ Too loose = dislodge of hours
cannula - Perform oral care (toothbrush, swabs, and
§ Too tight = choking antiseptic mouthwash or hydrogen peroxide
diluted with water)
- Maintain semi-fowler’s or sitting position
whenever possible
- If accidentally removed: get retention
sutures to grasp and spread opening
Must be at Bedside:
- Extra set of trach tube
- For replacement
1 -2 Fingers should be inserted underneath - Suction machine
- Dilator clamp and obturator

Tracheostomy Care:
Disposable Inner Cannula
1. Gather supplies to the bedside, then place
client in semi-Fowler’s position, if not
contraindicated, to promote lung expansion
and oxygenation and prevent aspiration of
2. Don personal protective equipment (mask,
goggles, and clean gloves) to maintain
universal precautions. Auscultate lungs and
suction secretions if necessary
3. Remove soiled dressing and also remove 1. A male client abruptly sits up in
clean gloves bed, reports having difficulty
4. Don sterile gloves: remove old disposable breathing and has an arterial
cannula and replace with a new one. While oxygen saturation of 88%. Which
stabilizing the back plate with the mode of oxygen delivery would
nondominant hand, unlock (unclip) the old most likely reverse the
cannula with the dominant hand; remove manifestations?
gently by pulling it out in line with its a. Simple mask
curvature; pick up the new cannula, touching b. Non-rebreather mask
only the outer looking portion (to prevent c. Face tent
contamination and maintain asepsis); insert; d. Nasal cannula
and lock (clip) into place. Answer: B. Non-rebreather mask
5. Clean around stoma with sterile water or A non-rebreather mask can deliver
saline, dry, and replace sterile gauze pad to levels of the fraction of inspired oxygen
remove dried secretions, and dry around (FiO2) as high as 100%. Other mode s
stoma well to limit the growth of simple mask, face tent, and nasal cannula
microorganisms. Some tracheostomy tubes deliver lower levels of FiO2
are sutured in place and do not require a FiO2 is a fraction of the amount of oxygen
dressing. If secretions are copious, apply a a patient is inhaling produced by an
dressing. oxygen device
Interventions both used when doing ET Tube and 2. After the client had tolerated the
Tracheostomy Tube: weaning process, the physician
- Monitor patients by auscultation with the ordered the removal of the
presence of breath sounds endotracheal tube and will be
- Suctioning as much as possible to prevent shifted into a nasal cannula. Which
retained secretions that may lead to of the following findings after the
pneumonia removal requires immediate
- Always assess patient for any signs of intervention by the physician?
hypoxemia and cyanosis a. Sore throat
- Evaluate the effectiveness of Oxygenation b. Hoarseness of the voice
by checking nail beds, mucous membranes c. Coughing out blood
Questions: d. Neck discomfort
Answer: C. coughing out blood
A sign of a tracheal or esophageal
perforation which prevents oxygen from
reaching the lungs and can result in
internal bleeding. This life-threatening
side-effect of being intubated requires
immediate medical intervention. Options
A, B, and D are normal and that the client
should limit talking if this occurs.

Measures to Promote Adequate Respiratory

1. Adequate oxygen supply from the pillow firmly over the incision (splinting)
environment when coughing
2. Deep breathing and coughing exercises 4. Instruct, reinforce, and supervise deep-
3. Chest physiotherapy (PD, percussion, and breathing and coughing exercises every 2 to
vibration) 3 hours postoperatively
4. Bronchial Hygiene measures: 5. Document procedure
a. Steam Inhalation – for 15 to 20
b. Others: Aerosol (Pedia), Medimist - Done to remove bronchial secretions,
(Adult) improve ventilation, and increase efficiency
c. Oro and Nasopharyngeal Suctioning of respiratory muscles; patients breathe more
5. Incentive Spirometry freely and to get more oxygen into the body
- Includes:
Deep Breathing Exercise: - Postural Drainage – positioned for
1. Assist client to Fowler’s or sitting position drainage through gravity (maintain
2. Have client place hands palm down, with position 10-15 minutes)
middle fingers touching, along lower border - Chest percussion and vibration
of rib cage Postural Drainage
3. Instruct client to place hands along lower - Know the diagnosis
ribcage to feel diaphragm movement - Sudden movements or change in
- Palpable movements of the muscles in positions may cause complications
the ribs is the helpful to determine the - Auscultate lungs before and after
patient is breathing - Postural drainage can be performed 2 – 4
4. Ask client to inhale slowly through the nose, times a day
feeling middle fingers separate. Hold breath - Before meals
for 2 or 3 seconds - baka sumuka kapag after meals
5. Encourage client to inhale slowly and deeply - Bronchodilators or saline solution can be
through the nose, holding breath for 2 to 3 nebulized before the procedure
seconds - Patient should remain in position 10 – 15
6. Have client exhale slowly through the minutes
mouth. Repeat three to five times (every 2 – - Suction and or cough out
3 hours) - Note the amount, color, viscosity of sputum
7. Document procedure - Assess patient’s color and pulse
Coughing Exercise - Oral hygiene after
1. Assist the client to Fowler’s or sitting
2. If sputum is present, have client take a deep
breath, hold for 3 seconds, and cough deeply
two or three times. Stand to the client’s side
to ensure the cough is not directed at you.
Client must cough deeply, not just clear the
3. If the client has an abdominal or chest
incision that will cause pain during
coughing, instruct the patient to hold a
Anterior Upper lobes: use of gravity: bababa ang Posterior Middle Lobes (Both)
secretions para maexpectorate

Posterior Upper Lobes

Anterior Right Lower lobe

Anterior Middle Lobes – supine

Posterior Lower Lobes

- Vibrate as patient EXHALES
- Place hands firmly over the chest wall one
over the other, arms and shoulders straight,
- 3 – 4 vibrations - STOP TREATMENT:
o Increased pain
o Increased shortness of breath
o Weakness
o Lightheadedness
o Hemoptysis
- Rest 5-10 minutes

Bronchial Hygiene Measures

- Steam inhalation - for 15 to 20 minutes
- Others: Aerosol (Pedia), Medimist (Adult)–
- Performed 3 – 5 minutes for thick secretions - Oropharyngeal and Nasopharyngeal
- DO NOT PERCUSS: Suctioning: Oropharyngeal and Nasopharyngeal
o chest draining tubes - Determine need for suctioning:
o sternum o Retained secretions
o spine o Difficulty breathing
o liver - Explain, Assemble, Handwashing
o kidneys - Position: Semi-Fowler's (conscious); Left
o spleen lateral (Unconscious)
o breasts o Left-lateral position prevents
o Caution: Percussion in elderly aspiration
(sensitive sila) - Place towel or waterproof pad across
patient's chest
- Turn suction to appropriate pressure
- wall unit
o Adult: 100 to 120 cm Hg
o Child: 95 to 110 cm Hg
o Infant: 50 to 95 cm Hg
- Portable unit
o Adult: 10 to 15 cm Hg
o Child: 5 to 10 cm Hg
o Infant: 2 to 5 cm Hg
- Vital capacity of younger people is lesser
than adults, thus lesser pressure needed for
Nursing Considerations: Chest Physiotherapy suctioning
Findings: A need for suctioning includes:
- Patient should be comfortable, no - decreased oxygen saturation
constrictive clothing, empty stomach - altered mental status (irritability and
- Upper area first lethargy
- Give medications for pain - increased heart rate
- Before CPT, splint any incisions through - increased RR
pillows - increased work of breathing (flared nostrils)
- Adventitious breath sounds
- Pallor, mottled or cyanotic skin coloring A nurse is suctioning fluids from a female
Suction catheters vary in sizes: client through an endotracheal tube. During the
- Adults - From 12 to 18 suctioning procedure, the nurse notes on the
- Children - From 8 to 10 monitor that the heart rate is decreasing. Which of
- Infant - From 5 to 8 the following is the appropriate nursing
Nursing Considerations intervention?
- Perform hand hygiene and don clear gloves a. Continue to suction
- Insertion depth - tip of nose to ear lobe → b. Notify the physician immediately
nasopharynx c. Stop the procedure and
- Insertion depth: edge of mouth to ear lobe reoxygenate the client
→ oropharynx d. Ensure that the suction is limited
- Do it Before meals; 2-3 hours to 15 seconds
o To prevent nausea and vomiting Answer: C. Stop the procedure and reoxygenate
o Para hindi mawalan ng appetite the client.
- Auscultate - hyperoxygenate à suction à During suctioning, the nurse should monitor the
hyperoxygenate à auscultate client closely for side effects, including
hypoxemia, cardiac irregularities such as a
Steps: decrease in heart rate resulting from vagal
1. Place client in semi-Fowler's position stimulation, mucosal trauma, hypotension, and
2. Hyperoxygenate (100% O2) before and after paroxysmal coughing. If side effects develop,
3. Gently insert catheter with suction off by especially cardiac irregularities, the procedure is
leaving the vent on the Y-connector open. stopped, and the client is reoxygenated
NEVER apply suction as catheter is
introduced Incentive Spirometry (Sustained Maximal
4. Apply intermittent suction while rotating the Inspiration)
suction catheter while withdrawing (5-10) - Method of deep breathing that provides
seconds visual feedback to encourage the patient to
o How? By closing or opening the inhale slowly and deeply to maximize lung
suction inflation to assist expansion of the lungs
5. Flush the catheter with saline post-op and to prevent collapse of lung
6. If repeated, 30 - 60 seconds - A spirometer is an apparatus for easuring the
7. Auscultate then document volume of air inspired and expired by the
8. Offer oral hygiene after suctioning lungs
Question: - Indications: Post-op surgery
- Minimum of 10 sustained voluntary
inflation maneuvers per session
- use incentive spirometer q hour while awake
- during inspiration: ball will move upward

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