066 072 Myo Inositol and Male Fertility

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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2017; 21 (2 Suppl): 66-72

Physiological Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection

(PICSI) outcomes after oral pretreatment and
semen incubation with myo-inositol in
oligoasthenoteratozoospermic men: results
from a prospective, randomized controlled trial

Kaáli Institute, IVF Unit, Györ, Hungary

Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: The aim of the cur- Key Words:

rent study was to evaluate the effect of an oral Physiological intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection,
pretreatment with a mix of myo-Inositol (Myo- Myo-inositol, Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia, Male
Ins), folic acid, vitamin E, L-carnitine, L-arginine fertility, Semen.
and selenium (Folandrol, Exeltis, Hungary) and
subsequent direct Myo-Ins incubation of sper-
matozoa before Physiological Intra-Cytoplasmic
Sperm Injection (PICSI) procedures in infertile Introduction
couples due to oligoasthenoteratozoospermia
with previous failed PICSI procedures. Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (OAT) is de-
prospective, randomized controlled trial at the
fined as a decreased sperm count, motility and
Assisted Reproduction Unit of the Kaáli Insti- altered morphology. In 30-35% of these cases
tute (Győr, Hungary). The male partners were the etiology is unknown. Oxidative stress (OS)
randomly assigned to two groups: the first one is considered as an important factor, which may
treated with a myo-Inositol-based supplement influence male infertility and be linked to the pro-
(Folandrol®, Exeltis, Hungary) for two months; duction of reactive oxygen species (ROS)1. ROS
the second one did not undergo any treatment in play an important physiological role, modulating
the same time range (controls). The semen of the sperm proliferation, differentiation, and function.
treated group was incubated for 2 h with 2 mg/ml
of MI (Andrositol Lab, Lo.Li. Pharma, Rome, Ita- In the semen of fertile men, the amount of ROS
ly) for the PICSI protocol. generation is controlled by seminal antioxidants2.
RESULTS: There was no significant differ- When ROS production exceed the antioxidant ca-
ence for mean female partner age (p = 0.17) and pabilities of the male reproductive tract, a damage
mean previous failed PICSI procedures (p = of spermatozoa may occur, since these cells are
0.65) between the two groups. Although there highly susceptible to ROS. In particular, ROS in-
was no significant difference (p = 0.85) regard- duces peroxidative damage in the sperm plasmat-
ing the rate of mature oocytes and the fertiliza-
tion index was significantly higher (p < 0.001)
ic membrane and DNA fragmentation3. ROS may
in the treatment group than control group. Al- arise from different sources: on the one hand,
so, despite the comparable average number of morphologically abnormal spermatozoa (with re-
transferred embryos between the two groups sidual cytoplasm, in particular) and leukocytes2;
(p = 0.55), in the treatment group there was a on the other hand, ROS may be due to insufficient
significantly higher rate of good quality embry- antioxidant protection and/or action of redox cy-
os at day 3 after fertilization (p = 0.001). Finally, cling xenobiotics. Regardless of the cause(s), high
11 pregnancies were obtained only in the treat- levels of ROS are associated with extensive per-
ment group (p = 0.001).
CONCLUSIONS: The combination of oral sup-
oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids at membranes
plementation and semen incubation with MI in level, which subsequently leads to DNA damage
oligoasthenoteratozoospermic men could im- in the spermatozoa and reduced fertility rate4.
prove PICSI outcomes. Also, ROS may induce changes in mitochondrial

66 Corresponding Author: Tamas Korosi, MD; e-mail: korosita@gmail.com

Myo-inositol and male fertility

membranes: the alteration of these ATP-produc- ements from basic science into the clinical per-
ing organelles impairs sperms motility3, leading spective, it was shown that Myo-Ins can reduce
to a reduced fertility rate5. It is widely accepted oxidative stress also during PCOS21,22. Also, sev-
that sperm DNA integrity is directly related to eral in vitro studies23-25 tested inositol as possible
pregnancy outcome during in vitro fertilization antioxidant agent for the treatment of male infer-
(IVF). On this regard, accumulating evidence tility, in order to improve spermatozoa quality
suggests that high sperm DNA fragmentation and subsequently fertilization.
impair embryo quality and it is associated with Last but not least, Myo-Ins has also been sug-
spontaneous miscarriage or biochemical preg- gested to play a role in the human sperm chemot-
nancy following assisted reproductive technology axis and thermotaxis through activation of phos-
(ART)6. Furthermore, sperm DNA fragmentation pholipase C, resulting in the production of InsP3
seems to affect also embryo postimplantation de- and opening of calcium channels; finally, Inositol
velopment in Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection regulates the intracellular Ca2+ concentrations by
(ICSI) procedures7,8. acting on the sperm plasma membrane, mitochon-
Inositol is a polyalcohol classified as an insu- dria, acrosome and neck region, other intracellu-
lin sensitizer and it is naturally occurring as nine lar Ca2+ stores26. In this regard, not surprisingly,
stereoisomers. It is synthesized by both prokary- Inositol causes an increase of cytosolic calcium
otic and eukaryotic cells, even if in mammals it is concentration and consequently an increase of
mainly obtained from dietary sources (as free in- mitochondrial Ca2+ that stimulates the oxidative
ositols, phosphatidyl-inositol or inositol-6-phos- mechanism and the ATP production, improving
pahte), and endogenous synthesis from glucose9. mitochondrial function of spermatozoa, prevent-
Myo-Inositol (Myo-Ins), which is the most abun- ing apoptosis, and facilitating chromatin com-
dant form of inositol in humans, is converted to pactness27.
D-Chiro-Inositol by an epimerase enzyme10. Myo- Based on available evidence, the aim of the
Ins derivative inositol triphosphate (Ins-1,4,5P3, current study was to evaluate the effect of oral
InsP3) acts as an intracellular second messenger, pretreatment with a mix of Myo-Ins and selected
regulating the activities of several hormones such antioxidant agents such as folic acid, vitamin E,
as insulin, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) L-carnitine, L-arginine and Selenium (Folandrol,
and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)11. In par- Exeltis, Hungary) and subsequent direct Myo-Ins
ticular, several studies12,13 have already proved its incubation of spermatozoa before PICSI proce-
efficacy in restoring hormonal and metabolic pa- dures in infertile couples for andrologic reasons
rameters toward homeostasis in polycystic ovary (OAT) with previous failed ICSI procedures.
syndrome (PCOS), in reducing metabolic altera-
tions during menopause14 and even in preventing
gestational diabetes mellitus15. Patients and Methods
Recent studies already found that myo-Ino-
sitol plays an important role in both the matu- Study Design and Population
ration of male gametes and migration from the This prospective, single-center, randomized
epididymis16,17. It is present in higher concentra- controlled trial was performed at the Assisted Re-
tion in the seminiferous tubules than in the sem- production Unit of the Kaáli Institute (Győr, Hun-
inal plasma, but the significance of these differ- gary). We selected 22 couples that had to undergo
ences are still unknown. In humans, Inositol plays PICSI procedures for male infertility issues.
a role in the regulation of the vescicular seminal In particular, all the couples met the following
solution: natrium/myo-inositol cotransport pro- inclusion criteria: age under 42 years (for both
tein (SLC5A3), which expression is increased in male and female partners); for females: regular
hyperosmotic environment, is required for the menstrual cycles with less than 10 mIU/ml basal
passage of inositol through the tissue; also, a low FSH level and more than 1 ng/ml Anti-Mülleri-
concentration of Inositol in the epididymis is as- an Hormone (AMH) concentration in serum; for
sociated to decreased fertility18. males: OAT, defined according to World Health
Accumulating evidence19 suggests that cell-spe- Organization (WHO) parameters28 in the ejacu-
cific Inositol phosphate signaling regulates organ- lated semen (in order to exclude obstructive syn-
ismal responses to ROS. Recent data demonstrat- dromes such as vasectomy, congenital absence
ed that ROS results in a selective up-regulation of vas deferens, herniorrhaphy, hydrocelectomy,
of type-2 InsP3 receptors20. Reflecting these el- Young’s syndrome and ejaculatory duct obstruc-

T. Korosi, C. Barta, K. Rokob, T. Torok

tion29) and previous failed ICSI procedures. We by TVS and serum E2 and LH. As soon as three
excluded any other type of endocrine, metabolic, follicles ≥ 18 mm were observed by TVS, oocyte
autoimmune, neoplastic diseases in both female maturation was triggered using 250 μg of choriog-
and male partners. onadotropin alfa (Ovitrelle, Merck Serono, Ger-
The male partners were randomly assigned many). Oocyte pickup was performed between 35
to two groups, using a computer-generated ran- and 36 h after choriogonadotropin alfa trigger.
domization schedule (www.randomization.com):
the first group underwent treatment with 1 g of Semen Preparation
myo-inositol, 30 mg of L-carnitine, L-arginine The fresh collected samples were analyzed im-
and Vitamin E, 55 µg of selenium, and 200 µg mediately before PICSI procedures. According to
of folic acid (Folandrol®, Exeltis, Hungary) twice the abovementioned WHO criteria28, semen sam-
a day, for two months; the second group did not ples were collected into sterile containers by mas-
undergo any treatment in the same time range turbation after 1 to 3 days of sexual abstinence.
(controls). After liquefaction, semen was evaluated by light
Any patient taking less than 80% of the allocat- microscopy to evaluate semen’s volume, sperma-
ed dose of study drug was regarded as non-com- tozoa’s number and motility. All samples were
pliant and excluded from the current analysis. En- processed through density gradients centrifuge
rolled patients did not take any other drug, which and swim-up method. Thereafter, the samples of
may modify the analyzed parameters during the the treated group were incubated for 2 h with 2
previous 3 months, the beginning of the study or mg/ml of MI (Andrositol Lab®, Lo.Li. Pharma,
during the treatment. As per study design (control Rome, Italy) dispersed in the in vitro fertiliza-
group was not on placebo; the evaluation was per- tion medium (Quinns Advantage™ Fertilization
formed by a single operator), it was not possible Medium, Origio, Denmark). Spermatozoa were
to blind the study. placed in PICSI dish containing samples of hy-
All the design, analysis, interpretation of data, aluronan hydrogel and selected after binding es-
drafting and revisions conform the Helsinki Dec- say, accounting for their maturity as previously
laration, the Committee on Publication Ethics described34.
(COPE) guidelines (http://publicationethics.org/),
the CONSORT (CONsolidated Standards of Re- Physiological Intra-Cytoplasmic
porting Trials)30,31 and SPIRIT (Standard Protocol Sperm Injection
Items: Recommendation for Interventional Tri- Fertilization of the oocytes was carried out by
als)32 statements, available through the EQUA- PICSI procedures according to the standard in
TOR (enhancing the quality and transparency of vitro technique described by Palermo et al35. Em-
health research) network (www.equator-network. bryos were examined for the number, regularity
org). As standard protocol, each patient was in- and granularity of blastomeres and the degree of
formed about the procedures and signed a consent embryonic fragmentation on day 3 after PICSI,
allowing data collection for research purposes according to criteria proposed by Nagy et al36.
and the study was approved by the Institutional The five days blastocysts were analyzed by us-
Review Board (IRB) of the setting in which the ing Gardner et al37 criteria. Two embryos of good
study was performed. quality were transferred on day 3 or 5 using a
dedicated soft catheter (Wallace Classic Embryo
Controlled Ovarian Stimulation Replacement Catheter, Smiths Medical, Brunn
Patients were evaluated for serum levels of am Gebirge, Austria), while supernumerary em-
FSH, luteinizing hormone (LH) and estradiol (E2) bryos were vitrified by the Open Pulled Straw
levels on day 2 of the cycle, which resulted all in method38. Lutheal phase supplementation was ad-
their respective physiologic ranges. Also, antral ministered since day 1 after the oocytes retrieval
follicle count (AFC) was performed using trans- with intravaginal progesterone gel (Crinone 8%,
vaginal ultrasound (TVS). All patients underwent Merck Serono, Darmstadt, Germany). Serum
flexible gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) level was
antagonist protocol. The recombinant FSH dose measured 12-14 days after embryo transfer and, if
was tailored to patient’s response (as described positive, we continued progesterone therapy un-
elsewhere33) and/or purified menotropin was add- til 9-10 gestation weeks. Ultrasound examination
ed to the stimulation protocol. Patients were re- was scheduled 2 weeks later to assess the number
checked after 4 days of stimulation and on day 10 and viability of the implanted embryos.

Myo-inositol and male fertility

Statistical Analysis fresh embryo transfer was performed in 13 cases.

Statistical analyses were performed using the Although there was no significant difference
SPSS 12.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) statisti- (p = 0.85) regarding rate of mature oocytes (as
cal software package. The assumption of normal expected, considering the selective enrolment of
distribution of continuous variables was tested infertile couples for male factor), the fertilization
by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for goodness of fit. index was significantly higher (p < 0.001) in the
Continuous variables were expressed as means treatment group than in the control group.
and standard deviations (SD) and compared be- Also, despite the comparable average number
tween the two groups using the Student t-test. of transferred embryos between the two groups
Categorical variables were expressed as percent- (p = 0.55), in the treated group there was a signif-
ages and compared between the two groups using icantly higher rate of good quality embryos at day
the two-tailed X2 test. A p-value < 0.05 was con- 3 after fertilization (p = 0.001). Finally, 11 preg-
sidered statistically significant. nancies were obtained only in the treated group
(p = 0.001). Among these pregnancies, after the
end of the study, 2 ended in early spontaneous
Results miscarriages, 5 had already delivered and 4 were
still ongoing uncomplicated.
We included data about PICSI outcomes in 22
couples in which oligoasthenoteratozoospermic
male partners underwent oral treatment with 1 g Discussion
of myo-inositol, 30 mg of L-carnitine, L-arginine
and Vitamin E, 55 µg of selenium, and 200 µg of Spermatogenesis is essential for human repro-
folic acid twice per day. Furthermore, the semen duction: this process is finely regulated by multi-
samples of these patients were collected and in- ple hormonal influences, autocrine and paracrine
cubated with 2 mg/ml Myo-Ins for 2 h. Other 13 controls. In several cases, male infertility could
couples in which oligoasthenoteratozoospermic be due, at least in part, by defective spermatogen-
male partners did not undergo any pharmacologic esis caused by altered germ cell proliferation and
treatment were considered as control group. As differentiation. As previously summarized, ROS
showed in Table I, there was no significant differ- play a pivotal role in male infertility: on the one
ence for mean female partner age (p = 0.17) and hand, spermatozoa are particularly sensitive to
mean previous failed ICSI procedures (p = 0.65), ROS action for their plasma membrane, which is
which allows us to consider the two groups homo- rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids; on the other
geneous for the subsequent analysis. hand, the male gametes lose their cytoplasm dur-
In the first group, fresh embryo transfer was ing their maturation and, consequently, the pos-
performed in 18 cases: regarding the remaining sibility of antioxidant activity by cytoplasmatic
four cases, in one patient all embryos were cryo- enzymes39.
preserved due to her high serum progesterone lev- Based on these elements, accumulating evi-
el; in the other three cases, we used vitrified em- dence suggests that antioxidants may improve
bryo from previous cycles. In the control group, fertility outcomes both as oral supplement40 and

Table I. Characteristic of enrolled patients and PICSI outcomes in couples in which oligoasthenoteratozoospermic male
partners underwent treatment with Myo-Ins, folic acid, vitamin E, L-carnitine, L-arginine, selenium, and couples in which
oligoasthenoteratozoospermic male partners did not undergo any pharmacologic treatment (controls).

Treatment (n = 22) Controls (n = 13) p

Female partner age (years) 36.7 ± 2.7 35.2 ± 3.7 0.17

Previous failed ICSI 3.9 ± 1.2 3.7 ± 1.4 0.65
Number of fresh embryo transfers 18 13 –
Rate of the matured oocytes (%) 81.8 (158/194) 80.7 (109/135) 0.85
Fertilization index (%) 84.8 (134/158) 60.5 (66/109) < 0.001
Number of transferred embryos 1.9 ± 0.4 2.0 ± 0.6 0.55
Good quality embryos at day 3 (%) 54.7 32 0.001
Number of pregnancies 11 0 0.001

Data are expressed as means ± standard deviations, or as percentages.

T. Korosi, C. Barta, K. Rokob, T. Torok

additive during in vitro techniques for the prepa- of “tailored-dose treatments” of Myo-Ins as a fu-
ration of seminal fluid41 before ART. Among the ture therapeutic target for male infertility, basing
possible therapeutic strategies to target the ROS, on both personal biophysical characteristics and
recent data showed that myo-Inositol improved seminal fluid parameters.
motility in semen of patients affected by OAT;
in particular, an accurate ultrastructural analysis
by both scansion and transmission electron mi- Conflict of Interest
croscopy found a reduction of amorphous fibrous All the authors have no proprietary, financial, profession-
material around spermatozoa and improved mor- al, or other personal interest of any nature in any product,
service, or company. The authors are responsible for all the
phology of mitochondrial cristae42. contents and writing of the paper. No specific funding was
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