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Consider a reaction diffusion example

z A where a reaction occurs ONLY at a solid

surface. The problem is at UNSTEADY-

State. The reaction is 2A ➜ 1B and only

z=0 ↙RA = uA CkXA occurs at the solid interface at z=0.

Initial condition: @ t ≤ 0 all z’s the mole fraction of A, XA = XA0 (some constant)

Boundary Conditions: @z=¥ XA = XA0 (some constant)

@z=0 NA-z = - DAB ∂XA / ∂z = uA CkXA

Now Note that due to the reaction stoichiometry,

NA-z = - 2 NB-z EQ. A

Which says that the flux of A is TWICE the flux of B in the opposite direction.

Now assume C is a constant and that we are only interested in the z direction.

Recall from the overall continuity equation for incompressible, constant C systems, that

∇• 𝑉# = 0, so if we aren’t considering x and y components, then ∂Vz / ∂z = 0.

Which says that if Vz exists, it is a constant with respect to z BUT still could

be a function of time.

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Now by definition, C𝑉" = (NAz + NBz) but here NAz = -2NBz or NBz = -1/2 NAz

So C𝑉" = 1/2NA or "

NAz = 2C𝑽 EQ. B

Now for Fick’s Law

NAz = XA (NAz + NBz) – CDAB ∂XA/∂z which after NBz = -1/2 NAz

#$%&!" *(! #$%&!" *(!

𝑁!" = using EQ. B 2𝐶𝑉) = or
($#(! ) *" ($#(! ) *"

#&!" *(!
𝑉" = EQ. C
($#(! ) *"

Which describes a Vz velocity vector in the system; thus there is a fluid velocity created

due to the unequal stoichiometry in the system. Recall Vz is a constant in Z, si I can

evaluate EQ. C anywhere in Z that I want, so I choose @ z = 0. Thus EQ. C evaluated

at z = 0 is….

#&!" *(!|$%&
𝑉" (𝑡) = ( although independent of position
$#(! )|$%& *"

still a function of time.

Now its time to look at the Continuity Equation.. in Cartesian Coordinates for t and z


!"! !"! !" "!

+ 𝑉$ = 𝐷%& EQ. D.
!# !$ !'"

IC and BC conditions were stated before. Let’s simplify the BC at z=0 the surface –

rather than using the original BC its much easier juts to say that the reaction is

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“instantaneous” and the BC becomes @ z = 0 XA = 0 (as A arrives at surface its

instantly B).

So now, Plug EQ. C into EQ. D

!"! −𝐷𝐴𝐵 𝜕𝑋𝐴|𝑧=0 !"! !" "!

+ &(
2−𝑋𝐴 )|𝑧=0
= 𝐷%&

!"!−𝐷 𝜕𝑋𝐴|𝑧=0 !"! !" "!

@ z = 0 XA = 0 thus + ( 𝐴𝐵 ) = 𝐷%& EQ. F
!# 2 𝜕𝑧 !$ !'"

To solve EQ. F, need to combine variables, Define X+ = XA /XA0 and 𝜂 =
*+,!# #

Need to convert EQ. F using the Chain rule again…

!" $% ! %# $% ! $% ! * $$ % !
# $ = ' &" # $" $ ( + + EQ. G.
# $" |"() $" $"$

%"# $% !
If you set '
# $" $ ( = ∅ the multiply EQ. G by 4, you’ll get

𝑑! 𝑋 " 𝑑𝑋 "
+ [2𝜂 + ∅ ] =0
𝑑𝜂! 𝑑𝜂!

Which would need to be massaged a bit more before evaluating at the two Boundary

conditions. I will put this truncated version as well as the full solution on the course

canvas page.

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