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Specs for Dev

We are an education platform for educators, students and parents. Our website is and we would like to make the following additions.

Top right of the site:

 Teach
 Login
 Join

 SSO using OAuth or similar
 Login/Join as:
1. Student
2. Parent
3. Teacher
 At the current time, for speed of delivery and simplicity, every Student
must belong to a Parent. We will allow Students to join without parents at
a later stage – therefore we should still allow for this in the back end.
 If someone attempts to join as a Student, we will display a message saying
“Please ask one of your parents to join or sign in and add you as a child on
their account.”
 See screenshots for Khan Academy flow. Same fields to fill, but we would
also like to add gender. Additionally, we would also like to add email
address for Student – but as optional to fill not required.
 When a parent signs up, they can then proceed to add children as
Students – each of which will have their own usernames and passwords
 Signing up as Teacher is similar to Parent, except they do not add
children. Instead, once they sign up they are taken to the Teach page.
 Parent profile can store CC details for making purchases
 Parent can grant permission to child Student to use CC for making their
own transactions
Tribe is an off-the-shelf social network integration tool. Please check the website.
We would like to start a free trial and integrate this under our website. Members
would have access to it through the Whyology SSO.

 If not signed in, or if signed in without Teach permission:
o Info on benefits, process, criteria [will provide content]
o Call to Action: Sign up to teach
 SSO login/join if not already signed in
 Can sign in as Parent or Student account or can join
as Teacher
 Form for application
 Application reviewed (application status)
 Teach permission granted based on manual review process
 If signed in with Teach permission
o Form for listing new course and submit
o Whyology team creates the course as new product (manual
process for now)
 Class is created as a secret group on Tribe associated with
the course (manual process for now, but need a way to
associate the group with the product on the back end)
 A Teacher can also be either a Parent and vice versa.

Course purchase
1. Purchase course -> Join/Login
a. If signed in as Parent, use credit card details to make the purchase.
Then select which child Student from the Parent’s account is
joining the course, or add and select a new child Student.
b. If signed in as Student, must have permission from Parent to use cc
in Parent’s profile to make the transaction. Otherwise display a
note “Please ask your parent to sign in and proceed with the
purchase”. Provide a link saying, “Sign in as ‘Parent name’”. Parent
then proceeds with the transaction.
c. If signed in as Teacher who is not a Parent, must become Parent by
adding a child Student into their account. They can then select that
Student and continue with the transaction.
2. Add Student to the Class associated with the course product on Tribe (if
there is such a group associated with the product. It will not always be the
3. Send access instructions to the Parent and Student via email.

Ratings and reviews

 Star ratings are displayed beneath the product title on both the home
page as well as the product page. There are two sets of ratings:
o Parents say
o Students say
 Check
halloween as an example
 Must be signed in and registered that this product was delivered to this
customer to leave a rating and review.

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