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President Donald J Trump (Australia) 6-1-2021

White House, USA


20210106-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to President Donald J Trump

In my view all there is needed is someone to file even this late a case against the California
invalid elected Members of the House of Representatives and the about 55 alleged Members (Not
all being Democrat party members) would not be entitled to vote, that included Nancy Pelosi.

As I previously published:
Let us consider this. Where allegedly California’s ballots were all in violation of California legislative
provisions and so cannot be counted and so the Electoral College votes allegedly for Joe Biden cannot be
counted, then the same should apply to all those of the House of Representatives who then were not validly
elected either. It means Nancy Pelosi has no legal standing to be a Member of the House of Representatives
and neither then has any position to be Speaker of the House. It means that the Democrats can lose perhaps
more than 50 Members of the House and so are ending up the MINORITY. It means, McCarty should be held
to be rightfully elected as Speaker of the House, as the vote for Nancy Pelosi was invalid by about 50 votes.
Her term as Member of the House of Representatives expired (and likewise others in the California House of
Representatives election) once the purported California election was held with invalid ballots.
It also means that any vote by the House of Representatives purportedly under Speaker Nancy Pelosi is
invalid on 6 January where they involved purported members not at all legitimately Members of the House
of Representatives.
What needs to be done is for California to hold a fresh election for Members of the House of Representatives,
and unless and until it does and there is a result Nancy Pelosi and others from California must remove
themselves from the Congress as really they are imposters.
In Australia, time and time again alleged members are ordered to leave or stand for re-election as their seats
are found to be declared vacant.

While the requirement is that the newly elected President shall take office on 20 January,
however if there is an unresolved dispute then in my view the current sitting President remains
“CARE TAKING PRESIDENT” this as FRAUD never must succeed. Which effectively
means that the ordinary government services continue but the “CARE TAKING PRESIDENT”
cannot make any major decision, without the agreement of the opposition, while the dispute
remains unresolved.

What we have is extra ordinary conditions where even California election was invalid and as
result the Democrats actually are the minority party of the House of Representatives but
somehow are disregarding this, while on the other hand seeking to claim that Biden is successful
because of the Electoral College delegates they determine are applicable, and not the Electoral
College slate of the legislators.

p1 6-1-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Basically they desire to have it both ways, pursue what they consider rightful entitlements but
forget about what is right in law, such as the invalid California election. I understood that
Wisconsin had about 200,000 ballots rejected because they failed to comply with what was
legally required by Wisconsin legal provisions. In my view, the same should apply to California.

In my view there is a different issue of “legal standing” this as it relates to the number of
Members of the House of Representatives, and Senators, where they were also standing for
election. In my view, a fresh election for California ought to be held, including regarding the
Presidential election and all others who stood for election as well as anything else voters were to
vote for in the California election.
Any Member of Congress who ignores to ensure that only validly Members are entitled to vote ,
in particular regarding the objections to Electoral College slate would not just do a disservice to
the Americans but I view betray their oath/affirmation to the constitution. Members of Congress,
regardless of their political association to any or no party must realise that the moment you
sanction any invalid election result, being by FRAUD or otherwise, then you lay the groundwork
for this to become a permanent basis for ever in the day to repeat the same or worse.
It should be understood that there can be no issue that California voters are being disenfranchised
as it is the California Government itself that essentially prevented Californians to validly vote.
One may ask what kind of quality control, if any, exist there that ballots are checked for being
correct according to legislative requirements before they are all printed.

I once was a QUALITY CONTROL OFFICER with a company and had the guts feeling that
the products (special screws) were not to be issued to the customer, and so I placed reject
markings on every pellet, pending my investigation. Each and every item had the products
according to the drawings provided and the order for the machines showed this product also,
however I simply had the guts feeling something was wrong. When then I checked with the
Office I was given the understanding that Ford Motor Company had ordered the wrong item and
as our office staff realized this it had instead for production issued a different order. I held this
was not acceptable as if something were to go wrong with any motor vehicle our company could
be sued. I made clear we need to obtain a deviation order from Ford to allow us to provide the
screws we had manufactured and which were really the once Ford required. Ford did issue the
deviation order and I then released all pallets. The works manager then gave me the
understanding that previously they had a similar incident with another customer and the company
was successfully sued and ended up having to pay a large amount of moneys. Hence, the works
manager was very pleased I had discovered the issue.

It is not uncommon in building projects that contractors have substituted materials for a lesser
quality and then buildings commence to crack, etc. This is why we always must ensure that
everything is done according to legal requirements. With political elections this too must be
The moment you accept FRAUD or other invalid ballots to be used then pending who pursues
matters the argument may be well, forget about it as we can always next time address it. That
however cannot and never should be accepted.
If a State fails to have the correct ballots printed and with the watermark that is selected then any
alleged ballot must be disregarded. The onus is upon a State Government to ensure the ballots are
correct in law.

It is to me totally irrelevant if by a replacement election the same people are (re-)elected, as what
is relevant is that ballots must be correct as to the relevant legal requirements.

p2 6-1-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
I have no doubt that were the Republican have invalid ballots being used then the Democrats
would make a big stinker about it and oppose those invalidly elected to be deemed members of
Congress. After all their own track record shows to litigate as to any election result they do not
agree with.
In my view Nancy Pelosi cannot be deemed validly elected let alone be Speaker of the House
where the California ballots were in violation to California State legal provisions.
Who can respect a person as a Speaker who will accept anything unlawful just when it suits her?
I also have concerns that the Democrats so much hammered that due to COVID-19 Members
couldn’t attend to the House in person, etc, and yet those who are supposed to be in quarantine
nevertheless, as far as I understand it, still came to the House to vote for who shall be speaker.
This I view is why citizens do not trust politicians as while politicians are as dictators demanding
citizens to obey their draconically rules, when it comes to themselves they are violating their own
rules big time.

In my view the alleged agreement between Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell is without
validity as I view Nancy Pelosi is technically not a member of the House of Representatives. I
view that Mitch McConnell (Senate House leader) should show that he really does care about
the constitution and the Rule of law and insist that those who are not validly elected(re-elected)
must leave the Congress and cannot vote. He cannot argue (as Senator Tom Cotton) is doing that
somehow there would be undermining the Constitutional process to oppose the counting of
certain votes when on the other hand ignoring what appears to me to be invalid California
election results. I do not accept whatsoever that a Leader in the Senate can apply DOUBLE
STANDARDS and view that he must be consistent. If he has concerns about the constitutional
system that it needs to be followed then let he be rigid and not ignore blatant abuses, and

It should be understood that where there are reliable reports that there was a massive election
FRAUD occurring in the Presidential election (and so may also affect others who stood for
election at the same time) than any constitutional requirement to have a President sworn in on 20
January cannot and never must be to ignore any FRAUDULENT conduct.
In my view, the last thing after already this massive mesh one wouldn’t want to have someone
sworn in as President and then to discover that due to FRAUD the person is not after all entitled
to be president and then another person is to be sworn in. Building upon what rubbish so far
going on I view the last thing that is needed to add to it. I find it offensive to note that Nancy
Pelosi reportedly claims that Joe Biden will be the president as by this she in my view shows an
utter disregard to any oath she made to obey constitutional requirements and to serve the People.
In my view Vice President Mike Pence cannot accept that in current conditions Nancy Pelosi is
validly the Speaker of the House and must adjourn matters until the California invalid slate of
Electoral college also has been appropriately sorted out. Those who would fail to object to the
Electoral College slates to be counted I view are betraying their oath/affirmation to the
constitution, cannot be trusted and are not worthy to be a Member of Congress.

In my previous writings I referred to “Quit Pro Quo”, which obviously ought to be “Quid Pro
Quo”. Those who noticed it obviously properly read my writings.

We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.

Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)

MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® (Our name is our motto!)
p3 6-1-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://

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