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IELTS Writings

Minh Bui

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I. Table Templates
1. Planning

General Statement


Topic sentence 1

Supporting idea 1.1

Example/Result 1.1

Supporting idea 1.2

Example/Result 1.2

Topic sentence 2

Supporting idea 2.1

Example/Result 2.1

Supporting idea 2.2

Example/Result 2.2

Conclusion – restatement

Closing sentence (optional)

2. Writing



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TS 1





TS 2







3. Common words

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II. Essays
1. Question 1
Each year, the crime rate increases. What are the causes of crime and what could
be done to prevent this rise in criminal activity?
1.1. Planning
In recent years, rise in criminal cases, in some
General Statement
developing countries, causing worries.

Opinion Causes and Solutions

Topic sentence 1 Causes

Supporting idea 1.1 Poverty

Example/Result 1.1

Supporting idea 1.2 Unemployment

Example/Result 1.2

Topic sentence 2 Solutions

Supporting idea 2.1 supports the poor

Example/Result 2.1

Supporting idea 2.2 Enforce the law

Example/Result 2.2

Conclusion – restatement

Closing sentence (optional)

1.2. Writing
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in criminal cases around the

Trang 4
world, especially in some developing countries, causing great fear to societies. Given
that crime patterns are complex, understanding the motives behind them is key for the
authorities to arrive at effective solutions.
There are two leading causes of crime which considerably stand for a large
proportion of criminal records. First, since poverty nowadays is increasingly common
in many rural areas, the poor are likely to commit serious offences due to lack of food
and bad living conditions. For example, according to an estimate in 2019, more than
20 million children are affected by hunger and do not have sufficient food on a regular
basic, which leads to a growing rate in youth crime. Second, large scale unemployment
in metropolitan regions is also viewed as a major cause of crime. In fact, fewer
opportunities and higher competition in large cities forces job seekers to do anything
to make a living, even involve themselves in criminal activities such as theft and drug
It appears imperative that some actions should be critically taken towards the
issue by both the governments and individuals. For example, stricter law enforcement
would be an effective step for city officials to take as it would act as a deterrent against
offenders. In fact, people would not dare to commit crime when the price to pay is
high. In addition, if every human being living in a society shows empathy towards
others and helps the less fortunate through difficult times, it would largely contribute
to a better living environment, which partly decreases crime rates. For instance,
residents within a neighborhood should together organize more food assistance
programs or social activities to help the needed suffer less and have a more positive
view on life.
In conclusion, even though there are many causes of serious crime, governments
and individuals should together take part in decreasing crime rates.
2. Question 2
Modern communications mean that it’s no longer necessary to write letters. To
what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
2.1. Planning
An increasing trend in Modern communications ,
General Statement
around the word, some think writing letters are

Trang 5
Opinion Disagree

Topic sentence 1 To individuals

Supporting idea 1.1 A special touch to loved ones

Example/Result 1.1

Supporting idea 1.2 Improve logical thinking and cognition

Example/Result 1.2

Topic sentence 2 To the society

Supporting idea 2.1 Preserve traditional culture of handwriting

Example/Result 2.1

Supporting idea 2.2 Help people not rely on electronic devices

Example/Result 2.2

Conclusion – restatement

Closing sentence (optional)

2.2. Writing
In recent decades, the advent of new forms of communication has changed the
way people keep in contact around the world. Although some regard letters as obsolete
and should be completely replaced with electronic devices, they still bring some
benefits to not only individuals but also the society as a whole.
There are a number of benefits penning a letter might offer to human beings in
modern world. First, by writing a thoughtful letter to loved ones, people could make a
special touch on them, which in turn make the receivers feel important. This

Trang 6
handwritten piece of paper would be protected and treasured as a valuable gift for
years as it is viewed as a token of gratitude and love. In addition, since writing requires
time and focus for letters to be legible and articulate, the writers develop a good sense
of logical thinking and cognition skills during the process. For instance, to ensure that
a postcard is clear and desirable, the writers have to plan the contents in their minds,
which helps them organize different parts logically and precisely.
Another compelling reason to write more is that it does bestow long-term
advantages on the society. In fact, writing in some ways reduce the use of electronic
devices as ways of communication within the communities, which helps people less
reliant on technology. It is true in some recent articles that spending too much time on
texting is associated with bad mood while writing letters of gratitude make people feel
happier and more satisfied. Furthermore, handwritten materials that are passed through
generations are proven to be of high value, especially in literature field. Keeping the
habit of writing, therefore, would act as a way of preserving the traditional culture of
either a family or a country, which benefits human beings in the long run.
In conclusion, writing letters must not be ignored in modern times thanks to its
positive impact on both individuals and the society. Governments and educational
institutions worldwide should take actions to encourage people to maintain this
3. Question
In many countries, people now wear Western clothes (suits, jeans) rather than
traditional clothing.
Why? Is this a positive or negative development?
3.1. Planning
growing trend; western clothes; among many
General Statement
corporations; around the world; for a few decades

Opinion positive outweigh negative

Topic sentence 1 reasons

Supporting idea 1.1 match the profession

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Example/Result 1.1

Supporting idea 1.2 comfort

Example/Result 1.2

Topic sentence 2 advantage & disadvantage

Supporting idea 2.1 forming a collective dressing environment

Example/Result 2.1

Supporting idea 2.2 compromising individuality

Example/Result 2.2

Conclusion – restatement

Closing sentence (optional)

3.2. Writing
In recent decades, there is a fast growing trend in wearing western clothings to
work among many countries around the world thanks to globalization and
industrialization. Although some appear to have a negative view on this tendency
because it would make traditional costumes less popular, the advantages of utilizing
western clothes might outweigh its disadvantages.
To begin with, people tend to gravitate towards exotic apparel rather than
traditional one for several reasons. First, some particular professions such as doctor or
lawyer requires its practioners to put on formal attire to always look appropriate and
credible. Indeed, hospitals globally exert dress codes and appearance policy on their
doctors and nurses during specify hours of the day when they have to wear assigned
white coat to be able to take on their work shifts. Second, since most western clothes
are designed to be largely fit the majority’s needs, they appear conducive to the
wearer’s comfort. In fact, according to recent research and studies from Vietnam, a

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group of employees among different ages believes they feel more comfortable and
productive when wearing western clothes compared to traditional Vietnamese
costumes, which partly contributes to their confidence at work.
There are both advantages and downsides of the tendency in the popularity of
western clothes. On the one hand, if all the employees of a company wear the western
style of clothing, it would create a better environment for everyone where there is no
discrepancy or intolerance in terms of appearance, which enhance collaborations even
further. For example, a person wearing unique traditional costumes might find it
difficult to integrate into a group of people who all wear modern attire, which possibly
causes poor teamwork. On the other hand, if everyone wears clothes that are similar to
others’, this would lead to the lack of individuality in general. In fact, corporations
containing people with a wide variety of different personalities seem to come up with
better ideas since there would be divergent viewpoints when it comes to finding out
innovative solutions to a problem.
In conclusion, even though the preference for western clothes over traditional
ones appears prevalent in modern times, it still brings good benefits to both individuals
and society. Governments and corporations all over the world should take actions to
not only withhold this trend but also promote folk costumes in an appropriate manner.
4. Question 3
Some people think that it is good for a country’s culture to broadcast foreign
films and TV shows. Others, however, think it is best to produce local films and
shows. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
4.1. Planning

General Statement growing trend in broadcasting foreign


Topic sentence 1

Supporting idea 1.1

Trang 9
Example/Result 1.1

Supporting idea 1.2

Example/Result 1.2

Topic sentence 2

Supporting idea 2.1

Example/Result 2.1

Supporting idea 2.2

Example/Result 2.2

Conclusion – restatement

Closing sentence (optional)

4.2. Writing

5. Question 5
Childhood diseases can now be prevented through the use of vaccines. Should
parents be made by law to immunize their children against common disease or should
individuals have the right to choose not to immunize their children?
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
5.1. Planning
In recent decades, the use of vaccines, causing
General Statement
public controversy, around the world
Benefits outweigh side effects => passing law on

Topic sentence 1 Benefits

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Supporting idea 1.1 Save children’s lives

Example/Result 1.1

Supporting idea 1.2 Protect other infants

Example/Result 1.2

Topic sentence 2 Downsides

Supporting idea 2.1 Side effects

Example/Result 2.1

Supporting idea 2.2 Against nature

Example/Result 2.2

Conclusion – restatement

Closing sentence (optional)

5.2. Writing
In recent decades, the increasing use of vaccines has been gaining a great deal of
media attention and causing some public controversy around the world. Although it
appears justifiable people have their rights to decide whether to vaccinate their
children, the government should still bring forward legislation on the issue given the
great impact vaccines has on not only individual children but also the society as a
On the one hand, there are a myriad of great benefits vaccination bring to human
beings, especially baby infants. First, since vaccines are both theoretically and
practically proven to protect human beings against some serious diseases, it is true to
say vaccinations could save millions of young children who are particularly vulnerable
to diseases than adults. In fact, reports and statistics show that deadly diseases such as

Trang 11
measles or smallpox that were leading causes of death in the past has currently been
reduced or even eradicated completely. Second, it is advocated by scientists and
doctors that largely immunized societies play an instrumental role in forming social
immunity that develops an additional level of defense. This means vaccination benefits
not only individuals but also their family and friends who come in contact with them
in a daily basis.
On the other hand, some anti-vaxxers believe vaccines might have a negative
impact on their children. In fact, there are some reports showing vaccination comes
with side effects and has harmful consequences on general health. For example, the
advocacy of natural human defense systems is recently sustained when a research
conducted by American scientists showed a possible link between vaccines and
neurological disorders in humans. Another rationale behind vaccine hesitancy is that
religious minorities view vaccines as against nature and therefore, should be
discouraged. In addition, some parents believe good sanitary conditions and healthy
diet, not vaccines, are the key factors determining their kids’ safety.
In conclusion, even though there are some downsides of vaccines, the benefits of
getting vaccinated still outweigh the disadvantages. Given the recent global increase in
virus outbreak, both governments and corporations should take more drastic actions to
get ahead of the virus game.
6. Question
Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life. What
are the reasons? Do advantages of this outweigh disadvantages?
6.1. Planning

General Statement In recent years, tendency to give birth later in life.

A number of reasons, advantage outweighs


Topic sentence 1 Reasons

Supporting idea 1.1 Not ready, want to enjoy life without kids

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Example/Result 1.1

Supporting idea 1.2 Financial burden

Example/Result 1.2

Topic sentence 2 Advantage and disadvantage.

Advantage: more emotionally & financially

Supporting idea 2.1

Example/Result 2.1

Supporting idea 2.2 Disadvantage: risks to mother’s health

Example/Result 2.2

Conclusion – restatement

Closing sentence (optional)

6.2. Writing
In recent years, there has been a significant tendency to have babies later in life
among young couples, especially in some developed countries. Although plenty of
studies suggest later pregnancy associates with higher risks to both mother and her
child, giving birth at young age might bring great distress to unprepared parents.
To begin with, there are some common reasons why newly-married couples
decide not to have children too early before their 30s. First, since most couples at the
age of 20s still long for a life full of new experience, raising a child might take up a
huge amount of their time and therefore, prevent them from so-called freedom. For
instance, child-rearing is a difficult task for any parents at such age to take on in terms
of children’s health care, early education and development, which requires parents to
be totally devoted to their kids. Second, it is true that some couples find it challenging
to have children given financial burden and parental duties. In fact, feeding or teaching
a child requires a great deal of effort and patience including cutting back on leisure

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pursuits or controlling temper.
Although the trend itself might appear negative to the society at first due to its
downsides, there are still considerable advantages to some extent which justify this
pattern. As for the upside, giving birth later affords would-be parents more time to
develop a both emotionally and financially prepared life to a point where they are
ready to welcome new members. This benefits the newborns in many different ways
including their parent’s full attention as well as sufficient means for growth and well-
being. However, studies globally found that women who are pregnant after 30 bear
higher risks of miscarriage or birth defects and more likely to develop depression than
their 20s counterparts. Having said that, the probability is still slim and even slimmer
when factoring in excellent health care and modern facilities as the soon-to-be mothers
would be provided all the necessities to safe birth.
In conclusion, even though delaying parenthood recently gains more negativity
due to its downsides, this trend appears justifiable thanks to plenty of advantages it
brings. However, governments and societies around the world together should take
actions to not only raise awareness of optimal childbearing age but also support young
families on their parental duties, which in part reduces the negative view on this issue.
7. Question
Studies suggested that nowadays children watch much more television than they
did in the past and spend less time on active or creative things. What are the reasons?
And what measures should be taken to encourage children to spend more time on
active or creative things.
7.1. Planning
In recent decades, youngsters tend to watch more
General Statement TV, especially in developed countries, less active or
A number of reasons that are key to finding

Topic sentence 1 Reasons

Technology outbreak: full of captivating programs

Supporting idea 1.1
(music or film), ease of access to the Internet

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Example/Result 1.1

Supporting idea 1.2 Lack of parental control

Example/Result 1.2

Topic sentence 2 Measures

Supporting idea 2.1 Impose screen time limit on kids

Example/Result 2.1

Supporting idea 2.2 Encourage social activities

Example/Result 2.2

Conclusion – restatement

Closing sentence (optional)

7.2. Writing
In recent decades, there is a growing concern among parents around the world
when their children tend to spend much time watching TV rather than on practical
activities that foster physical and mental development. Although the trend appears
problematic, understanding the reasons of this pattern may considerably help open
gates to effective measures.
There are a number of reasons why youngsters nowadays decide to go for a TV
movie over other activities. First, since a television in modern times is extremely full
of captivating programs such as reality shows or TV series, children’s attention might
be easily captured and when already interested in the first episode, they are likely to
find themselves craved for subsequent ones. In fact, film creators are real experts in
maintaining viewers’ interest and it is safe to say children are undoubtedly the easiest
target to go for. Second, lack of parental control might be a significant contributor
since adults, mostly newly-married couples, are either too busy with their work or

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overwhelmed with life responsibilities to pay sufficient attention to their kids, which
exerts negative influences on them. As a result, children once feel lack of care or love
from their parents, they tend to use TV as a way to distract themselves from that
However, there are still plenty of measures to the issue and if taken appropriately
could bring positive results. One effective way is that both parents and schools should
organize both physical and intellectual activities for children as well as vigorously
encourage them to participate in since these activities are largely proven to boost the
cognitive development. This benefits not only the kids but also the parents as they
could join the clubs and get to know more about their children’s fears and wishes,
which partly strengthen the bonding between them. In addition, the government also
needs to take steps to ease the situation by, for example, imposing age restrictions on
some TV programs and broadcasting educational shows more often. If children happen
to spend time on proper content, chances are they will be more active and creative.
In conclusion, it is true to say excessive screen exposure might affect children’s
brain development in early stages and therefore, parents should not take it lightly when
it comes to finding right approaches to the problem. Besides, both governments and
educational institutions can certainly make a positive difference in children’s lifestyle.
8. Question
It is impossible to help all people in the world, so governments should only focus
on people in their own countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
8.1. Planning
The masses, beliefs, a government should focus on
General Statement
its own citizens
Agree: if a country can develop and maintain life
Opinion standards and well-being of people living in it, the
world will be far better.
The solid foundation for wealthy society and
Topic sentence 1
people’s right
Attract & create plenty of job opportunities,
Supporting idea 1.1
Improve & enhance the quality of life

Example/Result 1.1

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Supporting idea 1.2 Enforce the law, raise & value human being’s voice

Example/Result 1.2

The economic strength and stability of a country

Topic sentence 2
contributes to the global economy and peace

Supporting idea 2.1 Sustain the continual globalization

Example/Result 2.1

Supporting idea 2.2 Strong enough to help the outside world

Example/Result 2.2

Conclusion – Restatement

Closing sentence (optional)

8.2. Writing
It is generally believed that the government of a country should always put their
citizens’ right as top priority rather than engage in the outside world. Although some
activists globally express their strong criticism against this point of view, it appears
true if every country could develop and maintain the life standards of people living in
it, the world would be far better.
First of all, people’s well-being is the solid foundation of wealthy society and
human right. In fact, by attracting and encouraging investment from international
corporations that helps create more job opportunies for people, a government could
largely improve the life quality of milions of human beings. This, as a result, not only
enhances people’s living conditions but only builds up both economically and
politically strong communities where certainty are ensured. In addition, once free of
financial distress, a country and its citizens are valued in the eyes of other nations
when it comes to human right. For example, the voice of western man such as the
American’s is likely to gain more respect than one of a man from a poor country where
hunger is still an unsolved issue.

Trang 17
Another compelling reason why people should be the central focus is that it is
closely associated with the rest of the earth in terms of global economy and world
peace. First, since the twentieth century experiences widespread globalization than
ever before and that trend still continues nonstop in recent years providing highly paid
jobs to milions of people around the world. So if goverments could not fully focus on
education and health care of its citizens, this would lead to both physical and
professional incompetence as well as necessary skills among employees, which clearly
affects global economy. Second, some humanists believe human right are the
fundamentals of world peace because it essentially comes from humanity. They argue
that well-educated induviduals are more likely to raise their voice against war and
national conflict when needed.
In conclusion, it appears true that human beings are the first priority every
goverment should take seriously in any cirumtances. By ensuring human welfare, a
country not only develops itself but also makes a positive difference in foreign
9. Question
Everyday, millions of tons of food are wasted all over the world. Why do you
think this his appening? And how can we solve this problem?
9.1. Planning
Concern about food waste, increase in popularity,
General Statement around the world, receiving massive media
Recent studies, possible reasons, understanding
Opinion them is critically important to finding out effective
Topic sentence 1 Reasons

Supporting idea 1.1

Example/Result 1.1

Supporting idea 1.2

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Example/Result 1.2

Topic sentence 2

Supporting idea 2.1

Example/Result 2.1

Supporting idea 2.2

Example/Result 2.2

Conclusion – Restatement

Closing sentence (optional)

9.2. Writing

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