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Standing out from the crowd is important and it really is one of

the main fundamentals of any marketing strategy. These days

people have a lot of choice. With the advent of the Internet that
choice has increased even more. If people can’t find your number
easily or if you are hidden away among your competitors you
may be in trouble. It is important to send out a very clear
message that you are here, you are ready, willing and able to
be of service and most importantly of all that you are great at
what you do. There are various ways to increase your chances
of standing out from the crowd and these ideas are detailed in
this section:
#1 Promote your business from the outside in
#2 Put your message on the company car
#3 Turn your invoice into a sales tool
#4 Sell yourself even when you’re not there
#5 Use the Internet to be noticed
#6 A good uniform impresses everyone
#7 Make the most of packaging
#8 Never underestimate the importance of a business card
#9 Does your business have a memorable name?
Promote your business from the outside in
Be proud to promote your business by putting a sign on
the wall. I used to deal with a large graphic design company
that had an upstairs office on one of the busiest intersections
in town. They had a huge wall in full view from
anywhere on the intersection and they never got around to
painting a sign on this wall. Eventually they moved out
because business was bad. If they had spent a few hundred
dollars on a simple sign business would have got a whole
lot better a whole lot faster. Outdoor signage works seven days a week, 24 hours a
day, whether you are open or closed. Use it to its full
advantage. Be aware of local government regulations governing
signage restrictions such as size. Work with these
regulations but make your signs as big as you legally can.

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