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When a running business is taken over from a date prior to its incorporation /

commencement, the profit earned up to the date of incorporation/commencement

(incorporation, in case of private company; and commencement, in case of public company)

is known as „Pre-incorporation profit‟.

The same is to be treated as capital profit since these are profits which have been

earned before the company came into existence. In short, the profit earned after the date of

purchase of business is called „Post-incorporation or Post-acquisition profit‟ and the profit

earned before the date of purchase of business is termed as „Pre-incorporation profit‟.

For example, X Ltd. was incorporated on 1st April 2006, took over a running business, Y

Ltd., from 1st January 2006 and it closed its accounts on 31st December 2006. Now, the

company X Ltd. is entitled not only to the profit/loss made by Y Ltd. from 1st April to 31st

December 2006 but also to the profit/loss made by Y Ltd. from 1st January 2006 to 31st

March 2006.

Thus, any profit/loss made before the incorporation is known as “Profit (Loss) Prior to

Incorporation” which is treated as a capital profit and the same cannot be distributed as

business profit. Hence, it cannot be distributed by way of dividend.

The same is to be transferred to Capital Reserve or may be adjusted against Goodwill.

“Loss prior to incorporation” is treated as a capital loss and, hence, the same is shown under

the head “Miscellaneous Expenditure” in the assets side of the Balance Sheet.
Method of Computation of Profits/Loss Prior to Incorporation:

In order to ascertain the profit prior to incorporation a Profit and Loss Account is to

be prepared at the date of incorporation. But in practice, the same set of books of accounts is

maintained throughout the accounting year.

A Profit and Loss Account is prepared at the end of the year and thereafter the profits

(or losses) between the two periods are allocated:

(i) From the date of purchase to the date of incorporation or pre-incorporation period;

(ii) From the date of incorporation to the closing of the accounting year or post-incorporation

Method of Accounting of Profit/Loss Prior to Incorporation:

Steps may be suggested for ascertaining profit or loss prior to incorporation:

Step I:

A Trading Account should be prepared at first for the whole period, i.e., between the

date of purchase and the date of final accounts, in order to calculate the amount of gross


Step II:

Calculate the following two ratios:

(i) Sales Ratio:

Amount of sales should be calculated for the pre-incorporation and post-incorporation


(ii) Time Ratio:

It is calculated after considering the time period, i.e., one is required to calculate the

period falling between the date of purchase and the date of incorporation and the period

between the date of incorporation and the date of presenting final accounts.

Step III:

A statement should be prepared for calculating the amount of net profit before and

after incorporation separately on the following principle:

(i) Gross Profit should be allocated for the two periods on the basis of sales ratio which will

present the gross profit for the two separate periods, viz. pre-incorporation and post-


(ii) Fixed Expenses or expenses incurred on the basis of time, viz., Rent, Salary,

Depreciation, Interest, etc. should be allocated for the two periods on the basis of time ratio.

(iii) Variable Expenses or expenses connected with sales should be allocated for the two

periods on the basis of sales ratio.

(iv) Certain expenses, viz., partners‟ salary, directors‟ salary, preliminary expenses, interest

on debentures, etc. are not apportioned since they relate to a particular period. For example,

partners‟ salary is to be charged against pre-acquisition profit whereas directors‟

remuneration, debenture interest, etc. are to be charged against post-acquisition profit.

List of Expenses: Allocated on the basis of Sales/Turnover:

(a) Gross Profit

(b) Selling Expenses

(c) Advertisement

(d) Carriage Outwards

(e) Godown Rent

(f) Discount Allowed

(g) Salesmen‟s Salaries

(h) Commission to Salesmen

(i) Promotion Expenses for Sales

(j) Distributions Expenses (Variable Portions)

(k) Free Samples given

(l) Expenses incurred for After-Sale Service, etc.

(m) Delivery Van Expenses.

List of Expenses: Allocated on the basis of Time:

(a) Office and Administration Expenses

(b) Salaries to Office Staff

(c) Rent, Rates and Taxes

(d) Depreciation on Fixed Assets

(e) Printing and Stationery

(f) Insurance

(g) Audit Fees

(h) Miscellaneous Expenses

(i) Distribution Expenses (Fixed Portion)

(j) Travelling Expenses (General)

(k) Interest of Debenture

(l) General Expenses

(m) Expenses Fixed in Nature.

Application/Accounting Treatment of Profit/Loss Prior to Incorporation:

(a) Pre-incorporation Profit:

Since “Profit prior to Incorporation” is a Capital Profit the same should be written off


(i) Preliminary Expenses Account

(ii) Formation Expenses Account

(iii) Liquidation Expenses Account

(iv) Write down the value of Fixed Assets, if any

(v) Goodwill Account

(vi) Balance, if any, transferred to Capital Reserve.

(b) Pre-incorporation Loss:

Since “Pre-incorporation Loss” is a Capital Loss the same is adjusted against

(i) Any Capital Profit

(ii) Debited to Goodwill Account

(iii) Writing-off Fictitious Assets

(iv) Capital Reserve.

Illustration : 1

Ganesh Ltd., was registered on 01-07-1997 to acquire the running business of Suneel & Co.,
with effect from 1-1-97. The following was the Profit and Loss account of the company on

Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.

To Office expenses 54,000 By Gross Profit b/d 2,25,000
To Formation expenses 10,000
(written off)
To Stationery & Postage 5,000
To Selling Expenses 60,000
To Director‟s Fees 20,000
To Net Profit 76,000
2,25,000 2,25,000

You are required to prepare a statement showing profit earned by the company in
the pre and post incorporation periods. The total sales for the year took place in the ration
1:2 before and after incorporation respectively.


Notes to Accounts

1. Revenue from operations:

Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Gross Profit Sales Ratio 2,25,000 75,000 1,50,000

2. Other Expenses
Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Office Time Ratio 54,000 27,000 27,000
Expenses 1:1
Stationary & Time Ratio
Postage 1:1 5,000 2,500 2,500
Formation Allocation 10,000 - 10,000
Director‟s Allocation 20,000 - 20,000
Selling Exp. Sales Ratio 60,000 20,000 40,000
Total 1,49,000 49,500 99,500

Statement of Profit and Loss of Ganesh Ltd., for the year ended 31.12.1997

Particulars Note No. Total Pre- Post-

Incorporation Incorporation
Revenue from 1 2,25,000 75,000 1,50,000
Less: Expenses: 2 1,49,000 49,500 99,500
Other exp.
Profit for the period 76,000 25,500 50,500
Working Notes:
Time Ratio:- Pre incorporation period from 1-1-97 to 1-7-97 = 6 months.
Post incorporation period from 1-7-97 to 31-12-97 = 6 months
Time ratio = 6:6 or 1:1
Illustration : 2
Pankajam Mills Ltd., was incorporated on 31st July 1977 to purchase the business of
Hemalatha & Co., as on 1st April 1977. The books of accounts disclosed the following on
31st March 1978.
1. Sales for the year Rs. 32,10,400 (1st April to 31st July‟77 Rs. 8,02,600; 1st July‟77 to
31st March 1978 Rs. 24,07,800)
2. Gross Profit for the year Rs. 4,12,800; Managing Directors‟ Salary Rs. 12,000;
Preliminary expenses written off Rs. 18,000. Company Secretary‟s salary Rs.58,000.
3. Bad Debts written off Rs. 14,890 (prior to 31st July Rs. 4,020, after 31st July
4. Depreciation on Machinery Rs.25,200; general expenses Rs.51,500; Advertising Rs.
7,400; Interest on debentures Rs. 20,000.
You are required to prepare a statement apportioning properly the net profit of the
company as between
a) profits available for distribution; b) profits prior to incorporation
Notes to accounts
1. Revenue from operations
Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Gross Profit Sales Ratio 4,12,800 1,03,200 3,09,600

2. Employee Benefit expenses:

Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Company Sales Ratio 58,000 - 58,000

3. Finance Costs:
Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Interest on Allocation 20,000 - 20,000

4. Depreciation and Amortisation expenses:

Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Dep. on Time Ratio 25,200 8,400 16,800
machinery 1:2

5. Other Expenses:
Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
M.D Salary Allocation 12,000 - 12,000
Preliminary Allocation 18,000 - 18,000
Bad debts
written off Actual 14,890 4,020 10,870
General Exp. Time Ratio(1:2) 51,000 17,000 34,000
Advertising Sales Ratio(1:3) 7,400 1,850 5,550
Total 1,03,290 22,870 80,420

Statement of profit and loss of Pankajam Mills Ltd. for the year ended 31.3.1978

Particulars Note No. Total Pre- Post-

Incorporation Incorporation
Revenue from 1 4,12,800 1,03,200 3,09,600
Less: Expenses:
Employee benefit exp. 2 58,000 - 58,000
Finance Costs 3 20,000 - 20,000
Dep. and amortisation
exp. 4 25,200 8,400 16,800
Other exp. 5 1,03,290 22,870 80,420
Total exp (B) 2,06,490 31,270 1,75,220
Profit for the period 2,06,310 71,930 1,34,380

a) Profits available for distribution or post incorporation Profit = Rs.1,34,380

b) Profits prior to incorporation = Rs. 71,930
Working Notes

1) Time Ratio
Pre incorporation period from 1.4.77 to 31.7.77 = 4 months
Post incorporation period from 31.7.77 to 31.3.78 = 8 months
Time Ratio = 4:8 or 1:2
2) Sales Ratio
Sales in pre incorporation period = Rs. 8,02,600
Sales in post incorporation period = Rs. 24,07,800
Sales Ratio = 8,02,600:24,07,800 or

Illustration : 3

“A” Co.Ltd. was incorporated on May 1, 2008 to take over the business of “X & Co” as
a going concern from January 1,2008 was as follows:

Profit and Loss account of “A” Co. Ltd for the year ended 31.12.83
Dr Cr
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Rent and Taxes 12,000 By Trading account 1,55,000
To Insurance 3,000 (Gross Profit)
To Electricity Charges 2,400
To Salaries 36,000
To Director‟s fees 3,000
To Auditors‟ fees 1,600
To Commission 6,000
To Advertisement 4,000
To Discount 3,500
To Office Expenses 7,500
To Carriage 3,000
To Bank Charges 1,500
To Preliminary Expenses 6,500
To Bad debts 2,000
To Interest on Loan 3,000
To Net Profit 60,000
1,55,000 1,55,000
The total turnover for the year ending December 31, 2008 was Rs.5,00,000 divided into
Rs. 1,50,000 for the period upto May 1, 2008 and Rs. 3,50,000 for the remaining period.
Notes to accounts
1. Revenue from operations
Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Gross Profit Sales Ratio 1,55,000 46,500 1,08,500

2. Employee Benefit expenses:

Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Salary Time Ratio 36,000 12,000 24,000

3. Finance Costs:
Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Interest on Time Ratio 3,000 1,000 2,000
loan 1:2

4. Other Expenses:
Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Rent & Taxes Time Ratio 12,000 4,000 8,000
Insurance Time Ratio 3,000 1,000 2,000
Electricity Charges Time Ratio 2,400 800 1,600
Augditors Fees 1:2
Time Ratio 1,600 533 1,067
Office Exp. 1:2
Time Ratio 7,500 2,500 5,000
Bank Charges 1:2
Time Ratio 1,500 500 1,000
Director‟s fees 1:2
Preliminary Exp. Allocation 3,000 - 3,000
Commission Allocation 6,500 - 6,500
Sales Ration 6,000 1,800 4,200
Advertisement 3:7
Sales Ration 4,000 1,200 2,800
Discount 3:7
Sales Ration 3,500 1,050 2,450
Carriage 3:7
Sales Ration 3,000 900 2,100
Bad Debts 3:7
Sales Ration 2,000 600 1,400
Total 3:7
56,000 14,883 41,117

Statement of profit and loss of A Co. Ltd for the year ended 31.3.1978

Particulars Note No. Total Pre- Post-

Incorporation Incorporation
Revenue from 1
Less: Expenses:
Employee benefit exp. 2 36,000 12,000 24,000
Finance Costs 3 3,000 1,000 2,000
Other exp. 4 56,000 14,883 41,117
Total exp (B) 95,000 27,883 67,117
Profit for the period 60,000 18,617 41,383

Working Notes

1) Time Ratio
Pre incorporation period from 1.1.83 to 1.5.83 = 4 months
Post incorporation period from 1.5.83 to 31.12.83 = 8 months
Time Ratio = 4:8 or 1:2
2) Sales Ratio
Sales before incorporation (Given) = Rs. 1,50,000
Sales after post incorporation (given) = Rs. 3,50,000
Sales Ratio = 1,50,000:3,50,000 or 3:7
3) Audit Fees: Auditors, though appointed after incorporation, have to audit the accounts
of pre incorporation period also. So, their fees are apportioned in time ratio.
Some accountants prefer to show the entire amount of audit fees as „Allocation‟ to the
post incorporation period. In that case, the answer differs.

Illustration : 4

A company was incorporated on 1st May 1984 acquiring the business of a sole trader with
effect from 1st January 1984. The accounts of the company were closed for the first time
on 30th September 1984, disclosing a gross profit of Rs.1,68,000. The establishment
expenses were Rs. 42,660, directors‟ fees Rs. 3,000 per month, preliminary expenses
written off Rs. 4000, rent upto June, 1984 was Rs. 300 per month which was thereafter
increased to Rs.750 per month. Salary to the manager was at Rs.1,500 per month who
was appointed a director at the time of incorporation of the company.
Prepare a statement showing profits prior and subsequent to incorporation assuming that
the net sales were Rs.24,60,000, the monthly average of which for the first four months
of 1984 was half of that of the remaining period.

Notes to accounts

1. Revenue from operations

Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Gross Profit Sales Ratio 1,68,000 48,000q 1,20,000

2. Employee Benefit expenses:
Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Manager‟s Allocation 6,000 6,000 -

3. Other Expenses:
Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Establishment exp. Time Ratio 42,660 18,960 23,700
Director‟s Fees Allocation 15,000 -- 15,000
Preliminary Exp. Allocation 4,000 -- 4,000
Rent Actual 4,050 1,200 2,850

Total 65,710 20,160 45,550

Statement of profit and loss during nine months ending 31.9.1984

Particulars Note No. Total Pre- Post-

Incorporation Incorporation
Revenue from 1 1,68,000 48,000 1,20,000
Less: Expenses:
Employee benefit exp. 2 6,000 6,000 -
Other exp. 3 65,710 20,160 45,550
Total exp (B) 71,710 26,610 45.500
Profit for the period 96,200 21,840 74,450

Working Notes

1) Time Ratio
Months before incorporation from 1.1.84 to 1.5.84 = 4 months
Months after incorporation from 1.5.84 to 30.9.84 = 5 months
Time Ratio = 4:5
2) Sales Ratio
Monthly average sales for the first four months was „half‟ of that of the remaining five
months. Weightage on that basis for first 4 months is ½ each and for subsequent 5
months, it is 1 cash.
Sales Ratio = 4 x ½ : 5x1 = 2:5

3) Rent:
Rent before incorporation, 4 months at Rs. 300 each = Rs. 1,200
Rent after incorporation = 2 months at Rs. 300 per month and 3 months at Rs.750 per
month = 2x300 + 3x750 = 600 + 2,250 = Rs. 2,850.

Illustration : 5
A Company was incorporated on 1st May, 1994 to take over a business from the
preceding 1st January. The accounts were made upto 31st December, 1994 as usual and the
trading and profit and loss account gave the following result:
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Opening Stock 1,40,000 By Sales 12,00,000
To Purchases 9,10,000 By Closing Stock 1,50,000
To Gross Profit c/d 3,00,000
13,50,000 13,50,000

To Rent, rates & Insurance 18,000 By Gross Profit b/d 3,00,000

To Director‟s fees 20,000
To Salaries 51,000
To Office Expenses 48,000
To Travellers Commission 12,000
To Discounts 15,000
To Bad debts 3,000
To Audit fees 8,500
To Depreciation 6,000
To Debenture interest 4,500
To Net Profit 1,14,000
1,55,000 1,55,000

It is ascertained that the sales for November and December are one and half times the
average of those for the year, whilst those for February and April are only half the
average, all the remaining months having average sales.
Apportion the year‟s profit between the pre and post incorporation periods.

Notes to accounts
1. Revenue from operations
Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Gross Profit Sales Ratio 3,00,000 75,000 2,25,000

Employee Benefit expenses:

Basis of Total Pre- Post-

Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Salary 1:2 51,000 17,000 34,000

2. Finance Costs:
Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Interest on Allocation 4,500 - 4,500

3. Depreciation and Amortisation expenses:

Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Depreciation Time Ratio 6,000 2,000 4,000

4. Other Expenses:
Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Rent & Taxes Time Ratio 18,000 6,000 12,000
Office exp. Time Ratio 48,000 16,000 32,000
Audi fees Time Ratio 8,500 2,833 5,667
Director‟s fees Allocation 20,000 -- 20,000
Commission Sales Ration 12,000 3,000 9,000
Discounts Sales Ration 15,000 3,750 11,250
Bad Debts Sales Ration 3,000 750 2,250
Total 1,24,500 32,333 92,167

Statement of profit and loss of A Co. Ltd for the year ended 31.3.1978

Particulars Note Total Pre- Post-

No. Incorporation Incorporation
Revenue from operations 1 3,00,000 75,000 2,25,000
Less: Expenses:
Employee benefit exp. 2 51,000 17,000 34,000
Finance Costs 3 4,500 - 4,500
Dep. and Amortisation 4 6,000 2,000 4,000
Other exp. 5 1,24,500 32,333 92,1674
Total exp (B) 1,86,000 51,000 1,34,667
Profit for the period (A-B) 1,14,000 23,667 90,333

Working Notes

1) Time Ratio
Pre incorporation period from 1.1.94 to 1.5.94 = 4 months
Post incorporation period from 1.5.94 to 31.12.94 = 8 months
Time Ratio = 4:8 or 1:2
2) Sales Ratio
Total Sales for the year = 12,00,000
Average sales per month = 12,00,000/12 = 1,00,000

Sales in pre-incorporation period:

January, Average Sale 1,00,000
February of average sale = 50,000
March, average sale = 1,00,000
April, of average sale = 50,000
Pre incorporation sales = 3,00,000

Sale in post incorporation period:

Sales of May to October, at average sale, each
month 6 x 1,00,000 = 6,00,000
Sales of November to December at 1 ½ times
the average, each month = 2 x 1.5 x 1,00,000 = 3,00,000
Post incorporation sales = 9,00,000

Sales Ratio = 3,00,000:9,00,000 or 1:3

3) Audit Fees: Audit fees is divided on time basis. It can also be treated as fully
chargeable to post incorporation period. In that case, the answer will be different.

Illustration : 6

Kaveri Ltd. was incorporated on 1.5.96 to take over the running business of M/s. Saveri
Bros. with effect from 1.196. From the following details for the year ended 31.12.96,
prepare a statement showing profit or loss made during pre and post incorporation

Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.

Gross Profit 3,00,000 Underwriting commission 20,000
Salaries 48,000 Insurance premium paid for
Advertising 6,000 the year ending 31.3.97 12,000
Commission to Partners 8,000 Interest on loans taken
Carriage outward 16,000 (including Rs.2,000 on loan
Depreciation 18,000 taken after incorporation) 14,000
Provision for doubtful debts 6,000
The following additional data is also available
(i) Average monthly sales during the first four months of the year was twice the
average monthly sales during each of the remaining eight months.
(ii) 20% of the underwriting commission is to be written off.
(iii) Commission to partners was paid for their work before incorporation
(iv) Salaries includes salary paid to a director of the company Rs. 6,000.
Notes to accounts
1. Revenue from operations
Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Gross Profit Sales Ratio 3,00,000 1,50,000 1,50,000

2. Employee Benefit expenses:

Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Other Salaries Time Ratio 42,000 14,000 28,000

3. Finance Costs:
Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Interest on post
incorporation loan Allocation 2,000 -- 2,000
Interest on other Time ration 12,000 4,000 8,000
loan 1:2
14,000 4,000 10,000

Depreciation and Amortisation expenses:

Basis of Total Pre- Post-

Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Dep. on Time Ratio 1:2 18,000 6,000 12,000

5. Other Expenses:
Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Director‟s Salary Allocation 6,000 -- 6,000
Commission to partners Allocation 8,000 8,000 --
Advertising Sales Ratio 6,000 3,000 3,000
Carriage outwards Sales Ratio 16,000 8,000 8,000
PBDD Sales Ratio 6,000 3,000 3,000
Underwriting Alloocation 4,000 -- 4,000
Insurance Premium Adjusted time 9,000 1,000 8,000
ratio (1:8)
Total 23,000 32,000

Statement of profit and loss of A Co. Ltd for the year ended 31.3.1978

Particulars Note Total Pre- Post-

No. Incorporation Incorporation
Revenue from operations 1 3,00,000 1,50,000 1,50,000
Less: Expenses:
Employee benefit exp. 2 42,000 14,000 28,000
Finance Costs 3 14,000 4,000 10,000
Dep. and Amortisation 4 18,000 6,000 12,000
Other exp. 5 55,000 23,000 32,000
Total exp (B) 1,29,000 47,000 82,000
Profit for the period (A-B) 1,71,000 1,03,000 68,000

Working Notes

1) Time Ratio
Pre incorporation period from 1.1.96 to 1.5.96 = 4 months
Post incorporation period from 1.5.96 to 31.12.96 = 8 months
Time Ratio = 4:8 or 1:2
2) Weighted Sales Ratio: Average Monthly Sales before incorporation was twice the
average sale per month of the post incorporation period. If weightage for each post
incorporation month is 1,
Weighted sales ratio = 4 x 2 : 8 x 1 = 8:8 or 1:1
3) Adjusted time ratio for Insurance Premium:
Insurance Premium is for the year ending 31.397 i.e., 12 months starting from April 96.
No. of months in the current year, starting from April are 9.
Pre incorporation 1 month i.e., April
Post incorporation 8 months i.e., May to December.
Adjusted Time Ratio for current year‟s insurance = 1:8.
4) Insurance Expenditure for current year is for 9 months and it is for 3 months in
the next year.
Insurance Premium to be shown in current year‟s account = 12,000 x 9/12 = Rs. 9,000.
Illustration : 7

S & R Co., Ltd was incorporated on July 1, 1992 to purchase the business of Nisha Bros.,
as on 1-4-92. Certificate of Commencement of business was received on 1-8-92. The
accounts for the year ended 31-3-93 disclosed net profits of Rs.80,000 after charging the
(1) Directors‟ salary – Rs. 10,000.
(2) Salaries – Rs. 20,000 (4 employees in pre incorporation period and six employees in
post incorporation period).
(3) Wages – Rs. 10,200 (5 workers at Rs. 80 per month in pre incorporation period and
10 workers at Rs. 100 per month in post incorporation period).
The sales were Rs. 3,00,000 of which Rs. 75,000 were in pre incorporation period.
Calculate profit earned in the pre and post incorporation periods.

Notes to accounts

1. Revenue from operations

Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Gross Profit Sales Ratio 1,20,200 30,050 90,150
before charge 1:3
in wages Actual 10,200 1,200 9,000
Less: Wages 1,10,000 28,850 81,150
Gross Profit

2. Employee Benefit expenses:
Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Salaries Weighted Time 20,000 3,637 16,363
Ratio 2:9

3. Other Expenses:
Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Director‟s Salary Allocation 10,000 -- 10,000

Statement of profit and loss of A Co. Ltd for the year ended 31.3.1978

Particulars Note Total Pre- Post-

No. Incorporation Incorporation
Revenue from operations 1 1,10,000 28,850 81,150
Less: Expenses:
Employee benefit exp. 2 20,000 3,637 16,363
Other exp. 3 10,000 -- 10,000
Total exp (B) 30,000 3,637 26,363`
Profit for the period (A-B) 80,000 25,213 54,787

Working Notes

1) Gross Profit before charging wages:

Net profit given 80,000
Add: Salaries 20,000

Add: Directors‟ Fees 10,000

Gross Profit 1,10,000

Add: Wages 10,200

Gross Profit before charging wages 1,20,200

2) Sales Ratio:
Pre incorporation sales = Rs. 75,000
Post Incorporation sales (3,00,000 – 75,000) = Rs. 2,25,000
Sales Ratio = 75,000 : 2,25,000 = 1:3

3) Weighted Time Ratio (For Salaries)
Pre incorporation months =3
Employees in pre-incorporation period =4
Post incorporatin months =9
Employees in post incorporation period =6
Weighted Time Ratio =3x4:9x6
= 12 : 54 or 2 : 9

4) Actual Wages: Pre incorporation Post

No. of months 3 9
No. of workers 5 10
Wages per month per worker 80
Actual wages = 3 x 5 x 80 = 9 x 10 x 100
= Rs. 1,200 = Rs. 9,000
Illustration : 8

A firm which was carrying on business from 1st January, 1988 gets itself incorporated as a
company on 1st May 1988. The first accounts are drawn upto 30th September 1988. The
gross profit for the period is Rs. 56,000. The general expenses are Rs.14,220; director‟s
fees Rs. 12,000 per annum, formation expenses Rs. 1,500. Rent upto 30th June was Rs.
1,200 per annum, after which it was increased to Rs.3,000 per annum. Salary of the
Manager, who, upon incorporation of the company was made a director, was Rs. 6,000 per
annum. His remuneration thereafter was included in the above figure of fees to directors.
Give profit and loss account showing pre and post incorporation profits. The net sales were
Rs.8,20,000, the monthly average of which for the first four months of 1988 being one half
of that of the remaining period. The company earned an uniform profit. Interest and tax
may be ignored.

Notes to accounts

1. Revenue from operations

Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Gross Profit Sales Ratio 56,000 16,000 40,000

2. Employee Benefit expenses:
Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
Manager‟s Allocatino 2,000 2,000 --

3. Other Expenses:
Basis of Total Pre- Post-
Apportionment Incorporation Incorporation
General expenses Time Ratio 14,220 6,320 7,900
Director‟s fees Allocation 5,000 -- 5,000
Formation exp. Allocation 1,500 -- 1,500
Rent Actual 1,350 400 950
Total 22,070 6,720 15,350

Statement of profit and loss of A Co. Ltd for the year ended 31.3.1978

Particulars Note Total Pre- Post-

No. Incorporation Incorporation
Revenue from operations 1 56,000 16,000 40,000
Expenses: 2 2,000 2,000 --
Employee Benefits Exp. 3 22,070 6,720 15,350
Other Expenses
Total expenses 24,070 8,720 15,350
Profit for the period (A-B) 31,930 7,280 24,650

Note: In the absence of specific information, it is assumed that the formation expenses
are fully written off.
Working Notes

1) Time Ratio:
Pre incorporation period from 1.1.88 to 1.5.88 = 4 months
Post incorporation period from 1.5.98 to 30.9.98 = 5 months
Time Ratio = 4:5
2) Sales Ratio:
Monthly average of pre incorporation sales is given as half of the average monthly
sale for post incorporation period. If weightage for each pre incorporation month is
Weighted sales ratio = 4 x 1 : 5 x 2 = 4 : 10 or 2 : 5

3) Actual Rent:
Rent for 4 months before incorporation = 1,200 x 4 = 400
Rent for May and June in Post incorporation period = 1,200 x 2 = 200
Rent for July to Sept. in post incorporation period = 1,200 x 3 = 750
Rent for 5 months in post incorporation period = 950

4) Directors fees at Rs. 12,000 per annum for 5 months in the post incorporation
= 12,000 x 5/12 = Rs. 5,000

5) Manager’s Salary at Rs. 6,000 p.a., for 4 months in pre incorporation period
= 6,000 x 4/12 = Rs. 2,000

Illustration 9:
S. Ltd was registered on 1st January 2000 to buy over the business of M/s P. Ltd. as on 1st
October 2008 and obtained its certificate for commencement of business on 1st February

The accounts of the company for the period ended 30th September 2009 disclosed the
following facts:

(i) The turnover for the whole period amounted to Rs. 3,00,000 of which Rs. 50,000 related
to the period from 1st October 2008 to 1st February 2009.

(ii) The Trading Account showed a Gross Profit of Rs. 1,20,000.

(iii) The following items appear in the Profit and Loss Account:


1. Expenses which are related to Sales are apportioned on the basis of turnover (i.e., 1: 5).

2. Other expenses are apportioned on the basis of time only (i.e., 1: 2).

3. Preliminary expenses could also be charged against capital reserve out of profit prior to


Illustration 10:

Moon Ltd., which was incorporated on 1st June 2009, took over the business of N, a

proprietary concern, from 1st January 2009, for Rs. 1,00,000 on condition that all profits

earned from 1.1.2009 shall belong to the company. Following are the data for Profit and Loss

Account for the year ended 31st December 2009:

Gross Profit Rs. 2,00,000; Salaries and Bonus Rs. 15,000; Rent Rs. 1,000; Bad Debts

Rs. 5,000; Preliminary Expenses Rs. 9,000; Commission on Sales Rs. 12,000; Interest

payable to or against purchase consideration Rs. 1,000; Directors‟ fees Rs. 3,000; Managing

Directors‟ Remuneration Rs. 14,600; Establishment Charges Rs. 21,000; Depreciation Rs.

10,000; and Advertisement Rs. 27,000.

(a) Sales for first six months amounted to Rs. 10,00,000; rate of gross profit being 12% on

sales. In the second six months, rate of gross profit was 8% on sales. Commission on sales

was at 6% throughout the year. Question of stock and work-in-progress does not arise in the


(b) N used to carry out the business up to 31.5.2009 in own premises without any depreciable

assets on cash sales basis only.

(c) Advertisement for the first six months was at the rate of Rs. 4,000 per month.

Prepare a Statement of Profit Account for pre-incorporation and post-incorporation

periods in columnar form stating against each items the basis of segregation. How much was
the pre-incorporation profit? Take calendar months as of equal length. Confine to the data
given only.


Thus pre-incorporation profits amounted to Rs. 57,082. Gross Profit amounted to Rs.

2, 00,000 for 12 months. Profits for 1st 6 months amounted to Rs. 1, 20,000 (Rs. 10, 00,000 x

12/100) and profits for the next 6 months being the balance i.e., Rs. 80,000 (Rs. 2, 00,000 –

Rs. 1, 20,000) which is 8% of sales. Sales for next 6 months Rs. 10, 00,000 (Rs. 80,000 x

100/8), assuming sales being spread evenly from month to month. Sales ratio for the 2

periods is 5: 7; Selling Commission will be apportioned on that basis.

Illustration 11:

Mr. X formed a private limited company under the name and style of Exe. Pvt. Ltd. to take

over his existing business as from 1st April 2006 but the company was not incorporated till

1.7.2006. No entries relating to transfer of the business was entered in the books, which were

carried on without a break till 31st March 2007.

The following Balances were extracted from the books as on 31st March 2007:

You are also given:

(a) Stock on 31st March 2007 amounted to Rs. 44,000.

(b) The Gross Profit Ratio is constant and monthly sales in April ‟06, Feb. ‟07 and March ‟07

are double the average monthly sales of the year.

(c) The purchase consideration was agreed to be satisfied by the issue of 3,000 Equity Shares

of Rs. 100 each.

(d) The Preliminary Expenses are to be written-off.

(e) You are to assume that carriage outwards and travellers‟ commission vary in direct

proportion to sales.

You are required to prepare the Trading Account and the Profit and Loss Account for the year

ended on 31st March 2007 apportioning the profit or loss of the periods before and after

incorporation. Depreciation shall be provided at 25% p.a. on Fixed Assets.

Thus, the Sales Ratio between pre-and post-incorporation is 4 : 11.

(4) Carriage outward and Travellers‟ Com. = Sales Ratio, i.e., 4 : 11.

(5) Other expenses on time basis:

Salaries; Administration Expense; Rent, Rates and Depreciation (Rs. 25,000 i.e., Rs. 1,

00,000 x 25/100)

(6) Rest of the expenses are charged against post-acquisition profit.

Illustration 12:

New Ventures Ltd. was incorporated on 1st January 2008, with an authorised capital

consisting of 5,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each, to take-over the running business of R.

Bros, as from 1st Oct. 2007. The following is the summarised Profit and Loss Account

for the year ended 30th Sept. 2008:

The company deals in one type of product. The unit cost of sales was reduced by 10% in the

post- incorporation period as compared to the pre-incorporation period in the year. You are

required to apportion the net profit amount between pre-incorporation and post- incorporation

periods showing the basis of apportionment.


Illustration 13:

Jalajga Ltd. Was incorporated as a private company on 31.8.1995 to take over a

business as a going concern as from 1.1.2005. Vendors would get 75% of the profit earned

prior to 31.8.2015. Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31.12.2015 was:

Sales for March and April are one and half times have average monthly sales. Sales

for September and October are twice the average monthly sales. Bad Debts of Rs. 1,110 were

written-off in June. Prepare a Statement showing pre-incorporation and post-incorporation

profits. Also indicate the disposal of such profits.

To Sum up:

(a) Gross Profit should be apportioned between Pre-incorporation and Post-incorporation

periods on the basis of Sales Ratio. If Gross Profit is not given the same is to be found out by

preparing a Trading Account.

(b) Time Ratio between Pre-incorporation and Post-incorporation period should be computed.

Usually fixed expenses are allocated on the basis of Time Ratio, viz. Rent, Tax, Insurance,

Depreciation, Interest, Salaries to Office Staff, etc.

(c) Sales Ratio must be found out between Pre-incorporation and Post-incorporation period

and usually selling expenses or variable expenses are allocated on the basis of Sales Ratio,

viz. Advertisement, Godown Rent, Storage, Discount Allowed, Carriage Outwards,

Salesmen‟ Salaries and Commission, etc.

(d) Expenses excluding for Post-incorporation periods are: viz. Directors‟ Fees, Debenture

Interest, Preliminary Expenses, Provision for Taxation, Proposed Dividend, etc.

(e) Expenses excluding for Pre-incorporation period, are: Interest on Partners‟ Capital,

Partners‟ Salaries, etc.

(f) Expenses relating to both Pre- and Post-incorporation should be charged to both the period

on Time basis, e.g. Audit fees, interest paid to vendors, etc.

Other Exercise

1. Explain the meaning of profits prior to incorporation.

2. What is the need for calculating profit prior to incorporation
3. What is the treatment for Loss prior to incorporation in accounts?
4. Enumerate the expenses which are exclusively charged to post incorporation period.
5. How do you apportion various expenses and incomes between Pre and Post
incorporation periods?

6. Raja Ltd., was incorporated on 1st July, 2004, which took over a running
concern with effect from 1st January, 2004. The sales for the period up to 1st July,
2004 was Rs. 2,70,000 and the sales for 1st July, 2004 to 31st December, 2004
amounted to Rs. 3,30,000. The expenses debited to Profit and Loss account included

7. A company was incorporated on 1st July 2006 to acquire a running business from 1st
April 2006. When accounts were finalized on 31st March 2007, the following facts
were noted.
(i) Sales for the year were Rs. 4,80,000
(ii) The trends of sales were as under during the specified months.
April, July, September, December – Average sales. May, August, October and
February 50% of average sales.
You are required to find out the sales ratio for the purpose of ascertaining profits prior
to incorporation.

8. ABC limited was incorporated on 1.7.2005, which took over a running concern with
effect from 1.1.2005. The sales for the period up to 1.7.2005 was Rs. 2,70,000 and the
sales from 1.7.2005 to 30.12.2005 amounted to Rs. 3,30,000
The expenses debited to Profit and Loss account included
Director fees 15,000
Bad debts 1,800
Advertisement ( Rs. 500 per month) 6,000
Salaries and General expenses 32,000
Preliminary expenses written off 3,000
Gross profit was 1.1.2005 to
31.12.2005 2,40,000
Ascertain the profit prior to incorporation

9. From the following particulars, ascertain Profit prior to and after incorporation.
(i) Time Ratio – 3: 5
(ii) Sales Ratio – 4: 6
(iii) Gross Profit – Rs. 10,00,000
Expenses debited to Profit and Loss account were
Salaries 96,000
General Expenses 12,000
Discount on sales 40,000

Advertisement 50,000
Preliminary expenses 70,000
Rent and rates 15,000
Printing and Stationery 65,000

Income credited to Profit and Loss account were

Rent received 18,000
Interest received 50,000
10. A company was incorporate on 1st May 1984 to take over a business as a going
concern from 1st January of the same year. The turnover for the year ended 31st
December was Rs. 2,00,000, namely Rs. 60,000 for the first period upto 1st
May and Rs. 1,40,000 for the following period. From the profit and loss
account given below for the year ended 31st December 1984, you are required
to ascertain profits prior to incorporation.
Rs. Rs.
To Rent & Rates 3,240 By Gross profit 70,000
To Insurance 720
To Lighting 2,040
To Salaries 7,800
To Director's fees 2,000
To Sales Discount 5,000
To Sales Commission 10,000
To General expenses 2,400
To Carriage outwards 3,000
To Bank charges 420
To Repairs 1,380
To Bad debts 600
To Loan interest 1,200
To Net profit 30,200
70,000 70,000


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