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Marjhorie Choquecota Jinez – Paola Cutipa Mamani

PAOLA: Good moorning! Marjhorie, What are you doing? Tomorrow for the first
the class

MARJHORIE: Hi, Paola I 'm listening to music, I'm excited for the star of clases

PAOLA: Yeah! Me too ¿What are you doing on afternoon?

MARJHORIE: I'm enlisting my uniform for the star of classes in the high school for
tomorrow, and you?

PAOLA: I am buying a school supplies for tomorrow

MARJHORIE: What are you going in the night?

PAOLA: I am watching movies tonight for the relaxing and you?

MARJHORIE: I'm going to eat Korean food at the restaurant where my mom
Works tonight

PAOLA: Oh wath nice! So..I am seeing your pictures in the stories the Instagram
tonight... And what are you doing after?

MARJHORIE: I'm going to party with my sister after the going eat, are you want
going to party?

PAOLA: I am not coming to the party because I have sleep aren't you getting
late class tomorrow?

MARJHORIE: I'm not getting late tomorrow because I'm putting a lot of alarms.
Are you enlisting your things for tomorrow?

PAOLA: I have not yet ready my things for tomorrow and you?

MARJHORIE: Yes, i did it, i am buying a dress for the party at the night

PAOLA: Oh that's great, enjoy your party and not get late at home.

MARJHORIE: Thanks see you tomorrow, in we our first class in the high school

PAOLA: Bye, see you tomorrow.

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