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Iglesia ni Cristo Roman Catholic Islam


There are many types of different religions in the world. Some are better known
than others. In all the religion worldwide, some of them have many gods, and others
have only one. However, all of them have the same basic beliefs and meanings. There
is a lot of belief practiced throughout the world today. Many of these beliefs have
developed massive followings. As a result, they have a considerable influence on
culture in the areas where they are practiced. These belief systems also believe in
different ideas and strongly agree with them.
As I asked a different person with a different religion, their answers are almost
the same. First, we all have a belief that strengthens our faith and relationship with God,
guiding us in every aspect of our life and making a good judgment. Our beliefs bring
wisdom and encouragement to do good things and make God the center of our
affection. It shapes our values as human. Second, each religion follows a different rule,
but it does not mean that it will hinder us from socializing with other people and having
unity. Iglesia ni Cristo, Roman Catholic, and Islam are almost the same as they give
importance and follow their beliefs. Third, in the advent of globalization, these beliefs
have not changed based on their answers. For me, the advent of globalization will not
change each religious group's beliefs, as they remain faithful and committed to their
Globalization is the process of different peoples from different backgrounds and
religions coming together to live in one societal unit. Globalization regards religion as
the glue that keeps culture together and protected. Religion is an anchor to keep a
people's culture intact while the globalization process is happening. Even in all those
differences, humans can still be connected to each other, and in some way, we are all
the same., humans can still be connected to each other, and in some way, we are all
the same.

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