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Gauli Patanam

V.Raghavendra Rao, India

Raghavendra Rao hails from Tirupati a well

known pilgrimage centre in India. He has studied
M.A. Indian Culture and M.A. Astrology. He has
published 20 articles in Telugu and edited and
published Four Unpublished Palm Leaf
Manuscripts in Telugu language. He is deeply
interested in bringing out rare manuscripts
translated into English for the benefit of astrology
lovers worldwide. Saptarishis Astrology honors
the spirit of Shri Raghavendra Rao

The House lizards use to fall down rarely. When it falls on any person whether
male/female the sakuna /Omen for this is told by sages are as detailed below.

Part of the Body Sakuna / effect

On ear May hear a bad news
On eye lids Monitory gains
Between eyebrows Quarrel indicated
Right eye Defeat
Left eye May feel ashamed
On Nose Proposed work will not be fruitful
On the tip of the nose Defeat
Beside nose Gains through of friends
On the Mustache Gains by way of Power of authority
Upper lips Crops yield s well
Lower lips Feast
On the tongue Good Education
On the chin Danger to life
On the beard Imprisonment
Neck – back side Fear of life threat
Backside on the small pit May have to shoulder a heavy item
Neck – front side may commit suicide
On the Adams apple of neck Problems on both sides
Chest Victory
On heart region Indication of fear
Upper stomach Baby boy may born/ putra labham
On the Naval Fear indicated
Below the naval Disease
Sides of stomach Healthy
On the shoulders Helping
On the arms Hurdles in the proposal
Palms Monitory gains
Elbows No co-operation
Wrist Blow on ego
On the nails Fear from animals
On the spine Fear from enemies
On the spinal card Fear from ghosts
Underarms Fear of ghosts
On the front side hair of head Bad
On the edges of hair Easy death indicated
On hair Trouble
On the hair knots Danger to husband
On the paw Good
Backside of waist May buy new dresses
On the buttocks May gain good sleep
Backside of laps Fear from poison / enjoy on bed
On the laps Comforts
On laps for ladies Prostituting
On the edge of lap Feel weak
On the of pennies Child may born
On the edge of pennies Loss of union
On the pubic hair Wandering
On the testicles and below it Fear of thieves
On the rectum Fear from arms
On the knees Vehicle comforts
On the backside of knees Loss of vehicles
Below the knees Gastric trouble
Below the knees on the veins Loss of money through hospitalization
On the legs Proposal will be fruitful
Below the knee on the bone Proposal will not be fruitful
Backside of paw Imprisonment
On the bone of paw Work will not be completed
Ankles Disease
On the paw Journey

On leg fingers Disease
On the head – at back side of Very good / monitory gains
Centre of head Disease
Right side of head Bad to elder brother
Back side of head Bad to younger brother
Front side of brahmarandra Bad to maternal uncle
On Brahmarandra Threat to life
On the face Monitory gains
For ladies near ears Good
On the Saree cloth above the head Danger
On the turban Bad
On the Cheeks – for Gents Relatives may visit
On the Cheeks – for ladies Bad

This is a prominent Sakuna system in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. It
is published in all Telugu Panchangas every year. However for the readers of Saptarishis
Astrology this is translated. On the next page you would find the translation of a
manuscript titled Gavuli Palku Lakshanam

Brahmarandra means On the top of the skull (If you observe newly born small children on the top of
the head one skinny portion softly without formation of skull, after one of two months skull forms
there) The seers (rishis use to leave their atma at the time of their death piercing from the brahma
randra is also well known as kapala moksha) that portion of the head is called Brahma randhra.


Week Caste Lizard particulars East South-East South South-West West North-West North North-East Brahmasthana

Brahmin Golden Yellow Official News Delay Monitory Gains / Bad News Fearful News / Happy / Seminar/ Home News,
Ladies may visit Pretty News Profitable Conference Parents News --

Official News / Feels pain / Intercourse


Kshatriya * Quarrel with Monitory Loss Relatives may visit indicated Bad News / Comforts / Bad News / --
officials delay
expected / Seminar & Monitory Loss Monitory Gains Quarrel
The Male lizard
Vaisya which made Monitory Loss / Relatives Intercourse Danger Favorite Items Fearful News / Monitory Officials may Strength adds to

sound will with may visit indicated Gains / Visit Brahma sthana
a female lizard may listen a Bad Proposal will
on the Eastern news not be fruitful Good News

Sudra Black with Green Favorite Items Fear / Good News / Quarrels will be Quarrels May receive Feast / Gains to Brahma

dots will be received Not useful solved Good Items Sthana

Bad News Monitory Gains / Flower

Seminar / Vehicle comfort /


Vaistya Black Conference / Monitory Good News / King / his Official may visit a temple Feast indicated Gains in Quarrel Mukti to
Having long head Good News / Loss Official work will Death / may receive Cultivation Brahmasthana
proposal will be be received floral bouquets
Soon you see the
-- lizard it will be a Happiness / Sad News Relatives will visit / Expected persons will Quarrel / May feel Enemies may Good News / May feel Harm to

pregnant one Official News Happy News come much pain attack Ladies may Astonished / Brahmasthana
facing towards visit May tell
West oracle
May Beg ,
Satya White its borrow / Enemies are afraid Relatives may visit / Comfortable Good News / Monitory Loss Better News Good to

Face turned to Good News of / will enjoy a Good News dialogue Monitory Gains Brahmasthana
East May receive Feast

/ Good News

This is a translation of a Telugu Palm Leaf Manuscript placed in the SVU Oriental Research Institute, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, its Accession Number–D-2321 entitled “GAVULI PALKU
LAKSHANAM” Size - 1 inch width 5 inches length. Condition of the Manuscript Old and Brittle. Date and author of Manuscript not available. Engraved in Telugu Script, Telugu language on both sides of the Palm
leaf. No. of Leaves 06. The language and Script seems very old roughly 1000 years ago, relating to Sakuna Sastra. (Scanned Images are attached for information)

* Palm leaf on Leaf No: 24 starting point is not visible due to worm eater


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