Ware, Jourdan-2017-40Ar39Ar Geochronology of Terrestrial Pyroxene

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Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136

Ar/39Ar geochronology of terrestrial pyroxene
Bryant Ware ⇑, Fred Jourdan
Western Australian Argon Isotope Facility, John de Laeter Centre for Isotope Research and School of Earth and Planetary Sciences,
Curtin University, Perth, WA 6845, Australia

Received 22 June 2017; accepted in revised form 1 April 2018; Available online 10 April 2018


Geochronological techniques such as U/Pb in zircon and baddeleyite and 40Ar/39Ar on a vast range of minerals, including
sanidine, plagioclase, and biotite, provide means to date an array of different geologic processes. Many of these minerals, how-
ever, are not always present in a given rock, or can be altered by secondary processes (e.g. plagioclase in mafic rocks) limiting
our ability to derive an isotopic age. Pyroxene is a primary rock forming mineral for both mafic and ultramafic rocks and is
resistant to alteration process but attempts to date this phase with 40Ar/39Ar has been met with little success so far.
In this study, we analyzed pyroxene crystals from two different Large Igneous Provinces using a multi-collector noble gas
mass spectrometer (ARGUS VI) since those machines have been shown to significantly improve analytical precision com-
pared to the previous single-collector instruments. We obtain geologically meaningful and relatively precise 40Ar/39Ar plateau
ages ranging from 184.6 ± 3.9 to 182.4 ± 0.8 Ma (2r uncertainties of ±1.8–0.4%) and 506.3 ± 3.4 Ma for Tasmanian and
Kalkarindji dolerites, respectively. Those data are indistinguishable from new and/or published U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar plagio-
clase ages showing that 40Ar/39Ar dating of pyroxene is a suitable geochronological tool.
Scrutinizing the analytical results of the pyroxene analyses as well as comparing them to the analytical result from plagio-
clase of the same samples indicate pure pyroxene was dated. Numerical models of argon diffusion in plagioclase and pyroxene
support these observations. However, we found that the viability of 40Ar/39Ar dating approach of pyroxene can be affected by
irradiation-induced recoil redistribution between thin pyroxene exsolution lamellae and the main pyroxene crystal, hence
requiring careful petrographic observations before analysis. Finally, diffusion modeling show that 40Ar/39Ar of pyroxene
can be used as a powerful tool to date the formation age of mafic rocks affected by greenschist metamorphism and will likely
play an important role in high temperature thermochronology.
Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ar/39Ar; Geochronology; Thermochronology; Pyroxene; Large igneous provinces

1. INTRODUCTION as viable candidates for varying methods of geochronology

analyses (e.g. 238U/206Pb dating of zircon and baddeleyite
With the advancement of mass spectrometers (e.g. multi- and 40Ar/39Ar dating of sanidine and biotite). Mafic rocks,
collector capabilities, 1013 ohm resistors, new generation of however, and in particular ultramafic rocks, suffer from a
electronic components), the ability to obtain robust and pre- lack of mineral types available for geochronology. Although
cise geochronological data provides the opportunity to push neo-formed zircon can crystallize in thick intrusions (e.g.
geochronological methods to unprecedented limits. Felsic sills of the Ferrar Large Igneous Province: Burgess et al.,
rocks have a plethora of minerals that have been developed 2015), it is completely lacking in fine-grained mafic rocks.
As such, plagioclase is currently the common mineral
⇑ Corresponding author.
utilized to date fine to medium-grained mafic rocks.
Furthermore, plagioclase has, recently been shown to be
E-mail address: bryant.ware@postgrad.curtin.edu.au
(B. Ware).
able to yield three to four times more precise ages

0016-7037/Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136 113

(265.05 ± 0.35 Ma ) for a similar volume compared to a tantly is not feasible if for some reason a pyroxene is
single collector machine (e.g. Belica et al., 2017). However, composed of a low-Ca and high-Ca component (cf. discus-
both plagioclase and zircon are completely lacking as pri- sion). None of these issues is a problem for a new generation
mary crystallizing phases in ultramafic rocks, thus making multi-collector mass spectrometer equipped with at least
it extremely challenging to date such rocks. Furthermore, four faraday cups (preferably with a 1013 ohm resistor
plagioclase unfortunately alters into sericite (a high-K mica- equipped on mass 39) and one ion counter (such as the
tious hydrothermal alteration mineral), which at times, can ARGUS VI) because the low volume, better source effi-
prevent obtaining the crystallization age of plagioclase with ciency and improved detector gains allow for (1) a better
Ar/39Ar (Verati and Jourdan, 2013). Pyroxene, however, precision at lower signal sizes and (2) measuring the 37Ar
is an abundant mineral found in all mafic and ultramafic on a dedicated faraday detector preventing the post-
rocks. Both orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene mineral vari- measurement decay of 37Ar to affect other Ar isotopes (note:
eties do not alter to high K minerals. Therefore, the ability in fact the increase of noise is barely detectable on faraday
to date pyroxene would be particularly useful for dating cups even after repeatedly measuring large 37Ar signals
mafic and ultramafic volcanic flows that constitute the bulk shortly after irradiation). Furthermore, the advancements
of Large Igneous Provinces. of these new generation multi-collector mass spectrometers,
Previous attempts of dating pyroxene from terrestrial provides a much greater ability to accurately measure the
rocks recognized tremendous difficulties when using the K- trapped 40Ar/36Ar ratio (achieved by positioning mass 36
Ar decay system (Hart and Dodd, 1962; McDougall, 1963; on the compact discrete dynode [CDD]). Such a feat is very
McDougall and Green, 1964; Rama et al., 1965; Lanphere important for dating pyroxene due to high relative abun-
and Dalrymple, 1976; Harrison and McDougall, 1981). dance of trapped Ar.
Aside from natural complications (e.g., the presence of In this study, the viability of using the 40Ar/39Ar tech-
excess 40Ar*), failures in obtaining geologically meaningful nique on the mineral pyroxene is tested using mineral sep-
results for terrestrial rocks is related to the low concentra- arates from dolerites collected from two different Large
tions of K within the pyroxene mineral structure. All previ- Igneous Provinces (LIPs) located in Australia. We show
ous attempts referenced above were made using single that pyroxene can provide meaningful and relatively precise
collector machines (e.g., MAP 215–50, VG5400). New- ages, even when plagioclase dating failed due to alteration,
generation multi-collector machines provide a step-wise and yield ages that are statistically indistinguishable as high
advancement in the sensitivity and precision as well as the precision plagioclase 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages from the same
ability to simultaneously measure all the isotopes of argon samples (e.g. TAS-17: 181.7 ± 0.4 Ma, plagioclase; 182.4 ±
compared to previous single collector instruments and thus, 0.8 Ma, pyroxene) as well as with all previous geochrono-
can mitigate previous problems encountered in measuring logical results from a variety of other methods.
low 39Ar(K) coupled with very high 37Ar(Ca) signals
(McDougall and Harrison, 1999). Even prior to the 2. DATING PYROXENE WITH THE AR/39AR
advancement of multi-collectors, and when the 39Ar was METHOD
close to background, one could in principle increase the sig-
nal by; (1) irradiating the material for longer durations since 2.1. Early attempts on terrestrial applications
Ar is a product of neutron activation; or (2) increase the
amount of material analyzed. However, although in practice In the early 1960s, studies utilizing the K-Ar method on
this is feasible, there are complications that arise; (i) increas- pyroxenes (Hart, 1961; McDougall, 1961; Hart and Dodd,
ing the duration of irradiation is costly; (ii) properly picking 1962; McDougall and Green, 1964) and later followed by
the required amount and desired quality of grains is time the 40Ar/39Ar method in the 70s (Lanphere and
consuming (10–20 mg is best to obtain optimal precision Dalrymple, 1976; Harrison and McDougall, 1981) were
with pyroxene with the low-volume ARGUS VI, which being conducted. Initially, pyroxene was targeted as a pos-
means at the very least 4–5 times this amount would need sible candidate mineral for the K-Ar method due to the lack
to be picked with an MAP machine; however, in many cases of vacancies within the mineral structure that would miti-
this amount is not possible [e.g. dredge samples]), (iii) the gate the likelihood of excess Ar (Dalrymple and
precision is not linear at small signal size, and previous gen- Lanphere, 1969). Ironically, despite no structural site suit-
erations of detectors still result in lower precision when the able within the crystal lattice for K, excess argon was shown
Ar beam signal is small (Olierook et al., 2016) and finally, to have greatly affected these initial analyses (Lanphere and
(iv) an increase of 39Ar (either by increase irradiation or Dalrymple, 1976; Harrison and McDougall, 1981). The age
weight) is accompanied by an increase in 37Ar after Ca. spectra consistently displayed complex ‘‘saddle” shape age
Measuring 37Ar is the only way to correct from two neutron spectra with older ages in the lower heating steps, minima
activation interference products on Ca, namely 37Ar(Ca) and ages in the middle heating steps that approach the known
Ar(Ca). However, 37Ar(Ca) has a 35 day half-life (Renne crystallization age, before rising again to ages in excess of
and Norman, 2001) and thus typically decays after measure- 4 Ga at times (Lanphere and Dalrymple, 1976; Harrison
ment causing a significant increase of the electronical noise and McDougall, 1981). These authors suggested that the
of the detector. Typically, this has been partially mitigated K/Ca spectra indicated that the excess 40Ar is dominantly
by waiting for partial decay of 37Ar before measurement held in the Ca sites, which then outgassed in higher heating
(10 months for pyroxene), but this results in a lower age steps. Therefore, they proposed that 40Ar* could be housed
precision due to small 37Ar beam signal and more impor- in crystal dislocations or defects as well as attributed to
114 B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136

small fluid or gas inclusions (Hart and Dodd, 1962; teau ages of pyroxenes were then quoted from only the
McDougall and Green, 1964; Rama et al., 1965; heating steps constrained by the diffusion model that corre-
McDougall et al., 1969). Notwithstanding the excess 40Ar* lated with the low K/Ca ratios (Wang et al., 1980; Kunz
problem, the biggest issue was in fact a very low 39Ar signal et al., 1997).
close to the blank levels leading to difficulties in obtaining
precise and meaningful results. 3. GEOLOGIC SETTING AND PREVIOUS RESULTS
The quality of the K-Ar results from studies by Hart
(1961) and McDougall (1961) is difficult to assess, as errors The pyroxene crystals examined in this study were col-
on the age calculations are not provided. In addition, com- lected from two different Continental Flood Basalt (CFB)
posite grains of plagioclase and pyroxene (McDougall, provinces; the Kalkarindji CFB province and the Tasma-
1961) and pyroxene and biotite (Hart, 1961) were analyzed nian Dolerites, part of the Ferrar CFB province (Table 1).
due to the difficulty of separating these various phases at Four of the six samples utilized for this study were collected
the time. Although these impurities accounted for ‘‘less from the Kalkarindji CFB province found throughout the
than 5%” of the total amount of grains, their much higher western half of Australia. These samples are composed of
K content would most likely have dominated the signal (a fine-medium to medium grained dolerite dykes and sills
simple mass balance calculation show that 5% plagioclase found within the Officer Basin (Fig. 1). The second group
with 0.1% K20 within 95% pyroxene with 0.01% K20 would of samples is from the medium to coarse-grained Tasma-
still contribute to 1/3 of the total 40Ar and 39Ar signal). nian Dolerite dykes and sills that are extensively out-
These obstacles have led to the application of the K-Ar cropped throughout the island state of Tasmania,
and 40Ar/39Ar methods for terrestrial samples to nearly be Australia (Fig. 1). These two CFBs were targeted for pyrox-
absent from practice by the 1970s. Imaoka and Itaya (2004) ene analyses to test the method with provinces emplaced at
utilize the K-Ar method on pyroxene and plagioclase from different ages (Kalkarindji at ca. 511 Ma and the Tasma-
andesites using the flame photometry method (Itaya et al., nian Dolerites at ca. 183 Ma) as well as with rocks affected
1996) that has the capability of analyzing low concentra- by different degrees of alteration.
tions of potassium. The coexisting clinopyroxene and pla-
gioclase reported ages of 16.5 ± 1.5 Ma and 14.2 ± 0.8 3.1. Ferrar CFB Province
Ma, respectively, although identical within error, display
the relatively poor precision on the pyroxene age (±9%) The Ferrar CFB province is composed of dolerite sills
(Imaoka and Itaya, 2004). The 40Ar/39Ar method more and dykes, a layered mafic intrusion, and a minor amount
recently was applied to pyroxene inclusions in diamonds; of basaltic flows outcropping in Antarctica and in the Aus-
however, these results were calculated from typically less tralian state of Tasmania. In Tasmania, intrusions of tholei-
than three heating steps thus providing age results which itic magmas are exposed over approximately 30,000 km2 of
robustness was difficult to assess (Phillips et al., 1989; the island (Fig. 1) (Edwards, 1942a,b; McDougall, 1962;
Burgess et al., 2004; Phillips et al., 2004). Compston et al., 1968; Hergt et al., 1989). Many of these
intrusions are thick enough to observe a grain size increase
2.2. Extraterrestrial applications toward the cores of the intrusions, in some cases developing
a granophyre zone (McDougall, 1962). The database of
In some instances, 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of reliable isotopic ages for Ferrar province is largely lacking,
pyroxene has been utilized to study extraterrestrial materi- in particular in Tasmania. Plagioclase 40Ar/39Ar
als, probably due to the relatively large abundance of this geochronology of the dolerites from Antarctica gave three
mineral in planetary bodies (e.g. basaltic meteorites and plateau ages ranging from 180.3 ± 1.0 Ma to 182.5 ± 1.0
chondrites; Pellas et al., 1997; Trieloff et al., 2003; Ma (recalculated from Fleming et al., 1997 using the con-
Korochantseva et al., 2005; Cassata and Renne, 2010; stants and standard age from Renne et al., 2011) although
Cassata et al., 2011), and the old age of most meteorites. it must be noted that these ages have been measured using
Pyroxene 40Ar/39Ar geochronology has been successfully the MMhb hornblende standards, which has been shown to
applied to constrain the timing of shock features of chon- be heterogeneous (e.g. Renne et al., 1998). U/Pb zircon and
drites and Martian meteorites, albeit yielding ages with a baddeleyite analyses have been conducted on the Dufek
relatively poor precision (Wang et al., 1980; Kunz et al., layered mafic intrusion (183.9 ± 0.3 Ma) and two dolerite
1997; Trieloff et al., 2003; Cassata et al., 2010; Kennedy sills (183.6 ± 1.0 Ma) (Encarnacion et al., 1996; Minor
et al., 2013). The method is also typically utilized on whole and Mukasa, 1997). More recently, a series of zircon
rock samples that are primarily composed of pyroxene U/Pb ages from 20 sills of the Ferrar LIP provided a
rather than mineral separates, with the various phases being range from 182.85 to 182.43 Ma including a single age of
differentiated through multi-phase diffusion models and the 182.54 ± 0.21 Ma from the Tasmanian Dolerite (Burgess
K/Ca ratios. The pyroxene in whole rock analyses is, at et al., 2015).
least in theory, distinguished by the activation energy
defined by the high temperature heating steps where then 3.2. Kalkarindji CFB Province
diffusion models can constrain the amount of gas in the
pyroxene phases (Cassata et al., 2011). Plagioclase or K rich The Kalkarindji CFB province is a 2.1  106 km2 LIP
phases were further interpreted through high K/Ca ratios with exposures in Western Australia, Northern Territory,
whereas low K/Ca ratio were attributed to pyroxenes. Pla- Queensland, and South Australia (Fig. 1). The Kalkarindji
Table 1
Ar/39Ar Geochronology of plagioclase and pyroxene crystals from the Tasmanian dolerites and Kalkarindji CFB Province.

B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136

Sample Coordinates Mineral (size)[weight, Total Fusion Age Plateau Age Total Ar Released MSWD P Isochron Age Spreading Factor 40Ar/36Ar MSWD P
(UTM) mg] (Ma) (Ma) (%,n) (Ma) (%) Intercept
Tasmanian dolerites
TAS-07 519,183 S Plagioclase [5] 181.95 ± 0.58 – – – – – – – –
5,230,971 E Plagioclase (dup) [7] 181.47 ± 0.28 – – – – – – – –
Pyroxene (c) [5] 184.24 ± 11.35 183.89 ± 2.77 80.74 (12) 0.41 0.95 183.10 ± 5.13 31.8 302.6 ± 4.3 0.60 0.82
TAS-17 519,528 S Plagioclase [5.2] 182.13 ± 0.26 181.69 ± 0.36 74.67 (11) 1.69 0.08 183.32 ± 1.29 83.6 274.9 ± 18.3 1.17 0.31
5,411,978 E Pyroxene (c) [10] 177.15 ± 7.13 184.57 ± 3.87 94.99 (20) 0.59 0.92 184.96 ± 5.92 15.3 295.4 ± 1.0 0.68 0.83
Pyroxene (ct) [18] 180.53 ± 1.53 182.36 ± 0.75 69.62 (12) 1.37 0.18 181.75 ± 2.26 54.3 299.9 ± 4.5 1.53 0.12
Kalkarindji: Table Hill Volcanics
07THD001B Pyroxene (f) [9.4] 503.98 ± 5.45 – – – – – – – – –
Pyroxene (c) [11.2] 512.02 ± 1.55 – – – – – – – – –
07THD002 Pyroxene (f) [9.8] 503.71 ± 5.12 506.28 ± 3.40 100.0 (23) 0.64 0.87 506.50 ± 4.84 53.1 295.7 ± 0.92 0.94 0.53
Pyroxene (c) [10] 517.33 ± 1.12 – – – – – – – –
Pyroxene (ct) [10] 508.67 ± 1.15 – – – – – – – – –
09THD028 Pyroxene (f) [9.5] 499.88 ± 2.14 – – – – – – – – –
Pyroxene (c) [10.3] 515.40 ± 0.80 – – – – – – – – –
09THD029 Pyroxene (ft) [10.4] 515.75 ± 0.68 – – – – – – – – –
Pyroxene (c) [10.2] 517.67 ± 0.88 – – – – – – – – –
Pyroxene (ct) [11] 496.24 ± 0.83 - - - - - - - - -
The calculated J-values relative to FCs with an age of 28.294 ± 0.037% Ma [all pyroxene samples from Kalkarindji as well as pyroxene for TAS-07 and TAS-17], GA1550 with an age of 99.74 ±
0.104 Ma [TAS-07 plagioclase], and WA1ms with an age of 2613.0 ± 2.4 Ma [TAS-17 plagioclase] (Jourdan et al., 2014a; Jourdan and Renne, 2007; Renne et al., 2011). Mean squared weighted
deviation (MSWD) and probability of fit (P), percentage of 39Ar degassed used in the plateau calculation, number of analyses included in the isochron, and 40Ar/36Ar intercept are indicated.
Analytical uncertainties on the ages are quoted at 2 sigma (2r) confidence levels and at 1r for the 40Ar/36Ar intercept. Dup = duplicate; f = fine (125–212 lm), ft = fine total (125–212 lm), c =
coarse (125–212 lm), ct = coarse total (212–350 lm).

116 B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136

120 ° 130 ° 140 ° 150 °

10 °

20 °

? Queensland

Table Hill Volcanics

Northern Territory

South Australia
30 ° Western Australia

New South Wales

Kalkarindji CFB Province Victoria


40 ° Kalkarindji CFB Province

Exent that is inferred through drill core intersection

Possible Kalkarindji Extent

Tasmanian Dolerite
500 km
N Tasmania

Fig. 1. Sketch map of the Australian Kalkarindji Continental Flood Basalt (CFB) province’s distribution and constituent suites. Outcrop of
the Tasmanian Dolerite also represented.

CFB province can be grouped into two large, region con- inductively coupled thermal ionization mass spectrometry
trolled groups; the Antrim Plateau Volcanics group in (ID-TIMS) results with a concordant upper intercept of
the north and the Table Hill Volcanics in the south. 511 ± 5 Ma, and zircon chemical abrasion thermal
Geochronological analyses of the Kalkarindji CFB ionization mass spectrometry (CA-TIMS) analyses with a
province have constrained the emplacement age to ca. weighted 238U/206Pb mean age of 510.7 ± 0.6 Ma
511 Ma (Jourdan et al., 2014b) although these authors note (Jourdan et al., 2014b).
that the overall advanced alteration of plagioclase prevent
a proper representative coverage of the entire province. 4. SAMPLE SELECTION AND ANALYTICAL
The geochronological approaches have been quite diverse METHODS
thus far for the Kalkarindji CFB province, with four
Ar/39Ar plateau ages ranging from of 509.0 ± 2.6 Ma 4.1. Petrography
to 511.9 ± 1.9 Ma (data from Glass and Phillips, 2006;
Evins et al., 2009; Jourdan et al., 2014b, all recalculated 4.1.1. Tasmanian Dolerites
by Jourdan et al., 2014b using the constants of Renne The Tasmanian samples were collected from the thick
et al., 2011), baddeleyite crystals measured using Red Hill Dolerite dyke in southern Tasmania (TAS-07) as
B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136 117

well as a sill located in northern Tasmania (TAS-17). Both of crystal size fractions around a millimeter or less with
samples collected are medium grained dolerites; however, only about 5% of the grains falling in the greater than 1
TAS-07 has differentiated to the point of displaying a gra- mm size fraction. TAS-07 is nearly the opposite compared
nophyric texture in areas (Fig. 2a and b). The mineralogy to TAS-17, with a higher abundance of crystal sizes greater
for all the samples is remarkably similar, dominated by pla- than 1 mm. In both samples the plagioclase crystals are
gioclase feldspar and clinopyroxene (augite and pigeonite) columnar to prismatic in habit and euhedral, displaying
with varying amounts of Fe-Ti oxide (primarily ilmenite) well-developed multiple twinning. Nearly all the plagioclase
minerals and minor degrees of secondary biotite and horn- grains of TAS-07 display a minor degree of sericite alter-
blende. Both samples are primarily characterized by an ation. The majority of the plagioclase crystals of TAS-17
ophitic and seriate texture containing a grain size range of show severe sericite alteration, however, roughly 40% of
less than a millimeter to some plagioclase and clinopyrox- the grains are completely unaffected by the alteration
ene crystals up to 4 mm. TAS-17 has a higher abundance (Fig. 2). The clinopyroxene crystals in these two samples

a. b. c.


1000 μm 1000 μm 1000 μm


Minor Exsolution
of Pigeonite

No Exsolution
1000 μm 1000 μm 1000 μm
of Augite
d. e. f.
07THD002 XPL 09THD028 XPL 09THD029 XPL


No Exsolution Pervasive Exsolution

1000 μm 1000 μm 1000 μm
of Augite of all CPX
07THD002 XPL 09THD028 PPL 09THD029 PPL

Exsolution Pervasive Exsolution

1000 μm 1000 μm 1000 μm
of Augite of Augite

Fig. 2. Photomicrographs of all samples. Selected examples of exsolution features, pigeonite, augite, and sericite are labelled. CPX –
clinopyroxene; OPX – Orthopyroxene.
118 B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136

are of the augite (70%) and pigeonite (30%) variety. observed in thin section (Fig. 3). BSE analyses were
The two varieties of clinopyroxenes are most readily obtained using the Hitachi Tabletop Microscope TM3030
distinguished from each other in thin section by differing in the School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Curtin
2 V angles; 25–70° 2 V angle for augite and 0–32° 2 V angle University. Images were made with a pre-centered cartridge
for pigeonite. The clinopyroxene crystal habit for TAS-17 is filament and a high-sensitive semiconductor 4-segment BSE
dominated by subhedral to anhedral grains while TAS-07 detector with accelerating voltages from 5 to 15 kV under
displays euhedral to subhedral grains. TAS-07 clinopyrox- variable pressure. All images were obtained from the same
ene displays an intergrowth texture within the gaps of the thin sections used for petrography. The pyroxene variety of
columnar plagioclase grains. The pyroxene grains for both the Tasmanian Dolerites is strictly relegated to clinopyrox-
samples contain a minor amount of grains with simple enes (augite and pigeonite). The two clinopyroxene varieties
twins as well as slight zoning from the center to the outer in the Tasmanian Dolerites are apparent as completely sep-
edges of the crystals primarily evident in differences in the arate crystals throughout the sample as well as a more com-
degree of birefringence. TAS-17 contains a higher abun- plex relationship showing a more ‘‘patchy” texture (Fig. 3a
dance of zoned pyroxene crystals than TAS-07. A low and b). The presence of these two pyroxene types is a com-
degree of exsolution lamellae is apparent in roughly 1% mon occurrence in basaltic magmas, the crystallization of
of the pigeonite crystals. The pyroxene grains are primarily pyroxene, as well as the exsolution of pyroxene, within
unaltered fresh crystals, the minor degrees of alterations basaltic magmas is discussed extensively in Poldervaart
that is present occurs along edges and cracks. and Hess (1951) where observations similar to those
observed within this study are discussed. Minor degrees
4.1.2. Table Hill Volcanics (Kalkarindji) of exsolution is present within some clinopyroxene crystals
The Kalkarindji samples chosen for this study were from from the Tasmanian Dolerites primarily affecting pigeonite
a suite of dolerite sills collected from borehole intersections crystals over augite (Fig. 2a). However, exsolution is not all
of the Table Hill Volcanics within the Officer Basin. All together absent within the augite, although these exsolution
four samples are medium to coarse-grained dolerites features are revealed only in the BSE images (Fig. 3c).
(Fig. 2c–f). Plagioclase feldspar and clinopyroxene (augite When minor exsolution is present in a pyroxene crystal,
and pigeonite) are the most abundant mineral phases pre- the lamellae have a micron to submicron scale width
sent with Fe-Ti oxide minerals (ilmenite), orthopyroxene, (Fig. 3). The nature of the exsolution within the Tasmanian
and secondary biotite and hornblende comprising the next Dolerites is lamellae of augite exsolving from pigeonite and
highest abundances of mineral phases observed. These sam- pigeonite exsolving from augite. Overall, the Tasmanian
ples contain a range of grain sizes from less than a millime- Dolerite pyroxene is largely devoid of exsolution, with
ter to some plagioclase and clinopyroxene crystals up to 3 lamellae only being observed in less than 3% of the crystals.
and 4 mm; in the case of sample 07THD002 the plagioclase The pyroxenes within the Kalkarindji sills display both
crystals can be greater than 5 mm. In all samples the colum- varieties of clinopyroxenes as well as a minor amount of
nar and prismatic plagioclase crystals are primarily euhe- orthopyroxene (no more that 10% of the modal abundance
dral with a minor abundance of grains displaying a more in any of the samples) (Fig. 3d–i). As with the Tasmanian
subhedral crystal form. Multiple and Carlsbad twins are Dolerites the different pyroxene varieties are present as
observed in most plagioclase crystals; however, the grains completely different crystals (e.g. Fig. 3e) as well as a more
are highly variable in how developed the twins appear. This patchy relationship (e.g. Fig. 3f). The exsolution observed
is in most part due to the high degree of sericite alteration within the Kalkarindji sample suite is more pervasive and
affecting all the samples (Fig. 2c–f). The crystal habit of the complex than the Tasmanian Dolerites (Fig. 3d–i). In sam-
pyroxene for all samples is dominantly subhedral to anhe- ple 07THD002, exsolution lamellae is largely lacking within
dral. Twinning is apparent in a low abundance of the the augite crystals (Fig. 3d and e) with minor degrees of
pyroxene grains for all samples. Unlike the Tasmanian exsolution appearing within the pigeonite crystals
Dolerites, however, these samples do not display as high (Fig. 3e). Most apparent within the pyroxene from sample
an abundance of the center to edge pyroxene zoning and 07THD002 is the abundance of inclusions of a variety of
show a high abundance of exsolution lamellae (at times pre- different minerals (primarily orthopyroxene and ilmenite)
sent in the clinopyroxenes and orthopyroxene). Sample compared to pyroxene from the other samples of the
07THD002 displays a discernibly lower abundance of Kalkarindji suite. Exsolution within the other three samples
pyroxene crystals riddled with exsolution lamellae than from the Kalkarindji suite is strongly pervasive with lamel-
samples 07THD001B, 09THD028, and 09THD029, which lae present in nearly every pyroxene crystal (Fig. 3f–i). At
all display a large degree of exsolution lamellae in some times the relationship between the orthopyroxene present
95% of the crystals (Fig. 2d). None of the pyroxene in these and the clinopyroxenes is difficult to discern. The orthopy-
samples displays any significant degree of alteration. roxene and clinopyroxenes display the same ‘‘patchy” inter-
actions that are represented more prevalently between
4.2. Backscattered electron analyses augite and pigeonite (e.g. Fig. 3g) as well as distinct grains
(e.g. Fig. 3i). However, in some grains the relationship
Backscattered electron (BSE) analyses were conducted between crystals that are all together a different grain or
on the Tasmanian Dolerite and Kalkarindji samples to advanced exsolution features, are complex and unclear
investigate further the extent and nature of the exsolution (e.g. Fig. 3g and h).
B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136 119

TAS-07 a. 07THD002 d. 09THD028 g.

Minor Exsolution
Augite Pigeonite of Augite
Minor Exsolution Pigeonite
Minor Exsolution
of Pigeonite
OPX Augite
Augite Augite OPX
Exsolution of
OPX to Augite Pervasive
OPX Exsolution
800 μm 100 μm 300 μm

TAS-17 b. 07THD002 e. 07THD001B h.

Pigeonite Augite

Augite Pigeonite
Augite OPX

Augite Augite
Exsolution of
Minor Exsolution OPX to CPX Augite
Augite of Pigeonite
Exsolution of
400 μm Pigeonite 200 μm Augite to OPX
500 μm

TAS-17 Minor Exsolution of c. 09THD028 f. 09THD029 i.

Pigeonite to Augite Exsolution of Exsolution of
Minor Exsolution of
Augite to Pigeonite OPX
Exsolution of
Augite OPX Exsolution of
100 μm 200 μm 400 μm

Fig. 3. Representative Backscattered electron images of pyroxene crystals from the Tasmanian Dolerites and sills of the Table Hill Volcanics
(Kalkarindji). Selected examples of exsolution features, pigeonite, augite, and sericite are labelled. OPX – orthopyroxene; CPX -

4.3. Sample preparation and Ar/39Ar analytical conditions trated using the Frantz magnetic separator concentrating in
the non-magnetic fraction (up to 1.6 Å).
4.3.1. Sample preparation Samples were handpicked under a binocular microscope
The samples were first crushed with a rigorously cleaned into multiple aliquots to test for any correlation related to
steel hydraulic press. Once crushed the material was sieved the crystal size or picking rigor required in obtaining viable
to a size fraction of 125–212 lm (referred to as the fine size results. For the Kalkarindji and Tasmanian Dolerite, pla-
fraction) and 212–350 lm (referred to as the coarse size gioclase and pyroxene samples were either picked around
fraction). The sample fractions were rinsed in distilled 10 mg (10 pyroxene aliquots and all of the plagioclase sam-
H2O to remove any dust or powder from the desired grains. ples) or around 20 mg (6 pyroxene aliquots). For most sam-
Each size fraction was first separated using heavy liquid ples, the small size fraction provided the opportunity to
(LST from Central Chemical Consulting; density = 2.85) pick grains that were translucent, to transparent with a
where pyroxene is concentrated into the heavy fraction. tan/amber/dark orange color whereas the coarse size frac-
This approach is primarily aimed at removing the plagio- tion for the Kalkarindji suite of samples had very few of
clase crystals from the separate as plagioclase constitutes these types of grains (or the grains that were semi-
roughly half the mineral abundance for these dolerites. transparent were riddled with inclusion) (Fig. 4). The
Once thoroughly drained and rinsed of any LST, the heavy inability to clearly observe if inclusions were present within
fraction containing pyroxene was separated further using a the darkest colored grains required these coarse size frac-
Frantz magnetic separator concentrating the pyroxene in tion grains to be picked using preferentially the morphol-
the magnetic fraction (0.3–0.4 Å at a 20° angle forward tilt ogy. The coarse size fraction also presented problems in
and a 12° angle side tilt). The plagioclase was separated most samples by the amount of plagioclase that was
from the light fraction of the LST stage and further concen- adhered to the surface of the grains. Grains with plagioclase
120 B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136

Fig. 4. Photographs of selected examples of pyroxene separates. Ruler measurement displayed is in 1 cm increments.

stuck to the surface were avoided as much as possible; how- (07THD002 and 07THD028) with four aliquots each (fine,
ever, with the dark opaque color this was sometimes diffi- fine total, coarse, coarse total) and two samples
cult if the grains could not be flipped to reveal all sides (07THD001b and 09THD029) with two aliquots each (fine
easily. To alleviate further the possibility that the coarse and coarse) from the Kalkarindji CFB province were ana-
pyroxene fraction incorporate plagioclase, all coarse lyzed for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology.
grained samples were leached for one minute per aliquot
using dilute 5 N HF. All aliquots from the Kalkarindji sam- 4.3.2. Sample irradiation and analysis
ples were leached with HF while the Tasmanian sample The cleaned plagioclase and pyroxene separates were
TAS-17 was not leached due to the translucent fresh then loaded into several 1.9 cm in diameter by 0.3 cm depth
appearance of all the pyroxene crystals (Fig. 4). Once each aluminum discs. The discs were then stacked together and
sample aliquot had been leached with HF, the samples were placed in quartz tubes. Samples were irradiated in
rinsed in distilled H2O in an ultrasonic cleaner. All plagio- Cadmium-Lined In-Core Irradiation Tubes (Cd shielded
clase aliquots were leached with HF to remove any poten- to minimize undesirable nuclear interference reactions) at
tial adhering alteration product within superficial cracks the TRIGA Reactor at Oregon State University. Each disk
that were not removed during hand picking (Jourdan was irradiated for 40 hours in one of three different irradia-
et al., 2009b). Some samples were further duplicated to test tions. All 40Ar/39Ar geochronological analyses of the plagio-
how rigorous the picking strategy needed to be for pyrox- clase and pyroxene were conducted at Curtin University
ene. For this test, rather than the rigid picking criteria dis- within the Western Australian Argon Isotope Facility of
cussed above (i.e. transparent/translucent for the fine or the John de Laeter Centre for Isotope Research. The min-
morphology for the coarse size fraction), samples were eral populations were analyzed using a low volume (600
picked by discarding any non-pyroxene grains, pyroxene cc) ARGUS VI mass spectrometer from ThermofisherÓ
with visible inclusions, or plagioclase adhered to the crystal (Phillips and Matchan, 2013; Olierook et al., 2016;
sides. All of the aliquots that were not rigorously picked Oostingh et al., 2017). Fully inter-calibrated standards irra-
were leached for one minute using dilute 5 N HF. diated together with the samples are GA1550 (age of 99.738
The various aliquots separated from each sample are as ± 0.104 Ma), FCs (age of 28.294 ± 0.037 Ma), and WA1ms
follows: fine = 125–212 lm size fraction picked rigorously; (age of 2613.0 ± 2.4 Ma) (Jourdan and Renne, 2007; Renne
fine total = 125–212 lm size fraction picked with less rigor et al., 2011; Jourdan et al., 2014a). The plagioclase samples
(ALL pure pyroxene selected, any grains with obvious signs for both Tasmanian samples were irradiated together in the
of plagioclase or inclusions picked out); coarse = 212–350 first irradiation batch; with a J-value computed as 0.01116
lm size fraction picked rigorously; coarse total = 212–350 75 ± 0.040% (1r). For the second irradiation, the TAS-07
lm size fraction picked with less rigor (ALL pure pyroxene pyroxene sample had an average J-value computed to be
selected, any grains with obvious signs of plagioclase or 0.010602 ± 0.125%. For the third irradiation, that included
inclusions picked out). TAS-07 had one aliquot of coarse all of the Kalkarindji samples and the TAS-17 pyroxene
pyroxene picked for analysis. Sample TAS-17 had all four samples, the J-values computed were 0.010502 ± 0.055%
aliquots (sample denoted e.g. TAS-17fine). Two samples for all samples except for two aliquots (09THD028coarse
B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136 121

and 09THD029coarse total) that had computed J-values of 0. underestimating the true age uncertainty. The inverse iso-
01055 ± 0.047%. The mass discrimination was monitored chron (40Ar/39Ar vs. 40Ar/36Ar) age accounts for both the
on an automated air pipette providing a range of values trapped ratio and its uncertainty, which in the case of know-
from 0.992179 ± 0.08 to 0.994335 ± 0.04 per dalton. Both ing the ratio to an acceptably confident degree provides a
the plagioclase and pyroxene crystals were analyzed as pop- more accurate representation of the crystallization age of
ulations step-heated by a continuous 100 W PhotoMa- the rock. Due to the differing 40Ar/36Ar ratios between the
chineÓ CO2 (IR, 10.4 lm) laser that was fired and constant and measured values, both (1) the inverse isochron
rastered onto the sample populations during 60 seconds. ages and (2) plateau ages calculated using the inverse iso-
The standard analyses were all fused in a single step. chron 40Ar/36Ar intercept value (and its uncertainty) are
During analyses the gas was purified through an extra presented following the approach of Oostingh et al.
low-volume stainless steel extraction line of 240 cc, using (2017). The corrected plateau age approach allows an easier
two SAES AP10 and one GP50 getter. Argon isotopes were comparison in terms of uncertainty with published ages, all
measured in static mode set with a permanent resolution of calculated using the standard plateau approach, but result in
200. The multi-collection Ar isotope measurements were a statistically more accurate age due to the propagation of
made using four faraday cups (three 1012 ohm resistors the uncertainty of the trapped ratio. In addition, using the
for masses 40Ar, 38Ar, 37Ar and a 1013 ohm resistor for mass plateau representation provides an easier assessment of the
Ar, thus providing a less noise/signal ratio) as well as a amount of gas included in the age calculation. One downside
low background compact discrete dynode ion counter to is that using this approach tends to artificially yield better v2
measure mass 36Ar. The relative abundance of each mass statistics due to larger errors on each step. Therefore, inter-
was measured simultaneously using 10 cycles of peak- cept values derived from the inverse isochron were only used
hopping with either 16 or 33 seconds of integration time for the correction if the isochron probability of fit was
for each mass. Detectors were calibrated to each other elec- greater than 5%, thus avoiding the calculation of plateau
tronically followed by air shot beam signals. The raw data ages with insignificant inverse isochrons (Oostingh et al.,
were processed using the ArArCALC software (Koppers, 2017). A full summary of the step-heating analyses can be
2002). For all analyses the interfering isotopes were cor- found in the supplementary material.
rected, with 1 sigma errors, with (39Ar/37Ar) Ca = 6.95 
10 4 (±1.3%), (36Ar/37Ar) Ca = 2.65  10 4 (±0.84%) 5. GEOCHRONOLOGICAL RESULTS
and (40Ar/39Ar) K = 7.30  10 4 (±12.4%) correction fac-
tors (Renne et al., 2013). The ages were then calculated 5.1. Ar/39Ar Geochronology
using the decay constants recommended by Renne et al.
(2011). Blanks were monitored every 3–4 steps. All param- 5.1.1. Tasmanian Dolerites geochronology
eters and relative abundance values are provided in Table 1 Two samples from the Tasmanian Dolerites were chosen
with individual errors given at the 1r level. for 40Ar/39Ar geochronological analyses. Two aliquots of
The criteria for the determination of a plateau were as sample TAS-17 (TAS-17coarse total and TAS-17coarse) and
follows; the analyses must include at least 70% of 39Ar, the one analyzed from sample TAS-07 yielded statistically
should be distributed over a minimum of 3 consecutive significant pyroxene plateau ages (the two aliquots from
steps agreeing at 95% confidence level, and must satisfy a sample TAS-17 that did not return results suffered from out-
probability of fit (P) of at least 0.05. The plateau ages are side mechanical issues not related to the ARGUS VI or the
calculated using the mean of all plateau steps, each samples selected). Sample TAS-17coarse total yielded a plateau
weighted by the inverse variance of their individual analyt- age of 182.4 ± 0.8 Ma (MSWD = 1.37; P = 0.18) including
ical error and then listed at the 2r level. Uncertainties 70% of 39Ar and calculated using a 40Ar/39Ar intercept that
quoted include analytical and J-value errors was equal to the atmospheric ratio from Lee et al. (2006)
(Fig. 5a). Samples TAS-17coarse and TAS-07 yielded
4.3.3. Note on the error propagation of the 40Ar/36Ar ratio in 40
Ar/36Ar trapped ratios of 295.4 ± 0.9 and 301.5 ± 4.9,
the plateau age respectively. The inverse isochron for both samples display
When using the 40Ar/39Ar technique plateau age calcula- large amounts of trapped argon relative to radiogenic argon
tions correct the contribution of 40Ar from the atmosphere (e.g. TAS-07; 36Ar/40Ar of 0.0027 for a 39Ar/40Ar of 0.017;
using a 40Ar/36Ar constant of 298.56 (± 0.10%) (Lee et al., Fig. 6a–c). Therefore, inverse isochron corrected plateau
2006; Mark et al., 2011). When this approach is used to cal- ages were calculated for these two samples (TAS-17coarse
culate an age, the assumption is made that the initial trapped and TAS-07). TAS-17coarse gave an age of 184.6 ± 3.9 Ma
ratio is the same as the atmospheric composition. While this (MSWD = 0.59, P = 0.92) including 95% of 39Ar released.
largely holds true for plagioclase (but still needs to be TAS-07 yielded an age of 183.9 ± 2.8 Ma (MSWD = 0.41,
assessed), multiple measurements of the various pyroxene P = 0.95), which includes 81% 39Ar (Fig. 5a).
separates indicate that this assumption is not always valid, Plagioclase from TAS-17plagioclase produced a plateau
with ratios sometimes below but more often above this age of 181.69 ± 0.36 Ma (MSWD = 1.7; P = 0.08) includ-
atmospheric 40Ar/36Ar constant, typically no more than ing 75% 39Ar released (Fig. 5a). Sample TAS-07 was picked
±1.6%. This discrepancy usually indicates excess 40Ar or twice for plagioclase 40Ar/39Ar geochronological analyses,
air fractionation during cooling. The standard plateau age neither attempt produced plateau ages. The age spectra
calculations using the 40Ar/36Ar constant do not propagate for these two plagioclase analyses from TAS-07 are partic-
the uncertainty of the measured trapped argon ratio likely ularly perturbed in the higher heating steps (Fig. 5a).
122 B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136

a. Tasmanian Dolerite b. Kalkarindji

0.07 Pyroxene 0.08
Plagioclase 0.07 Pyroxene

TAS-07 0.06 TAS-07

0.05 0.03
0.03 0.04 0.10
0.01 0.03

500 200 600

183.9 ± 2.8 Ma 190
Age [ Ma ]

MSWD = 0.41; P = 0.95

180 500
300 170
200 160 No Age 400
150 506.3 ± 3.4 Ma
100 140 MSWD = 0.64 P = 0.87
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Pyroxene Pyroxene Plagioclase
TAS-17c 0.4 TAS-17ct TAS-17
0.3 0.030

0.02 0.025

250 200

200 180
Age [ Ma ]


150 160
100 140
182.4 ± 0.8 Ma
Age [ Ma ]

MSWD = 1.37; P = 0.18

50 184.6 ± 3.9 Ma 120
181.7 ± 0.4 Ma
MSWD = 0.59; P = 0.92
MSWD = 1.69; P = 0.08
0 160
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Cumulative 39Ar Released [ % ] Cumulative 39Ar Released [ % ] Cumulative 39Ar Released [ % ]

Fig. 5. 40Ar/39Ar apparent age and related K/Ca ratio spectra for pyroxene and plagioclase separates plotted against the cumulative
percentage of 39Ar released. Mean squared weighted deviation (MSWD) and probability of fit (P) are indicated. Errors on plateau ages are
quoted at 2r and do not include systematic errors (i.e. uncertainties on the age of the monitor and on the decay constant).

5.1.2. Kalkarindji geochronology 5.1.3. K/Ca ratio results

Sample 07THD002fine from the Kalkarindji CFBs was The K/Ca ratio for the plagioclase from TAS-17 is
the only aliquot from the Kalkarindji sample set to produce around 0.03 until about 70% of the 39Ar released when
a statistically significant pyroxene plateau age. As with the the ratio begins to decrease to around 0.024 by 80% 39Ar
samples that yielded plateau ages for the Tasmanian Doler- released, where the ratio remains for the rest of the heating
ites, the inverse isochron for 07THD002 displays a high steps. The K/Ca spectra for the plagioclase separated from
amount of trapped argon compared to radiogenic argon TAS-07 are erratic step-to-step, producing a wide range in
(Fig. 6d). This sample yielded a 40Ar/36Ar trapped ratio of K/Ca ratios from 0.029 to 0.072 for one analysis and
295.7 ± 0.9 so therefore the plateau age was corrected and 0.022 to 0.069 for another suggesting the presence of sericite
calculated using the inverse isochron trapped ratio, yielding (Verati and Jourdan, 2013).
an age of 506.3 ± 3.4 Ma (MSWD = 0.94, P = 0.53) The K/Ca for all pyroxene separates (Kalkarindji and
(Fig. 5b). The calculated plateau age includes 100% of the the Tasmanian Dolerite) display a remarkably similar
Ar released. trend. All K/Ca ratios are high in the low heating steps
Three of the four samples from the Kalkarindji CFB (0.01–0.33) with a drastic yet steady decrease in K/Ca ratios
province did not return plateau ages (07THD001B, between about 30 and 50% 39Ar released across all samples.
09THD028, and 09THD029) (Fig. 7). All results from the From 50% 39Ar released the K/Ca ratio steadily decreases
aliquots of these three samples returned age spectra that to ca. 0.0002 (Figs. 5 and 7). The K/Ca ratios even for these
are nearly identical in shape (Fig. 7); displaying older ages samples that did not return plateau ages continue to display
in the lower heating steps (after an initial step or two of the trend of high K/Ca ratios within the lower heating steps
young ages) with a then steady decrease to younger ages that drop drastically to near zero within the higher heating
in the higher heating steps. The two coarse grained aliquots steps. Sample 07THD002 from the Kalkarindji sample suite
from sample 07THD002 did not yield plateau ages instead display a more erratic K/Ca spectrum than the other sam-
displaying the more ‘‘sigmoidal” shape observed in all of ples from the province (Fig. 7). This sample displays high
the other Kalkarindji samples after around 10% of 39Ar K/Ca ratios in heating steps <10% 39Ar released correlating
released (Fig. 7). The initial heating steps for with the youngest ages of any analyses from this province
07THD002coarse and coarse total (<10% 39Ar released) display before displaying a K/Ca spectra trend that is similar to
the youngest steps from this study. the rest of the province’s results (Fig. 7).
B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136 123

0.0045 0.0045
0.0040 183.1 ± 5.1 Ma 0.0040 506.5 ± 4.8 Ma
MSWD 0.6 MSWD 0.94
0.0035 PROBABILITY: 82 % 0.0035 PROBABILITY: 53 %
32 % 53 %
Ar / 40Ar

0.0025 40
Ar/36Ar INTERCEPT: 0.0025 40
302.6 ± 4.3 295.7 ± 0.9
0.0020 0.0020

0.0015 0.0015

0.0010 0.0010

0.0005 Pyroxene 0.0005 Pyroxene

TAS-07 07THD002f
0.0000 0.0000
0.01 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.11 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
0.0045 0.0045
0.0040 185.0 ± 5.9 Ma 0.0040 181.8 ± 2.3 Ma
MSWD 0.7 MSWD 1.5
0.0035 PROBABILITY: 83 % 0.0035 PROBABILITY: 12 %
15 % 54 %
Ar / 40Ar

0.0025 40
Ar/36Ar INTERCEPT: 0.0025 Ar/36Ar INTERCEPT:
295.4 ± 1.0 299.9 ± 4.5
0.0020 0.0020

0.0015 0.0015
0.0010 0.0010
0.0005 Pyroxene 0.0005 Pyroxene
TAS-17c TAS-17ct
0.0000 0.0000
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12
39 40 39 40
Ar / Ar Ar / Ar
Fig. 6. Inverse isochrons for the Ar/39Ar geochronology results. Inverse isochron trapped ratio used in calculations made for the age

6. DISCUSSION having a faraday cup dedicated to the measurement of

Ar(Ca) which circumvent the need to minimize the 37Ar
6.1. Pyroxene Ar/39Ar geochronology of CFBs signal needed to mitigate the increase of background noise
it creates when 37Ar decays in the detector. To test the geo-
This study not only shows that the 40Ar/39Ar systematics logic viability of these plateau ages, the pyroxene data were
can be measured in pyroxene, but it shows that pyroxene compared to 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages from plagioclase and
can yield well-developed plateau ages with a relatively good zircon 238U/206Pb age data from the same samples, where
precision ranging from ±1.8% to 0.4% (2r) when a new applicable, or to results from the literature.
generation multi-collection mass spectrometer is used to
measure the isotopic abundances. This is most likely due 6.1.1. Comparison between plagioclase and pyroxene plateau
to the ability to measure very low signal of 39Ar thanks ages
to the 1013 ohm resistor faraday located on mass 39, as well Fresh plagioclase and pyroxene were separated and ana-
as the ability to precisely measure both the 40Ar and 36Ar lyzed from sample TAS-17 allowing the results to be directly
isotopes providing a better inference of the 40Ar/36Ar compared. The two pyroxene aliquots yielded plateau
trapped ratio value. Pyroxene analyses also benefit from ages of 184.6 ± 3.9 Ma (10 mg aliquot, TAS-17coarse) and
124 B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136

0.40 0.14
0.35 Pyroxene 0.12 Pyroxene 0.17
09THD028c 0.10 09THD028f 07THD001Bc
0.25 0.13

0.20 0.10
0.04 0.07
0.05 0.02 0.03
0.00 0.00
650 600 600
Age [ Ma ]

550 550
500 500 500
450 450 450
400 Total Fusion Error Age
Total Fusion Error Age 400 400 Total Fusion Error Age
515.4 ± 0.8 Ma 350 499.8 ± 2.1 Ma 350 512.0 ± 1.6 Ma
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

0.14 0.12
Pyroxene 0.10
Pyroxene 0.40
0.10 07THD002ct 07THD001Bf 0.30 09THD029ct

0.08 0.25
0.06 0.20
0.04 0.15
0.02 0.02

700 700
600 550
Age [ Ma ]

500 500
300 Total Fusion Error Age Total Fusion Error Age 450 Total Fusion Error Age
200 508.7 ± 1.2 Ma 504.0 ± 5.4 Ma 400
496.2 ± 0.8 Ma
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

0.14 0.40 0.40

0.12 Pyroxene 0.35 Pyroxene 0.35 Pyroxene
07THD002c 0.30 0.30
0.10 09THD029c 09THD029ft

0.25 0.25
0.20 0.20
0.06 0.15 0.15
0.04 0.10 0.10
0.02 0.05 0.05
600 600
Age [ Ma ]

550 550
450 500
400 450
350 Total Fusion Error Age Total Fusion Error Age Total Fusion Error Age
300 400
517.3 ± 1.1 Ma 517.7 ± 0.8 Ma 400 515.8 ± 0.7 Ma
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Cumulative 39Ar Released [ % ] Cumulative 39Ar Released [ % ] Cumulative 39Ar Released [ % ]

Fig. 7. 40Ar/39Ar and related K/Ca ratio spectra for pyroxene analyses that did not return plateau ages; plotted against the cumulative
percentage of 39Ar released. Total fusion error ages quoted. Note that the error ages are not providing the age of crystallization and should be
considered rather as semi-quantitative age information.

182.4 ± 0.8 Ma (18 mg aliquot, TAS-17coarse total) (Fig. 5a) 6.1.2. Comparison between plagioclase and pyroxene from a
and the plagioclase separate yielded a plateau age of mildly altered rock
181.7 ± 0.4 Ma (Fig. 5a), in full agreement, within uncer- Plagioclase from sample TAS-07 was separated and ana-
tainties. This demonstrates that pyroxene can yield mean- lyzed twice. The plagioclase in both instances did not return
ingful geologic ages when the samples are fresh. Although a plateau age for this sample (results for one of the attempts
the pyroxene does not achieve the precision of plagioclase shown in Fig. 5a). The age spectra and particularly the
when comparable amounts of material are analyzed tilde-shape of the K/Ca spectrum of the two aliquots sug-
(10 mg for the TAS-17coarse and TAS-17plagioclase ages), it gest evidence for sericite alteration (Verati and Jourdan,
still provides statistically reliable ages with satisfactory 2013) (Fig. 5a). Sericite is a common alteration product
errors (<2%) when high-precision is not the goal of of plagioclase and contains a significantly higher concentra-
the study. However, the ±0.4% uncertainty on the age of tion of K than the unaltered plagioclase. Therefore, only a
TAS-17coarse total is only twice less than the precision minute amount of sericite (e.g. 0.1%) within the selected
obtained for plagioclase (±0.2% error), showing that more grains can perturbed an age spectrum greatly (Verati and
precise results can be obtained by simply analyzing twice as Jourdan, 2013). As a consequence, plagioclase grains must
much material. be rigorously picked for the most unaltered and optically
B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136 125

transparent grains and in some cases, like for sample TAS- 07THD002, Jourdan et al., 2014b). The pyroxene separated
07, even the most stringent picks fail to produce a plateau from 07THD002 returned a plateau age of 506.3 ± 3.4 Ma
age. However, the pyroxene aliquot yielded a plateau age (Fig. 5b), overlapping within uncertainties with the plagio-
of 183.9 ± 2.8 Ma (Fig. 5). This sample exemplifies that clase plateau age of the same sample (510 ± 4 Ma; Jourdan
pyroxene remains fresh and can yield a plateau age when et al., 2014b). The seemingly more precise age results from
plagioclase fail due to unavoidable alteration, ultimately pyroxene is simply due to the plagioclase result having been
demonstrating the strengths in using the mineral pyroxene obtained on an older generation MAP215-50 mass
for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of CFBs. spectrometer. The pyroxene plateau age also overlap with
or is slightly younger than the three additional plagioclase
6.1.3. Comparison between pyroxene and plagioclase Ar/39Ar ages ranging from 509.0 ± 2.6 to 511.9 ± 1.9 M
Ar/39Ar and zircon U-Pb age data a, the baddeleyite U-Pb age of 511 ± 5 Ma, a sensitive
Previous investigations into the age of the Tasmanian high-resolution ion microprobe U-Pb zircon age of 508 ±
Dolerites as well as the greater Ferrar CFB province have 5 Ma, and the high precision zircon CA-TIMS U-Pb age
primarily been focused on the U/Pb system. The high pre- of 510.7 ± 0.6 Ma (Fig. 8b) (Jourdan et al., 2014b and ref-
cision data available for the province returns an age for erences therein), further demonstrating that pyroxene can
the Ferrar CFBs around 182.4 ± 0.2–182.9 ± 0.4 Ma yield a plateau age from substantially altered dolerites
(Burgess et al., 2015) to 183.6 ± 1.0–183.9 ± 0.3 Ma (see thin section photomicrographs in Fig. 2d).
(Encarnacion et al., 1996; Minor and Mukasa, 1997). Our Pyroxene aliquots from the Kalkarindji CFB province
pyroxene results range from 182.4 ± 0.8 to 184.6 ± 3.9 M were separated and analyzed due to the lack of unaltered
a and overlap completely within this range of ages from plagioclase within these rocks evidenced from petrography
the literature for the Ferrar province (Fig. 8a). and previous 40Ar/39Ar analyses (Glass and Phillips, 2006;
The previous argon geochronology results for the Evins et al., 2009; Jourdan et al., 2014b), explaining why
Kalkarindji province have come from the basalt flows in only 7 reliable U/Pb and 40Ar/39Ar ages have been pub-
the north (one result) as well as the Table Hill Volcanics lished (see compilation by Jourdan et al., 2014b). Further-
(two results; one of which is a plagioclase plateau from more, of the seven reliable ages from previous studies,
only one is from the basaltic flows of the Kalkarindji pro-
vince whereas all the other ages come from intrusive bodies,
which are generally fresher than their extrusive counter-
a. Ferrar box heights are 2σ
parts. This is particularly significant because, the highest
Age (Ma)

Ar/39Ar Pyx
ARGUS VI proportions of igneous material from the Kalkarindji pro-
189 vince is basalt flows, particularly in the northern region,
188 and thus are (1) naturally devoid of zircon and (2) contain
187 40
Ar/39Ar primarily altered plagioclase. Therefore, pyroxene appear a
186 Plag
viable and perhaps the only alternative to date plagioclase-
185 altered zircon-free mafic hypabyssal and (especially) vol-
10 mg

10 mg

184 canic rocks.

18 mg

182 6.1.4. Was pure pyroxene dated?

Tasmania We have shown that analyzing pyroxene yield robust
180 Previous results TAS - 17 TAS - 07
plateau ages and can be therefore applied to pyroxene-
bearing rocks. However, is the contributor of K (and thus
Analyses 40
Ar*) truly pure pyroxene, or does the K come from other
b. Kalkarindji box heights are 2σ phases? The K/Ca ratio for all samples, regardless of
518 U/Pb Baddeleyite TIMS whether a plateau age could be calculated or not, have a
40 39
516 Ar/ Ar Plag MAP215-50
U/Pb Zr TIMS Ar/ Ar 40 39
distinct ‘‘stair step” shape (Figs. 5 and 7). These K/Ca spec-
514 Pyx tra show low temperature steps with values ranging from
512 0.01 to 0.33 to very low values of ca. 0.0002 for high tem-

510 perature steps, after roughly around 50–70% released 39Ar

508 and greater (Figs. 5 and 7). Due to the extremely low K
10 mg

506 content of pyroxene as well as the high Ca content of

Age (Ma)

clinopyroxene, the K/Ca ratio for clinopyroxene should
be low, and indeed comparable to the values obtained for
Previous results 07THD002 high temperature steps (Fig. 5). However, the K/Ca ratios
Analyses in the low temperature steps are orders of magnitude higher
than 0.0002. Whereas there is little doubt that the very low
Fig. 8. Pyroxene data compared with literature data and in the K/Ca observed for the high temperature steps reflect degas-
case of the results from TAS-17 the plagioclase ages of the same sing of clinopyroxene crystals, questions remain on the ori-
sample as well. Kalkarindji data compiled in Jourdan et al. (2014b). gin of the high K/Ca ratio of early temperature steps. The
Literature results from the Ferrar province from Minor and high K/Ca ratios for the low temperature steps could be
Mukasa (1997) and Burgess et al. (2015). attributed to (1) degassing of plagioclase inclusions
126 B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136

throughout the crystals analyzed; or (2) being indicative of insignificant inclusions in all Kalkarindji samples except
K and/or Ca concentration differences within one or several some large grains in 07THD002.
pyroxene crystal types. We will demonstrate below that dif- The intensity of the signal was plotted versus the laser
ferent crystal types of pyroxene were analyzed and no pla- power from sample TAS-17 (TAS-17coarse and
gioclase was present. TAS-17plagioclase) (Fig. 10). A noble gas mass spectrometer
Experimental studies show that Ar diffusion in plagio- does not measure K and Ca content directly, so proxies
clase occurs more rapidly at lower temperatures than created during the irradiation process are measured; 39Ar
pyroxene simply due to the different diffusion characteris- for K and 37Ar for Ca. The degassing curves for 37Ar(Ca)
tics of the two phases (Cassata et al., 2009, 2011). There- from the plagioclase and pyroxene analyses are noticeably
fore, plagioclase inclusions could diffuse before the different. The plagioclase 37Ar(Ca) is degassed primarily
pyroxene causing the observed K/Ca signature within the within the first 15% of laser power (up to a signal intensity
lower temperature heating steps. However, if the observed peak of 1.1 fA) before nearly levelling out with a signal
K/Ca ratios were obtained from plagioclase inclusions intensity less than 0.02 fA after 20% of laser power
within pyroxene grains and not from the pyroxene crystal (Fig. 10a). Whereas the pyroxene signal does not increase
at all, these initial heating steps would contain the majority to significant values until the intensity of the plagioclase
of the 39Ar released due to the 10 times higher K concentra- signal levels out (Fig. 10a). The K/Ca curve of pyroxene
tion in plagioclase compared to pyroxene. Therefore, the is a reflection of the 37Ar pyroxene curve (Fig. 10c).
low temperature steps would be much wider than the The 37Ar curve for pyroxene in early heating steps dis-
high-temperature steps in an age spectrum. In other words, plays a signal less than 0.02 fA (high K/Ca ratios)
high K/Ca ratio steps would correspond to larger % of 39Ar (Fig. 10a and c). After 10% laser power the 37Ar signal
released steps. However, the rate of 39Ar released through- increases with laser power greater than 10% (low K/Ca
out the analysis is nearly constant (Fig. 5) with high K/Ca ratios) (Fig. 10a and c). However, during the whole analysis
and low K/Ca steps releasing roughly the same magnitude the 39Ar signal stays at a nearly consistent signal intensity
of 39Ar. In some instances, the larger % of 39Ar release steps ranging from 0.002 to 0.02 fA (heating step 2 to the end
come from low K/Ca steps (Fig. 9). of analyses) (Fig. 10c). This suggests that the K/Ca ratio
When considering if the plagioclase inclusions followed is controlled by the variation in Ca, and not K, with the
the diffusion rules of pyroxene due to being completely K concentration being rather constant throughout degas-
enclosed within the pyroxene crystal, then the majority of sing and arguing against plagioclase inclusions. Further-
the % 39Ar signal would dominate the latest heating steps. more, the maximum K/Ca value of the pure plagioclase
Although the pyroxene crystals were dark and opaque for (here TAS-17plagioclase; 0.031) is lower than the pyroxene
most of the Kalkarindji samples, making the observation (TAS-17coarse; 0.068) from the same sample. A simple mass
of inclusions within the crystal difficult to discern with a balance calculation of a 0.05:0.95 mixture of plagioclase
binocular microscope, the pyroxene picked from the Tas- (0.035) and high-temperature step pyroxene (0.0002) show
manian Dolerites as well as the fine fraction from that the K/Ca ratio of the mixture will be significantly
07THD002 was translucent enough to observe if any inclu- lower than the high K/Ca ratios observed in most pyroxene
sions were present within the grains and thus could be analyses (Fig. 10b) ruling out the presence of plagioclase in
avoided during sample processing. These observations are the separate.
corroborated by the BSE images that show volumetrically A possible explanation for the observed K/Ca spectrum
shape is that there is a Ca concentrationdifference in the
various pyroxene types present within the sample. Petro-
graphic and BSE observations of the pyroxene within these
16 CFBs display both augite (high-Ca pyroxene) and pigeonite
TAS-17Coarse (low-Ca pyroxene) clinopyroxene types, as well as a minor
TAS-07 amount of orthopyroxene (no-Ca pyroxene) in the case of
12 the Kalkarindji sills (Fig. 2). The diffusion parameters for
% 39Ar Released

10 Ar in pyroxene have been experimentally measured by

(Cassata et al., 2011). Here, we model the behavior of the
expected degassing curves for plagioclase, clinopyroxene,
6 and orthopyroxene during a conventional step heating
4 analysis by using the ArArDIFF algorithm (see Jourdan
2 and Eroglu, 2017) based on the equations of Crank and
Gupta (1975). We use average activation energies (Ea) of
0 381 kJ/mol and diffusion coefficients (D0) of 1.8 cm2/s for
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
clinopyroxene, Ea of 371 kJ/mol and D0 of 600 cm2/s for
orthopyroxene, and Ea of 196 kJ/mol and D0 of 0.05
Fig. 9. Percent 39Ar released vs. K/Ca ratio for each respective step cm2/s for anorthite corresponding to closure temperatures
for three representative pyroxene analyses. Weights analyzed are as of ca. 750 °C (clinopyroxene), 610 °C (orthopyroxene),
follows: TAS-07 (212–350 lm), TAS-17coarse (212–350 lm), and 320 °C (plagioclase) for a cooling rate of 10 °C/Ma
07THD002fine (125–212 lm). Heating schedule is described in the (Cassata et al., 2011) and crystal (sphere) radius of 10 mm
methods section. (anorthite inclusions), 175 mm (clinopyroxene), 150 mm
B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136 127

a. 37
Ar b. K/Ca
1.2 7 0.08
Intensity [fA] (plagioclase)

0.07 Plg + CPX

Intensity [fA] (pyroxene)

1.0 6

0.6 0.04
2 0.02
0.2 1 0.01
0 0 0.00
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Laser power (%) Laser power (%)

c. d.
Pyroxene Degassing Model
10.000 39
Anorthite CPX
Ar 0.5
Signal Intensity [fA]


Relative 39Ar degassing

0.100 K/Ca
0.001 0.1

0.000 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 400 900 1400 1900 2400
Laser power (%) Laboratory Temperature Extraction (°C)

Fig. 10. (a–c) Selected graphs of laser power vs signal intensity for analyses of pyroxene separates (coarse fraction) and plagioclase separates
from TAS-17. (d) Degassing model calculated with experimentally derived activation energies (Ea) and diffusion coefficients (D0) for anorthite,
clinopyroxene (CPX), and orthopyroxene (OPX).

(orthopyroxene) as average estimates based on our petro- constant K concentration. As the step temperature
graphic observations. Since no diffusion data are available increase along the experiment, the Ar in pigeonite (or
for pure pigeonite, we used the diffusion parameters of pigeonite + orthopyroxene) get progressively exhausted
orthopyroxene for our models since pigeonite (a Ca-poor and progressively replaced by the Ar from the augite.
clinopyroxene) is compositionally closer to orthopyroxene Therefore, we have dated a mixture between low-Ca and
than augite. Our model (Fig. 10d) shows that both plagio- high-Ca pyroxene. Since the samples come from rapidly
clase and pigeonite would degas their Ar at lower heating cooled intrusions, these crystals crystallized simultane-
steps than the augite crystals. The theoretical model shows ously, as further evidenced by the ‘‘patchy” relationship
no overlap between plagioclase and augite, but a significant between the various pyroxene types. Therefore, the slight
overlap between pigeonite and augite. If the material ana- differences in diffusion characteristics of the two pyroxene
lyzed was characterized by a mixture between plagioclase types will not result in any age difference between the
inclusions and clinopyroxene, two distinct K/Ca popula- pyroxene in these rock types and thus be adequate for
tions should be apparent due to the absence of degassing geochronology of igneous rocks. However, these different
curve overlap (Fig. 10d) which would be exacerbated even diffusion characteristics may have significant consequences
more by the small crystal size of the plagioclase inclusions. for thermochronological studies of metamorphic rocks (see
Rather, the K/Ca spectra for all the pyroxene show a pro- discussion below).
gressive change from high K/Ca to low K/Ca ratios in the Following the arguments above, we are confident that
spectrum (Figs. 5 and 7) instead of two distinct K/Ca we in fact have dated pure pyroxene. Nevertheless, we rec-
plateaus. ognize the possibility that K might be included within the
Therefore, the most satisfying explanation is that the pyroxene crystals as plagioclase inclusions which size would
pigeonite crystals produce a higher K/Ca ratio due to be below the detection limit of BSE imaging (Fig. 3) and
low-Ca that degas earlier than the augite crystals (high- with a K/Ca ratio much higher than the plagioclase phe-
Ca pyroxene) rather than a variation in the K content. nocrysts surrounding the pyroxene (cf. K/Ca ratios of pla-
Therefore, we conclude that the high K/Ca values associ- gioclase vs. pyroxene for sample TAS-17; Fig. 5 age
ated with the low temperature steps are associated with a spectra). Thus, if indeed plagioclase inclusions are present,
deficit in Ca in pigeonite (or pigeonite + orthopyroxene then the crystals would be required to be nanocrystalline in
for some of the Kalkarindji samples) with a quasi- size and homogenously distributed within the pyroxene lat-
128 B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136

tice. Nevertheless, we stress that this would not change any display nearly identical age spectra; Fig. 7). These results
of the conclusions as far as geochronological and ther- and the similar degree of age offsets from the tilde-shaped
mochronological applications are concerned (i.e. the con- age spectra do not appear to be grain size dependent.
clusions of this study) since the diffusion of Ar would be Comparative analysis of petrographic and BSE observa-
entirely controlled by the pyroxene and not the hypotheti- tions of the pyroxene crystals from the Tasmanian and the
cal nanocrystallites of plagioclase. Kalkarindji samples show that exsolution lamellae in the
pyroxene crystals are present in all samples to varying
6.2. Argon recoil redistribution within pyroxene degrees. However, petrographic observations show well-
developed and extensive exsolution lamellae are present
Several of the samples from the Kalkarindji LIP did not only in three (07THD001b, 09THD028, and 09THD029)
return any plateau ages, and yet, they all display nearly the out of the four samples in the Kalkarindji pyroxenes;
same tilde shaped age spectrum (Fig. 7). The age spectra for whereas, the Tasmanian Dolerite clinopyroxenes display
these samples have slightly younger low-temperature steps no discernable exsolution features in augite and a minor
compared to the age expected for the province (ca. 511 degree of exsolution in around 1% of the pigeonite grains
Ma), with rising ages for the low to mid-temperature steps (Fig. 2). Further inspection with BSE reveals minor degrees
returning apparent step-ages older than the ca. 511 Ma and of exsolution within augite crystals as well as a slightly
high temperature heating steps with ages younger than 511 higher abundance of exsolution in pigeonite crystals than
Ma (Fig. 7). These Kalkarindji samples display the same the abundance observed from thin sections of the Tasma-
overall K/Ca trend than the samples that did return plateau nian Dolerites (Fig. 3). All of the pyroxene aliquots from
ages. The shape of these age spectra does not suggest the the Tasmanian Dolerites returned plateau ages (TAS-
presence of excess 40Ar (Kelley, 2002). Such a tilde- 07pyx, TAS-17coarse, and TAS-17coarse total), whereas only
shaped age spectrum has been observed from the effect of the one aliquot with the least amount of exsolution from
alteration on plagioclase (Verati and Jourdan, 2013), or the Kalkarindji sample suite returned a pyroxene 40Ar/39Ar
irradiation-induced recoil redistribution (Jourdan et al., plateau age (07THD002fine), suggesting a correlation
2007; Jourdan and Renne, 2013). As we have seen above, between exsolution and structured age spectra. Altogether,
no plagioclase is present in the pyroxene separates and these results and observations suggests that the exsolution
pyroxene does not alter into sericite thus pointing toward lamellae could have induced recoil redistribution between
a recoil issue. the pyroxene crystal and the exsolution lamellae within,
In short, recoil is caused by the kinetic energy transferred which in turn caused the tilde-shape age spectrum.
from an incoming neutron to a 39Ar and/or 37Ar atom upon If exsolution lamellae caused recoil redistribution, then
transformation from 39K and 40Ca, respectively, during neu- one would expect that the 39Ar and 37Ar atoms have been
tron bombardment of the irradiation process (Turner and shuffled around to some degree, but with a minimum loss
Cadogan, 1974; Hess and Lippolt, 1986; Villa, 1997; Paine to the system. Referencing Ar recoil parameters from
et al., 2006; Jourdan et al., 2007; Jourdan and Renne, Jourdan et al. (2007) and Jourdan and Renne (2013), using
2013). Furthermore, it has been noted by Jourdan et al. a recoil distance of 0.08 mm and an average lamellae width
(2007) that the [40Ca(n, a)37Ar] reaction is about 8 times for the Kalkarindji samples of 2 mm, then roughly 4–6%
more energetic than the [39K(n, p)39Ar] reaction. In the case loss or transfer of 39Ar (from sanidine parameters,
of recoil, two effects can occur during the irradiation process: Jourdan et al., 2007) from the lamellae to the high-Ca host
(1) net 39Ar and 37Ar loss can occur due to the ejection of crystal is expected. Note that it is harder to estimate how
these atoms from the crystal lattice, which is usually a prob- much of 37Ar is transferred from the high-Ca host crystal
lem for crystals with a size lower than 50 mm (Paine et al., to the low Ca lamellae but the enrichment should be sub-
2006; Jourdan et al., 2007; Jourdan and Renne, 2013) and/ stantial as well since the low-Ca exsolution lamellae are
or (2) 39Ar and 37Ar redistribution from low-temperature, small compared to the host high-Ca crystal. Therefore, to
high potassium minerals to high-temperature, low potas- further test if these age spectra patterns are the result of
sium minerals (whole rock analyses); or (in the case of one recoil distribution, total fusion (error) ages have been calcu-
mineral type population analyses) this same process could lated. If there has only been a reshuffling of argon atoms
occur within the lattice of the grains (e.g. 39Ar between K rather than a net loss to the system or alteration issues,
rich and poor zones and 37Ar between Ca rich and poor the total fusion (error) ages should be approximately simi-
zones within the grains) (Jourdan and Renne, 2013). The lar to the age expected for those rocks. The total fusion
Ar recoil becomes particularly problematic and important (error) age is calculated by summing all the gas for each iso-
for clinopyroxene due to the high Ca contents of the mineral. tope and calculating the age based on the ratio between all
The aliquots from the samples chosen for analyses were masses (i.e., summing all the steps together). The nine sam-
selected from two different size fractions the 125–212 lm ples yielded total fusion (error) ages relatively evenly dis-
and 212–355 lm. The size of these grains is too large to tributed between 496.2 ± 0.8 Ma and 527.7 ± 1.0 Ma. We
be drastically affected by recoil (typically problematic less stress that those integrated ages are geologically meaning-
than 50 lm, Paine et al., 2006; Jourdan et al., 2007; less even within uncertainty, but they have the potential
Jourdan and Renne, 2013). Furthermore, the age spectra to shed some light on the recoil hypothesis.
are identical across these two different grain size aliquots These total fusion (error) ages overlap or display only a
(e.g. sample 09THD029, where both the coarse maximum of ca. 3% difference from the 511 Ma age of
[09THD029coarse] and the fine [09THD029fine total] fractions Kalkarindji (Fig. 11b), indicating that there was only a min-
B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136 129

a. b.
Pyroxene box heights are 2σ
0.17 07THD001Bc 522
520 07THD002c 09THD029c
0.13 518

0.10 07THD001Bc

Total Fusion Error - Age (Ma)

514 09THD029ft
0.07 512
Kalkarindji: 511 Ma
0.03 508
506 07THD002ct
To old 09THD028f
600 39
Ar loss + 37Ar gain 502
550 500
Age [ Ma ]

500 07THD001Bf
496 09THD029ct
400 Total Fusion To young 492
350 512.0 ± 1.6 Ma 37
Ar loss + 39Ar gain
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Cumulative 39Ar Released [ % ]

Fig. 11. (a) Schematic diagram explaining the effect of recoil redistribution on age and K/Ca spectra; modified from Jourdan and Renne
(2013) using results from 07THD001Bc. (b) Graph displaying the total fusion (error) age of the recoil-plagued samples (Fig. 7) compared to
the emplacement age. Dotted box represents a ±18 Ma age difference from 511 Ma (Jourdan et al., 2014b). Note that the error ages are not
providing the age of crystallization and should be considered rather as semi-quantitative age information.

imal argon loss to the system or that the wrong trapped lution (and by extent 39Ar and 37Ar recoil redistribution)
ratio has been used in the calculation (assumed to have associated with relatively thick intrusive bodies should
an atmospheric composition for the total fusion calcula- not be a problem in volcanic rocks. The presence of minor
tion) since the inverse isochron cannot be used to measure exsolution features within the Tasmanian Dolerites demon-
the 40Ar/36Ar intercept from a single data point. In any strate that the recoil redistribution only disturbs the ability
case, those results further support that these age patterns to obtain meaningful ages when a pervasive degree of exso-
are the product of recoil redistribution. lution has occurred or occurs extensively in high Ca phases.
Furthermore, the fact that exsolution lamellae are pre- The ability to readily recognize exsolution lamellae and
sent only within the pigeonite crystals of the Tasmanian inclusion abundance in thin section and BSE images offers
dolerites could explain why recoil redistribution preferen- a means of pre-screening rocks that comprise pyroxene with
tially affected the Kalkarindji samples. The Ca-37Ar reac- a high likelihood of success for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology.
tion is about 8 times more energetic than the K-39Ar If recoil occur in a pyroxene aliquot, total fusion (error)
reaction, hence causing greater recoil distance of 37Ar com- ages can provide some degree of information, but must be
pared to 39Ar. Therefore, if the recoil redistribution is heav- used under a great degree of caution as they are not an
ily controlled by the redistribution of 37Ar(ca) rather than accurate representation of the actual crystallization age. If
the 39Ar(K) then those pyroxene phases with higher Ca con- recoil can be convincingly shown to be the cause of a struc-
tents would be more susceptible to recoil. If exsolution is tured pyroxene age spectrum, the total fusion age will most
only apparent in low-Ca phases of pyroxene (as is the case certainly approach the true age and could help to approxi-
for the Tasmania samples) then the samples should be mately constrain crystallization age on a semi-quantitative
imperceptibly affected by recoil redistribution. This hypoth- basis for an area that is devoid of any other datable mate-
esis is beyond the scope of the current paper and would rial (Fig. 11b).
require further testing and analyses of different types of
pyroxene affected by exsolution. 6.3. Application of the pyroxene Ar/39Ar dating approach
Exsolution is solid solution phase unmixing that can
occur in minerals which have compositions that vary 6.3.1. Mafic rocks affected by hydrothermal alteration
between two or more pure endmembers. This unmixing or We have shown above that pyroxene in mafic rocks can
exsolution is typically apparent through the growth of crys- yield robust plateau ages, even when plagioclase analyses
tallographically controlled lamellae within the host crystal fail, due to substantial sericite alteration. Therefore, simi-
during cooling. The exsolution process is impeded by rapid larly to zircon, pyroxene offer the ability to date altered
cooling and is thus not usually observed in crystals within mafic rocks. Although this is important for continental
volcanic rocks formed close to the surface. Therefore, exso- igneous rocks, this might be particularly relevant for sub-
130 B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136

marine volcanic rocks (e.g. volcanic seamounts, LIPs, mid- fusion parameters given above for plagioclase, orthopyrox-
oceanic ridge basalts) where plagioclase and basaltic ene and clinopyroxene. We used a sphere radius of 150 mm
groundmass, currently the two phases commonly dated for each crystal type (Table 2). As an exercise, the mineral-
with the 40Ar/39Ar technique, are often substantially altered ogy and metamorphic history of the 1.1 Ga Umkondo
by seawater. In many cases, this results in the authors dat- dykes located in southern Africa (Jourdan et al., 2009a)
ing fully sericitized plagioclase in order to provide mini- were used to constrain the model parameters. The model
mum eruption ages (e.g. Olierook et al., 2015, 2017). calculated a 100 Myr prograde and retrograde greenschist
Although the alteration processes of pyroxene and plagio- metamorphic event with peak temperatures of 500 °C at
clase is complex and well out of the scope of this project, 800 Ma (Fig. 12a; Table 2). Assuming no sericitization
some studies do show that pyroxene appears unaffected (which is probably not very realistic), the theoretical age
by hydrothermal fluids in oceanic basalts when plagioclase spectra show that the plagioclase would not withstand the
and basalt glass show a high degree of alteration (e.g. metamorphic event yielding reset ages around the time of
Mortimer et al., 1998; Zeng et al., 2015). Pyroxene, peak metamorphism 794 Ma (Fig. 12b). However, our
although significantly more robust than plagioclase, is not model suggests that both orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene
completely resistant to all types of hydrothermal alteration. would yield plateaus and retain the crystallization age of
When the alteration level is quite advanced, the most com- 1.1 Ga. This simple model displays ability for pyroxene to
mon type of alteration product is the replacement of pyrox- retain its argon (and crystallization age) at temperature
ene minerals with amphiboles, particularly hornblende and conditions associated with greenschist metamorphism.
actinolite (e.g. Humphris and Thompson, 1978), which can Nevertheless, when greenschist metamorphism is associ-
cause problems with the 40Ar/39Ar technique. As with pla- ated with hydrothermal circulation, pyroxene tends to par-
gioclase sample processing, altered or damaged pyroxene tially turn to amphibole as is observed for the Umkondo
grains can be avoided during careful sample processing. dykes (Jourdan et al., 2009a). Following the approach
Nevertheless, pyroxene 40Ar/39Ar dating has a greater above, we modeled the effect of 1% alteration to amphibole
chance to yield meaningful results in oceanic basalt and (which occurred during the onset of metamorphism at 850
oceanic LIP studies compared to plagioclase. Ma) on a 1.1 Ga pyroxene age spectrum. The results (not
shown) show a structured age spectrum which fails to pro-
6.3.2. Mafic rocks affected by greenschist metamorphism vide the crystallization age of the rock. Since the K2O con-
Greenschist facies metamorphism is a low grade meta- centration of amphibole (here set at 0.5 wt.%) is usually
morphic facies that typically represents between ca. 300 significantly higher than pyroxene, the effect on the age
and 500 °C for pressures of 2–10 kbars (Winter, 2010). Pro- spectrum is quite dramatic, and mimic the effect of sericite
vided that no alteration to amphibole occurs due to signif- on plagioclase (Verati and Jourdan, 2013). Again, careful
icant fluid circulation during metamorphism, diffusion petrographic observations should allow to easily identify
characteristics experimentally determined on clinopyroxene the presence of amphibole and it remains to be seen if strin-
and orthopyroxene suggest that these minerals will remain gent picking can isolate pure pyroxene phase for such
closed to Ar diffusion during greenschist facies metamor- rocks.
phism temperatures. To demonstrate the resilience of
pyroxene to some types of greenschist metamorphism over 6.3.3. 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of pyroxene
plagioclase, modeled age spectra were calculated using the Thermochronology is based on the capacity of different
ArArDIFF (Jourdan and Eroglu, 2017) algorithm with dif- minerals to retain a given element within the mineral struc-

Table 2
Ar/39Ar Greenschist metamorphism diffusion model of pyroxene.
D0 (cm2/s) Ea (J/mol) Radius (mm) Mixed phases
Modal composition % K2O (each mineral) K2O contribution (mixed phase)
Diffusion parameters
Anorthite 0.05 240,000 150 30% 10% 37%
CPX 1.80 381,000 150 50% 0.01% 13%
OPX 600.00 371,000 150 20% 0.10% 50%
Start (Ma) End (Ma) Duration (Ma) Starting temp. (°C) Ending temp. (°C) Cooling rate (°C/Ma)
Thermal history: Crystallization 1100 Ma
Period 1 850 800 50 100 500 8
Period 2 800 750 50 500 100 8
Period 3 750 500 250 100 0 0
Period 4 500 0 500 0 0 0
Diffusion parameters and time-temperature history used in the ArArDiff models (Jourdan and Eroglu, 2017) to generate synthetic age spectra.
The mineralogy and metamorphic history of the 1.1 Ga Umkondo dykes of Africa (Jourdan et al., 2009a) were used to constrain the model
B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136 131

Age(Ma) 2σ Peak Greenschist 600
Anorthite 794 4 Metamorphism

Temperature (°C)
OPX 1100 9
CPX 1100 9 Theoretical 300
1200 1000 800 600 400 200
Age (Ma)

Age (Ma)

0 20 40 60 80 100
% 39Ar released

Fig. 12. (a) Time-temperature path used to calculate the simulated age spectra. (b) Modeled age spectra from material subjected to a
greenschist metamorphic event around 800 Ma. Metamorphic history of the 1.1 Ga Umkondo dykes used to constrain model parameters
(Jourdan et al., 2009a). A 100 Ma prograde and retrograde event was calculated for 150 mm radius crystals of anorthite, orthopyroxene
(OPX), and clinopyroxene (CPX) compositions. Diffusion parameters and thermal history are given in Table 2.

Table 3
Ar/39Ar Thermochronology diffusion model of pyroxene.
D0 (cm2/s) Ea (J/mol) Radius (mm) Modal composition % K2O (each mineral) K2O contribution (mixed phase)
Diffusion parameters
CPX 1.80 381,000 150 80% 0.01% 29%
OPX 600 371,000 150 20% 0.10% 71%
Start (Ma) End (Ma) Duration (Ma) Starting temp. (°C) Ending temp. (°C) Cooling rate (°C/Ma)
Thermal history: Crystallization 900 Ma
Period 1 520 490 30 900 680 7
Period 2 490 460 30 680 500 6
Period 3 460 440 20 500 300 10
Period 4 440 390 50 300 0 6
Diffusion parameters and time-temperature history used in the ArArDiff models (Jourdan and Eroglu, 2017) to generate synthetic age spectra.
Time-temperature parameters constrained using the thermal history of the Nampula Complex in Mozambique (Ueda et al., 2012).
132 B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136

a. 560 1000
Crystallization; youngest source rock 800

Temperature (°C)
520 Zircon rims
Pyroxene 600
500 Range
480 Monazite 400
metamorphic Titanite
460 t [Ma] ? 200
440 0
Biotite Ar-Ar T [°C]
420 600 400 200
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Age (Ma)

Age(Ma) 2σ
540 OPX 481 4
520 CPX 502 4

Age (Ma)

0 20 40 60 80 100
% Ar released

540 Mixed phases (clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene)

Age (Ma)




0 20 40 60 80 100
% 39Ar released

Fig. 13. a) Time-temperature path used to calculate the simulated age spectra. b) Modeled age spectra resulting from a metamorphic cooling
path for 150 mm radius crystals of biotite, orthopyroxene (OPX), and clinopyroxene (CPX) compositions. Cooling history parameters
constrained from the metamorphic history of the Nampula Complex in Mozambique (Ueda et al., 2012). Diffusion parameters and thermal
history are given in Table 3. Heating steps used to calculate plateau age are shaded. Approximate T-t path of the Ticué structure redrafted
from data and figure presented in Ueda et al. (2012), approximate location of the theoretical modeled pyroxene is displayed by the orange box.
B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136 133

ture once the system has cooled to slow any significant dif- from a mixture between the cooling ages of the two phases.
fusion. This concept is known as closure temperature Only the highest temperature steps yielding step ages
(Dodson, 1973), which is used in metamorphic studies to around 500 Ma similar to that of the pure clinopyroxene
determine dates of events or rates of geologic processes. spectrum, most likely because the orthopyroxene reservoir
Clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene have closure tempera- was exhausted by these high heating steps (Fig. 9d). It
tures around 600 °C and 750 °C (for cooling rates of remains to be seen if such a complex spectrum can be
10 °C/Ma), respectively as measured on terrestrial pyroxene reverted to calculating the T-t history of the host rock,
(Cassata et al., 2011). Diffusion studies provide evidence but prompt us to encourage a thorough characterization
that at crustal conditions the mineral pyroxene has the abil- of the metamorphic pyroxene phase(s) before 40Ar/39Ar
ity to retain Ar more efficiently than both amphibole and analysis.
plagioclase (Cassata et al., 2011). Thus, the capability of
obtaining cooling ages from a mineral within this range 7. CONCLUSIONS
of temperatures has the potential to greatly benefit time-
temperature studies of metamorphic terrains. There are a
reasonable selection of minerals with various closure tem- 1. Using multi-collector noble gas mass spectrometers (here
peratures that are currently used for thermochronology the ARGUS VI) provide the ability to obtain geologi-
studies, however these minerals tend to trend toward mid cally meaningful 40Ar/39Ar pyroxene plateau ages with
to low-temperatures; e.g., hornblende, muscovite, biotite, uncertainties as low as ±0.4% (2r).
rutile, titanite and apatite with closure temperature for Ar 2. The Tasmanian Dolerites yielded pyroxene plateau ages
or Pb ranging from 240 to 600 °C at typical crustal of 184.6 ± 3.9 Ma and 182.4 ± 0.8 Ma within full agree-
pressures (Flowers et al., 2005; Scibiorski et al., 2015) or ment of the 181.67 ± 0.4 Ma plagioclase plateau age of
high Pb closure temperatures such as for monazite (ca. the same sample. The dolerites from the Kalkarindji
800 °C) and zircon (>1000 °C) (e.g. Flowers et al., 2005). CFBs yielding a plateau age of 506.3 ± 3.4 Ma overlap-
As such, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene, quite abundant ping completely with the range of ages from the litera-
in mafic and intermediate rocks, can potentially bridge ture for the Kalkarindji province.
the 600–1000 °C gap, in particular for rocks devoid of 3. Comparisons between the signal intensity and the laser
monazite. power during analyses of pyroxene and plagioclase from
We take the opportunity to illustrate the potential of the same sample and numerical modeling indicate that
pyroxene for thermochronology by testing the response of pure pyroxene was dated and by extension, no plagio-
the K/Ar systems for clinopyroxenes, orthopyroxene and clase inclusions were present.
a 2:1 mixture of orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene to a sim- 4. Pervasive exsolution lamellae present within the pyrox-
ple metamorphic history. Again, using the ArArDIFF ene crystals of the dolerites from the Kalkarindji CFBs
(Jourdan and Eroglu, 2017) algorithm, we have calculated induced recoil redistribution during the irradiation pro-
synthetic age spectra associated with the thermal history cesses. The presence of recoil due to exsolution indicate
of the Nampula Complex in Mozambique (Ueda et al., the importance of a thorough petrographic and sample
2012). The Nampula Complex was chosen because of its pre-screen.
relatively well constrained rapid cooling history with slow 5. Simple diffusion models display the potential of pyrox-
monotonous cooling of 7–8 °C/Ma (Ueda et al., 2012). ene retaining argon and thus crystallization ages at
We modeled a cooling path of 520 to 390 Ma from peak greenschist metamorphism temperatures as well as the
temperatures of 900 °C over four periods of various cooling ability to use pyroxene for thermochronology in a tem-
rates (Table 3) that approximate the cooling history pre- perature range ( 600–750 °C) currently obtainable by
sented by Ueda et al. (2012). The model age spectra show only U-Pb in monazite and titanite.
that, for such a cooling rate, clinopyroxene and orthopy-
roxene are expected to yield plateau ages and cool down
below their respective closure temperatures at ca. 502 Ma ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
and 481 Ma (Fig. 13b). The clinopyroxene model age agree
with the monazite age of ca. 500 Ma and (Thomas et al., Bill Cassata, Andrea Marzoli, and an anonymous
2010; Ueda et al., 2012). We conclude that using pure reviewer provided much appreciated constructive reviews,
orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene have the potential to and David Shuster and Mark Norman are thanked for edi-
yield robust cooling ages in a temperature range currently torial handling. The support from the John de Laeter Cen-
only accessible by U-Pb in monazite and titanite tre, the School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, and all of
(Fig. 13a; Table 3). the wonderful tech staff in the Western Australian Argon
However, as seen previously, pyroxene from two LIPs Isotope Facility at Curtin University of Technology is
were both composed of a mixture between orthopyroxene gratefully acknowledged.
and two phases of clinopyroxene rather than pure isolated
phases. Modeling the effect of the Nampula Complex ther- FUNDING
mal history on a 2:1 orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene
mixture show that the mixture will not yield a plateau This research was funded by Australian Research Coun-
(Fig. 13c). Rather a sigmoid shape age spectrum result cil Discovery grant DP130100517.
134 B. Ware, F. Jourdan / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 230 (2018) 112–136

APPENDIX A. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL Flowers R., Bowring S., Tulloch A. and Klepeis K. (2005) Tempo
of burial and exhumation within the deep roots of a magmatic
Supplementary data associated with this article can be arc, Fiordland, New Zealand. Geology 33, 17–20.
found, in the online version, at https://doi.org/10.1016/j. Glass L. M. and Phillips D. (2006) The Kalkarindji continental
flood basalt province: a new Cambrian large igneous province
in Australia with possible links to faunal extinctions. Geology
34, 461.
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Associate Editor: David L. Shuster

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