Chapter 10

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″ In Chapter,u■ e word 71・ ′
″was u∞ d10r tlle simPle futu■ e tense lllle``be''verb+″ ″g:ο Can alsO be used
tO eXPress future tilne Both fOIns basically ha∼ ℃ tlle same meanh&btlt υ ′″ S■ ggests that sOmetlu■ g is
mole defll■lte■ vhile%′ "+gつ :″ g′ οsュ ggests that sOmetlling is a plan ln mOst cases eltl■ el can be umd

Positive Sentences in tilc Fllture with・ tBe''十 “Goillt・ 10''

TO make posi● ve sentences wi■ π gο itt ro u“ the base fOnn of ule verb aFter"″ g ro Often′ tlle
“ this pattem:
`is used wih an adjective noun clr PlaCe Contractions can be used(See chapters l alld 2)Fo1low

SubleCt ``Bど 'Verb GOing T0 rb(Or)Be+Adjecth鳴 Nou、 Place

I am eat Practice listen

He7 She7 1t lS going to be busァ be hOt

Yol1/Wo They are bo a dentlst be at wOlk

Negalivc Sentcncos in the Future、 ■itl、 =`Be''+・・Goillg■ い・
1プ Fo■ Ow tllis Pattern to make negatl■ e sentences wiu■ %´ +8。 ′
llg ro:

Subject `.Be''Verb Negative Coing To Verb(Or)Be+Adlecuve′ Nou、 Place

I am
eat stlldy buy
Hc She lt lS not 80ing tO be tired be hungly

YOu′ We7 They are bo a teacher be at slh001

Tlle● me words flom Chapter 9 that are used witl■ ′can alsO be used wih勁 ′"+″ 掩
″′ :


ExAMPLES: I am 80ing to see him ill`.・ ll llll夕 76

They ale going lo visitllaF Tllllrsaα ン

田 A呻 nJ山 燎 F¨ 師 喝 V
黎 “

hs/No QuestiOns in the Future with“ Be"+“ Going TcD"

V TO malee yesrlto questiOns with%θ "+″ 竹 rO′ Put■ e cOnectfOm ofthe``be''verb irst then tlle sublec
then,`71gあ ′tl■en■ e base fom Ofthe verb O■ e,tlle verbレ is used witll an adiecl市 e nOlln Or place
F0110w u■ ls Pattern:

“Bど 'Verb SubieCt Going To Verb(Or)Bett Adiecave Nou、 Place

Am I
dance? play?
Is he7 shc it 80ing tO be il■ terstu■ ′ bo nOiSy?
A“ yol1/we7 tlley be at sch001?

望 F0110■ vu■ ls Pattern to answer yes7no queslions witll%β "+gο illg ro:

I′ m not
am he′ s′ she′′ s not
Yes′ l lle/sheil l is Nq he she it isn′ t
you′weu■ eyl ale vou′ le′ we′ le′ thev′肥 ■ )│
yOu7 we7 tlley alen′ t

QlleStion― WOrd Questions in the Future l● 7ith ttBc''+``Going To"

踊′TO matt ques● On― wo■ d ques● ons,put tl■eq■lestlon wold irst The、 f01lo■ v tl■ e same pattem as yes/ncl
q■ lestiOns(not all Verbs al■d wOrds can be used with an questlons words)Fol10w tllis pattem:
ど ル

QueStiOn Verb(Or)Be+
Word SubieCt Coing To
Adjectivc Nolln7 Place

ヽ■at ask?
∼ alll I
Whe掟 do?
ヽ Pay?
lS he′ 8he′ it 80ing to be l■ lce2

be saFe2
1111y be a fau■ er?
a( yo"we′ tlley
Hclw be at tl■ e lestaurant'

Gonna''InsteaJ of“ Going

“ TcD''
V Ill SPOken Englid、 PeOple Often sayフ ″ α"instead of“ r。 "me mealling is u■ e same′ but l"″ ″"

is easlel al■ d laster tO say tllal■
ttlllgro"In writtel■ Englitt
":慇 useセ ο ″α ● “
"g,o"nOt tο “

ExANIPLE,Ittvle rm諸 ●
務″′ &輩
設see a movle
Tlley′ le♂ 竹 わ 80 tOmOr10, Thヴ le,れ ″a gO tOmorrclw
She′ s nclt 8θ be at home She′ sm)t gο ll″ ′be at hOme

CHAPTER 層置置〕レ The Future with``Be''+``Going To''

egativo Selltellces
Use tlle pictllres belo、 v alld Practice po,tlve al■ d negatlve sentel■ ces iv■ ■ yOur partnen Swittt and repeat

A ttw!Alex and K■ nl won■ e bie, A Wow!You woll tl■ e10tteり I

What ale they ttOin負 lo do? Whatar you gol■ 慶 o dO?

B They′ retting lo btty a hOuse B I′ ⊇■延pingJコ bo rich
They′ re n… ng tO:ive ln anttamnellt anymclre m not sQittg to b■ 2oor

AleX and Kim you

buy a ‖ve in an be be
house aparlment rch pOOr
Ted your mothe卜 in― laul

hre a cloan his travel Say

lnald house home
your unc:e Kate

eat fancy be buy take

food hungry a car the bus
your parents your grandfather

be do a lot of sit


busy things around


耐F… ℃
田AttR m m… “ 山gr
Lisa yOu


sleep late Vvake up eary eniOy myser wor町

Jav and Mary Mr and Mrs Lee

get new keep the r old give think about

furn ture furniture presents money

your son your sister

be popular be alone qu t heriob vvork

vour nephew you and vourfriend

be generous be thr fty fo ow our waste

dreams lme

You won d■ e10tteryI Wlite ten

things you and people in your
lamiV a肥 8。 ing to do TeH ycllr
partneL SWitCh and lepeat

ξ :〕
The Future with``Be''+``Going To''

Vesノ No ttr OuCSti● :n― W(,IJ(1■ ‐ れ,■ 1

Use the Picttlres belolv alld PracHCe the cOnversatlons witl■ yOur partnen Answer no if tlleF is a
led X Overthe Picturc al■ d thell ask a cl■ leStiOn using.t l`l・ 3vitd■ and lepeat

■ A Art yOu goin=ェ J基 Jr □ A L yourlnOlller ttiЦ単 O be

di・ l■ washer tOmo■o■ v? at hOme this afterlloon?
B N91′ 軋 颯 回 A Alt Ted and Karen四華 B Ngshe:Sn′ t

A lll■en a10 you 8oing い Om inrourhouБ ? A lll■ en is she 8oingい bc at
● x tlle dishwasher? B とし uley ar hon■e2
B I′ m “
going to fix it B She′ s goin8 to be at hOme
next iveek tolllght

you Ted and Karen your mother

fx the dishlvashertOmorrow exercise in fOur hours be at hOme this afternoon

next week tonight

Vince Dave and Alice your father

be busy next VVednesday Isten to music next Monday night COOk dinnerlonight


ne対 Tuesday night tomorrow night

your niece it Mlke and sue

be a dOctOrin three years be sunny tomorrOw brush the rteeth tOnight at 7 p m

in four years tonight at 8 p m

CHAPTER The Future with``Be''+“ Going To"

your parents 」ohn and Rita Kate

be at the restaurant drve to Las Vegas you wash her clothes
tomo「 row n ght at 6 00 next month cut your ha rtoday in an hour

tomorrow n ght at 7 00 in two months tomorrow

your brother Alex Lisa

put away the tools i nish the report the bank thrav away these old
in a ie、 v minutes this afternoon be open next Monday c othes next week

in an hour ort,vo next Tuesday next summer

you and yOurfriend8 your fathe卜 in― law it eatthatice cream
be carerul tOnight pay me tonight snoMltomorrow in a few minutes

tomorrow morn ng

ヽ │:、

Practice tlle conversatlon with yOur

partner and ask about your partner
and peoPle in your partner′ s family
Switch and lepeat

¨ 硼 R 耐 rr科 ℃ 血 gr
⑩ TheF山 “

11'11,ヽ キ1・ ]))卜 ││■ :11■ tl・ 11Ⅲ Ⅲ

use the pictules below and PIactlce the conversatlons with youI Partnen Switch al■ d‐ Peat

■ A I am a rortuttteller
□ A Iamato■ unetelle■
I′ ln going to tc‖ the ttltule
rm 8。 ing to ten tlle future
B Mll■ at al■II,01'事 O dO? Brad B,i…
B ルVhat● dO?
A You′ 笙 8Q… A He′ m■
In Ne■ t■ olk Clll
B Whenュ塾 1 8ol聖 肇1011'OVe
B Ml■ o L hego…

to New York Ci"? -
A He′ s80ing to marry
A YOu′ re 8oins tO move to
his col]槃 c sWee価 eart
New YO■ k Ciけ in te=years

lve n New York get marr ed in ffteen years

/´ ヽ

″ ︺︲

When′ move to New York Cty? VVho′ marry?

in ten yea6 his co‖ ege Sweetheart

Liz and Jane my,amily and l

be movle stars take a trp

How famous/be? VVhere′ g。 ?

very famous to Europe

R動 ‐…“耐FF rmげ
Luke 」ohn and Rita Greg
grow a beard get a lol of money be a basebal player

How long′ keep his beard? What′ buy? When/win the champlonship?
a new house in twenty f ve years
`or five years

l my daughter my● :assmates and i

get a new iob meet a handsome man learn Eng sh very we‖

How much money/make? Where′ meet him? How oFten′ speak Englsh?
a lot of money atthe museum every day

│■ │ │

You are a fortune tellen Have your

partner ask you questions about
his/1■ er futule and the ftl●■
■e of People
in his/her family Swittll and Fpeat


ヨに The Future with``Be"+``Going To''

′Read llle slo手

HtI′ m VInce/and my wiに is Lisa ll■ twmy years′ we aF 80ing to qut∞ riobs′ and we′ re going
to movelo Ha、vaii We′ le going to be very happy and comfoltable■ ert We′ re golng to ttvim in tl■ e
ocea■ and we'‐ 8oing lo run on tl■ e beach ν Brat
`e alert
is going to be a docto4 He's gOing lo have a big goingdauttteル
Famil,Our to work lnDebby
twenty year5 lo
is 80ing ourbesOn′
a wliter
She′ s80hg tO travelaЮ und the wOlld“ ei,rt golng to be boled tte′ s going to haw an exciung llfe
Hi′ my nallle is Alex′ and my wife′ s name is Kim NextJtlnc we ale 8oing to take a vacation Mle
ale 80ing to go to Eu■ ope V`e are going to take our d■ ildrell Liz and Jane I′ m nOt going to be atthe
hOtel an day I′ m goingto p to n■ llseums ttitl■ my famitt I′ m going lo vidtlamous plaes● m is
80ing to buy souverurs We ale gOing to eat at fancy restaurants ν
`e are 8oung to have a gleattime



′Answer tlle ques● ons winl a cOmplete sentence

l)Whele are Vlnce al■ d Lisa 8oing to n■ ove to in twen,years?
2)Ale they going to be comfortable?

3)Whatar tl■ ey 80ing to do on the beach?

4)WhatiS Brad 8oing tO be in hven,yeaIS?
5),Vhat kind oflile is Debby going to have?

6)When ale Alex and Kim gOing lo take a vacatlon?

7)Is Alex ping lo stay atthe hotel all day?

8)Who iS Alex gOing to go to museums wiul'

9)WhatiS Kim going lo buy?
10)Att■ ey 80ing tO have a great■ mc?

′Wrlte F市 e questions about the sto,and ask yollr pallner llle queslions

″Look at tlle pictllre bui not tlle sto,and lell the slo,tO your partne■ You don′ t have tO be exacl

′Wrlte a s10,abollt What you and people in your Family are 80ing lo do in twenty yeals Write about
what you and your family are 80ing lo do on yollr next vacalion Read the slo,10 your pallneL

CHAPTER The Future with``Be"+``Going To"

Use the pictllres and vocabulary below and Practice the conversations between a travener and a hotel
employee The convcrsatlons might go like this:

A I、vantto leserve a room A Do you have a vacancy?

B OK ルVhat day att you going to come? B Yes′ I do

A I′ m8oing tO be there in five days

B "suld you like a single or a
qucen― size bed7
シ How long are you going to stay?
Al′ m80ing to stay for two nights
B Ale yOu 8oing lo Pay With
A A qucen― size bed 5ounds good casヽ credit card′ or check?

(v,check in (v,check ool

「(v,p。 l dOヽ Vn a dePod十 (v,9et O refond (v,have O vOcanc9 (v)rescrve
o room

(v)cancd (v,pag wit「 ,

o credit cand o moneg order
(cancela十 lon)

5ingle bed qpeen― Ы2e bed king― si7c bed room servlce

′Describe a gOod hotel and a bad hotel you stayed at

′Are yOu oris a per50n yOu know 8oing lo stay at a hotel soon?Where?Why?
otel doesn′ l have?
′What dOes a ve,expensive hotel have that an inexPensiVe■


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