Build A 10-Year Plan To Make The World Safer From Natural Hazards

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1) Under which international Framework is RA 10121 – or the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Act of 2010 based on? Please elaborate on your answer by providing 2 – 3 facts about
the said framework.

RA 10121 is based on the international framework called Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA),
the global blueprint for disaster risk reduction efforts. This framework was brought into existence when
a Global Conference was held in Hyogo, Japan, by which the conference aimed to build a 10-year plan to
make the world safer from natural hazards. The goal of HFA is to substantially diminish disaster losses by

2015 - in lives, and in the social, economic, and environmental assets. It focuses on five priorities of
action: governance, risk assessment and early warning, knowledge, management and education, risk
management & vulnerability reduction and, disaster preparedness.

2) Which council has the responsibility of being the lead government actor in disaster mitigation and

The government sector who is in- charge of in disaster mitigation and response is the National
Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (NDRRMC). They are responsible of monitoring the
development and enforcement by agencies and organizations regarding the laws, guidelines, codes or
technical standards required by RA 10121. Furthermore, they also have the overall control of the
resources for DRRM, including the National DRRM Fund (NDRRMF).

3) Is Disaster Risk Reduction and Management limited only to giving short term rescue and aid during
emergencies? Explain your answer.

DRRM is not limited to short-term rescue aids and aid during emergencies. In fact, it has four
priority areas with four long-term goals. First, the prevention and mitigation, which aims to decrease the
exposure of communities to various hazards. Second, the disaster preparedness, which aims to heighten
the awareness of the communities to the impacts of all hazards. Next, the disaster response, which aims
to decrease the number of preventable deaths and injuries during and after a disaster. Lastly, the
rehabilitation and recovery, which aims to restore and improve facilities, livelihood and living conditions.
These all takes a long time to achieve.

4) What is pollution and how does it impact us?

Pollution is the presence of contaminants to the natural environment, making it harmful for the
health of the humans, animals or plants who is exposed with that environment. It has a huge impact to
us humans, especially in our health, since too much exposure from it would cause us to acquire various
diseases, like cancer or chronic respiratory diseases.

5) Name the four (4) laws governing the protection of Philippine natural resources as provided in our
learning materials, and provide a summary of the purpose and function of each Republic Act.

The following are the four laws governing the protection of the country’s natural resources:

• Republic Act 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000

This act provides an ecological solid waste management program, which ensures the
proper segregation, collection, transportation, storage, treatment and disposal of solid waste. It
also encourages cooperation among private sectors and waste generators to participate in solid
waste management.

• Republic Act 9275 or the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004

This act aims to protect the country’s water bodies from pollution, which came from
land-based sources such as from industrial activities and commercial establishments. It provides
a comprehensive multi-sectoral strategy to mitigate pollution and manage water quality.

• Republic Act 8749 or the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999

This act provides a comprehensive air pollution control policy to achieve and maintain a
healthy air for all Filipinos to breathe. This law prohibits the emissions beyond a placed certain

• Republic Act 6969 or the Toxic Substances, Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990
The purpose of this act is to control, supervise and regulate toxic substances and
hazardous nuclear wastes. It prohibits the importation, manufacture, processing, distribution,
use and disposal of chemical substances that contains unreasonable risk towards human health
and the environment.

6) Why do you think the Seven Environmental Principles were created? For what is its purpose?

The seven environmental principles helps us to learn more about the ecosystem, including its
nature, types, issues and human activities that imposes threats into the environment. By understanding
these principles, we will be able to take actions in solving the environmental problems that we are
currently facing today.

7) Among the Seven Environmental Principles, which one resonated with you the most? Why?

Among the principles, the one that resonated to me the most is the principle “Everything must
go somewhere”. Just like how energy cannot be destroyed, but can only change from one form to
another, wastes from human activities are also the same. Sometimes we don’t think about reducing our
garbage. We just keep on consuming, thinking that once we throw our wastes, we don’t have anything
to do with it anymore since we thought we already got rid with it. But no, wastes just pile in an area,
until it will be collected and transferred. Therefore, as citizens, we need to be responsible to our
garbage, and if possible, keep it minimal, so that we will be able to pass on a cleaner environment to the
future generations, and not a habitat filled with mountains of wastes.

8) Why is it important for the youth to have an active part in caring for the environment?

Youth is the backbone of the nation, as they are able to shape the society with their ideas and
courageous behaviour. Thus, they can also play a big role in taking care of the environment. With the
youth’s fresh ideas, they can easily make and adopt new ways to solve environmental problems and
protect it from more harm. In addition, when the environment get further severed, they will be the one
who will bear its negative effects the most.

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