February Newsletter

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one graphic designerʼs journey to change a generation

about things getting done, God took care of

reaching women everything. Even with a day off for snow, all the
brochures and banners were finished and off to the
NRB is a buzz words in my department—even printer in 4 days! That’s a mini miracle in my world.
though it’s technically not a word. It stands for
National Religious Broadcasters. We participate in I’m thankful we get to be flexible and take advantage
the NRB conference every year but planning for our of these unpredictable opportunities. The Women
participation is often a test of our agility. The Lord Reaching Women program is a wonderful chance
almost always blesses us with the opportunity to do to get involved with changing the lives of women in
more than we thought we would. Asia.

This year we got a last minute invitation to present The reality of life for Asian women is devastating.
a video during a Women’s luncheon. The video The suicide rate among women in India is ten times
promotes our Women Reaching Women Campaign. higher than the world’s average. Asian women face
(You can see the video on my blog at newblueline. unimaginable challenges and degradation.
Poor young girls throughout Asia are ravenously
We thought it might be nice if after people watched abducted, forced into a life of prostitution with every
the video they could have a
brochure to remember
us by. The brochure then
PRAY FOR ME: Pretty please

lead to the need for 2 • Pray for Church. After living in Texas for 6 years I am going to become a
member of a church. I’ve been fairly involved with this church, as much as I can
banners. . . I think you are be without taking away from my life and responsibilities at the ministry. Along with
beginning to understand helping out when I can, I attend a community group that meets a couple times a
month. My hope is that maybe as I make this commitment to the church, they might
how the acronym NRB also commit to support me financially. Please pray that my church and possibly some
is pseudonymous with members from my community group would become financial supporters (and pray
that I wont be hurt if they don’t. I’m not joining the church so that they will support
panicked rush jobs, that get me. I’m joining because I feel like the Lord wants me too.)
done by God’s grace alone.
• Praise God. Thank you for praying the redesign of the Harvest publication
seems to be well received.
I don’t know why I worry

2.10.11 Stephanie Thomas is serving Christ through the ministry of Gospel for Asia.
tiful, intelligent
n girl with
ure. But she,
men in Asia,
dered a toy
harassment in
rhood. She THE SAME FATE . . .
subjected to
and indecent
Her family considered her a curse. Jalem could only watch as
y she was
her brothers went to school while she was forced to do heavy
ound and
manual labor. She was regularly beaten, half starved, locked
oup of men.
away and sometimes even chained in her room. Her crime? She
was a girl. Eventually losing all hope, she only waited for the day
that she too could commit suicide.
However, today Jalem is a vibrant young woman whose
life is filled with happiness, purpose and joy.
he only escape
as found
eiling fan in
e. What made the difference for Jalem?

Just in time, Jalem met a Gospel for Asia-supported national missionary. She
learned of the hope and dignity she could find in Jesus, and she would never be
the same. Suddenly she discovered value that only comes from knowing Christ.
After receiving three years of intense
Jalem found a family in a loving church. They cared for her and helped her
to build a new life. Today she shares how God miraculously changed her life
training, GFA–supported missionaries have
with other hopeless women. She serves as a missionary, dedicating her life to one single–minded passion: to relieve the
touching the millions of other Asian women as desperate as she once was.
pain and suffering of the women of Asia
by introducing them to the love of the Lord
agonizing day just one step closer to an early death Jesus Christ. Their profound desire is to reach every
from AIDS. woman possible while there is yet time. They face
persecution, imprisonment and even death to share
Widows often bear the blame for their husband’s the love of Christ.
death. They are shunned by their communities,
rejected even by their own families and forced into an It is sometimes easy for me to forget that one
inhumane lifestyle. Tens of thousands take their own small project (or a big project that gets created
life just to end the pain. in a short amount of time) can have an amazing
impact on lives in Asia. I create the things I do, so
In India every year, more than 7,000 women are that hopefully during events like these luncheons
doused with kerosene and burned to death—by their people are touched to join GFA to end suffering
husbands. Their crime: an insufficient dowry. and hopelessness, or as much as we can this side
of heaven. Even if it’s just to know and pray, these
These are but a few of the tragic conditions faced brochures and banners do make a difference. I can’t
by millions of Asian women. They are trapped in a imagine being treated the way many women in Asia
never–ending cycle of misery. Utterly without hope. are and then die and spend eternity in hell. Thank you
for your prayer and financial support so that I can be
Yet today, in the midst of a hopeless situation, there is here, occasionally pulling out my hair and wringing my
glorious hope. hands, but also working to reach the lost!

Through the heroic efforts of 2000 women God Bless You,

missionaries who have dedicated their lives to
bringing God’s love to the women of Asia, we can
reach them. In Asian culture,
genders rarely mix, so traditional
male missionaries are severely JOINING MY SUPPORT TEAM IS EASY AND FUN
limited in reaching women. • FOLLOW ALONG at newblueline.blogspot.com. See projects
However, it is possible to send I’m working on, news from the mission field and get to hear a little about life
according to me.
trained, dedicated women
missionaries to reach the millions • SEND MONEY. Just keeping it real. I gotta eat, and you can help make that
of women who still wait to hear AND MAIL TO 1800 GOLDEN TRAIL CRT., CARROLLTON, TX 75010.
that they are precious to Jesus.
It’s easy to donate online just
Another 3% increase. Praise the Lord!

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

support level

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