Question & Answer: 2 December 2020

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2 December 2020



1. Why is it that even though we all read the same Bible, we can still develop so many
different views and beliefs towards God and the second coming?

2. What kind of eschatological worldview does CHC hold?

3. What is futurism?

4. Futurism can be delineated into classical and progressive dispensationalism. Which one
do we subscribe to?

5. What is preterism?

6. If preterism is wrong to believe that we are already in the new heaven and new earth,
then why does Jesus teach us to pray, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth
as it is in heaven” (Mt 6:10)?

7. After WWI and WWII, isn’t WWIII unthinkable and the Great Tribulation logistically

8. Why isn’t historicism sounder as an eschatological worldview for CHC to adopt?

9. Why do we need to box ourselves in the 4 major views of idealism, preterism,

historicism and futurism, when God just wants us to put Christ as foundation (1 Cor 3)?

10. How do the 4 worldviews of eschatology impact our lives and ministries?

11. How reliable are the words of the Early Church fathers compared to the Scriptures? Do
they hold enough weight for us to be dismissive of other perspectives?

12. Why does our eschatological view matter? As long as we believe in Jesus, we will still
have salvation no matter what eschatological view we have, right?

13. The Book of Revelation can be interpreted differently. It can be true historically,
prophetically, and symbolically. Isn’t that what makes Revelation so rich and deep?

14. If allegorical teachings change the meaning of a text, then why do we study “Going On
To Perfection”, since it explains the tabernacle symbolically?


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15. Jesus rebuked the church in Thyatira for tolerating the woman Jezebel. Therefore, does
this justify us kicking people out of the CG, if they are influencing others with their
wrong values, and if they do not want to change?

16. When Jesus says to the church of Ephesus, “I will come to you quickly and remove your
lampstand from its place – unless you repent” (Rev 2:5), and to the church in Sardis that
if they don’t repent and overcome, He will “blot out his name from the Book of Life” (Rev
3:5), doesn’t it sound serious?

17. Aren’t all Christians overcomers?

18. What is the biblical basis for a believer to suffer death in the flesh so that his soul may
be saved when he meets the Lord?


19. Where does the Great Tribulation come from?

20. Is the wrath of God synonymous with the Great Tribulation? Will we experience the
wrath of God?

21. If God helped Lot escape from Sodom and Gomorrah (and Noah from the flood), why do
we adopt the posttribulation view in our church?

22. Are the 7 seals, 7 trumpets and 7 bowls referring to the Great Tribulation or the
outpourings of God’s wrath? Or both?

23. Jesus says to the church in Smyrna that “you will have tribulation ten days” (Rev 2:10).
Doesn’t this mean that the Great Tribulation will last for only 10 days?

24. Rev 2:22 says, “I will cast her into great tribulation unless they repent.” Does that mean
if they repent, they will escape from the Great Tribulation?

25. But doesn’t Rev 3:10 say that God will “keep you from the hour of trial”? Doesn’t that
mean that God will prevent us from being persecuted?

26. How will the Great Tribulation be like? Murder and physical torture, or spiritual and
mental torments, like depression?

27. Our flesh is weak and we do fall into temptation sometimes. How do we ensure we are
able to sustain through the Great Tribulation?

28. During the time of the Great Tribulation, how would churches continue to operate? How
would it change the way we do church?

29. Is it wrong to be afraid of being a Christian because we are fearful of the Great

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30. When I face severe persecution, if I deny Jesus in a moment of weakness, can I still
repent and receive forgiveness?

31. Since God is omnipotent, why doesn’t He simply destroy Satan and the Antichrist? Why
does He allow all the sin and chaos to exist in the world?

32. Why didn’t Jesus simply end all sufferings and temptations 2,000 years ago?

33. I find it difficult to comprehend why God has a plan for so much death and destruction in
the current times, and in the end times. What is the purpose?

34. The Gospels say that no one knows the day or hour when Jesus will return. But from the
posttribulationist view, that day can be counted from the 7 years of tribulation. How to
reconcile that?


35. Will there only be one Antichrist?

36. In the posttribulation rapture view, what is the period of the 3½ years before the
Antichrist persecutes the Church?

37. Since Satan already knows about these end-time events, why would he still want to
persecute and rule over Christians?

38. Why does the Antichrist seek to do evil when he knows that he will eventually be

39. Some say that the mark of the beast is more symbolic and spiritual. Is it technologically


40. If Christians are the salt of the earth, shouldn’t Christians be raptured first before
wickedness can fully be revealed?

41. But doesn’t 2 Thess 2:7 say that the Holy Spirit needs to be taken out of the way, in a
pretribulation rapture, before the Antichrist can persecute people?

42. Will all Christians be raptured?

43. Does a Christian need to be perfect to be raptured during the second coming of Christ?
What if we are still struggling with our sinful nature?

44. What about those who call themselves “Christians” but continue to live lives of
deliberate sinning? Like in Heb 10:26.

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45. Will the pets that Christians own get raptured as well?

46. Since Jesus had already died for our sins and we are saved, why do we have to go
through the rapture?

47. Could you please help to show some Scriptures which point to the posttribulation

48. If the purpose of the rapture is for God to take the righteous out of the way so that He
can pour His wrath upon the wicked, how does this explain the posttribulation view?


49. Mt 24 is more on Jerusalem’s destruction during the Early Church days (AD 70), based on
the Book of Jeremiah. How does this refer to the second coming of Christ?

50. The Olivet discourse cannot be divided. Lk 17:20-37 is one single event in AD 70. It is not
the end times.

51. How do we explain Mt 24:34 when Jesus says, “Assuredly, I say to you, this generation
will by no means pass away till all these things take place”? It has been so many
generations since Jesus’ generation.

52. Is there any event or happening around the world that can help us know when the last
days would be?

53. Since the Jews deny Christ, why do they believe that the building of the Third Temple
will bring salvation?

54. Why is it that sometimes, the Bible refers 1 week to 7 years, and 1 day to 1,000 years?


55. If we are not living in repentance and obedience, does it mean we are not saved?

56. Can we cultivate the fruit of the Holy Spirit since it is the expression of His nature in us?

57. If the Holy Spirit does not manifest Himself in our lives, does it mean we have not
received Him?


58. As a church, do we subscribe to a Calvinist or Arminian view?

59. What is our view on predestination?

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60. Do we subscribe to either the Augustinian view on salvation or the semi-Pelagian view?


61. Do we go to heaven straight after we die?

62. Will we recognise our family and friends in heaven?

63. Why does the Bible say that we only get to heaven after the rapture?

64. Since the dead in Christ are resurrected, what about bodies that were cremated?

65. Why isn’t Lazarus considered the first resurrected person?


66. Who are we going to reign over during the millennium, and where will we reign at?

67. When Jesus comes back from heaven in the clouds, all will see Him. Is it too late then for
unbelievers to believe in Him?


68. Any explanation on why Death and Hades were only judged after Satan’s destruction?

69. Rev 3:5 says that an overcomer’s name will not be blotted from the Book of Life, i.e., no
loss of heavenly citizenship. What happens to his salvation if he fails to overcome?

70. Why do some Christians focus on some sins as if they are worse than others? Doesn’t
God see all sins as the same?

71. We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ (2 Cor 5:10). Why is there a
second judgment in heaven when we are already righteous in Christ?

72. In heaven, there is no need or want, and we won’t have a concept of what’s yours or
what’s mine. Why do we then need the rewards? Being unselfish in heaven, shouldn’t
every reward be shared?

73. Why is there a need for a second coming?

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