Colcheste Ave Upgrade Alternatives (Jan. 11, 2021)

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Colchester Avenue:

Bikeways, Parking, and

Intersection Safety Study

Alternatives Presentation

January 11, 2021


Review Updated Purpose and Needs

Brief Project Refresher

Agenda Review and Discuss Corridor

Conceptual Plans
Cross Sections
and Intersection Concepts

Discussion & Feedback

Next Steps
▪ CCRPC | Jason Charest & Marshall Distel
▪ City of Burlington | Nicole Losch & Elizabeth Ross
Project Team ▪ Third Sector Associates | Diane Meyerhoff
▪ VHB | Jenn Conley, Drew Gingras, & Karen Sentoff

• City of Burlington | Will Clavelle

• UVM Medical Center | Ashley Bond
• UVM | Jim Barr

Advisory Committee • Green Mountain Transit | Chris Damiani

• Burlington Walk Bike Council | Jason Stuffle
• VTrans | Mario Dupigny-Giroux, PE
• NPA Representative | David Cawley
• City Council | Jack Hanson
Project Purpose
The purpose of the Colchester Avenue: Bikeways, Parking, & Intersection Safety
Study is to identify and prioritize improvements that align with the City’s vision for
sustainable transportation infrastructure and enable a continuous, connected, and livable
multimodal transportation corridor. Specifically, the study will evaluate improvements:

– along Colchester Avenue in its entirety which will enhance mobility and safety and
include solutions for parking demand of businesses, employers, and residents;

– at the intersection of Colchester Avenue and East Avenue which will improve safety
for all modes of transportation.
Project Needs
▪ Improve Intersection Safety
▪ Improve Corridor Safety
▪ Enhance Mobility for Bicyclists
▪ Solutions for Parking Demand of Local Businesses,
Employers, and Residents
Project Refresher | Meetings ▪ Local Concerns Meeting
– December 2019
▪ Advisory Committee Meetings
– January 2020
– March 2020
▪ Project Team Meetings
– November 2019
– February 2020
– November 2020



Corridor Concepts &

Intersection Alternatives
Project Refresher | Concepts Considered

▪ Improving User Safety ▪ Intersection Safety

– Separating modes – Equipment Upgrades

– Defining user spaces – Geometry Improvements and Realignment

– Roundabout
▪ Enhancing Bike Mobility
– Maintain existing curb-to-curb ▪ Solutions for Parking
– Shared use paths on both sides – Discuss parking needs with businesses

– Two-way cycle tracks – Identify solutions off corridor

– On-street separated bike lanes – Identify concept enhancements for parking on

– Raised, separated bike lanes corridor

– Shared use paths and separated bike lanes

Alternatives Presentation
Corridor Concepts Corridor Concepts Intersection Alternatives
West of East Avenue East of East Avenue @ East Avenue
Alternative 1
Concept 1 (West) Concept 1 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades at Existing
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Signalized Intersection
Alternative 2
Concept 2 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Realignment of Intersection & New Bike Signal
Concept 3 (East)
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Concept 2 (West) with Enhancements Alternative 3
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Concept 3A (East) Realignment of Intersection
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
with Enhancements and Mixing Zone
Concept 4 (East) Alternative 4
Shared Use Path Roundabout
Alternatives Presentation
Corridor Concepts Corridor Concepts Intersection Alternatives
West of East Avenue East of East Avenue @ East Avenue
Alternative 1
Concept 1 (West) Concept 1 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades at Existing
On-Street Separated Bike LanesConcept 2 On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Signalized Intersection
Alternative 2
Concept 2 (East)
Concept 4 Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Realignment of Intersection & New Bike Signal
Concept 3 (East)
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes Alternative 2A
Concept 2 (West) with Enhancements Alternative 3
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes Concept 4A Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Concept 3A (East) Realignment of Intersection
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
with Enhancements and Mixing Zone
Concept 4 (East) Alternative 4
Concept 6 Alternative 3
Shared Use Path Roundabout
Alternatives Presentation
Corridor Concepts Corridor Concepts Intersection Alternatives
West of East Avenue East of East Avenue @ East Avenue
Alternative 1
Concept 1 (West) Concept 1 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades at Existing
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Signalized Intersection
Alternative 2
Concept 2 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Realignment of Intersection & New Bike Signal
Concept 3 (East)
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Concept 2 (West) with Enhancements Alternative 3
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Concept 3A (East) Realignment of Intersection
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
with Enhancements and Mixing Zone
Concept 4 (East) Alternative 4
Shared Use Path Roundabout
Alternatives Presentation
Corridor Concepts Corridor Concepts Intersection Alternatives
West of East Avenue East of East Avenue @ East Avenue
Alternative 1
Concept 1 (West) Concept 1 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades at Existing
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Signalized Intersection
Alternative 2
Concept 2 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Realignment of Intersection & New Bike Signal
Concept 3 (East)
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Concept 2 (West) with Enhancements Alternative 3
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Concept 3A (East) Realignment of Intersection
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
with Enhancements and Mixing Zone
Concept 4 (East) Alternative 4
Shared Use Path Roundabout
Concept 1 (West) | On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Concept 1 (West) | On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Alternatives Presentation
Corridor Concepts Corridor Concepts Intersection Alternatives
West of East Avenue East of East Avenue @ East Avenue
Alternative 1
Concept 1 (West) Concept 1 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades at Existing
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Signalized Intersection
Alternative 2
Concept 2 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Realignment of Intersection & New Bike Signal
Concept 3 (East)
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Concept 2 (West) with Enhancements Alternative 3
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Concept 3A (East) Realignment of Intersection
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
with Enhancements and Mixing Zone
Concept 4 (East) Alternative 4
Shared Use Path Roundabout
Concept 2 (West) | Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Concept 2 (West) | Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Colchester Avenue Corridor West
Evaluation Matrix West Concept 1 (West) Concept 2 (West)
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes Raised and Separated Bike Lanes
Community Character
Colchester Avenue Corridor West
Evaluation Matrix West Concept 1 (West) Concept 2 (West)
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes Raised and Separated Bike Lanes
Costs Total Cost $$ $$$
Community Character
Colchester Avenue Corridor West
Evaluation Matrix West Concept 1 (West) Concept 2 (West)
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes Raised and Separated Bike Lanes
Improved Improved
Bicycle Safety
Cyclists in separated facility Cyclists in separated facility

Improved Improved
Safety Pedestrian Safety Pedestrians in separated facility on Pedestrians in separated facility on
south side south side
Slightly Improved Slightly Improved
Vehicle Safety Reduce conflicts with cyclists by Reduce conflicts with cyclists by
defining and separating spaces defining and separating spaces
Community Character
Colchester Avenue Corridor West
Evaluation Matrix West Concept 1 (West) Concept 2 (West)
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes Raised and Separated Bike Lanes
Utility Impacts Major Impacts Major Impacts
ROW Impacts No Impacts No Impacts
Constructability Major Effort Major Effort
Parking No Change No Change
Moderate Impacts to Existing; Some Moderate Impacts to Existing; Some
Tree Belt Opportunity Tree Belt Opportunity
Historic No Impacts No Impacts
Archaeological No Impacts No Impacts
Community Character
Colchester Avenue Corridor West
Evaluation Matrix West Concept 1 (West) Concept 2 (West)
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes Raised and Separated Bike Lanes
Aesthetics No Change Improved
Community Character
Satisfies Purpose & Need Yes Yes
Alternatives Presentation
Corridor Concepts Corridor Concepts Intersection Alternatives
West of East Avenue East of East Avenue @ East Avenue
Alternative 1
Concept 1 (West) Concept 1 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades at Existing
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Signalized Intersection
Alternative 2
Concept 2 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Realignment of Intersection & New Bike Signal
Concept 3 (East)
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Concept 2 (West) with Enhancements Alternative 3
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Concept 3A (East) Realignment of Intersection
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
with Enhancements and Mixing Zone
Concept 4 (East) Alternative 4
Shared Use Path Roundabout
Alternatives Presentation
Corridor Concepts Corridor Concepts Intersection Alternatives
West of East Avenue East of East Avenue @ East Avenue
Alternative 1
Concept 1 (West) Concept 1 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades at Existing
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Signalized Intersection
Alternative 2
Concept 2 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Realignment of Intersection & New Bike Signal
Concept 3 (East)
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Concept 2 (West) with Enhancements Alternative 3
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Concept 3A (East) Realignment of Intersection
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
with Enhancements and Mixing Zone
Concept 4 (East) Alternative 4
Shared Use Path Roundabout
Concept 1 (East) | On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Concept 1 (East) | On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Alternatives Presentation
Corridor Concepts Corridor Concepts Intersection Alternatives
West of East Avenue East of East Avenue @ East Avenue
Alternative 1
Concept 1 (West) Concept 1 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades at Existing
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Signalized Intersection
Alternative 2
Concept 2 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Realignment of Intersection & New Bike Signal
Concept 3 (East)
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Concept 2 (West) with Enhancements Alternative 3
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Concept 3A (East) Realignment of Intersection
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
with Enhancements and Mixing Zone
Concept 4 (East) Alternative 4
Shared Use Path Roundabout
Concept 2 (East) | Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Concept 2 (East) | Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Alternatives Presentation
Corridor Concepts Corridor Concepts Intersection Alternatives
West of East Avenue East of East Avenue @ East Avenue
Alternative 1
Concept 1 (West) Concept 1 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades at Existing
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Signalized Intersection
Alternative 2
Concept 2 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Realignment of Intersection & New Bike Signal
Concept 3 (East)
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Concept 2 (West) with Enhancements Alternative 3
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Concept 3A (East) Realignment of Intersection
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
with Enhancements and Mixing Zone
Concept 4 (East) Alternative 4
Shared Use Path Roundabout
Concept 3 (East) | Raised, Separated Bike Lanes with Enhancements
Alternatives Presentation
Corridor Concepts Corridor Concepts Intersection Alternatives
West of East Avenue East of East Avenue @ East Avenue
Alternative 1
Concept 1 (West) Concept 1 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades at Existing
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Signalized Intersection
Alternative 2
Concept 2 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Realignment of Intersection & New Bike Signal
Concept 3 (East)
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Concept 2 (West) with Enhancements Alternative 3
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Concept 3A (East) Realignment of Intersection
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
with Enhancements and Mixing Zone
Concept 4 (East) Alternative 4
Shared Use Path Roundabout
Concept 3A (East) | Raised, Separated Bike Lanes with Enhancements
and Mixing Zone
Alternatives Presentation
Corridor Concepts Corridor Concepts Intersection Alternatives
West of East Avenue East of East Avenue @ East Avenue
Alternative 1
Concept 1 (West) Concept 1 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades at Existing
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Signalized Intersection
Alternative 2
Concept 2 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Realignment of Intersection & New Bike Signal
Concept 3 (East)
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Concept 2 (West) with Enhancements Alternative 3
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Concept 3A (East) Realignment of Intersection
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
with Enhancements and Mixing Zone
Concept 4 (East) Alternative 4
Shared Use Path Roundabout
Concept 4 (East) | Shared Use Path
Concept 4 (East) | Shared Use Path
Colchester Avenue Corridor East
Concept 3A (East)
Concept 1 (East) Concept 2 (East) Concept 3 (East) Concept 4 (East)
Evaluation Matrix East On-Street Separated Bike Raised and Separated Bike Raised and Separated Bike
Raised and Separated Bike
Shared Use Path and
Lanes with Enhancements
Lanes Lanes Lanes with Enhancements Separated Bike Lanes
and Mixing Zone


Colchester Avenue Corridor East
Concept 3A (East)
Concept 1 (East) Concept 2 (East) Concept 3 (East) Concept 4 (East)
Evaluation Matrix East On-Street Separated Bike Raised and Separated Bike Raised and Separated Bike
Raised and Separated Bike
Shared Use Path and
Lanes with Enhancements
Lanes Lanes Lanes with Enhancements Separated Bike Lanes
and Mixing Zone
Costs Total Cost $$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$


Colchester Avenue Corridor East
Concept 3A (East)
Concept 1 (East) Concept 2 (East) Concept 3 (East) Concept 4 (East)
Evaluation Matrix East On-Street Separated Bike Raised and Separated Bike Raised and Separated Bike
Raised and Separated Bike
Shared Use Path and
Lanes with Enhancements
Lanes Lanes Lanes with Enhancements Separated Bike Lanes
and Mixing Zone

Improved Improved
Improved Improved Improved
Bicycle Safety Cyclists in separated facility Cyclists in separated facility
Cyclists in separated facility Cyclists in separated facility Cyclists in separated facility
or shared use path or shared use path

No Change / Slightly No Change / Slightly No Change / Slightly No Change/Slightly Worse No Change/Slightly Worse
Improved Improved Improved Pedestrians in separated Cyclists and pedestrians in
Safety Pedestrian Safety
Fewer cyclists using Fewer cyclists using Fewer cyclists using facility except for mixing shared path on north side at
sidewalk sidewalk sidewalk zone area east end of project
Slightly Improved Slightly Improved Slightly Improved Slightly Improved Slightly Improved
Reduce conflicts with Reduce conflicts with Reduce conflicts with Reduce conflicts with Reduce conflicts with
Vehicle Safety
cyclists by defining and cyclists by defining and cyclists by defining and cyclists by defining and cyclists by defining and
separating spaces separating spaces separating spaces separating spaces separating spaces
Colchester Avenue Corridor East
Concept 3A (East)
Concept 1 (East) Concept 2 (East) Concept 3 (East) Concept 4 (East)
Evaluation Matrix East On-Street Separated Bike Raised and Separated Bike Raised and Separated Bike
Raised and Separated Bike
Shared Use Path and
Lanes with Enhancements
Lanes Lanes Lanes with Enhancements Separated Bike Lanes
and Mixing Zone


Utility Impacts Major Impacts Major Impacts Major Impacts Major Impacts Major Impacts
ROW Impacts No Impacts No Impacts Minor Impacts Minor Impacts No Impacts
Constructability Major Effort Major Effort Major Effort Major Effort Major Effort
Elimination of On-Street Elimination of On-Street Maintains Some On-Street Maintains Some On-Street Elimination of On-Street
Impacts Parking (Colchester Ave) Parking (Colchester Ave) Parking (Colchester Ave) Parking (Colchester Ave) Parking (Colchester Ave)
Moderate Impacts to Moderate Impacts to Major Impacts to Existing; Major Impacts to Existing; Moderate Impacts to
Trees Existing; Some Tree Belt Existing; Some Tree Belt Increased Tree Belt Increased Tree Belt Existing; Some Tree Belt
Opportunity Opportunity Opportunity Opportunity Opportunity
Historic No Impacts No Impacts No Impacts No Impacts No Impacts
Archaeological No Impacts No Impacts No Impacts No Impacts No Impacts
Colchester Avenue Corridor East
Concept 3A (East)
Concept 1 (East) Concept 2 (East) Concept 3 (East) Concept 4 (East)
Evaluation Matrix East On-Street Separated Bike Raised and Separated Bike Raised and Separated Bike
Raised and Separated Bike
Shared Use Path and
Lanes with Enhancements
Lanes Lanes Lanes with Enhancements Separated Bike Lanes
and Mixing Zone



Community Aesthetics No Change Improved Improved Improved Improved

Character Satisfies Purpose & Need Yes* Yes* Yes Yes Yes*

▪ *Parking Need
– Existing on-street parking on Colchester Ave reduced or removed in all concepts
• Concepts 3 and 3A are the only concepts that retain some on-street parking on Colchester Ave
– Identified business parking needs based on discussions with business owners
– Identified potential for additional parking opportunities adjacent to the corridor, including:
• UVM and City pursuit of public parking in Centennial Lot on University Road (10+ spaces)
• Neighborhood pursuit of residential on-street parking by area instead of by street (Fletcher Place, Latham Court,
Thibault Parkway, and Nash Place)
• Discussions regarding privately owned lots for residential use
Alternatives Presentation
Corridor Concepts Corridor Concepts Intersection Alternatives
West of East Avenue East of East Avenue @ East Avenue
Alternative 1
Concept 1 (West) Concept 1 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades at Existing
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Signalized Intersection
Alternative 2
Concept 2 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Realignment of Intersection & New Bike Signal
Concept 3 (East)
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Concept 2 (West) with Enhancements Alternative 3
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Concept 3A (East) Realignment of Intersection
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
with Enhancements and Mixing Zone
Concept 4 (East) Alternative 4
Shared Use Path Roundabout
Alternatives Presentation
Corridor Concepts Corridor Concepts Intersection Alternatives
West of East Avenue East of East Avenue @ East Avenue
Alternative 1
Concept 1 (West) Concept 1 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades at Existing
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Signalized Intersection
Alternative 2
Concept 2 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Realignment of Intersection & New Bike Signal
Concept 3 (East)
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Concept 2 (West) with Enhancements Alternative 3
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Concept 3A (East) Realignment of Intersection
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
with Enhancements and Mixing Zone
Concept 4 (East) Alternative 4
Shared Use Path Roundabout
Alternative 1 | Equipment and Striping
Alternatives Presentation
Corridor Concepts Corridor Concepts Intersection Alternatives
West of East Avenue East of East Avenue @ East Avenue
Alternative 1
Concept 1 (West) Concept 1 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades at Existing
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Signalized Intersection
Alternative 2
Concept 2 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Realignment of Intersection & New Bike Signal
Concept 3 (East)
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Concept 2 (West) with Enhancements Alternative 3
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Concept 3A (East) Realignment of Intersection
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
with Enhancements and Mixing Zone
Concept 4 (East) Alternative 4
Shared Use Path Roundabout
Alternative 2 | Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Realignment of Intersection & New Bike Signal
Alternatives Presentation
Corridor Concepts Corridor Concepts Intersection Alternatives
West of East Avenue East of East Avenue @ East Avenue
Alternative 1
Concept 1 (West) Concept 1 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades at Existing
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Signalized Intersection
Alternative 2
Concept 2 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Realignment of Intersection & New Bike Signal
Concept 3 (East)
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Concept 2 (West) with Enhancements Alternative 3
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Concept 3A (East) Realignment of Intersection
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
with Enhancements and Mixing Zone
Concept 4 (East) Alternative 4
Shared Use Path Roundabout
Alternative 3 | Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Realignment of Intersection
Alternatives Presentation
Corridor Concepts Corridor Concepts Intersection Alternatives
West of East Avenue East of East Avenue @ East Avenue
Alternative 1
Concept 1 (West) Concept 1 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades at Existing
On-Street Separated Bike Lanes On-Street Separated Bike Lanes
Signalized Intersection
Alternative 2
Concept 2 (East)
Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Realignment of Intersection & New Bike Signal
Concept 3 (East)
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
Concept 2 (West) with Enhancements Alternative 3
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes Equipment and Striping Upgrades with
Concept 3A (East) Realignment of Intersection
Raised, Separated Bike Lanes
with Enhancements and Mixing Zone
Concept 4 (East) Alternative 4
Shared Use Path Roundabout
Alternative 4 | Roundabout
Colchester Avenue / East Avenue Intersection
Alternative 2
Evaluation Matrix Alternative 1 Equipment and Striping Upgrades
Alternative 3
Alternative 4
Equipment and Striping Upgrades
Intersection Equipment and Striping Upgrade with Realignment of Intersection Roundabout
with Realignment of Intersection
& New Bike Signal



Colchester Avenue / East Avenue Intersection
Alternative 2
Evaluation Matrix Alternative 1 Equipment and Striping Upgrades
Alternative 3
Alternative 4
Equipment and Striping Upgrades
Intersection Equipment and Striping Upgrade with Realignment of Intersection Roundabout
with Realignment of Intersection
& New Bike Signal

Costs Total Cost $ $$$ $$$ $$$$


Colchester Avenue / East Avenue Intersection
Alternative 2
Evaluation Matrix Alternative 1 Equipment and Striping Upgrades
Alternative 3
Alternative 4
Equipment and Striping Upgrades
Intersection Equipment and Striping Upgrade with Realignment of Intersection Roundabout
with Realignment of Intersection
& New Bike Signal


Slightly Improved Slightly Improved

Slightly Improved Improved
Cyclists have to travel between Bikes only conflict with single
Bicycle Safety Bike Lanes provided westbound Bikes provided protected lane
thru and right turn lanes, but movement at time, but not fully
through signal and phase - no turn conflicts
protected protected; fewer conflict points

Slightly Improved
Safety Improved Improved Improved Allow additional cross locations,
Pedestrian Safety Protected Crossings with less Protected Crossings with less Protected Crossings with less but unsignalized; shorter
delay with vehicular phasing delay with vehicular phasing delay with vehicular phasing crossings with lower speed
vehicles; fewer conflict points

Slightly Improved Improved Slightly Improved Significantly Improved

Vehicle Safety by separating users, proper by fully separating users, proper by separating users, proper Lower vehicle speeds and fewer
equipment equipment equipment conflict points

Colchester Avenue / East Avenue Intersection
Alternative 2
Evaluation Matrix Alternative 1 Equipment and Striping Upgrades
Alternative 3
Alternative 4
Equipment and Striping Upgrades
Intersection Equipment and Striping Upgrade with Realignment of Intersection Roundabout
with Realignment of Intersection
& New Bike Signal


Utility Impacts Major Impacts Major Impacts Major Impacts Major Impacts
ROW Impacts Minor Impacts Minor Impacts Minor Impacts Minor Impacts
Constructability Minor Effort Major Effort Major Effort Major Effort
Existing Parking Maintained
Impacts Parking Slight Reduction (East Ave) Slight Reduction (East Ave) Slight Reduction (East Ave)
(East Ave)
Trees No Impacts Minor Impacts To Existing Minor Impacts to Existing Minor Impacts to Existing
Historic No Impacts No Impacts No Impacts No Impacts
Archaeological No Impacts Additional Review Recommended Additional Review Recommended Additional Review Recommended
Colchester Avenue / East Avenue Intersection
Alternative 2
Evaluation Matrix Alternative 1 Equipment and Striping Upgrades
Alternative 3
Alternative 4
Equipment and Striping Upgrades
Intersection Equipment and Striping Upgrade with Realignment of Intersection Roundabout
with Realignment of Intersection
& New Bike Signal



Aesthetics No Change Improved No Change Improved
Character Satisfies Purpose
Yes Yes Yes Yes
& Need
Next Steps
▪ Preferred Alternative Refinement

▪ Advisory Committee Meeting #3

▪ Preferred Alternative Recommendation to

TEUC and City Council
Stay Connected with the
Colchester Avenue: Bikeways,
Parking, and Intersection Safety

Project Website:

Contact Info:
Jason Charest, CCRPC
Raised, Separated Bike Lane Example
Photo Credit: Carl Sundstrom

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