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How Words Work?

i) Words are Symbols

• A symbol is a word, sound, or visual image that represents something else, such as a
thought, concept, object or experience. (E.g. Cat, Sea, Friends)
• A referent 指称对象 is the thing that a symbol represents.
• Thought is the mental process of creating an image, sound, concept, or experience
triggered by a referent or symbol.
ii) Words Are Denotative 指示性的 and Connotative 内涵的
• A word’s denotative meaning conveys content, the word’s restrictive or literal definition
as found in the dictionary.
E.g.: School – an institution for the instruction of children; a college or a university
• The connotative meaning of language conveys feelings, the personal or subjective
association with a word.
E.g. How do you feel when I say the word ‘school’

iii) Words Are Concrete 具体 and Abstract 抽象

• Words can be placed along a continuum 连续体 from abstract 抽象 to concrete 具体.

• We call a word concrete if we can experience its referent with one of our senses.

• If we cannot experience the referent with our senses, then the word is abstract 抽象.

• In general, the more concrete 具体 the language, the easier it is for others to understand.

The Power of Words

a) Words Create Perceptions 知觉/感觉
• Words help name and label what you experience and help you to create how you perceive
the world 感知. (eg: watched a movie. Was it good/bad)
• You create your self-worth largely with self-talk and the labels you apply to yourself. (what
are you feeling? / how do you feel?)
b) Words Influence 影响 Thoughts
• ‘Don’t think about a pink elephant’
• Words and thought are inextricably 密不可分 linked; the process of hearing, seeing, or
saying influences different parts of the brain.
• ‘You are stupid’
c) Words Influence Actions
• The way we use language can communicate the amount of power we have in a
conversation with others.
• We use language in ways that are both powerful and powerless. With powerless speech
we are less persuasive and have less influence on others (umm, ahh, ehh, you know, I
d) Words Affect 影响 And Reflect 反映 Culture
Linguistic Determinism 语言决定论
• Use of language determines or influences thoughts and perceptions
• Language shapes the way we think
Linguistic Relativity 语言相对论
• Each language includes some unique features that are not found in other languages
• E.g. Manglish
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
• Based on the principles of linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity
• Language shapes our culture and culture shapes our language

e) Make and Break Relationships

• What and how you say things – have strong impact on how you relate it to others
• Relate to communication partner – verbal & non-verbal cues
f) Clues 线索 to Our Relationships are Found in Our Word Choices
• Through our talk – establish relationship with other people
• Words influence our relationships – how we express our emotions and feelings during our
g) Clues to Our Relationships are Found in What We Don’t Say
• Use of profanity 亵渎 – words considered obscene 猥亵, irrelevant 不着边际, rude 无礼,
or insensitive 不敏感 –> has an impact on our relationships with others
• A euphemism 委婉语 – a mild 温和 and indirect word that is substitute for one that
describes vulgar 粗俗, profane 粗俗, unpleasant 不愉快, or embarrassing 令人尴尬的
h) Clues to Our Relationships are Found in Our Tweets, Texts, and Posts
• The words use in Facebook posts, tweets, texts, etc – provide important messages about
us (which we overlook sometimes)
• Some people “communicate” better using online platforms rather than 而不是 face-to-
face communication


a) Be Aware Of Missed Meaning
• Bypassing is confusion caused by the same words meaning different things to different
• E.g. “That’s So Gay!”
b) Be Clear
• Malapropisms 不良行为 - confusion of one word or phrase for another that sounds
similar to it. Using words out of context, using inappropriate 不当 grammar, or putting
words in the wrong order affects meaning.
• E.g. Will you please send someone to mend our cracked sidewalk? Yesterday my wife
tripped on it and is now pregnant.
c) Be Specific
• Language should be specific and concrete; vague language can cause confusion and
• Restricted 受限制的 code: set of words that have particular meaning to a person, group,
or culture (in text: gr8, c u, np, l8r)
• Jargon: another name for restricted code; specialized terms or abbreviations 缩略语
whose meanings are known only to members of a specific group
• Slang: words used by a community of people (bae, savage, lit, OTP)
d) Be Unbiased 无偏见
• Hate speech  abusive or threatening 威胁 speech or writing that expresses prejudice 偏
见 against a particular group;
• Avoid sexist 性别歧视 language language that excludes either men or women when
discussing a topic that is applicable to both sexes;
• Avoid ethnically or racially biased 种族偏见 language.
• Avoid demeaning 贬低 language  language barriers are created when they disparage 贬
损 a person’s age, mental or
• Physical ability, or social standing.

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