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GOVERNMENT OF INDIA OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL OF CIVIL AVIATION OPPOSITE SAFDARJUNG AIRPORT, NEW DELHI-110003 No. 4/1/2020-IR Dated: 21-05-2020 CIRCULAR Sub: Recommencement of domestic flights and minimum & maximum fares chargeable for such flights- Reg. This circular is issued for dissemination of the Order No. AV- 1301 1/1/2020-US (SS) -MOCA dated 21.05.2020 (copy attached) of Ministry of Civil Aviation in respect of minimum and maximum fares that can be charged by the airlines. 2. The above referred order is issued in exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 8B read with clause (ab) of Sub-Section (2) of Section 5 of the Aircraft Act, 1934 (22 of 1934) in general public interest 3. This is for strict compliance by all domestic operators engaged in scheduled air transport services in India Lt Deputy Director General To All Domestic Scheduled Operators. AV-13011/1/2020-US(5S}-MoCA Government of India Ministry of Civil Aviation B Block, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport, New Dethi-110003, 4st May, 2020 ‘ORDER NO. 02/2020 1. Whereas the Central Government has decided to recommence the flights with effect from 25.05.2020, It has also been decided that the flights will be increased in a calibrated manner. 2. Whereas it is necessary to ensure that the airlines do not charge excessive fare on the one hand and also to ensure that journey is performed only for essential purposes; itis, therefore, necessary to fix a fare band within which the airlines should charge fare. 3. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (1) of Section 88 read with clause (ab) of Sub-Section (2) of Section 5 of the Aircraft Act, 1934 (22 of 1934), the Central Government hereby directs for the domestic civil flight operations permitted vide Order No, 01/2020 dated 21st May, 2020 issued by Ministry of Civil Aviation. The airlines shall charge fares as specified below: (i) With respect to amount of fares to be charged by the Airlines from the passenger for joumey on a particular sector, the sectors have been classified on the basis of approximate duration of flight and for such classes, the minimum and maximum fares chargeable are as under: Class of Sectors Minimum Fare Maximum Fare {in Rs.) fin Rs.) 2,000 6,000 7,500. 000 10,000 113,000 15,700 18,600 a|a\mlolola|>, (ii) The sectors falling under various classes are enclosed as Annexure | to Vil; iii} The fares indicated in para (i) are exclusive of applicable UDF, PSF and GST; iv] The fares indicated in para (i) are not applicable for Business Class; iv} Atleast forty percent of the tickets of a particular flight shall be sold for the fare less than the mid fare between minimum and maximum fares given in para (i) above [excluding UDF, PSF and GST); (v) The airlines shall make the RBDs so as to fit in the specified fare range for each class; Nia This order shall remain in force till 2359 hrs, IST an 24th August, 2020; (vii) All airlines operating schedule domestic passengers service shall ensure strict ‘compliance; (vil) These regulations on fare are not applicable in RCS Udaan flights. 3. The Ministry of Civil Aviation in the public interest may review or modify this Order at any time during the stipulated three months. 4, This issues with the approval of the competent authority, Q 3 wee (Satyendra Kumar Mishra) Joint Secretary to the Government of India Enclosed: Annexure | to Vil To The Director General, OGCA with a request to regulate and monitor fares charged by airlines in accordance with this order. Copy to. i) The PS to HMoSCA (Ic), ‘The Sr. PPS to Secretary, Civil Aviation, ‘The Chairman, Airports Authority of India, Sr. BAY JS&FA/IS(AD)/ JS(AR)/ JS(RA)/ JS(U), MoCA. 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