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__ ·.

·.· , <>Pctohe;r:. ~~ 1973

. ··-.' '

·Secretary's Si;:a;ff f1eeting, Octol?e:.r l, 197:f

' (

. ~- ..
Whe:Secretary depided: ·,_..

p~. 5

-·-,-·.;-:_·· 1. . Th~t, th~ C§mbddian m¥~. ~1u7~tJ~f)·.;~J,~1 .}:)e .

t;aken .· ~.P ~t; thl=li·'nSTJ·IP.¢t9l?er 2~ ·
. p;.i3' .·· •.••. · .• ··.. . .. >: ::::;;;\.~;,~ q', 'JA"i:~'Jid\;j';1,;;f • ' ·. ·. · •· . ,.
_ ·.
:::·-.)·_._,. 2. That he wou1<!1(~,t;~;J,~,.,t,q,,,§E:jnaftqll'\,;J!a:r'~¥·, B:YJ:'i:l .
•·-t:·:. abollt.
.· '
. ' ' ' ''
of .·a oru;n;ser::'::•for· Jl'Urke:y.
. . •. : .· -· '··;/ . ' . -... ' .... ' ', _.. ' ..
That ,we k$ep our E]Jibassy ih '1\ti'fuoll: op~;n ·
·and to that eri¢1work.outwhateye'r.arrcuige-
ments·we can.on the·passport·iSsti.eiri·sliph
a way as to give a minimum
. ;Libyans. · beriefit ·to the
p •. 18
4~ That a call on Niqerian President Gowan
York. be worked into the schedlilein New
p. 26-:-27
5. That so far as the new government of.Chile
is concerned, we should not support moves
against them by·seeming to disass6ciate ·
ourselves from the Chileans <\nd on the
other hand should not be in .<1 posit±on of
defending what they are doing. in. santiago. '

. . . .
p. 31&34
That with regard to Ambassadorsapp\'Jlaring
before Consressional qommittees,·AinPasSadors ,,
come back fr6m time to time on consultation '
·and should be available on a case .by case ' '
basis for discussion with committees on '
items on which the Department cannot provide '
full information (i.e., local


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