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Project/Assignment Rubric: EBF334/EBM3113 Business Law (15% marks)

Marks Item Student Achievement

Structure (2 Marks)
2-1  The information is completely arranged in accordance with the instruction given
and it is easily to be read.

Language (2 marks)
1-0  Style of writing is understandable
1-0  No grammatical error and wrong spelling exist that prohibits the understanding of
the E-Portfolio

Contents (6 Markah)
6  Superior Comprehensive contents. It reflects the topics, ideas and context which
have been greatly chosen.
4  Good Comprehensive contents. It reflects the topics, ideas and context which have
been chosen however there are 1 or 2 elements are not included.
2  Less comprehensive and not exactly reflects the topics, ideas and context that have
been chosen.

Analysis Skill (6 Markah)

3-1  Business E-Portfolio of the students shows sufficient understanding on the concept
of company law.
3-1  The E-Portfolio explains the classifications of companies, separate legal entity
concept and the content of company constitution

Creativity (4 marks)

4-1  The design of e-portfolio is attractive, beautiful and creative.

Peer Assessment (5 marks)

(20) /20 x 15 =
Total Mark

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