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Preguntas test Web

1. In what year was America’s Great Depresión?

2. Who was the first president to be elected under the new constitution of South Africa

3. When was the year that the first Star Wars movie aired?

4. Who invented the popcorn?

5. When did Rafael Leonidas Trujillo become president?

6. Who was the first Roman Catholic to be Vice President of the United States of America?

7. What is the world’s smallest country?

8. Which president is on the United States 1,000 dollar bill?

9. Saint Patrick’s Day was originally associated with what color?

11. Published after her death, what did teenage Anne Frank leave behind?

12. Who Invented the Automobile?

13. When did the Cold War officially end?

14. What is the name of the first pizzeria to open in the United States?

15. When did the construction of the historical and divisive Berlin wall begin?

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