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I - GENERAL OBJECTIVES.....................................................................................................................................4

II - CONTENTS.....................................................................................................................................................4

III – DIDACTICS AND PEDAGOGY.........................................................................................................................4

IV - OBJECTIVES..................................................................................................................................................5

V – TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES.........................................................................................................5

V – 1 Teaching................................................................................................................................................5

V – 2 Learning.................................................................................................................................................5

VI – ELABORATION OF A LESSON PLAN..............................................................................................................6

VI – 1 Aim.......................................................................................................................................................6

VI – 2 Lesson plan model................................................................................................................................6

VII – Formulation of the lesson objectives..........................................................................................................7

VIII - APPROACH TO WRITE OBJECTIVES............................................................................................................7

VIII – 1 Writing general objectives..................................................................................................................8

VIII – 2 writing of specifics objectives.............................................................................................................8

IX - TAXONOMY COGNITIVE OBJECTIVES............................................................................................................8

X – LESSON PREPARATION................................................................................................................................11

X - 1 aim........................................................................................................................................................11

X - 2 Stages...................................................................................................................................................11

X - 3 Development of preparation sheets and strategies.............................................................................12

X – 3 - 1 Preparation sheet.......................................................................................................................12

X – 3 - 2 Identification of the session and duration..................................................................................12

X – 3 - 3 Subject to cover..........................................................................................................................12

X – 3 - 4 Specific objectives.......................................................................................................................12

X – 3 - 5 Educational means......................................................................................................................13

X– 3 - 6 The summary table......................................................................................................................13

X – 3 - 7 Work to do after the course (not Compulsory)...........................................................................13

X– 3 - 8 The remarks Special educational courses....................................................................................13

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X – 3 - 9 References..................................................................................................................................13

X – 3 - 10 Guideline of preparation of the theoretical lesson...................................................................14

X – 3 - 11 Preparation of teaching materials.............................................................................................15

X – 3 - 12 Teaching and learning strategies sheet.....................................................................................15

XI – EDUCATIONAL MEANS...............................................................................................................................16

XI – 1 Different educational means..............................................................................................................16

XI – 2 BOARD PRACTICES IN THE USE OF TEACHING AIDS............................................................................16

XI – 2 - 1 Written means...........................................................................................................................16

XI – 2 - 2 scriptovisuels means.................................................................................................................16

XI – 2 - 3 Audio visual means....................................................................................................................16

XI – 2 - 4 Sound sources............................................................................................................................16

XI – 2 - 5 Computer sources.....................................................................................................................17

XII – TEACHING METHOD.................................................................................................................................17

XIII – PRACTICAL LESSON..................................................................................................................................18

XIII – 1 Preparation sheet.............................................................................................................................18

XIII – 2 Demonstration sheet........................................................................................................................18

XIII – 3 Execution sheet................................................................................................................................19

XIII – 4 The Scorecard...................................................................................................................................19

XIV - PEDAGOGIC FORM...................................................................................................................................21

XV – LIST OF STUDENTS....................................................................................................................................23

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This course of Applied Didactics (course code MEET6103) have 2 credits:
Lecture 00 hour, Tutorial 30 hours and Practical 00 hour. It is divided in to
three parts that the first part is talking on didactics; the second part concerning
filling of the pedagogic forms and the last part is the practical aspect that is
theoretical and practical lesson.
The evaluation of this course will be on 100 marks that the Continuous
Assessment on 30 (Attendance on 15 and test on 15) and exams on 70.

Render a student able to prepare and teach theoretical and practical lessons
in Mechanical design; Prepare a Scheme of work with respect to syllabus and
annual planning of academic year; Prepare a lesson’s plan and a lesson;
Carryout a theoretical and practical lesson.

Definition of didactics and applied didactics; Notion of syllabus; Preparation of
a scheme of work according to a syllabus and the annual planning of
academic year; Preparation of a lesson plans according to scheme of work;
Preparation and presentation of Theoretical and Practical Lesson in
Mechanical design; Organization of pedagogic council in school and the report


Didactics is attached to the subject content and their learning process while
pedagogy gives a teaching style on the field.
Didactics is firmly anchored in its discipline; pedagogy crosses disciplines by
methods, actions and attitudes. These refer to the teacher's image in its class.
Didactics is a reflection on the transmission of knowledge, whereas pedagogy
is oriented towards students in the classroom practices. The latter focuses on
the operation of the whole class, not just knowledge. She is also interested in
modes of relationships between people, the environment and working
conditions in the learning process. It adapts to multiple events that may occur
in a classroom.
The pedagogue will initially place of didactics teacher to analyze the nature of
the content of their discipline and identify the public.

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The choice of exercises and associated applications will be decided at a later
stage. The teaching style will be correlated with the teacher's personality.
The didactics teacher will ask:
- What knowledge to pass?
- How will the students integrate?
- What is the process of learning to implement?
It focuses on its discipline, he questions the concepts to integrate into the level
of training required and assess the consistency of knowledge and progress.
The pedagogue will say:
- Any organization set up?
- Any transfer of knowledge within the classroom?
- What chain in applications?
It seeks above all to answer questions from learning difficulties observed in the
field. It is a practitioner whose source is the action and experimentation.
These two disciplines are complementary.

At the end of this course, student teacher should be able to prepare and
present theoretical and practical lesson and evaluate the achievement of
learning objectives.


V – 1 Teaching
For a given lesson.
Identify ways of teaching and choosing those appropriate to a given lesson.
Identify the principles and methods to be used
For the transmission of knowledge, apply them.
Appropriately use of educational materials designed.
Teach the lesson and manage the classroom.
- Lectures.
- Organization of tutorials, research or group.
- Organization of presentations and tracking.

V – 2 Learning
- To attend classes.
- Take notes.
- Perform research and give back on time (-1 per day of delay).
- Prepare lessons.
- Make presentations.
- Read: How to speak (formulate) a learning objective.
How to plan a lesson, a lesson.
How to evaluate objectively.

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VI – 1 Aim
The presentation of the lesson plan by a teacher enables the learner to have
a general idea of the course.
It identifies:
- The names of the course and the teacher,
- The objectives of the course,
- The syllabus,
- The teaching and learning strategies,
- The evaluation of learning modalities,
- Compulsory documents or to consult.

VI – 2 Lesson plan model

It is implemented according to the following guideline.

Lesson plan

Information of the teacher:

Course Name :

Level : Coefficient : Duration :


This is to say what is the contribution of the lesson in the training program.

Course objectives:
By communicating the objectives of the course. The learner can acquire the
means of success in the course.

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weekly content
Week Weekly work of students Objective Evaluation
and activities

Teaching and learning activities :

Say how you will proceed to transmit knowledge.

Behavior to be adopted by the learner to acquire knowledge.

Evaluation mode:
Announce how the assessment will be done.

Bibiography :
Propose titles and references medium in which learners can find the subjects
approached in the course or obtain supplementary information.

VII – Formulation of the lesson objectives

The formulation of objectives enables to define the actions or performance that
the students will achieve at the end of the course. Thus, it can speak more
clearly of a course, select only the teaching methods suitable to achieve the
objectives and to establish a direct relationship between objectives and
evaluation of learning.
In one word, formulate the objectives requires the teacher to make consistent
the three main elements of its course; these are:
- goals;
- Teaching methods;
- The means of evaluation.


The writing of objectives takes place in three stages: firstly, to draft the general
objectives, secondly lists the topics to be addressed (elementary knowledge
content to be transmitted) and the last is to write the specific objectives
relating to each of these themes.

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VIII – 1 Writing general objectives
A general objective is a short presentation that begins by a verb. It is
formulated to describe what the teacher endeavour in the overall changes
(cognitive, affective and psychomotor) that he wishes to see happen in his
It is easily formulated by filling out the following introductory words: "The
special didactic course aims to ..."
One, two or three general objectives are enough to express the general
intentions of a course. It understood that the general objectives relate to a
material or entire courses.

VIII – 2 writing of specifics objectives

A specific objective is a short presentation, starting with an action verb. It is
formulated to express what the learner should be capable of describing
accurately, the behaviour (cognitive, affective and psychomotor) that the
student must be able to adopt at the end of each lesson of the course.
It is easily formulated by filling out the following introductory words:
"At the end of the study the lesson drafting specific objectives (this lesson ... or
presentation, ...) , the learner should be able to ..."
Their number varies with the lesson; we can reach six specific objectives for a


Benjamin Bloom, in «Taxonomy of objectives in cognitive domain>> states
that all the cognitive goals are not the same. There are six levels of objectives.
In order we have: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis
and evaluation.

Level 1: Knowledge
The learner must be able to remember the words, facts, dates, conventions,
formulas, classifications, principles, theories … Action verbs used to formulate
the objectives of this level are:
- Enumerate (count by a written or oral list (the elements of a set)) [1]
- Appoint (designate (something) by name))
- Identify (recognize (something) with specific characteristics)
- State (specify by giving the necessary information or the necessary
information about (something) (Synonym: mention) / record by scoring
(something) (Synonyms: mention, writing, note)),
- Set (state all specific characters (a concept, something or someone))
- Recognize (identify (someone or something to some features))
- Recall (call to mind))...

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Level 2: Comprehension
The student must be able to translate, interpret and extrapolate from certain
knowledge. Action verbs used to formulate the objectives are:
- Explain (understanding by word or written)
- Say in his own words,
- Interpret (give meaning to (something))
- Provide (decide for the future (something or do something) Synonyms: plan,
- Describe (present all the characteristics or features of (something or
someone), in writing or orally)
- Compare (put in parallel to determine the similarities and differences
(between several people or things))
- Differentiate (create a distinction between (two things or people) Synonym: to
- Demonstrate (prove irrefutably a logical demonstration / show (by reference
to facts) Synonym: to reveal)
- Predict (tell (what can or should happen) by reasoning or conjecture
Synonyms: predict, predict / announce (what should happen) according to
certain rules)...
Level 3: Application
He must be able to recall knowledge or principles to solve a problem. Action
used to formulate the objectives of this level are:
- Resolve (find the result or the method for achieving the result of (a problem))
- Design (form or cut according to specific measures)
- Use (or be served operate / make action by manipulation Synonym: use /
require the use of (a process)
Synonym: use)
- Handle (used in holding the hands carefully (an object)
Synonym: handling / make use of (something))
- Apply (enforce or implement / use (something)
Synonym: use / practice)
- Calculate (determine by performing simple arithmetic on numbers (usually a
numerical result) / evaluate on the basis of a rigorous or scientific reasoning)
- Make (express (something) with words / state (something) with precision and
Synonym: expose / write (something) using expressions consecrated or the
terms of a model)
- Classify (associate a place (something in a defined category) / sort and store
(a set of things) in a certain order / sort and organize (a set of things) by
category / put (something) to place in a tidy and orderly whole
Synonym: store / report or list (something like belonging to a certain category))

- Change (make a transformation that preserves the main features of

(something) / to make a profound change (something))
- Practice (proceed with the application)...
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Level 4: Analysis
He should be able to identify the elements, relationships and organizational
principles of a situation. Action verbs used to formulate the objectives of this
level are:
- Analysis (proceeds with the detailed examination of (something) / identify the
different constituents of (something))
- Organize (to support and coordinate the preparation and conduct (an action
or activity)
Synonym: prepare / prepare carefully and in detail (something)
Synonyms: develop, assemble / build (something) of a frame, a structure, a
mode Synonym: structure / post (something) in any order, rule or mode
synonyms plan adjust / arrange or dispose (the parts of a whole) in a certain
order or as a method Synonym: order)
- Deduct (find by reasoning (the consequence of something)
Synonym: enter / subtract (a sum totalling) Synonym: deduct / draw the
necessary conclusion (of a logical sequence of proposals))
- Choose (decide after reflection and for comparison (this or that among others
of the same species) / to make a decision and opt for (an option between two
or more) / adopted in preference to others),
Level 5: Synthesis
Students will be able to produce a personal work after designing an action
plan. Action verbs used to formulate the objectives of this level are:
- Design (develop (something) as a work may be regarded as an intellectual
Synonym: Draw / draw (something) as an intellectual construction / imagine or
get an idea of (something)
Synonym: consider / enter the reason for (something) Synonym: understand /
visualize mentally
Synonym: apprehends)
- Support (present as his own conviction / present (research work) to a panel
of specialists)
- Schematically (or make a simplified functional representation of (something) /
consider or explain (something) in broad and simplified)
- Write (compose (a literary or scholarly text)
Synonym: write / draw in a particular form)
-Give (explained with un-realized)
-discuss (exchange views about (something) / engage in critical examination
of (something)
Synonym: debate)
- Plan (hold (something) according to specific criteria)

Level 6: Evaluation

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The learner must be able to make a critical judgment based on internal or
external criteria. Action verbs used to formulate the objectives of this level are:
- Assess (estimate (something), approximate or precise
Synonym: calculate / determine the value (something) / judge the value of
- Judging (enjoy (something) according to his own opinion Synonyms:
consider, estimate, find / act as arbitrator to make a decision on (something)
Synonym: arbitrate / form its own opinion to decide (something) / mean giving
position / Synonym: estimate)
- Defend (support)
- Criticize (convict carrying a negative view (something))
-justify (strive to demonstrate and recognize the merits (of something) /
provide confirmation, afterwards, the merits (of an idea or an impression)) ...

X - 1 aim
Preparing a lesson aims to develop teaching strategies necessary to impart
knowledge data to a population of learners for a specific time and assess the
level of acquisition.

X - 2 Stages
Step 1: List the topics to be covered during the lesson consistent with the
content of the current program.
Step 2: Identify the form of questions, the nature of each topic:
- Presentation of the facts: (to, from,) who, what, what, what (e, a, the);
- The description of the facts: where, when and how;
- The justification of the facts why.
Step 3: Formulate a short, full answer to each question
Step 4: Search examples for each explanation.
Step 5: Identify appropriate teaching aids: written, visually, audio- Visual,
computer or voice, gestures and gaze of the teacher.
Step 6: Design a verification means of student understanding. We can:
- Ask students questions;
- DO exercise on the backboard with the participation of students;
- Give exercise to students in groups of two;
- Provoke debate or discussion
Step 7: Prepare a structural representation:
- Structuring representations of presentation;
- Structuring representations of comparison.

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X - 3 Development of preparation sheets and strategies

X – 3 - 1 Preparation sheet
The preparation sheet is an instrument that allows the teacher to detail the
content and activities of each lesson session. Each teacher adapts as needed
and usually includes:
- Identification of the session
- The duration of the session
- The topic to cover
- The specific objectives to achieve
- Educational resources
- The summary table
- List of things to do after class by the teacher or the student (homework, work)
- The remarks concerning changes or improvements to later bring.
X – 3 - 2 Identification of the session and duration
This is to give the chapter number or paragraph and duration of the session.
Example: In Chapter I
Part 2 Paragraph 2-3
What is expected in the pedagogic exam in 30mn in micro lesson is to:
 Define objectives
 Communicate knowledge easily
 Assess whether the children understood

X – 3 - 3 Subject to cover
This is the title of the lesson. In accordance with the lesson the teacher
outlines the topic of the lesson (on the plug is just the title of the lesson) .
X – 3 - 4 Specific objectives
At the end of this lesson each student should be able to... (Use a
multimedia ...)
The advantage to indicate the specific objectives in a preparation sheet is that
they can identify cognitive behaviour (cognitive refers to knowledge) that
learners must adopt regarding each of the topics during the session. Each of
these specific objectives can be an evaluation component.

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X – 3 - 5 Educational means
Each course usually requires the use of various teaching aids; the teacher
chooses what he will use for the lesson (ex- transparent, overhead projector,
blackboard, photocopies...)
X– 3 - 6 The summary table
The summary table provides summarized for each lesson at least 3
 The duration;
 The subject or content;
 The educational means.

Time Content Means

5mn Description of a screw Sheet no 1

In the column time, the teacher writes the time needed for each part of the
The content here corresponds to what is in the course.
NB: At the end of the lesson the teacher always announces the next topic to
X – 3 - 7 Work to do after the course (not Compulsory).
A subject may have raised welts, and then registers this subject as work to be
done after the course. The work to be done can be for the student and the
After the lesson you can reserve a room for T P , the student may asked that
the teacher will still seek answers ... view document software , make a point ...
X– 3 - 8 The remarks Special educational courses
The remarks concern much the teacher. The teacher’s interest to note after
each course some important details from the experience as it can be useful for
another time.
ex: The course duration was longer than expected It may be noted one
example he took paid off, or vice versa, etc.
X – 3 - 9 References
These are the books that we used, in which one can find the information that
we gave.

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The teacher's role is therefore to explain what he has read and understood,
the student can read and do not understand very well. This i book is the
teacher's strength.
It follows from the above outline a "preparation sheet» of a theoretical lesson.
It must have a size proportional to the information it contains.

X – 3 - 10 Guideline of preparation of the theoretical lesson

Preparation Sheet

School name:


Course of: (clearly visible)

Class: (clearly visible) local:

Time :

Subject to cover: (clearly visible)

Specific objectives:

At the end of the lesson, each student should be able to......

Educational means:

Summary table:
Time Content Means

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Work to be done after the lesson :

By the teacher By students

Remarks :


X – 3 - 11 Preparation of teaching materials

These make all teaching materials on which there are drawings:
- Layouts as drawing,
- Wooden models or other materials,
- OHP transparencies,
- Slides,
- DVD, CD rom...
- Drawings,

X – 3 - 12 Teaching and learning strategies sheet

Specific Teacher Learner’s Didactic
Content Evaluation Time
objectives activities activities material

XI – 1 Different educational means
We distinguish:

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- Written means;
- The scriptovisuels means;
- Sound sources;
- IT resources.


XI – 2 - 1 Written means
A teacher can use a manual or handout in three ways:
- Follow the step by step (one page);
- Treat only the important points;
- Cover the content in a different way from that used in the manual or handout.
Tip: You should not use for years the same handout;
Giving the student the handout, we must find strategies to get him to read it.

XI – 2 - 2 scriptovisuels means
We have: the table, transparencies, slides, boards.
Note: Working in legibly blackboard, taking care to maintain eye contact with
- There is no need to manipulate transparent excessively by what they
promote the synthesis of the teacher's messages.
- Because of the required darkness, the slide show must be short.
XI – 2 - 3 Audio visual means
It is advisable to view before presenting them to students. We must tell the
students what to look for and what is expected of them at the end of the

XI – 2 - 4 Sound sources
In limited use, they are useful to replicate and to visualize inexpensively any
kind of interview.
- The eye gets tired faster than the ear.
- Reading cannot do something else or listening, or can.

XI – 2 - 5 Computer sources.
These are the tutorials, software tools. Their use should not be an end in itself.
NUANCE : when learning to draw with AUTO CAD , for example , it is rather
the subject of education , not a tutorial.
Tutorial : gets a little instead of the teacher to teach us something.
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It is a particular way of organizing educational activities implemented
according to certain rules in order to achieve the objectives given to learners;
and, most effectively.

Category teaching methods

There are 3 categories of methods:
- Methods based on various forms of lectures.
- Methods promoting discussion or group work or team.
- Methods based on individual learning (self-taught).
Examples of methods based on lectures
- Lecture by professor
- Successive Conferences of several teachers
- Presentation - Demo
- Presentation - presentation of case
- Presentations by the learner
Examples of methods promoting discussion
- Classic Seminar
- Debate
- Tutorials - workshops
- Study of cases
- Simulation
- Educational games
Examples of methods based on self-education
- Learning Contract
- Reading Program
- Co-op
- Traineeship
- Distance Education
Individual work :
- Audio tutorial
- Modular Education
- Teaching by individual prescription
- Customized education
The best method
There is no better method.

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XIII – 1 Preparation sheet


Course: Class (lisible)


Local: Time: Student dresses:

Title of TP… (More lisible) TP N o :

Objective of the lesson:

Materials and equipment to use:

Summary table



XIII – 2 Demonstration sheet


XIII – 3 Execution sheet

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Title of TP: ______________________________________________

Student’s name: ________________________________Class  :__

(Sketch handling)

Gesture to Tools and

Activity Technical information Observation
perform Equipment

This sheet is empty given to the student and in 10 minutes they are given
explanations allowing them to fill .
• Drawing
The drawings must be made in accordance with the following instructions:
- The surface to be machined in heavy lines red
- The tool drawn into the machining position
- The number of materialized passes

XIII – 4 The Scorecard

CANDIDATE (Good or Bad)

NB: Teacher and student Documents

• Teacher Documents
- Card of preparation,
- Sample sheet,
- Scorecard,
- All other documents,
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• Students Documents
- Performance Specifications,
- All documents to give students to achieve a TP,
- The design of the assembly in which the workpiece is located,
- The part definition drawing,
- The workpiece end,
- The phase contract containing the transaction to be demonstrated.
For the occupation of pupils this is to give then work in groups or individually.


Subject/Matière ……………………………………………………Level: ……….….………………..
Teacher/Enseignant: ………………………………………………………………………….……….
Title of the lesson /Titre de la leçon: …………………………………………..……..……….………
Duration of the lesson /Durée de la leçon:…………………………………………………...……….
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Situate lesson in the progress of subject / Place de la leçon dans la progression du cours: ……
Pre-requisites knowledge/Connaissances pré-requises/:……………………………….…………..
New vocabulary / Vocabulaire nouveau: ………………………………………………………………
General objective /Objectif général: ……………………………………………………………..

1. Specifics objectives / Objectifs spécifiques: ……………………….………………………..

- ………………………………………………………………………….…………………….
- ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
- ………………………………………………………………………..………………………

Teaching methods / method d’enseignement: ………………………….……………………….



Documents to be prepared and handed to students / documents à préparer et à remettre: ……

1. Exercices d’application/application exercises : ………………………………………..

2. Exercices de consolidation/consolidation exercises : ……………………………………



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Learner’s Formative Didactical
Specific objectives Teaching Activities
Etapes lesson activities Evaluation Materials Duration
Objectifs content/contenu Activités de
Stages Activités Evaluation Matériel temps
spécifiques l’enseignant
d’apprentissage Formative Didactique

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