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SAP Concur Getting Started Quick Start Guide

SAP Concur FAQ’s

General FAQ’s

1. What will I use Concur For?

Concur is used for tracking and reconciling employee Travel, Travel P-Card, and
reimbursable out-of-pocket expenses. It can be used to make Travel Arrangements. Concur
for Thermax Group has been divided into 4 policies under which employee can select any
one of them, request for travel and raise expense report for expense claim reimbursement.
a. Intra City Policy
b. Inter City Policy
c. International Policy
d. Cash voucher Policy
Large Site expenses claims e.g BOP , O&M for Project sites are out of scope of Concur. They
will be governed by EPV mode of expense claims as it done presently.

2. As a first-time user, how do I get login information for my SAP Concur account?

Once your company is a SAP Concur customer, user profiles are created by your company's
SAP Concur Administrators and login information is emailed to you. If you do not know your
credentials, you can navigate to and click the link "Forgot your
user name?" to have your user name emailed to you. User name for all employees is :
Ticket no ( with 0 affixed ) ( e.g

Please note that two ways to login for Thermax users

1. Login using SSO ( Single Sign on ) .

Copying above Link & use it in Google chrome ,Thermax Employees can login to
Concur. It is similar to Therm live . Link to be saved on laptop
Login ID : Ticket no ( e.g
Password : Windows password

2. Direct login : Concur website

Login ID : Ticket no ( e.g
Password : Default password e.g welcome ( Latter to be changed by employee )
3. Can I claim Salary Advance or emergency loan from Concur ?
No, option of claiming salary advance / emergency loan in not made available in Concur. It
will be handled by SF and TFS team

4. Can I log in to Concur from any computer?

Yes. You can log in to Concur from any computer and through mobile applications.

5. How do I sign up for Mobile Registration?

At the top of the My Concur page select the white tab labelled Mobile Registration.
See Review your login details. Enter Create PIN and Retype PIN.
Click Set PIN.
See Download the app.
Click Send Link.
Follow the instructions on your mobile device to download the app.
If you will be adding the app to your mobile phone enter your mobile phone number. If you
will be adding it to a mobile device not associated to a phone number such as a tablet, enter
your email address. If you will be adding it to both a mobile phone and a tablet, enter your

6. How do I update my personal information on my user profile in Concur?

At the top right of the My Concur page, click Profile, Profile Settings.
Click on Personal Information.
Enter, verify, or update your personal information.

7. How do I reset my SAP Concur password?

Navigate to and click the link "Forgot your password?" to request
an email with a hint or a link to reset your password. If your company uses single sign-on
(SSO), please try that URL. If you continue to have problems, please contact your company's
help desk or travel/expense department.

8. Where can I find basic training for SAP Concur?

Training resources can be found at, or by logging into your SAP

Concur account and clicking Help. Custom made videos , FAQ and Thermax specific user
manuals for Thermax Group users are made available to all employees on Therm live and
One Drive mail circulated in Go live mail
Request FAQ’s

1. What is a request?
A request is used to obtain pre-approval for an expense, for example, a trip. For travel pre-
approval, it can include travel segments (like airfare, car, etc.), expected expenses (like
meals, seminar fees, etc.), and cash advances (for tips, taxi, etc.). Requests allow a company
to better manage travel spend. Requests can also be used to obtain pre-approval for other
types of expenses, such as subscriptions, business meals, office equipment, electronics, etc.
Request will be used to apply for company paid resources like Car , Hotel, Train through
Company Admin at respective location.

2. Is Request mandatory and pre requisite before all expense claims ?

Yes, Request is made mandatory for Inter city ( Domestic ) Travel and International Travel
however it is not mandatory for Intra city ( Less than 60 kms travel ) and Cash voucher
expense claims. Request is required if you need any company resources to be booked by
Company Admin. There are various segments available in Request through which Employee
can request for Corporate resources ( e.g Train, Car, Hotel ). Employee needs to select
“Admin Location“ from drop down which he desires Locational Admin to act and book
resources for him based on availability of said resources and agents at specified location.

3. What is the approval process for Request for Travel for all forms of Travel policy?
All requests have to be approved by Reporting manager as mapped in SF. In case of any
deviation ,it will go to SBU Head or CRM ( in case of regional employee ) for approval
Examples of Deviation : Car request for less than 3 persons, Request for Hotel despite of
GH being available.

4. What is the difference between hard exception (Red icon) and soft exception
(yellow icon)?
If hard exception is there, user will not be able to submit the request, Employee must
correct it in order to proceed. If soft exception is there user will be able to submit the
request. The yellow flag contains information regarding policy and the red flag requires you
to make changes before submitting an expense report.
5. Is it possible to make the Amount field optional or to allow a user to enter a zero in
the Amount field?
Yes. The Amount field (on a segment form) can be optional or hidden. If the field is required,
the user can always enter zero.

6. What is the exact numbering pattern for the Request ID? Is it unique and
sequential per client?
The Request ID is a sequence unique per client/entity. It is alphanumeric but does not
contain the following characters: 0,O, I, 1, 2, Z, 5, S, 8, B. It starts on 4 digits, and can reach a
maximum of 20 characters.

7. What should we enter in the Detail field on the hotel or car rental segment?
If Concur Request is not integrated with Concur Travel, then the travel agent books the trip.
The user uses the Detail field to provide location and preference information needed by the
travel agency, like: • "pick-up at airport" or "automatic transmission, non-smoking" • "hotel
near the convention center" or "non-smoking room"

8. Can I use One Click to have Expense create the header and add the expenses - and
then I associate the request?
Yes. You can associate a request to an expense report before or after other expenses have
been added to the report.

9. Why is it possible to re-attach a used request to an expense report?

Some companies require their users to submit monthly expense reports. If the request
spans more than one month, the user needs the ability to attach the request to more than
one report.

10. Can a user request a cash advance in a request?

Yes. The Cash Advance feature is available in Concur Request. In fact, a request can include
more than one cash advance – each in a different currency. There are two ways to raise cash
advance. 1. Travel Specific advance in specific travel policy 2. Rolling Advance : Option is
given in Request section in drop down of Policy for selection ( 4th Option )

11. Is it possible to close a request so it is no longer "selectable"?

12. Can multiple requests be added to single expense report ?
Yes , option is available to attach multiple requests since this is possible in case of extention
of a particular travel wherein based on company policy user will be required to raise
additional request. However , there is no lock on creation of expense report in absence of
additional request not being raised. This is useful in International Travel when user has to
attach multiple requests for travel to different countries which fall in different catagories as
per Policy.

Expense FAQ’s
1. Can I review my past expense reports that I have submitted?

Yes. To see all Reports for last 90 days, click Report Library on the right side of the Manage
Expenses page. Your reports and the status of each will be displayed.

2. What is the process for approval , submission of hard copies and expense claim
payment settlement process for Travel Expense claims for all forms of Travel
policy including Cash expense claims?

Entire Approval and payment process is completely automated. All expense reports will
have to be approved online by Reporting manager as mapped in SF. For Intra city and Inter
city expense claims , in case of any deviation , it will auto flow to SBU Head or CRM ( in case
of regional employee ) for approval. In case of International Travel, deviation will be
displayed using Yellow icon. In International travel , expense claim will auto flow to DFC for
budgetary check , SBU Head and BU Head for final approval . For Cash voucher expense
claims, reporting manager will be final approver. All other email approvals for any specific
cash voucher expenses based on Agile 2.0 needs to be attached in approved Concur
extensions format.
Employee has to submit hard copy of approved expense report to Processor cum Cash
admin at one of the respective designated 8 locations (Pune @ TFS , 4 Regional H.O, Savli,
Jhagadia, Dahej ) for online verification of expense claims, verification of hard copies and
approval of cash advances/ returns. Employee is not supposed to take print of invoices
which are already in soft form duly signed. Employee has the option to send all hard copies
of claim directly to Processor by courier after mentioning Report ID Key available in Print
report based on which Processor can take print of Expense report , attach hard copies sent
by employee , verify and approve it. In case there are no hard copies, employee only has to
inform Concur Report key to Processor on mail Then it will auto flow to respective ERP’s for
booking. Payment of all expense claims will be centralised in TFS. Employees will receive
mail confirmations at each stage of approvals and payment advice once payment is done for
their expense claims.
3. I tried to enter expenses from a while back and received an error stating “The
transaction is greater than 30 days”?

Expense policy and the CA contract with our Partners states that all expenses must be
submitted in a timely manner and should not exceed 30 days provided such delays are not
caused solely by CA. As such, if you enter expenses exceeding 30 days, the CA PM reserves
the right to reject and not pay for the expenses entered.

4. In which countries/languages is Concur for Mobile supported?

Android, iPhone/iPad/iPod touch, BlackBerry: Concur for Mobile is available worldwide and
supports U.S. English, U.K. English, Canadian French, French, German, Italian, Spanish,
Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, Latin American Spanish, Russian,
and Swedish.

The language is determined by the language specified on the mobile device. If the device's
language is not supported, Concur for Mobile displays in US English

Windows Phone: English only

5. What receipts are required?

An acceptable receipt is a document that contains: transaction date ,name of merchant

,transaction details (what was purchased) ,form of payment used ,amount of purchase
,indication that the amount was paid.

6. Is there any specific format for attachment of any receipts or any other files?

In Concur , you can upload file with below extensions only

.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf, .tif or .tiff file for upload. 5 MB limit per file.

7. Is use of any special character not allowed in Concur ?

Yes, use of the Pipe character "|" in any column is prohibited. If used, expense claim will not flow
to ERP

8. I lost my receipt. What do I do to get reimbursed?

While in your expense report, select the Receipts button at the top of the
screen. Choose Missing Receipts Affidavit - it will appear near the bottom of the drop
down under Receipts. Select the expense item by putting a check in the box and accept and
create a missing receipt affidavit.
9. How do I print my expense report if needed?

Most needs for printing an expense report have been eliminated. However, if you do
need a hard copy follow these steps:

-Open the expense report in Concur

-Click the Print button in the Concur tool bar (next to Receipts button)
-Print Report

10. How do I know if there is an expense report needing my approval?

There are two ways:

Outside Concur

You will receive an email notification that an expense report is waiting for your approval in

Inside Concur

Anytime you log into Concur, on the My Concur page, there is an Approval Box on the home
page that will list reports waiting for your approval. You can select Approvals in the top tool
bar. A list will appear if any are needing your attention.

11. What should I do if I need to edit/add a transaction on the report that I already

You may recall an expense report by using the “recall” button if the report is not yet
approved by the Processor. You must resubmit the recalled report to your approval after
you revised the report.

12. What happens when my Approver goes on leave?

An Approver can designate another Manager to approve expense reports on his/her behalf
while he/she is on leave if the person substituting has the same approving authority in
terms of the schedule of delegation.

13. What do the red bars on the Expense Entry Form mean?

The red bars indicate “required” fields. You must complete fields with red bars in order to
submit your expense report.

14. Does Deviation approval auto flow in Concur system to approver ?

Yes , all deviations from policy are highlighted with yellow flag and will auto flow to
deviation approver authority as defined in policy after approval by reporting manager
ExpenseIt FAQ’s
1. What is ExpenseIt?

ExpenseIt is a value-added service that creates itemized expense entries from receipt
photos. This SAP Concur mobile app feature makes expense reports faster and easier for
users, while giving you timely information to manage your monthly budget.

2. How does ExpenseIt turn receipts into expenses?

ExpenseIt utilizes a variety of techniques including machine learning, individual user history,
optical character recognition (OCR), computer vision, and human assistance to read and
predict several critical values from a receipt. Using these techniques, ExpenseIt works to
identify the amount, currency, date, location, expense type, payment type, vendor, and
hotel itemizations then pulls that information into an expense.

3. How do I get the most out of ExpenseIt?

ExpenseIt is most helpful when receipts are captured as soon as they’re received. Capturing
a quality photo of a receipt is very important. Dark or blurry photos can be difficult to read.
So, users should remember to:

• Make sure the camera lens on the mobile device is clean.

• Make sure the camera is focused on the receipt.

• Take photos in a portrait (vertical) orientation.

• Take photos in a well-lit area. Otherwise, use the flash.

• Avoid shadows across the receipt. Users should always double check the expense for
accuracy before submitting. If users wait to capture receipts, they can tap Next Receipt
while capturing them in the app.

4. Can users take a single picture of multiple receipts?

ExpenseIt is only able to process receipt images that correspond to a single expense.
ExpenseIt will not be able to separate out individual expenses if multiple receipts are
captured in one shot, such as a sheet of paper with multiple receipts taped to it.
5. How does ExpenseIt recognize and predict fields such as currency, date, location,
and vendor?

To predict most fields, ExpenseIt uses optical character recognition (OCR) to extract text
from a receipt. It then uses a suite of machine learning models to analyse this text and make
a prediction. The machine learning models utilized vary from field to field. These models can
consider things like where the text is located on a receipt, user and company history, and
information in a user’s SAP Concur profile, among other things, to make an informed
prediction. The more ExpenseIt is used by your company, the more accurate the predictions
become. Each field has its own unique set of challenges when it comes to forming a
prediction. If the user submits a low-quality image, or if the information is hidden or doesn’t
appear on the receipt, the field might be unpredictable and therefore left blank.

6. How does ExpenseIt recognize and predict the amount?

To determine the amount on the receipt, ExpenseIt follows a special process due to the
importance of getting this value correct. A machine learning model performs the analysis of
the amount straight on a user’s device to predict the amount in real time. With this
technology, ExpenseIt can read a handwritten amount, such as the total after tip. It does not
capture tip amount, sub-totals, or tax amounts. After the analysis, the user is presented
with this amount to accept or edit. Once the user confirms the amount, the receipt is sent
for further processing to determine values for the other fields.


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