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TOPIC: FUTURE SIMPLE LOGRO DE APRENDIZAJE: Reconocer oraciones en futuro simple utilizando WILL .
AÑO: 3°


The teacher starts the Learning session by formally greeting

The students respond to the greeting and sit at their desks.
the students
Pattern annexed 01
MOTIVACIÓN Speaking: vocabulary Observation | Gamification 7'
Board and markers

The teacher draws "HANGMAN" on the board and starts the Students give letters to the teacher and complete the
game. question "Do you need my help?"

The teacher repeats the question written on the board twice Students listen carefully and understand the meaning. Repetition
RECUPERACIÓN DE Visual and Listening comprehesion Picture annexed 02 7'
The teacher shows them a picture of the movie Back to the The students wonder what this movie is about Inquiring

The teacher asks how they think the movie ends The students give possible endings.

CONFLICTO Visual comprehension and speaking The teacher offers help, asking "Do you need my help?" Brainstorming Board and markers and 6'
COGNITIVO The Students accept his offer Picture annexed 02

The teacher writes on the board: "I will help you" The students doesn't understand what does it means.

The teacher pastes a picture of WILL SMITH on the board. The students guess the character.

Watch and say Picture annexed 03

The teacher writes the structure of WILL ( Negative, The students copy the structures on their notebooks.
Affirmative and Interrogative Form)

The teacher explains each part of the structure The students ask about the auxiliar WILL

Reading and Writing comprehesion. Find out Board and markers

Vocabulary , Grammar WILL / WON'T The teacher divides the board in 5 parts to show the cases of The students read carefully each case
Future Simple Tense


The teacher pastes a picture of each case of using The students order the sentences to form a conversation. Solving exercises Picture annexed 04-05-06-07-

The teacher give them a worksheet about the cases in order The students sit together and complete the worksheet in Work in pairs. Worksheet annexed 09
to complete the sentences in pairs. pairs

The teacher plays a song : "WE WILL ROCK YOU" The students listen to the instructions, read the article and
then write recommendations.
Listening and Reading Comprehesion Socialization Incomplete lyrics annexed 10
and Radio song annexed 11
The teacher gives the incomplete lyrics of the song. The students complete the song with the words in the box.

REFLEXIÓN Listening The teacher indicates that there will be a 2 min exposure, The students expose their case briefly in front of everyone Exposition Slideshow annexed 12 10'
explaining the use of Will, just one of the 5 cases

The teacher asks about the structure of Future Simple Tense

in (+)(-)&(?) forms The students tell a sentence for each form Oral Participation Slideshow annexed 13

EVALUACIÓN Writing and Speaking 15'

The teacher gives a handout to identify the cases of using.
The students do the handout. Recognizing Quiz annexed 14
( WILL )

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