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ß 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 140A:2521 – 2529 (2006)

Looking Different:
Understanding Diversity in Facial Form
S.A. Brugmann, J. Kim, and J.A. Helms*
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Stanford University, Stanford, California
Received 1 May 2006; Accepted 20 May 2006

The face is perhaps the most distinguishing feature of the muzzle) could be generated from a once-similar entity. We
vertebrate body. Six billion human faces decorate the earth, examined the morphological ontogeny and a number of
each of them unique and exceptional in their own way. molecular expression patterns in an attempt to shed light on
Likewise, facial variation is the cornerstone of species- when species-specific variations occur and what molecules
specific diversity within the animal kingdom. Yet despite (BMPs, FGFs, etc.) are implicated in its differential growth.
this multiplicity in form, the underlying architecture of the We hypothesize that subtle changes in the signaling of these
vertebrate face is remarkably conserved. If early embryos of morphogens can reproducibly alter the morphology of the
different species first resemble one another, then how is this frontonasal prominence. Taken together, these data facilitate
facial diversity generated? Our primary goal is to elucidate our fledgling understanding of the process by which facial
the molecular origins of species-specific craniofacial mor- morphogenesis is regulated. ß 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
phogenesis. We examined one facial primordia, the fronto-
nasal prominence, of phylogenetically related (chick vs.
quail vs. duck) and distant (mouse vs. chick) embryos and Key words: craniofacial; frontonasal prominence; species
asked how such drastically different forms (e.g., beak, bill, or variations; BMP; FGF; mouse; chick; quail; duck

How to cite this article: Brugmann SA, Kim J, Helms JA. 2006. Looking different: Understanding diversity in
facial form. Am J Med Genet Part A 140A:2521–2529.


‘‘Somethin’ tells me it’s all happening at the zoo’’ Embryo Collection and Photography
(Paul Simon).
Nature has nowhere created greater diversity, nor All procedures followed protocols that were
illustrated a better sense of humor, than in her approved by Stanford University. Mouse embryo
elaborations of the vertebrate face. A quick perusal of collections followed standard procedures, where
the residents of any zoo—as well as their visitors— mice were mated in the evening and inspected in the
will surely illustrate the enormous facial variations morning; upon detection of a vaginal plug, mice
that exist throughout the animal kingdom. Elephants embryos were designated as e0.5. Chick embryos
are a glorious illustration of this point, as is the were staged according to Hamburger Hamilton
spoonbill and the awe-inspiring anteater (Fig. 1). criteria [Hamburger and Hamilton, 1951].
Noting these facial features, an inquisitive craniofa- To better visualize the morphology of the fronto-
cial biologist might begin to wonder how such nasal prominence, all embryos were soaked briefly
diversity actually arises, whereas a craniofacial in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) containing
geneticist may observe comparable alterations in ethidium bromide. Embryos were photographed in
human facial form. In the latter case, however, the fluorescent light, and images were then changed to
extreme variations represent pathological condi- grey scale.
tions. Is the molecular machinery so handily
employed by mother nature to generate the unique
faces in the animal kingdom also responsible for
generating the diversity—from normal to abnor- Grant sponsor: NIH; Grant numbers: R01-DE12462, F32-DE017499.
*Correspondence to: J.A. Helms, Department of Plastic and Recon-
mal—of human faces? This was the question that structive Surgery, 257 Campus Drive, Room GK207, Stanford University,
captured our interest and which we pursued, in the Stanford, CA 94305. E-mail:
context of how facial patterning is established. DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a.31361
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A: DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a


FIG. 1. Nature’s variation. The most striking variations in differential growth of the frontonasal prominence are seen at any local zoo. Compare the long pliable
frontonasal prominence of an elephant (A), the flat frontonasal prominence of a spoon bill (B), and the elongated, bony frontonasal prominence of an anteater (C).

In Situ Hybridization After developing, the slides were cover-slipped with

aqueous mounting medium.
Embryos were embedded in paraffin and sectioned
at a 7-mm thickness. The relevant mRNAs for in situ
hybridization were prepared using sequence-speci-
RCAS-Sprouty and RCAS-Noggin Infection
fic primers and polymerase chain reaction. Tissue
sections or whole mount embryos were incubated in The response of cells to FGF signaling (in the case
hybridization buffer (Ambion Corporation, Austin, of Sprouty 2) or to BMP signaling (in the case
TX) containing digoxigenin-labeled riboprobe at an of Noggin) was prevented by the injection of a
approximate concentration of 0.2–0.3 mg/ml probe replication competent retrovirus (RCAS) encoding
per kilobase of probe complexity. Non-specifically either the FGF antagonist Sprouty 2, or the BMP
bound probe was hydrolyzed with RNase A, and antagonist Noggin (RCAS-Noggin) or, as a control,
final washes were carried out at high stringency alkaline phosphatase (RCAS-AP). Injections were
(0.2 SSC, 658C). For color detection, embryos or carried out between Hamilton Hamburger (HH)
slides were blocked with 10% sheep serum and stages 8 and 10. In both cases this approach led to
levamisole, and developed using nitro blue tetra- widespread protein production by HH stage 15.
zolium chloride (NBT) and 5-bromo-4-chloro-3- Analyses of the resulting phenotypes were carried
indolyl phosphate (BCIP; Roche, Indianapolis, IN). out at HH stage 25.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A: DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a


In Ovo Delivery of Sorafenib recognized that late-staged embryos already exhibit
the craniofacial features characteristic of their post-
A concentrated solution of Sorafenib was prepared
natal phenotypes. Therefore, we began by analyzing
(2.8  109 mg/ml), and an aliquot of 1.0 ml was
two readily available vertebrate embryos, mammals
injected via a micro-injector near the head region of
and birds, for the first evidence of their species-
HH stage 5 chick embryos. Control embryos were
specific characteristics.
injected with PBS; all embryos were collected after
The mouse muzzle shares features of other
72 hr, and processed as described above for
mammalian faces in that the tip of the muzzle
projects some distance from the sides of the face
(Fig. 2A). The tip of the muzzle is derived from the
frontonasal prominence, and in mice is characterized
by the closely positioned nasal pits that are separated
Class Differences: When Facial Form
by an infranasal depression (IND, Fig. 2B). The IND
Diverges in Mammals and Aves
is sometimes erroneously referred to as a cleft.
We began with a relatively straightforward ques- Histological analyses reveal, however, that this
tion; namely, when are species-specific craniofacial ‘‘cleft’’ is actually the epithelial seam-lined frontona-
features first evident? Centuries ago, embryologists sal prominence which appears compressed between

FIG. 2. Time course of murine frontonasal prominence development. Embryos were collected at various stages and stained with ethidium bromide to illustrate the
origins of the characteristic shape of the mouse muzzle (dotted black box, A; high magnification, B) and the IND (arrow, B and C). The origin of this structure becomes
evident upon a review of early embryonic stages (D–I). The frontonasal prominence is divided into medial (yellow overlay) and lateral (blue overlay) regions. The
medial aspect has a deep furrow that becomes exaggerated with the growth of the maxillary prominences (MX). Still earlier, the ‘‘waveform’’ of the frontonasal
prominence (dotted white line, G and H) is evident, with the medial region retruding, relative to the protruding lateral aspects of the frontonasal prominence. Less than
24 hr earlier in development this indentation is undetectable and the frontonasal prominence appears almost sphere-like with the only obvious features being the nasal
pits (dotted black lines, I).
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A: DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a


the two maxillary prominences (MX, Fig. 2D). The We next compared the morphology of the mouse
origins of this arrangement became more obvious muzzle with that of a bird beak, as both structures are
when we examined earlier staged embryos: at e13.5 primarily derived from the frontonasal prominence.
we found that the frontonasal prominence itself is At HH stage 40, chicken embryos exhibit a pointed
divided into a medial (midline, yellow) and lateral beak reminiscent of its post-hatching phenotype
region (blue) and the medial aspect has a deep (Fig. 3A). At HH stage 30, the origins of the pointed
furrow (arrow, Fig. 2C). These lateral aspects of the upper beak become obvious: the midline of the
frontonasal prominence are initially separated from frontonasal prominence in avians has grown out
one another by the medial region. With the ensuing past the lateral aspects, creating a waveform that is
expansion of the lateral regions relative to the medial inverted relative to that of the mouse frontonasal
region, along with growth of the maxillary pro- prominence (dotted line, Fig. 3B). Still earlier, at
minences, the lateral aspects of the frontonasal stage 27, this arrangement, where the medial region
prominence approximate and give the impression of the frontonasal prominence protruded relative
of a midline cleft (Fig. 2F–D). to the lateral regions, is just becoming established
We examined younger embryos to gain an (Fig. 3C). At HH stage 25, the medial and lateral
appreciation for how this differential growth began. regions protrude the same amount, giving the
At this developmental age we observed that the impression of an almost flattened frontonasal pro-
medial region of the frontonasal prominence is minence (dotted line, Fig. 3D).
retruded relative to the protruding lateral regions of At HH stage 20 the frontonasal prominence,
the frontonasal prominence, resulting in the indicat- which encompasses the region between the nasal
ed ‘‘waveform’’ (dotted white line, Fig. 2G). Twelve pits, is nearly spherical (Fig. 3E). This arrange-
hours earlier, at e9.5, we detected only a subtle ment is nearly unchanged at earlier time points
indentation in the medial region of the frontonasal (HH stage 17, Fig. 3F). From these comparisons
prominence (Fig. 2H), and less than 24 hr earlier than between a mammal and a bird we drew two
that, at e9.0, this indentation is undetectable (Fig. 2I). conclusions. First, we confirmed that unique, spe-
At this point in development the murine frontonasal cies-specific features within the frontonasal pro-
prominence appeared almost sphere-like, delimi- minence are established during the embryonic
tated from the MXs by the nasal pits (black dotted period. Second, despite their ultimate dissimi-
lines Fig. 2I). larities, the frontonasal-derived features of early

FIG. 3. Time course of chicken frontonasal prominence development. Embryos were collected and stained with ethidium bromide to illustrate the origins of the
characteristic shape of the chicken beak. Stage 40 chicken embryos exhibit a pointed beak reminiscent of its post-hatching phenotype (A). At an earlier stage, the origins
of the pointed upper beak are obvious: the midline of the frontonasal prominence has grown out past the lateral aspects in an inverse ‘‘waveform’’ (dotted white line, B).
An asterisk marks the nasal pit (*). At earlier stages, the medial region (yellow overlay) of the frontonasal prominence still protrudes relative to lateral regions (blue
overlay) (C and D). At stage 20 the frontonasal prominence appears more flattened (dotted white line, E). At stage 17, the frontonasal prominence is nearly spherical and
defined from the adjacent MX by the nasal pits (dotted white lines, F).
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A: DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a


embryos converge until different species closely earlier than the faces of animals that shared the same
resemble one another. order. We found that by HH stage 25, the shape of
the frontonasal prominence was notably broader in
the duck, and the morphology of the midline distinct
All in the Family: Species-Specific Differences from that of the stage matched quail and chick
in Chick, Quail, and Duck Faces embryos (compare Fig. 5B,E,H), whereas the fronto-
nasal prominence in quails and chicks looked nearly
Our next analyses centered on determining when identical until HH stage 27 (data not shown;
this morphological diversity in the frontonasal [Schneider and Helms, 2003]. At earlier embryonic
prominence was first detectable. We hypothesized stages, however, the chick, quail, and duck embryos
that more distantly related animals (i.e., those from were impossible to differentiate (compare Fig. 5C,F,I).
different classes, such as mammals and aves) would Thus, when considered together, these morphologi-
diverge earlier than those that shared the same class cal assessments indicate that more distantly related
(Fig. 4). Similarly, we reasoned that animals that were embryos exhibited species-specific craniofacial char-
from the same class (aves) but from different orders acteristics earlier during the embryonic period.
(i.e., Galliformes vs. Anseriformes) would exhibit Conversely, more closely related animals had more
species-specific features sooner during the embryo- similar facial features for a longer period of their
nic period than those that shared the same family embryonic development. In addition, we found that
(i.e., Phasianidae) but arose from different Genera during the earliest stages of craniofacial develop-
(i.e., Coturnix vs. Gallus; Fig. 4). To directly test this ment, animals from different classes looked remark-
hypothesis we compared embryos from chicken ably similar. Therefore, the fundamental structural
(Gallus gallus), quail (Coturnix japonica), and duck characteristics, or ‘‘bauplan,’’ of the face appear to be
(Genus Anas) for evidence of facial similarities, and conserved. How, then, do animals develop species-
facial distinctions. specific craniofacial features?
We began our analyses using avian embryos from
the same family (Phasianidae), namely the quail and
chicken. Both birds have short, sharp beaks that are Molecular Pathways Involved in
ideal for cracking small seeds that make up the bulk Species-Specific Craniofacial Form
of their diets [Grant and Grant, 2002]. During the Shortly after the neural tube fuses and the cephalic
latter period of embryonic development, embryonic flexure position the head in an anterior location,
chick and quail beaks are discernible predominantly embryos from a wide variety of classes and families
because of size differences (Fig. 5A,D). Their general look remarkably similar, yet shortly afterwards,
morphologies, however, are quite alike. In fact, by around the time of organogenesis, species-specific
HH stage 25, the frontonasal prominence of a chick facial features are achieved. Therefore, we reasoned
and a quail are nearly indistinguishable (Fig. 5B,E), that there must be a window of time during which the
and at earlier stages than that (HH stage 17) the growth and patterning of the frontonasal promi-
entire head region of the embryos is identical nence is differentially regulated. We undertook a
(Fig. 5C,F). Thus, as we had hypothesized, animals series of in situ hybridization analyses in an attempt
that share the same family share nearly identical to identify genes whose differential expression might
facial features for a greater period of their embryonic account for some of these species-specific changes in
development. frontonasal growth.
Next we compared the quail and chick embryos to We began our analyses comparing the expres-
duck embryos. Since Galliformes (quails, chicks) and sion patterns of three morphogens that have
Anseriformes (ducks) arise from different orders we well-documented roles in craniofacial development
predicted that their facial features would diverge [Helms et al., 2005]. Our first analyses were carried
out on HH stage 22 quail and duck embryos because
at this early stage the shape of the frontonasal
prominence is morphologically similar. Any gene
that played a causal role in species-specific shape
changes, we reasoned, would show a difference in
its expression pattern prior to any shape change. At
HH stage 25 the Sonic hedgehog (Shh) expression
domain in ventral facial (stomodeal) ectoderm was
indistinguishable between chick (data not shown),
quail, and duck embryos (compare Fig. 6A,A0 , red
arrow; also see [Cordero et al., 2004]). Therefore, it
was unlikely that differences in the facial expression
FIG. 4. A cladogram of murine and avian species. This cladogram illustrates
phylogenetic relationships and shows points at which various species have of Shh were responsible for differences in frontona-
diverged from common ancestral forms. sal form between these avian species.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A: DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a


FIG. 5. Comparison of different avian embryos including a chick (A, B, C), quail (D, E, F), and duck (G, H, I). Despite their unique facial features upon hatching (A, D,
G) embryos with in the same family (chick and quail, family: Phasianidae) resemble each other. By HH stage 25, the frontonasal prominence of a chick and a quail are
nearly indistinguishable (compare B and E), and at early stages than that (HH stage 17) the entire head region of the embryos are identical (compare C and F). Embryos
from different orders (Galliformes; chicks and quails and Anseriformes; ducks) diverge earlier than the faces of animals that shared the same order. By HH stage 25, the
shape of the frontonasal prominence was notably broader in the duck (H) and the morphology of the midline distinct from that of the stage matched quail and chick
embryos (B, E, H). At stage 17, however, the chick, quail, and duck embryo were impossible to differentiate (compare C, F, I).

We next evaluated Fibroblast growth factor 8 BMP4 expression domain was nearly identical at the
(FGF8) expression and found that the maxillary earlier stage (compare Fig. 6D,D0 ), indicating that
domain was identical between the duck and quail any species-specific differences in expression likely
embryos (Fig. 6). The domain surrounding the nasal occurred in a 24 hr period, between HH stages
pit, however, was different between the two species: 20 and 25.
while the FGF8 domain circumscribed the nasal pits Taken together, these data indicate that molecular
of quail embryos, it was restricted to the medial changes, ranging from very subtle (e.g., FGF8) to
aspect of the nasal pits in duck embryos (compare much more distinct (e.g., BMP4), precede the
Fig. 6B,B0 , red arrows). morphological variations that characterize a particu-
Among the genes we analyzed the most striking lar avian species. Since these molecular pathways are
difference in an expression pattern was seen in our likely essential for sculpting the face of a wide range
analyses of BMP4. In HH stage 24 duck embryos, of vertebrates, we speculated that disruptions in
BMP4 was expressed in two broad strips in the these same pathways would necessarily lead to
midline of the duck frontonasal prominence (com- morphological variations that include pathological
pare Fig. 6C, red arrow, and C0 ). In addition, BMP4 alterations in facial form. To test this hypothesis
was more broadly expressed in the region around we undertook a series of experiments where we
the nasal pits, and its expression extended into inhibited FGF and BMP signaling and examined
the underlying mesenchyme of the MXs (compare the morphological consequences of these two
Fig. 6C,C0 , black arrows). In quail embryos, the BMP4 treatments.
domain was much more laterally restricted (Fig. 6C0 ,
black arrows), and was all but undetectable in
Disrupting FGF Signaling in the Face Produces
the midline of the frontonasal prominence
a Range of Dysmorphologies
(Fig. 6C0 , red arrow).
We also examined younger quail and duck We made an initial foray into understanding the
embryos (around HH stage 17) and found that the role of two of these pathways, mediated by FGFs and
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A: DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a


FIG. 6. Species-specific morphological differences within the frontonasal prominence are preceded by differential gene expression patterns. Sonic hedgehog (Shh)
expression domain in ventral facial (stomodeal) ectoderm was indistinguishable between quail and duck embryos (compare A and A0 , red arrow). Fibroblast growth
factor 8 (FGF8) expression within the maxillary domain was identical between the duck and quail embryos (B and B0 ) however, the FGF8 domain circumscribed the
nasal pits of quail embryos whereas it was restricted to the medial aspect of the nasal pits in duck embryos (compare B, B0 , red arrows). BMP4 was expressed in two
broad strips in the midline of the duck frontonasal prominence but was undetectable in the midline of the quail frontonasal prominence (compare C and C0 , red arrows).
Further, BMP4 was more broadly expressed in the region around the ducks nasal pits (compare C and C0 , black arrows). BMP4 expression in younger quail and duck
embryos (HH stage 17) was nearly identical (compare D and D0 ).

BMPs, in shaping the frontonasal prominence by FGF signaling [Hacohen et al., 1998; Kramer et al.,
disrupting the pathways during earlier stages of 1999; Nutt et al., 2001] there are also data demon-
development. For example, we used three different strating that it can act as an agonist of the same
methods to inhibit FGF signaling: overexpression of pathway [reviewed in Christofori, 2003]. Lastly,
a dominant negative form of FGF receptor 1 (FGFR1), there are no known direct targets of FGF signaling
the addition of a compound that inhibits FGF sig- in the face at these stages, which complicates anal-
naling [Amaya et al., 1991; Hannon et al., 1996; Kudla yses since we cannot demonstrate target gene
et al., 1998], and overexpression of a molecular downregulation.
antagonist of FGF signaling, Sprouty 2 [Chambers Despite these caveats, all three approaches pro-
and Mason, 2000; Nutt et al., 2001]. Each one of these duced a remarkably similar craniofacial phenotype
approaches has some drawbacks; for example, over- in chick embryos treated at HH stage 5 (Fig. 7). In
expression of a truncated form of FGFR1 reduces, but each case the frontonasal prominence was dramati-
does not eliminate, FGF signaling within a tissue cally reduced in both its mediolateral and proximo-
[Flanagan-Steet et al., 2000]. Likewise, the compound distal growth (Fig. 7A–C). This truncation resulted in
used to inhibit FGF signaling (Sorafenib; Bayer the near-approximation of the MXs to one another
Pharmaceuticals Corporation, West Haven, CT) also (Fig. 7A–C, dotted white lines). The reduction in
disrupts EGF signaling [Schoffski et al., 2006]. And mediolateral growth resulted in the coalescence of
while Sprouty 2 has known antagonistic activities to the bilateral nasal pits into a single nasal pit or

FIG. 7. Perturbing FGFR1 signaling results in inhibition of the outgrowth of the frontonasal prominence. Using three different mechanisms to block signaling through
FGFR1 resulted in the reduction in proximal/distal growth of the frontonasal prominence, the near-approximation of the MXs (dotted white lines, A–C) and the
coalescence of the bilateral nasal pits into a single pit or proboscis (red arrows, A–C). In addition, the collapse of the frontonasal prominence also produced a fused eye
field (yellow arrow, C).
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A: DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a


proboscis (Fig. 7A–C, red arrows). In addition, the (compare Fig. 8E,F). The expression pattern of other
collapse of the frontonasal prominence also pro- genes, such as BarX1, however, did not appear to
duced a single eye field (e.g., synophthalmia) in change (Fig. 8G,H). Morphologically, the attenua-
some embryos (Fig. 7C, yellow arrows). Collectively, tion of BMP signaling resulted in a reduction in the
these data indicate that disruptions in FGF signaling proximal/distal outgrowth of both the frontonasal
at an early stage of avian development produces a and MX prominences (compare Fig. 8I,J). As a result,
range of craniofacial midline malformations. the nasal pits remain proximal and were unable to
merge with the lateral nasal and maxillary processes
(Fig. 8I,J; np, dotted black line).
Perturbing BMP Signaling Alters
Frontonasal Morphology
We extended our study into the regulation of
frontonasal development by exploring the role that The human face shows remarkable variability and
BMP signaling plays in its morphogenesis. Our because of this it is oftentimes the singular feature
previous analyses indicated that a number of BMPs used to distinguish and discriminate among indivi-
are expressed in the craniofacial primordia (data duals. Despite this exclusivity, the structural edifice
not shown; see [Ashique et al., 2002]). Therefore, of the face is so highly conserved that its underlying
we used the overexpression of a BMP antagonist, pattern is shared by nearly all vertebrates [reviewed
Noggin [Lamb et al., 1993; Brunet et al., 1998] to block in Brugmann et al., 2006]. One might then wonder,
most endogenous BMP signaling in the frontonasal what forces act to establish the craniofacial bauplan?
prominence. Infecting embryos with RCAS-Noggin And what are the driving influences behind the
at HH stage 15 (Fig. 8A,B) produced widespread divergence in craniofacial form? As Darwin and many
expression of Noggin by HH stage 20 (Fig. 8A,B). The other scientists speculated, the answer to both ques-
consequences of this mis-expression included the tions lies in natural selection. Just which molecular
downregulation of Shh in the ventral facial ectoderm pathways establish the global organization of the
(compare Fig. 8C,D) and the expansion of FGF8 face, however, remain unknown. Likewise, how

FIG. 8. Perturbing BMP signaling results in the reduction in the proximal/distal outgrowth of the frontonasal and MXs. Molecularly, the overexpression of the BMP
antagonist, Noggin (compare A and B) results in the reduction of Shh (compare C and D) and the expansion of FGF8 (compare E and F) in the facial ectoderm of the
frontonasal prominence. Other genes expressed in these areas, such as BarX1, however, did not appear to change (compare G and H). Morphologically, perturbing
BMP signaling resulted in a reduction in the proximal/distal outgrowth of the frontonasal and MXs (compare I and J). As a result, the nasal pits (np, dotted black line)
remain proximal and were unable to merge with the lateral nasal and maxillary processes (I and J).
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A: DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a


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