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Is There Design-For-All?

Article  in  Universal Access in the Information Society · May 2007

DOI: 10.1007/s10209-007-0071-2 · Source: DBLP


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1 author:

Simon Harper
The University of Manchester


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Univ Access Inf Soc (2007) 6:111–113
DOI 10.1007/s10209-007-0071-2


Is there design-for-all?
Simon Harper

Published online: 2 March 2007

 Springer-Verlag 2007

In 1891 master cutler Karl Elsener invented his first multi- excluded from the technological world in the first place. In
function tool, the ‘‘Offiziermesser’’, a soldier’s knife de- practice, we suggest that universal usability is possible but
signed to universally meet the needs of the soldier and not by using this design-for-all ethos, in point of fact we
woodsman. This officer’s knife was renamed by American suggest that it is only possible by ‘‘design-for-one’’.
GIs1 in 1945 to the more commonly known ‘‘Swiss Army Universal usability is not a lord-able idea or a sop for the
Knife’’. Adopted by outdoor enthusiasts worldwide, its few, it is a necessity for a significant percentage of the
popularity has increased, as have the number of varieties increasingly aging population, but more logical thinking
and styles. The tool, which is designed-for-all your outdoor about how to attain it is necessary. Universality suggests to
needs, and built so that one design is universally acceptable most designers and engineers that the solutions they come
to all, now has over 100 combinations. One of the key ideas up with must best fit most of the population most of the
of making the World Wide Web (web) accessible to users time. Many organizations2 follow the viewpoint that uni-
with disabilities is this same idea of design-for-all, which versal usability means design-for-all. The argument often
so inspired Karl Elsener: a concept which proposes that follows thus:
every web page should be designed so that as many people
as possible can access it, regardless of any sensory or
A focus on designing products so that they are usable
cognitive impairments. However, design-for-all can mean
by the widest range of people operating in the widest
many things to many people [3]. Some discuss design in
range of situations as is commercially practical [2].
terms of the society at large, by making reference to socio-
economics, ethics, and issues of general discrimination [6].
Others see design-for-all as a technological issue and a Paradoxically, they also come up with a pointer to a
problem to be solved [1]. Still others link design-for-all to a workable solution:
way of thought that should encompass everyone [4]. In the
context of computing and software development, many
As one might imagine, there are no universally usable
suggest that technology must focus on designing products
products. There simply is too great a range of human
so that they are usable by the widest range of people. Yet,
abilities and too great a range of situations or limi-
in reality, every person is a unique individual and so this
tations that an individual may find themselves in [7].
view cannot possibly be sustainable or achievable.
To create universal usability by designing for all in-
volves making generalizations about users, and it is these
exact generalizations that have lead to so many users being Describing a member of the US armed forces and derived from the
term ‘‘Galvanized Iron’’ after the letters ‘‘GI’’ that were stamped on
USA Army metal trash cans.
S. Harper (&) Many of these do very good work in disability and attempts at
Information Management Group, School of Computer Science, universal access. The author both supports and respects their work
University of Manchester, Manchester, UK and as such realise it would be very unfair to single out any individual
e-mail: organization.

112 Univ Access Inf Soc (2007) 6:111–113

But unfortunately do not take it: grained solution for a specific kind of user just as the GUI
has become.
The real solution is to realise that the interface is be-
Thus, universal usability is more a function of
tween the application logic (functionality) and the way that
keeping all of the people and all of the situations in
functionality is rendered (returning event capture would
mind and trying to create a product which is as
not be effected in any major way). This suggests that in-
flexible as commercially practical, so that it can
stead of using an Abstract Windows Toolkit (AWT, sug-
accommodate the different users and situations [7].
gesting a visual component) we should create a Neutral
Abstract Toolkit (NAT) which enables application logic to
While Universal Usability through design-for-all seems call the same consistent generic interface components and
reasonable on first inspection, it is not and can not be handle events back from those components but with an
supported in practice. By trying to address all user needs in additional layer to handle presentation. This additional
one design the technologist is apt to address none. Making layer should be at first coarse grained along the lines of
software usable is not just about a utilitarian view of visual, auditory, haptic, etc., but with a system wide
software use, it is also about the personal choice of the user capability to change interaction paradigms to support the
[5]. Too often designs are implemented based on knowl- user. In this way, systems bend themselves to the interac-
edge and aesthetics of the designers and engineers, but not tion will of the user and absolve the software engineer of
on those held by the user. Consider the example of a responsibility for trying to fulfil the design considerations
spreadsheet application, in which a visually impaired user of all users while enabling the system to respond in a more
may have difficulty in choosing cells and accessing bespoke manner. We call this ‘‘Design-for-One’’.
spreadsheet functions because the user interface (in this We think that design-for-one is the only way to over-
case a GUI display) does not support their needs. Another come the constraints placed on users by the need to service
example concerns how to notify a deaf person working in a the perceived interaction requirements of all users. Design-
communal office that the application they are using has for-all is only needed if that design is trying to fulfil all the
sound (which may be set too high). gaps in technology provision created by an inappropriate
When mainstream computer systems were initially user interface. We need a way to make the user interface
developed, the overriding aim was focused on the creation bespoke to the individual user and theorize that universal
of a computing resource, and not on the interaction of access to software applications does not exist because the
humans with that resource. Designers thought that they user interface and the system application logic are con-
had overcome so-many problems in the creation of joined. Further, a stable and usable interface specification
computing resources that users would be thankful just for between these parts does not exist and this means that
the computational ability; and they were. However, as separation cannot occur. Human Computer Interaction
systems became more complex and machines spread to (HCI) design heuristics that support a separation between
the desktop to be operated by non-technical users, inter- the user interface and the code that implements the func-
action with these machines became more of a concern. tionality of the application are ably demonstrated in the
Some solutions, collectively known as User Interface Mozilla User Interface (XUL) implementation, which al-
Management Systems, were suggested. These mainly fo- lows a different ‘‘Look and Feel’’ to be used over different
cused on interface generation for large bespoke embedded applications and operating systems. By this separation,
systems (aircraft avionics and the like) which met with universal access to applications can be accommodated
little success when moved to off-the-peg software devel- because the interface can adapt to the task without the need
opment. to change any part of the other functionality. We can see
It seems that the entire current access paradigm is that this kind of design thinking supports the utilitarian user
flawed, and that exponents of computation should be requirement, user activity, and users personal choice. It
looking at moving away from the limited Graphical User provides a halfway-house ‘‘coarse’’ grained interface and a
Interface (GUI) model. GUI’s expect users to be endowed method of fine tuning to a specific user. Even though the
with a standard set of properties which in real life they do rendering is still visual, Mozilla points the way to com-
not necessarily posses. Plainly, a visually impaired users ponent separation, and therefore interface adaptability.
interaction with a GUI will not only be almost impossible In his article ‘‘Bridging the Digital Divide with Universal
but unproductive too. Even with the addition of accessi- Usability’’ [4], Ben Shneiderman asks the question ‘‘Can
bility application program interfaces (API), interaction is you design a text-only interface that conveys the contents
still difficult and counter intuitive at best, and frustrating at and experience of an animated Flash presentation?’’. It is an
worst. So would the solution be to build an Auditory User interesting problem, but one that cannot be solved by
Interface (AUI)? Well no, this would mean another coarse designing one all encompassing solution. Indeed, there can

Univ Access Inf Soc (2007) 6:111–113 113

only be a solution if the information in question provides the We effect we disagree with the accepted view and
opportunity for universal access. Once the opportunity is propose that universal accessability should be addressed
provided, interfaces can be developed to access that infor- by focusing not on the human computer interface itself,
mation3 in the most appropriate way to the user and not to but on the interface between the system and the method
the information itself. For instance, if an audio file is created of controlling that system. In this way, human computer
without the opportunity of both a graphical or textual interfaces within systems can cater for multi-model
expression, then a hearing impaired user could not interact sensory user interaction and multiple system functional-
with that source. In fact, a hearing impaired user may not ities.
wish to play the audio at all, but have an mp3 interface
• It is time to create truly universally accessible systems.
which prints the audio—maybe textually or in the form of
• It is time to change our view of Universal Usability.
the written sheet music. To achieve this, the information
• It is time to enable Design-for-One.
must indeed be complete and in a standardized format.
The main objective of many governments and ethical
organisations is the integration of older people and people
with disabilities into the information society. They propose References
that this will only come about as a result of designing
mainstream products and services to be accessible by as 1. Law, C., Vanderheiden, G.: The development of a simple, low cost
broad a range of users as possible, that is ‘‘design-for-all’’. set of universal access features for electronic devices. In:
We propose that to solve the problems surrounding Uni- Proceedings on the 2000 Conference on Universal Usability, pp.
118–123. ACM, New York, (2000)
versal Usability we need to address five main points. 2. Mace, R.L. (1998) A perspective on universal design. An edited
excerpt of a presentation at designing for the 21st Century: an
1. Provide the opportunity for universal access by creat- International Conference on Universal Design. Retrieved Decem-
ing complete but neutral information. ber 26, 2002 from:
2. Provide multiple abstract user interface toolkits (AU- plenary98.php
ITs) to enable the creation of coarse grained user 3. Novick, D.G., Scholtz, J.C.: Editorial—universal usability. Inter-
act. Comput. 14(4), 269–270 (2002)
interfaces. 4. Shneiderman, B.: Design: Cuu: bridging the digital divide with
3. Create a strict definition of functionality available universal usability. Interactions 8(2), 11–15 (2001)
across all interface toolkits in the form of a reference 5. Stephanidis, C.: Adaptive techniques for universal access. User
AUIT. In this way, application logic written for one Modeling User-adapt Interact. 11(1–2), 159–179 (2001)
6. Stephanidis, C., Emiliani, P.L.: ‘Connecting’ to the information
interface toolkit will communicate with all. society: a European perspective. In technology and disability, vol
4. Interfaces must be coarsely tailored to a target user 10, pp. 21–44. IOS Press, Amsterdam (1999)
group with the possibility of fine tunability by an 7. Vanderheiden, G.: Fundamental principles and priority setting for
individual user (from that user group) to suit their universal usability. Proceedings of ACM Conference on Universal
Usability, ACM, New York, pp 32–38 (2000)
personal interaction requirements.

2Be it graphical, audible, or textual.


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