Traffic Types and Characteristics

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Application Scenarios and Enabling

Technologies of 5G
YUAN Yifei, ZHU Longming
Next-generation Wireless Innovation Program, ZTE, 19 Huayuan Dong Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100191 P.R.China

Abstract: Fast growth of mobile internet and lar communications would undergo a major
internet-of-things has propelled the concept revamp—a new generation enters the stage.
formation and research on 5G wireless The first generation was purely based on an-
communications systems which are to be alog communication using frequency domain
standardized around 2020 (IMT-2020). There multiple access (FDMA). It began at about
will be diverse application scenarios expected early 1980s’ and lasted till early 1990s. The
for 5G networks. Hence, key performance second generation was mainly time division
indicators (KPIs) of 5G systems would be multiple access (TDMA) based, represented
very diverse, not just the peak data rate and by the very successful GSM that debuted in
average/edge spectral efficiency requirements late 1980s. The third generation was featured
as in previous generations. For each typical by code-division multiple access (CDMA) and
scenario, multiple technologies may be used turbo codes. It standardization work started in
independently or jointly to improve the late 1990s and major specifications were com-
transmission efficiency, to lower the cost, pleted around 2003. If this trend continues, it
and to increase the number of connections, is time to kick off the study on 5G and that it
etc. Key enabling technologies are discussed why ITU already tag the name “IMT-2020”
which include massive MIMO, ultra- [1] implying that the standardization work of
dense deployment specific techniques, non- 5G should be completed around 2020.
orthogonal transmission, high frequency 5G will be a global standard, similar to 4G
communications, etc. dominated by LTE-Advanced. Worldwide,
Keywords: 5G, IMT-2020, ultra-dense many countries and regions are already setting
networks, massive MIMO, non-orthogonal up detailed plans for 5G study and promotion,
transmission such as METIS project of Europe Union, IMT-
2020 of China, 5G Forum of Korea, ADWICS
I. INTRODUCTION of Japan. These projects and initiatives are
participated by wireless operators, manufac-
The standardization of Long Term Evolution turers, terminal vendors, various research in-
(LTE) Release 10 was completed by 3GPP in stitutes and universities.
2011. It marked the full completion of basic Unlike the previous four generations, user
features of LTE-Advanced which truly fulfill requirements and application scenarios would
the ITU requirements for 4G. Over the last be much more diverse in 5G. The user peak
four decades, almost every ten years, cellu- data rate and average cell spectral efficiency

69 China Communications • November 2014

are no longer the only requirements. Instead, ten years, as predicted by many major opera-
user experience rate, number of connections, tors, manufacturers and consulting companies. 5G scenarios and key
latency, high reliability, energy efficiency, etc. Through the analysis of traffic characteristics performance indica-
are all part of metrics for the system design. of each application, user models and the com- tors are discussed in
Section II. Section III
The application scenarios would not be limited position of each application in a deployment
illustrate the scenar-
to wide area coverage, but also for dense hot scenario, key performance indicators (KPIs) io-technology clues
spots, machine-to-machine communications, can be estimated for typical 5G scenarios, for different cases.
vehicle-to-vehicle communications, outdoor which would serve as important guidance for Major technologies of
big gathering, subway, and so on. Such diverse the study on potential technologies. 5G are described in
scenarios indicate that technologies for 5G Section IV.
2.1 Traffic types and characteristics
will be multi-fold and cannot be represented
in 5G
by a single dominant technology as for 1G~4G
systems. For mobile internet users, optical-fiber like
Given the complicated scenarios and re- data speed of use experience is the ultimate
quirements for 5G systems, there might be design goal. For internet-of-things, 5G net-
many ways to group different technologies. works should satisfy a mixture of needs of dif-
The classification may become more difficult ferent industries, for example, transportation,
as some 5G-like technologies are already pro- medical, agriculture, finance, architecture,
posed for study, or even considered for specifi- electric power, environmental protection, etc,
cations in 3GPP Release 12 and Release 13. In with huge number of connections.
this sense, the boundary between evolutionary Figure 1 shows the major services of mo-
path and revolutionary path is blurred for 5G. bile internet and internet-of-things, envisioned
In this paper, we use deployment scenario as for 5G systems.
the clue to glue together different enabling For stream-type services, the data rate
technologies of 5G. For each scenario, there requirement for un-compressed video of 8K
would be a few technical solutions/direc- resolution (3D) would be 96 Gbps. With com-
tions to fulfill the key performance indicators pression (some processing delay incurred) by
(KPIs). The technologies discussed here would 100x, the data rate is still about 960 Mbps. For
by no means include all potential technologies conversion-type services, the delay has to be
for 5G. Nevertheless, they do represent major within 50~100 ms. For interactive services,
technology trends currently being discussed in the delay needs to be 5~10 ms, so small that
5G community. users would not be aware of it. Enhanced
The paper is organized as follows. 5G reality and online gaming require frequent
scenarios and key performance indicators interaction of high-definition video, meaning
are discussed in Section II. In Section III we that the systems have to provide high speed
illustrate the scenario-technology clues for communication both on the downlink and the
different cases. Major technologies of 5G are uplink. Cloud storage will be the major trend
described in Section IV. The paper is conclud- and it is expected that 30% digital informa-
ed in Section V. tion is expected to be stored in the “cloud” by
2020. This pushes the demand for fiber-speed
II. APPLICATION SCENARIOS AND KEY like wireless communication with rate close to
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FOR 5G 1Gbps, as well as the ultra high traffic density
in urban areas.
The study and the standardization of 5G sys- For internet-of-things, information-col-
tems will be driven by the market, by end us- lection type of services includes low speed
ers, by various applications and cellular opera- applications such as meter reading and high
tions. Among them, mobile internet and inter- speed applications for example video monitor-
net-of-things are the main drivers in the next ing. Meter reading is characterized by massive

China Communications • November 2014 70

Major 5G

Mobile Internet-of-
internet things

Stream type Conversation Interactive Transport Message Control

Audio-play Voice Browsing Emails SMS Low-rate Delay

data sensitive
Video-play Tele-video Positioning Download MMS High-rate Delay non-
data sensitive
Virtual reality Trading Upload OTT message



Enh reality

Fig.1 Type of services envisioned for 5G

number of connections, low-cost of terminal, of 5G are more comprehensive than previous

low power consumption and a large number generations. The notion is further reinforced
of small packet transmissions. In video moni- from the discussion in Section 2.1 where
toring, uplink will be the bottleneck where the diverse requirements of various services are
data rate requirement is high. The traffic den- elaborated. Table I lists several KPIs.
sity of video monitoring systems is also high. In addition, efficiency requirements are also
There are two families of control-type ma- part of the KPIs where three efficiencies are
chine-to-machine communications: delay sen- defined. The average spectral efficiency is the
sitive and delay-non-sensitive. Vehicle-to-ve- throughput per cell, or unit of area, e.g, bps/
hicle communication is a typical example of Hz/cell, or bps/Hz/km2. The energy efficiency
delay sensitive services where the latency is the number of information bits transmitted
requirement is in the order of ms level. The re- per unit of energy, e.g., bits/J. The cost per bit
liability requirement is also very stringent, for is the total cost for successfully transmitting
example, nearly 100% of successful decoding an information bit.
at the speed about 300 km/h (considering the Since application scenarios and services
relative velocity of opposite approaching vehi- are highly coupled, we need to consider both
cles). Delay-non-sensitive services encompass aspects when estimate the KPI requirements.
various applications of our daily living. The For 5G, nine typical scenarios can be identi-
challenge of these applications is in the huge fied, and in each scenario, there would be one
number of devices, and accordingly the num- or several types of services. Total 14 service
ber of connections. types are envisioned in 5G: video-telephony,
video-conference, mobile online gaming, en-
2.2 Key performance indicators
hanced reality, virtual reality, live video shar-
(KPIs) of 5G
ing, desk cloud, wireless data download, cloud
As mentioned in the introduction section, KPIs storage, high-definition image upload, OTT

71 China Communications • November 2014

Table I User experience for different scenarios
KPI Definition Unit Note
User achievable rate under the real loaded
User experienced rate bps Metric: 95-percentile throughput
Traffic density Average traffic volume per unit area Gbps/km2 Measured in busy time, for typical area
“Online” means that a terminal device is en-
Total number of online devices supported
Density of connections #/ km2 gaged in traffic communication under certain
per unit area
Assuming connection setup is completed. Respect to certain reliability, i.e., block error
Delay (end-to-end) ms
Data should be successfully decoded. rate
Under certain mobility model, satisfying
km/h for certain expe- Special scenarios: subway, highway, high speed
Mobility certain user experienced rate. The max ve-
rienced rate train
locity supported
User peak rate Single user max rate under ideal condition bps

message, video monitoring, intelligent house- It is another transportation-related scenario

hold control, vehicle-to-vehicle safe driving. where video-telephony, video playing, online
The relation between nine typical scenarios gaming and OTT messages are the major ser-
and fourteen services are as follows: vices.
• Dense residential area • Highway
It is the only residential related scenario In-vehicle users on highway would typical-
where relevant services include video telepho- ly engaged in video-telephony, video playing
ny, IPTV, virtual reality for shopping, online and enhanced reality. They also rely on vehi-
gaming, data download, cloud storage, OTT cle-to-vehicle network to improve the safety
message and intelligent household. of driving.
• Offices • High-speed train
It is the only work related scenario where Video-telephony and video playing are the
we see three typical services: two-party or two major telecom services for passengers on
multi-party video telephony, desk cloud, data high-speed trains.
download and cloud storage. Assuming certain models for each service
• Shopping mall and user distributions, KPIs for typical scenar-
It is one of scenarios for leisure. Typical ios can be estimated and the values are listed
services are enhanced reality, OTT message in Table II.
and video monitoring.
It is another type of leisure-related scenar-
io. Video playing, enhanced reality/live video As elaborated in previous section, require-
sharing, high-definition picture upload and ments and services of 5G are of diverse na-
OTT messages are the major services. ture, which is quite different from previous
• Big outdoor gathering generations. Nevertheless, several KPIs are
It is also a type of leisure-related scenario. now widely accepted for 5G. They are: 1) user
The service types are very similar to the case experienced rate up to 100 Mbps for outdoor
of sport stadium. and 1 Gbps for hot spots; 2) 10~100x im-
• Subway system provements in density of connections and total
In this scenario related to public transporta- number of connections; 3) air interface delay
tion, on-board users are most interested in vid- less than 1 ms and end-to-end delay in the or-
eo playing, online gaming and OTT message. der of ms, as illustrated in Figure 2.
• Train station Use scenarios identified in previous section

China Communications • November 2014 72

Table II KPIs for different scenarios
Traffic den- User ex- Traffic vol-
Density of Total number
sity End-to-end perienced Mobility ume in typi-
Scenario connections Typical area of connections
(bps/km2, delay (ms) rate (Mbps, (km/h) cal area (bps,
(#/km2) in typical area
Dense apart-
Residential 3.2T /130G 106 10~20 1024/512 - 1 km2 3.2T /130G 106
500~ 7~14G/
Work Office 15T/2T 750,000 20 1024/512 - 375~750
1000 m2 1~2G
120G /150G 160,000 5~10 15/60 - 0.24 km2 29G /36G 38,000
Leisure Stadium 800G /1.3T 450,000 5~10 60/60 - 0.2 km2 160G /260G 90,000
Outdoor gath-
800G /1.3T 450,000 5~10 60/60 - 0.44 km2 352G /572G 198,000
Subway 10T/- 6(106) 10~20 60/- 110 410 m2 6.2G/- 2500
Train station 2.3T /330G 1.1(10 ) 6
10~20 60/15 - 9000 m 2
21G /3G 10,000
Highway - - <5 60/15 180 - - -
1.6T /500G 700,000 50 15/15 500 1500 m2 2.4G /0.75G 1000

are useful for 5G system design. Yet, from counting only the human-to-human communi-
technology point of view, some reorganization cations, is relatively large, given the wide area
is needed to better align the scenarios and served by a macro station. Suitable technolo-
technologies. In Figure 2, four scenarios are gies are massive MIMO [2], non-orthogonal
listed: macro coverage enhancements scenario, transmissions, and new coding and modula-
ultra dense networks scenario, M2M scenario, tion. These technologies are supposed to well
and low-latency high-reliability scenario. Also co-exist, e.g., the gains from each technology
listed are a number of enabling technologies: may be added up when being used together, as
massive MIMO, non-orthogonal transmis- long as the configurations are done properly.
sion, techniques for ultra-dense deployment, • Ultra dense deployments:
high-frequency communications, full-duplex, Many application scenarios identified in
new coding and modulation, D2D, etc. In the previous section, for example, office, dense
following, for each scenario we discuss possi- urban apartments, shopping mall, big out-
ble enabling technologies. door gathering, stadium, etc, are all dense
• Macro coverage enhancements scenar- deployment related. The user experienced rate
io: requirement is very challenging, e.g., 1 Gbps.
For coverage consideration, low frequency This scenario is characterized by very dense
band is more likely for coverage enhance- user distribution over typical area. Users can
ments for macro deployment whose cell radius be either indoor or outdoor. Cell topology
can be several km. In addition, user experience is highly heterogeneous, containing macro
requirement is also quite challenging, e.g., 100 cells, micro cells, pico cells, relay nodes, fem-
Mbps, which means that basic coverage is not to cells, etc, each with drastically different
enough, i.e., high data rate at cell edges is also coverage sizes, transmitting powers, antenna
required. The characteristics of this scenario gains and antenna height. Dense deployment
are as follows. Pathloss disparity exists be- technologies include advanced interference
tween users in different geometries. The area coordination/management, cell virtualization,
size for multi-antenna installment is relatively wireless backhaul, new coding and modu-
abundant. The number of connections, even lation, content based multi-connections, en-

73 China Communications • November 2014

Major KPIs Key scenarios

User • Outdoor: ~ 100 Mbps Macro coverage

experienced • Hotspot: ~ 1 Gbps
Ultra dense
Density of • Improved by 10~100 x
connections • Total # connections
improved by 10-100x M2M scenario

Latency • Air-interface: 1ms
high reliability
• End-to-end: ms level

Key technologies
Massive Dense deployment- Non-orthogonal New coding &
MIMO specific tech transmission modulation

High frequency
D2D Full-duplex FBMC

Fig.2 Major KPIs and enabling technologies for 5G

hanced self-organized network (e-SON), etc. age. Control signaling optimization can reduce
For indoor deployment, high frequency com- signaling overhead when a large number of
munications are also effective in improving devices connect to the network. Non-or-
the user experience and reducing the inter-cell thogonal transmission allows multiple users
interference. With very short wavelengths in simultaneously accessing the network in the
high frequency bands, multi-antennas, or even same frequency resources. The access can be
massive MIMO may be possible on low power contention based, thus significantly reducing
node, in terms of size and the cost. the control overhead for granting the resource
• Machine-to-machine communications and indicating the transmission format. D2D
scenario: can be used for vehicle-to-vehicle communi-
The most challenging requirement in this cations which are a important use case in ma-
scenario is to support a massive number of chine-to-machine communications.
devices. This means that the cost per terminal • Low-latency and high-reliability sce-
should be significantly lower than mobile de- nario:
vices. The power consumption has to be low Low latency and high-reliability is a re-
enough so that devices can be battery-powered quirement for several applications, for exam-
for years without recharging. Also the cover- ple machine-to-machine communication in
age should be robust enough so that devices some manufacturing industry where more than
deep inside the basements can connect to the several ms of delay would significantly de-
network. Enabling technologies for M2M are: grade the product quality and thus simply not
narrow-band techniques, control signaling tolerable. For intelligent transportation sys-
optimization, non-orthogonal transmission. tems, ms level of latency and nearly zero de-
Narrow-band transmission can effectively tection error are the hard benchmark in order
reduce the device cost and improve the cover- to prevent accidents from happening. Enabling

China Communications • November 2014 74

technologies are new physical channel design number of antennas at the terminal. At least
to reduce the delay of single transmission, the from theory, as the number of antennas goes
number of HARQ retransmissions, advanced to infinity, the system performance would only
link adaptation schemes. End-to-end delay can be limited by the pilot pollution, whereas the
also be reduced by using D2D. effect of thermal noise diminishes to zero.
While the original concept of massive
IV. ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES MIMO does not explicitly indicate whether
the antennas are one dimensional or two di-
As shown in Figure 2, there are a number of mensional, the fast development of antenna
technologies potentially for different scenarios implementation is now able to support active
of 5G. In this section we pick several key en- antenna element, to dynamically form a beam
abling technologies and discuss each in length. also in vertical domain and the tilt angle,
They are massive MIMO, techniques for ultra as illustrated in Figure 3. This so called 3D
dense network deployments, non-orthogonal MIMO is believed to provide better coverage
transmission, high-frequency communications. and improved throughput when users are dis-
tributed in multiple floors in medium to high-
4.1 Massive MIMO
rise buildings in dense urban deployments. In
Multi-antenna is a classic topic in standard- this sense, massive MIMO and 3D MIMO are
ization since 3G. To a large extent, this is closely related, both requiring a big number of
facilitated by OFDM in 4G. The much sim- antenna elements or antenna ports installed at
pler processing at the receiver compared to the base station.
coded-division multiple access makes MIMO Some preliminary study was carried out to
an attractive and effective way in improving estimate the system performance when base
both the peak rate and system capacity of station has more than 8 antennas. The initial
cellular networks. The ground-breaking pa- downlink simulation result is shown in Figure
per by Marzetta [1] opens a new opportunity 4. The simulation assumes 19 site (57 cells)
to release the full potential of multi-antenna homogeneous cell layout, with the site-to-site
systems, via massive number of antennas only distance being 200 m. Channel estimation and
at the base station, without increasing the channel state information (CSI) feedback are

antenna array

Terminal at high
Main lobe of
Side lobe of 3D beam
3D beam

Main lobe of
Macro base
3D beam
Terminal at low

Fig.3 Massive MIMO

75 China Communications • November 2014

Spectral efficiency vs. number of Tx antennas





Tx=8 Tx=16 Tx=32 Tx=64
Number of transmit antennas

Fig.4 Spectral efficiency of downlink massive MIMO system

assumed ideal, with little overhead for refer- sheer number of antennas with massive
ence signals. It is observed that as the number MIMO would significantly limit the deploy-
of antennas is increased to 64, the spectral ment choices. It has to meet the zone regula-
efficiency can be improved by nearly 3 times tions and fulfill some anesthetic requirement.
compared to 8-antenna case. Sometimes, irregular shape of antenna plane
There are a number of challenges when de- is inevitable, whose characteristics are still not
signing massive MIMO systems: well known, either in terms of shadow fading
1) As the number of antennas increases, consistency and detailed implementation spe-
more resources are needed for reference signal cific issues;
in general, in order to estimate each individual 4) High frequency operation can dramati-
channel. A good trade-off is needed between cally reduce the size of antennas, thus allow-
reference signal overhead and the system per- ing more flexible deployment choices. Howev-
formance; er, the device cost associated with high-band
2) Massive MIMO also means that CSI communications would require more careful
feedback requires a large number of bits so design to make massive MIMO really feasible.
that the transmitter can have enough detailed
4.2 Techniques for ultra dense
information about the channel and then effec-
tively perform the precoding and scheduling.
This is especially crucial for FDD system Homogeneous deployments have been the
where channel reciprocity generally does not norm from the first generation of cellular
hold. In the case of TDD where channel reci- to the third generation. In 4G, especially
procity can be used to reduce the reliance on LTE-Advanced, we see the advent of heteroge-
CSI feedback, antenna calibration is still need- neous deployments where macro base stations
ed, perhaps with higher accuracy requirement, and low power nodes such as pico, femto,
to ensure the accurate knowledge of CSI at the relay, coexist to improve the system capacity,
transmitter; as illustrated in Figure 5. The capacity im-
3) Unless at very high frequencies, the provement is primarily from the cell-splitting

China Communications • November 2014 76

gain, e.g., low power nodes (LPN) offload the targeting both for data and control
traffic previously handled only by macro base 2) Enhanced measurement of interference
stations, both operating in the same band. The 3) Coordinated scheduling, jointly over
inter-node interference between LPNs may not time, frequency, spatial and power.
be that serious as long as the density of LPNs 4) Interference-alignment based interfer-
is not high. The interference issue between ence coordination
macro and LPNs is partially solved by the 5) Wireless backhaul
technologies already standardized in LTE Rel-
4.3 Non-orthogonal transmission
10 and Rel-11.
In 5G, the scenarios of dense deployment One key advantage of 4G OFDM system is the
have more flavors, as already described in pre- relatively simple receiver implementation due
vious section. Evaluation methodology used to the orthogonal resource allocation, especial-
for 4G systems would not be enough to cap- ly for MIMO. However, from sum-capacity
ture the diverse scenarios, new models may point of view, orthogonal systems are never
be needed. More specifically, instead of using the capacity achieving schemes as seen in Fig-
19-site (57 cells) homogeneous layout with ure 6. The sub-optimum nature of orthogonal
the small hot-spot areas on the top, multiple systems is more pronounced when signal to
prototype scenarios may be defined, for exam- noise ratios (SNRs) of co-scheduled users are
ple, dense urban apartments, offices, shopping significantly different.
mall, stadium, each from a typical deployment The simplest form of non-orthogonal trans-
taken from real field measurement. The chan- mission is the direct superposition of modu-
nel model does not only capture the 2D terrain lation symbols of multiple users. Such pow-
information, but also 3D view of the relative er-domain scheme has relatively less impact
position of each propagation related objects on the current standards, and many of them
which is important when the density of cells is would be implementation specific especially
very high. for uplink. However, it requires full-blown
As the density of LPNs increases and each successive interference cancellation (SIC) at
LPN’s coverage gets smaller, interference the receiver that can be a serious issue for mo-
issue would become more serious [3]. A few bile terminals.
ultra-dense specific solutions may be consid- More advanced non-orthogonal transmis-
ered: sion schemes would take advantage of certain
1) Enhanced power control and adaptation, code structures to either reduce the receiver
almost blank subframe for multi-cell scenario complexity or improve the system robustness

LTE Rel-9/10 Rel-11 Rel-12

HetNets (eICIC, FeICIC, Dual-
relay) ePDCCH connectivity

2009/1 2011/6 2012/9 2014/9

Macro cell,
r=300 m Super dense
Pico/relay node Small cells, r=25m
r=50 m r=50m, denser

Fig.5 Migration to ultra-dense deployment

77 China Communications • November 2014


Fig.6 Downlink sum-rate comparison between orthogonal and non-orthogonal multiple access

when resource collisions occur, or provide • The characteristics of propagation chan-

more flexibility in pairing the users for simul- nel at high frequencies. While the channel
taneous transmissions. They are: model for 3GHz or lower, which is actually
1) Spread sequence based. The sequences being used for 3G and 4G, may be reused
have low cross correlation to facilitate SIC at for frequency up to 6 GHz, the fundamental
the receiver. Very suitable for uplink conten- propagation mechanism and electromagnetic
tion based, without grant response of scatters may significantly be dif-
2) Sparse code based. Specially design ferent when the operating frequency goes even
sparse code matrix to reduce the receiver com- higher. There are some channel measurements
plexity. Improve the robustness to resource for point-to-point communication of milli-
collision. Suitable for uplink, grant free trans- meter wave. Nevertheless, most of them are
mission under line of sight (LOS) environment is far
3) Bit-division based [4]. Code-superpo- from comprehensiveness and cannot capture
sition at bit level. It can reduce the receiver the radio propagation characteristics for gener-
complexity of downlink, with potential gain al cellular scenarios. This work involves huge
over power-domain direct superposition. amount of measurement efforts spanning over
a wide range of frequencies, from 10 GHz to
4.4 High frequency communications
100 GHz. Also needed is the channel modeling
Cellular systems so far primarily operate in work, both for pathloss and large scale fading,
frequency bands between 400 MHz and 3 but also for small scale fading that includes
GHz. Given the scarcity of this range of spec- spatial channel model for MIMO schemes.
trum and the huge capacity/data rate require- • Device cost and power efficiency. For
ments for 5G, bands higher than 6 GHz are traditional point-to-point communication, for
likely to be used for future cellular commu- example wireless backhaul that connects mac-
nications, even though whether it can support ro base stations in millimeter band, the cost
wide area coverage, or is only to be used for and power consumption are not major issues
indoor hot-spot is still in debate. For high fre- considering the overall cost of a macro base
quency communications, there are two issues station which is hooked up to the power grid.
to be studied or well understood before physi- However for battery-power terminals whose
cal and system designs can be carried out: size is drastically smaller than base stations,

China Communications • November 2014 78

device cost and power consumption should be ultra-dense deployment, non-orthogonal trans-
in reasonable so that high frequency operation mission, and high frequency communications.
is really feasible. It is well known that the
device limitation normally would allow only References
low order modulation due to various RF cir- [1] ITU, “IMT for 2020 and beyond”, http://www.
cuit noise, signal distortion, etc. The device or 2020.
material may be the ultimate bottleneck rather [2] T. L. Mar zetta, “Noncooperative cellular
than the physical layer technology itself. wireless with unlimited number of base station
There are a few technologies in high fre- antennas,” IEEE Trans. on Wireless Comm., Vol. 9,
No. 11, November 2010, pp 3590-3600.
quency deployments that can be used to im- [3] N. Bhushan, J. Li, D. Malladi, R. Gilmore, D.
prove the system performance and compensate Brenner, A. Damnjanovic, R. T. Sukhavasi, C.
the shortcoming of high frequency communi- Patel, and S. Geirhofer, “Network densification:
cation. the dominant theme for wireless evolution in
5G,” IEEE Comm. Mag., February 2014, pp 82-89.
1) Massive MIMO/3D MIMO. Short wave- [4] H. Jin, K. Peng, J. Song, “Bit division multiplexing
length of high frequency deployment shrinks for broadcasting,” IEEE Trans. on Broadcasting,
the dimension of antenna array, thus making Vol. 59, No. 3, September 2013, pp 539-547.
massive antenna deployment more feasible,
both from the size of installation and the cost.
YUAN Yifei, received Bachelor and Master degrees
More LOS component is expected in high
from Tsinghua University of China, and a Ph.D. from
band, thus beamforming gain may be more Carnegie Mellon University, USA. He was with Al-
easily achieved. catel-Lucent from 2000 to 2008, working on 3G/4G
2) New network topology. High frequency key technologies. Since 2008, he has been with ZTE,
responsible for standards research on LTE-Advanced
wave is supposed to travel in short distance
physical layer, and 5G technologies recently. His
and more prone to building penetration loss. research interests include MIMO, iterative codes, re-
This good isolation property opens new op- source scheduling. He was admitted to Thousand Tal-
portunity for innovation topology for future ent Plan Program of China in 2010. He has extensive
publications, including a book on LTE-A relay, and a
networks, especially in dense deployment.
book on LTE-Advanced key technologies and system
performance. He has over 30 granted patents.
ZHU Longming, graduated from Nanjing University
in 1989. M.S. He joined ZTE Corporation in 1998, He
In this paper, services and application scenar-
is chief technology officer on standardization in ZTE
ios of 5G were described. For each typical Corporation and working on R&D for mobile tele-
scenario, we outline the key performance indi- communication system, advanced research and stan-
cators (KPIs), and the possible enabling tech- dardization for wireless broadband mobile. He is a
member of the expert group of National S&T Major
nologies. Then, several major technologies
Project 3, and working on writing project guide and
of 5G radio access networks were discussed: plan, reviewing project application and examining
massive MIMO, technologies specifically for project progress.

79 China Communications • November 2014

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