Comment Profit BluePrint

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Dear Smart Marketer!

Thank you for investing a few minutes of your time to get something BIG in return!

My name’s Martyn Cook … I own a 7-Figure E-Commerce Business, a software company,

have sold multiple businesses, written a book .. and believe that you can put cheese on just
about any food to make it better!

Of course, I didn’t start out this way .. in fact, it doesn’t feel all that long ago that I hadn’t
sold a single thing online .. when I was sceptical that you even could - when I worried about
taking a leap of faith and jumping into a new market without a safety net… but had a very
vivid picture of the bills that I would still need to pay, family I needed to support.. heck,
even friends who I felt I needed to justify my decisions to ..

.. It takes more than a small amount of faith and sleepless nights and courage to quit your
job and learn new skills, without any kind of guarantee!

If you’ve taken, or in the process of taking this journey -

CONGRATULATIONS to you - because you’re a special kind of person!

Now, the internet marketing community is a family - it’s not especially big and there is a lot
of competition …and NOISE .. lot’s of noise.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t scroll through my newsfeed without seeing some
completely unknown “guru” with a few hundred fans on his page, trying to sell me
something …

It’s time to stop feeding the guru’s .. and listen to the proven guys, those who come
recommended… and more importantly, listen to the guys who have actually DONE
whatever it is they’re teaching…

So, before I get into the story .. let me introduce you to a small selection of amazing people
who can vouch for me…

Ok, so it’s a bit of a shame that I needed to do this … But there is so much noise out
there.. I want you to be clear that:

• Everything I teach – I have done myself first, successfully.

• I come highly recommended
• I will NOT waste your time

Ok? Now let’s get on with the good stuff...

I’ve been in the online marketing “game” for about 10 years now .. and it’s crazy, but you
begin to spot patterns - the Internet history, repeats itself… over and over.

Take advertising networks for example …. Here’s the lifecycle:

• New Advertising network gets created (eg. Google Adwords)

• A few visionaries start using it … have amazing success.. in particular enjoying the cheap
traffic and lax rules.
• Word spreads.. more people start using it .. Rules tighten .. people start getting banned.
• Mass-Adoption occurs, prices increase quickly..
• Prices get too high, people start looking for new places to advertise..

This is a small example .. but I’ve seen this one repeat a few times… and in regards to
Facebook advertising… many would argue that we’re on stage 4 or 5 right now!

Scary right?
But by reading between the lines .. you begin to see repeating patterns:

• Affordable, Targeted traffic makes success easy!
• Giving value to your customers upfront, results in loyal raving customers
• Standing out by doing things differently results in greater success
• The more personalised you can be, the greater your results!

So, a couple of years ago … seeing the Facebook advertising landscape becoming more
saturated, harder and expensive … I set out on a mission to find a NEW way to advertise ..

I wanted to:
• Take advantage of the amazing targeting that Facebook offers

• Find a NEW way of reaching customers - one that stands out because it is different
• Give value to my prospects upfront, to increase trust and rapport… automatically
• Make the whole process as personal as possible.

Have you ever tried to deliberately do things differently to everyone else?

It’s a strange thing to do … it feels odd somehow .. rebellious maybe? It takes a

tremendous amount of internal strength and stubbornness too.. I mean who am I to create
a new way to advertise?

Surely - since EVERYONE is already advertising in a certain way - that MUST be the best
way to do things …. Right?

Well.. again, turn to history - the most successful people who have ever lived, created a
NEW way to do things .. they innovated to create something new, something previously
unthought-of .. but never-the-less extremely successful and desirable…

So history had my back … but it still felt weird… an uphill battle! There was no existing
training out there… no-one or nothing to guide me .. this was a solo task - I had to go

Running a business is hard at the best of times … People look up to you - especially the
people who are reliant on you for a pay check or keeping the lights on at home.

In a way, you’re the pilot of your (business) plane…
So.. imagine you’re in a plane … and the pilot leaves the cockpit for a moment.. and
announces to the passengers that, actually, he’s a bit worried about the upcoming landing

… he’s not sure it’s going to go well …

How would that make you feel?

You would probably be quite worried - you’ve put your faith and hope into the hands of
this pilot … and he has doubts!! Holy **** !

Yet, every day - YOU’RE the pilot of your business… and you’ve probably figured out by
now that you can’t really express your doubts to the passengers of your plane … not
unless you want to see terror in their eyes and a rush for the hypothetical parachutes!

So there I was, the pilot … worrying (alone) about this brand new path I wanted to forge ..
this new way to advertise .. this unknown new world to explore …

What if it didn’t exist?

What if it all failed?

What if the business plane crashed?

What then?

The more I wrestled with the task at hand .. the more I realised it was essential.

What kind of advantage can you ever really have if you’re using the same platform, to send
traffic to your site, the same way as everyone else?

Think about it … How can YOU stand out ?

Well.. in reality, I couldn’t think of a way to stand out and succeed in an advertising game

that everyone else was playing in the same exact way..

Of course, by improving your product, brand and follow up marketing you can be better…
but with that initial cold traffic - the essential prospecting traffic that is the life blood of any
business - it’s impossible.

I’d already tried all kinds of ads, targeting, budgets, images, video .. all of it … I could get
small incremental improvements - but nothing I would consider game changing.

..and with every new day, more people were starting to advertise… more copycats were
jumping in with their spy tools, and low morals…

The competition was undeniable…

It was time to do something about it!

So, a bit of background - I’m the guy behind TrustMSG - TrustMSG was the first software
of its kind to allow users to send Private Facebook Messages to anyone who commented
on one of their Facebook posts..

TrustMSG has already generated millions of dollars for it’s customers - because of how
powerful a Facebook Private Message is ..

You see, when you receive a private message on Facebook - you KNOW about it!

• You get a notification on the Facebook app or Website

• You get a sound prompting you about the message
• You get a pop-up window if you’re on your computer .. displaying the message
• You get a notification appear on the front screen of your phone …

In short, when you receive a Facebook private message - You NOTICE it… and open it!

That’s why so many customers of TrustMSG have made hundreds of thousands of dollars
just on this small area of marketing … that’s hundreds of thousands of dollars – in addition
to their main revenue!

Now, historically, I had always used TrustMSG as a supplementary revenue stream too …
Basically, I hooked it up to my advert posts… and every time someone commented on that
post, they received a Facebook private message offering them a time-sensitive discount for
the product or collection they were interested in …

The results were fantastic…
• 1 in 4 people who I sent a message to, clicked the link in the message
• 4-6% of those people bought something from my website
• In just one month, I was able to generate $40,000 from comments on my posts!

But then I had a moment of clarity!

Up until now … I had been monetising my comments .. whilst still focusing on the
traditional way of getting traffic to my website.

But my main focus was still trying to get clicks on the links in my ads…..

Why not, instead of paying extra to get CLICKS, spend LESS to

Madness right? Why on earth would I focus on getting comments instead of direct traffic to
my website?

So I sat down and thought about it:

• Every comment I receive is an opportunity to send a private, personalised message (PM).

• Every PM I send gets almost a 100% open rate
• 25% of the openers click the link in my message
• 4% of those people were buying my $40 products!

Let’s do the maths:
• Generating a comment cost 10 cents - Cost Per Comment = 10 Cents.
• 1 in 4 people who received a PM clicked on the link - So Cost Per Visitor = 40 Cents.
(Which was less than half the cost I was paying)
• 5% of visitors purchased my $40 product = $8 Cost Per Purchase

That's a Return on ad spend (ROAS) of 5!!

I was blown away!

That means, for every $1 I was spending - I was getting $5 back!

(I was also getting, new fans on my page … increased engagement, shares, and organic
reach too!)

Holy crap!
Suddenly I KNEW the way forward …. It had been in front of my nose all of this time …
yet somehow hidden.

But I was now certain:

The NEW way to advertise on Facebook is to get COMMENTS!

The holy grail was beginning to show itself:

..and it was dead simple:

The more comments I can get … the more cheap, targeted traffic I will get in return!

Not to mention, the higher conversion rates from that traffic because they’ve already
engaged with me and so trust me more!

It was clear what needed to be done - I needed to create a way to generate

more comments!

So I set about building a software that created engaging, valuable posts - that sucked in


I was BUZZING for the results!

Ok, so for this part of the story, I am very fortunate to have possibly the most talented
developer in the world as my business partner - his name is Victor.

I explained to Victor what I wanted to achieve - a way to produce engaging posts that suck
in comments..

I wanted to give the user something of value immediately in return for the comments .. I
figured some sort of computer-generated reply could do that - something that immediately
makes them feel good and to feel like their time commenting was well-spent.

I’d seen some posts that had gone viral - these posts basically asked people to comment a
URL .. and that URL generated a different result for each commenter… it worked, but it
was clunky .. and I saw that Facebook was cracking down on this kind of URL sharing …
We don’t need to share a URL in reply to a comment - so let’s keep Facebook happy.

We worked tirelessly, to build something that enabled us to create valuable and automatic
conversations with anyone who commented on our posts…

.. And it WORKED!
• We created viral posts again and again .. that sucked in thousands of comments without
ANY ad spend
• We introduced the process to my mastermind and the members there were able to
create viral posts too
• We created one of the most easy to use, valuable , intuitive softwares - we had ever
created – TrustReach

BUT - Uh Oh!

The day before we were due to launch this amazing software to the public - literally the
DAY before … Facebook released an article.

In this article they spoke about how they were cracking down on engagement bait ..
something I was very pleased to hear.

But it caused confusion in our email lists and community!

My inbox filled up with confused people, excited for the TrustReach launch - but worried
about the impact of this news.

It was terrible timing indeed… and worse, Facebook was deliberately vague in how they
described what engagement bait actually was!

So was that the end of TrustReach?

Naturally, at first we too were concerned… we knew that what our software created was
engaging posts that people enjoyed … but would we get caught up in this new sweep?

So we set to work:
• We analysed all the posts that EVERYONE created with TrustReach - Customers, Us,

Beta-Testers. - everyone.
• We reached out to Facebook to get an answer
• And we observed the conversations taking place on these posts…

Until we were certain….

Not only were the posts that TrustReach was creating - the MOST engaging, Comment-
Sucking posts we (or anyone else) had ever seen …

These posts were EXACTLY what Facebook wanted!

.. And when you think about it - it was OBVIOUS why!

A typical TrustReach post went like this:

• A user comments on a post

• They get a reply that compliments them and gives them value
• They reply to that post again
• They LIKE the post
• They share the post
• They TAG their friends in their post…
• More and more people organically see the post and leave their comment …
• And the reach grows… and grows… and grows!

It’s possible that TrustReach posts are some of the most engaging and valuable posts on the
whole of Facebook!

To put it bluntly …. We were EXTREMELY excited ...

We were extremely excited because we’ve created something that flat out worked!

Take a look at this post:

This post is STILL getting comments on it, every hour… MONTHS after it was posted.

In fact, to date, it’s received more than 211,000 comments …. At ZERO cost!

That’s right … We created a viral post that is continuously sucking in comments… for

We used TrustReach to make this post … that’s what keeps it viral ..

And we’re using TrustMSG to send a Private Message to every single person who

That’s 211,000 Private Messages we’ve sent so far…

We’ve generated more than $44,000 from this post alone

PLUS - the page has grown by nearly 20,000 likes …

AND … we’re running traditional advertising to our page engagers…. And getting
conversions on a $40 product… for just $4 each!

What have we learnt?

It felt like a long process ….

We were bucking the trends and creating a NEW way to advertise…. And that was scary!

But I trusted my gut .. and kept going anyway!

I’ve taught the whole process now to my VA, created template messages and an easy
system so that she can set everything up for me.. it’s so simple, my brother, nephew or
friend could do it!

I’ve learnt, that taking a moment to study the surroundings, study the data and go in a
NEW direction can pay off MASSIVELY!

I would like to invite YOU to join me on this journey ..

I’ve mentioned TWO software’s I used to get this success:

• TrustReach to create posts that suck in comments

• TrustMSG to send a personalised private message (PM) to every person who commented

(Click the links above to learn more about each software)

These 2 software’s are all you need to advertise the NEW way on Facebook!

Naturally you can scale up your results by boosting these posts with Facebook ads… but
you don’t NEED to!

I’ve actually created LOADS of training videos for both software’s… they’re available in the
members areas for each software.

I’ve also created a wonderful community full of members who are driving success in their
businesses you can find it here:

Do something today that will DRIVE your business forward!

Take a moment now to join: and

• Take a look at the testimonials on each website

• See the power of each software for yourself
• Take ACTION - Commit to yourself to invest in your business - and experience the
success you deserve!

Join me on this amazing journey of marketing the NEW way!
I can’t wait to see you on the inside, to see YOUR results - to hear YOUR amazing story!

To your success,

Martyn Cook

3 Simple Steps to Comment Profits:

1) Join TrustReach
2) Join TrustMSG
3) Set up your viral posts and profit!

Take action now – Commit to yourself and Succeed!


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