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A Survey on 5G Network Technologies from Social


Sukhdeep Singh, Navrati Saxena, Abhishek Roy & HanSeok Kim

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A Survey on 5G Network Technologies from Social Perspective

Sukhdeep Singha, Navrati Saxenaa, Abhishek Royb and HanSeok Kimb
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea; bNetwork Division, Samsung Electronics, Suwon, South Korea

The rapid advancement in communication technological innovations results in proliferation of 5G; IoV; IoT; mobile cloud
heterogeneous smart devices in the network. The inter-communication of these devices is usually computing; smart grids; big
related to their social behaviour and relationships. Furthermore, upcoming 5G network promises to data; D2D communications;
bind all the network technologies like Internet of Vehicles (IoV), Internet of Things (IoT), Mobile socio-5G network
Cloud Computing (MCC), Smart Grids (SG), Big Data, and Device-to-Device (D2D) communications in
a common network. To achieve this unified goal, one promising possibility is to exploit social
properties of various smart devices used by these technologies. Exploitation of social aspect can
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dispense optimized networking while avoiding problems like, network congestion, resource
allocations, and the like. It also leads to convergence of upcoming 5G network technologies and
human society giving rise to a new paradigm known as “socio-5G network technologies”. The state-
of-the-art research on socio-5G network technologies is reviewed with the focus on six important
technologies that 5G promises to support in one integrated network: IoV, IoT, MCC, SG, Big Data,
and D2D communications. We also discuss the open issues related to combining social aspect with
above-mentioned technologies.

1. Introduction communication applications and technologies, and (3)

social network theory (or sociology). First, the smart devi-
Network society witnessed prominent development in
ces these days are growing exponentially in the network
mobile wireless communications and related network
equipped with high computational speeds, large storage
technologies. Diverse smart devices joined the develop-
and diverse short and long distance communication inter-
ment with anomalous speed. This enriched the network
faces. Second, with advent of 5G, many aforesaid network
with vast number of applications like interconnection of
applications and technologies are expected to connect
household gadgets, smart electricity production, inter-
simultaneously. Third, the smart devices and humans
vehicular communication, data storage on cloud, and the
operating them have dependencies and close relationship
like. Therefore, services and applications are migrating
with each other depending on their social behaviour and
into these smart devices. Moreover, ubiquitous nature of
properties. Considering an example where there are four
the network and emerging 5G aims to bind all the net-
people inside the same house with their own respective
work technologies inside one network. This encourages
gadgets. These gadgets might have common operational
more and more smart devices to join the network daily.
properties depending on the social relationship of four
This might lead to massive communication overload and
people. Exploiting social behaviour of these devices in the
negative impact on Quality of Service (QoS). With the
same house can lead to optimized communication, thus
escalation of network load, network applications and
reducing collision probability and resource allocation
diverse network technologies, it becomes essential to uti-
lize resources of network and smart devices intelligently.
Recently, academia and industry have come together to
Recently, researchers are exploring sociology and many
resolve this issue from social perspective. Sociology is
network technologies in parallel, to make 5G a socio-
combined with various network technologies that 5G
future network. Authors through this article provide a
promises to support inside one network like Internet of
literature survey of such socio-5G network technologies
Vehicles (IoV), Internet of Things (IoT), Mobile Cloud
to minimize the problems related to emerging 5G net-
Computing (MCC), Smart Grids (SG), Big Data, Device-
works like resource allocation, collision, and large
to-Device (D2D) communications, etc.
amount of diverse smart devices support. Figure 1
depicts literature survey overview of 5G network tech-
The main motivation behind this is realized from the
nologies from social perspective.
dramatic development in (1) smart devices, (2)
© 2016 IETE
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Figure 1: Literature survey overview of future network (5G) technologies from social perspective.

The organization of the paper is as follows. Section 2 ren- connectivity amongst vehicles and road infrastructure,
ders the literature survey of 5G network technologies (3) effective content distribution, (4) heterogeneity, and
from social perspective. Various open issues related to (5) privacy. For e.g., Alam et al. in [5] present an early
inclusion of sociology in future network technologies are warning system for vehicle drivers using social status of
scrutinized in Section 3. Finally, Section 4 concludes the drivers. Social factor is used to overcome the limited con-
paper. nectivity problem in IoV. It helps in providing informa-
tion to the drivers about unexpected vehicle movement,
sudden break of the front vehicles, abnormal road condi-
2. 5G Network technologies from social tions, etc. It also enhances the synchronization and net-
perspective work scalability while reducing the data redundancy.
This section discusses the literature survey of emerging Table 1 dispenses the overview of IoV literature survey
5G network technologies from social perspective. These from social perspective.
network technologies include: (1) IoV, (2) IoT, (3) MCC,
(4) SG, (5) Big Data, and (6) D2D communications.
2.2. Social perspective of Internet of Things (IoT)
Future Internet aims to connect physical things in which
2.1. Social perspective of Internet of Vehicles (IoV)
single object will interact with diverse objects nearby
Combination of IoT and Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (which may be even more smart). Complexity of inter-
(VANETs) is known as IoV [1]. New research work is communication among objects and humans is expected
focused on exploring social factor in IoV. Integrating to increase [6]. Therefore, IoT needs to inculcate social
sociology and IoV makes vehicle capable of social rela- aspect to deal with the complexity and heterogeneity of
tionship establishment with each other in an autono- devices in the network. Sociology has the tendency to
mous way while considering owner’s constraints. These foster service discovery, resource visibility, service com-
relationships can be static (relationship between vehicles position, object assessment, etc. Social aspect promises to
from same auto company) or dynamic (relationships solve the main issues faced by IoT, i.e. (1) interoperabil-
developed through vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communi- ity and heterogeneity, (2) self operation, (3) security
cations) [1]. By social relationship establishment, and trustworthiness, (4) device discovery and interac-
vehicles form a friendship network to provide trustwor- tion, and (5) data management. This may enhance the
thy and useful information services to the vehicles [1]. It efficiency of future network management policy and
enhances common vehicular services such as road safety, resource selection based on sociology concept like cen-
traffic management, and the like. Integrating social trality and community [6]. For e.g., Zelenkauskaite et al.
aspect in IoV solves many issues faced by IoV like (1) in [15] identifies all the possibilities to connect the
limited connectivity amongst vehicles, (2) limited objects in IoT using dynamic social network and social

Table 1: IoV-social perspective literature survey

Ref. Literature survey

[1] Contribution: social n/w used to develop relationship for IoV and proposal of social IoV middleware.
 Every vehicle establishes relationship with each other.
 Vehicle to road side unit relationship manifested.
 Extends Intelligent Transportation Systems Station Architecture functionalities.
 Integrated VANETs in social IoT.
 Simulations to analyse IoV and social network structure.
[2] Contribution: friend recommendation function for finding social friend on reliable network and proposal of social aware rate control scheme
for vehicles.
 Travellers in vehicle share experience through social network.
 Develop verse to facilitate social communication on highways.
 Enables passenger to share contents like blogs or pictures.
 Efficient network bandwidth utilization.
 Adapt vehicle transmission rate according to social impact.
[3] Contribution: put forward connection time prediction block (used with long social interaction connection time) and privacy preserving mechanism.
 Proposed Social On Road (SOR).
 Social inter-communication between vehicles on highways.
 Users are unknown and connections are intermittent and dynamic.
 Possible social friends on highway exploited.
[4] Contribution: drive and share social network service architecture developed for offering relevant information to vehicles.
 Provide architectural solutions to mitigate the challenge of complete implementation of social vehicular network.
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 Explored vehicles with machine to machine and IP multimedia system capabilities.

[5] Contribution: new architecture for social IoV containing important components and related interrelations and interactions.
 Social IoV as use case of social IoT studied.
 Used IoV simulator with SUMO trace, OBD2, and Open Street Map.
 Various social IoV apps explored like early warning system, social web portal of intelligent vehicles, road side safety, etc.

relationship amongst devices. It allows decentralized 2.4. Social perspective of Smart Grids (SG)
resource management and solves the issue of poor
SG are deployed to elevate power generation and sustain-
resource availability in IoT. They propose to use the
able energy infrastructure support. Large amount of data is
above-mentioned possibilities during disaster to tackle
generated by smart meters in smart grids. It is challenging
device connectivity failure problem. Table 2 provides a
to handle this large amount of data and provide precise
brief literature survey of IoT from social perspective.
renewable energy predictions. Common data mining algo-
rithms cannot be used for high data amount. Social net-
2.3. Social perspective of Mobile Cloud Computing work relationships among smart meter can mitigate this
(MCC) problem. Each meter can be related to its neighbour to dig
the large amount of hidden information more precisely
MCC is the technology that combines wireless networks,
and accurately. Various learning techniques and prediction
mobile computing, and cloud computing to provide rich
models are being developed to understand the social rela-
computational resources to network operators, mobile
tionship among meters. Encapsulating social factors in SG
users, and cloud computing service providers [16]. Inte-
has the tendency to solve the problems of SG like (1) grid
gration of social networks and MCC attracts many
management, (2) precise energy consumption predictions,
researchers both from industry and academia. With
(3) security, and (4) demand response (DR) problems. For
social aspect coming into picture, a social user can dis-
e.g., Qiuyuan et al. in [27] present family power scheme to
pense computational resources to friends, companies,
optimize power consumption using social networks. They
and scientific communities with same social network,
managed to lower down the peak power and fuel cost using
relationships or ties [17]. On the other hand, it strength-
social network structure of energy consumed by the house-
ens MCC as cloud applications and resources can be
hold users. Table 4 furnishes a brief literature survey of SG
shared conveniently using social networks [17]. It also
from social perspective.
minimizes the problems associated with MCC like (1)
service availability of users, (2) effective resource utiliza-
tion, (3) fault tolerance, and (4) QoS. For e.g., Yu et al. in
2.5. Social perspective of Big Data
[34] proposed a cloud based travel recommendation sys-
tem using mobile social networks. Considering social Big Data accounts for huge volume of unstructured and
factors can provide optimal Point of Interest (PoI) to structured data that is not possible to process using tradi-
users during tours. Table 3 briefs the literature survey of tional database, mining techniques, or softwares. More-
MCC from social perspective. over, the data is becoming highly interconnected [30].

Table 2: IoT-social perspective literature survey

Ref. Literature survey

[6] Contribution: special architecture proposed to integrate IoT in social network.

 Social relationship development and management.
 Relationship between objects for navigating social network.
 Simulations analysed the characteristics of social IoT.
[7] Contribution: Solving Social IoT (SIoT) link selection problem through local link selection heuristics and local neighbour minimization for network having
too many hubs.
 Social network of objects analysed.
 Best n/w navigability in SIoT network through simulations.
 Dynamic adjustment of threshold of number of connections.
[8] Contribution: put forward cognitive SIoT model with better validity and adaptability.
 Analysis of social relations affected by social elements amongst mobile nodes.
 Quantification of social relations.
 Information entropy theory and rough sets introduced.
 Different attributes of mobile nodes calculated.
 Mining of variation regularities of social attributes.
 Different attribute weight computation dynamically.
[9] Contribution: development of “social network of intelligent objects” and SIoT architecture with social structure of objects.
 Object’s social relationships discovered.
 Network navigability in SIoT improved.
[10] Contribution: study of independent and controlled social network of objects along with web of things.
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 Web of things post info to social network reviewed.

 Social network of objects independent or controlled by humans.
 Management of complexity of trillions of connected objects.
 SIoT implementation limited and more application specific.
[11] Contribution: two trustworthy management models: subjective model and objective model.
 Objects establish social relationship autonomously with respect to owners.
 Social IoT member info processed based on object’s behaviour.
 Removed all malicious nodes from the network.
 Enhanced network scalability.
[12] Contribution: generic SIoT architecture proposed based on literature survey of history of IoT to SIoT.
 Explores social IoT to enable ubiquitous connection of people.
 Discussions about social IoT techniques, challenges, and open issues.
[13] Contribution: development of adaptive trust management protocol based on trust fluctuation vs. trust convergence trade-off for choosing best
trust partner.
 Adaptive trust management for social IoT.
 Dynamic social ties.
 Application performance maximized.
[14] Contribution: two aspects, i.e. unit IoT and ubiquitous IoT, of future IoT proposed.
 Unit IoT constructed from man like neural network.
 Ubiquitous IoT is multiple unit IoT integration with “ubiquitous” nature.
 Social organization framework model deployed.
[15] Contribution: introduction of IoT’s dynamic object interdependencies and properties for interlinking IoT and sociology.
 Focuses on complex and dynamic social network in terms of IoT.
 Benefits of sociology and IoT in disaster management IoT applications explored.

Massive growth in inter-connected data affects the tech- privacy and data integrity, (3) knowledge sharing, and
nique of processing and interpreting a new knowledge (4) handling online data. For e.g., Chunming and Iwane
from Big Data. On the other hand, these days, mobile in [32] put forward a healthcare system with the help of
network and web generates most of the data. One emerg- generic trust model used for Big Data analytics. It allows
ing challenge is to develop computing techniques that the similar disease patients to share their experience with
access, assemble, analyse, and act on such Big Data [31]. each other and share the precautions, medication, or
Social networks are expected to connect, workflows, data treatments. It enhances the user credibility and privacy
resources, web-based services, future network data, and of data. Table 5 demonstrates brief literature survey of
software components [31]. Hence, social networks play a Big Data from social perspective.
key role in optimizing Big Data analytics where con-
nected people yielding connected data streams are ana-
2.6. Social perspective of Device-to-Device (D2D)
lysed rather than individual analysis. This may save time,
remove redundancies, provides user privacy, assures data
credibility, thus providing smarter results in comparison D2D communication is expected to be one of the key
to traditional Big Data techniques. Inculcating social technologies supported by next generation networks.
aspect in Big Data helps to overcome main problems User equipment (UE) transmit data to other UEs over
associated with Big Data like (1) keyword prediction, (2) direct links by utilizing cellular resources under their

Table 3: MCC-social perspective literature survey

Ref. Literature survey

[17] Contribution: put forward idea of incorporating SNs in MCC by realizing importance of reputation, fractal, and topological in SNs and MCC.
 Explored user importance while integrating SNs and MCC.
 RFTRS scheme proposed and its need depicted through results.
 Analysis of storage and request importance in MCC for user importance.
[18] Contribution: usage of clustering algorithm for recognition of similar preference and similar behaviour users.
 Travel recommendation system on cloud basis with three stages.
 Blog collection from mobile SNs in pre-touring stage.
 TIM utilized for user performance.
 Clustering algorithms to track similar preference users as meta group for finding suitable PoIs to users.
 In-touring stage for utilizing behaviour inference model (BIM) for recognition of user behaviour patterns.
 Structured user interface by system after touring stage to enable users to share travel experience.
 Travel experience serves as IP data for next touring stage.
 Ability of ontology model expanded.
 Clustering algorithms verified and found fit for user personality.
[19] Contribution: analysis of emerging mobile, cloud, green, and social computing tech. empirical analysis.
 Applied in financial service industry.
 Analysis of emerging techniques, affecting the enterprise architecture and IT strategy of financial service industry.
[20] Contribution: put forward social data forwarding techniques to enhance MCC’s service availability for ad hoc network.
 Users in MCC treated as entity nodes with social features.
 Different communities made based on user groups formed.
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 Mobile users attach to neighbouring users to connect to cloud.

 Availability of service improved.
 Efficiency of data forwarding enhanced.
[21] Contribution: introduces portable, generic, agile resource, and cloud computing rich, mobile social TV structure: CloudMoV.
 PaaS cloud and IaaS cloud used.
 Efficient transcoding service for various network conditions.
 Co-viewing experience support achieved.
 Energy efficient burst transmission mechanism for enhancing user device’s battery lifetime.
 CloudMoV executed on Google app engine and Amazon EC2.
 High scalability, transcoding efficiency, timely social interaction, and power saving performance of CloudMoV.
[22] Contribution: social-aware prefetching and cloud-assisted adaptive mobile video streaming technique for efficient storage of videos in cloud.
 Video streaming with no buffers by prefetching background data on the basis of mobile user interaction in SNs.
 Proposed technique enhanced scalability and adaptability of mobile video streaming.
 Prefetching intelligence improved.

Table 4: SG-social perspective literature survey

Ref. Literature survey

[23] Contribution: enhancement of power performance and scheduling by prediction of renewable energy generation with social network’s help.
 Machine learning and social network used for prediction.
 SVM tool is used with radial basis function (RBF) kernel.
[24] Contribution: mathematical analysis applied to produce the condition leading to adoption of SG at large scale where social network helped to
improve pricing and knowledge.
 Highly modular SG model adopted based on social network.
[25] Contribution: proposed an architecture that helps individuals to form community for selling and purchasing energy in SG considering social
web technologies.
 State-of-the-art analysis of energy efficiency (EE) of DR.
 Technique for EE in DR system on two arch components.
 Two-way communication framework using IoT principles.
 In energy domain, linked-data service enabled by the use of social network.
 Internet of smart meters and its interoperability.
 Hybrid ontologies used to map incentives.
[26] Contribution: smart metering DR diffusion model via social network.
 User level characteristics incorporated like personality, knowledge, willingness, etc.
 Model tested in basic conditions: high willingness, high user conscientiousness, and fully connected network.
 Results show the adoption of DR on a larger scale.
 High adoption rates and high extraversions among users.
[27] Contribution: linear time complexity clustering algorithm proposed and user energy expenditure pattern heterogeneity and sub-optimal load
scheduling algorithm exploited for each group to reduce Peak power to Average power Ratio (PAR).
 Family plan scheme to cut peak power expenditure.
 Strengthens social network structure between heterogeneous energy expenditure patterns of household and the users.
 Load among consumers scheduled for service areas in same utility firm.
 Proposed technique reduces peak power.
 Fuel cost and payment for power generation curtailed.
[28] Contribution: survey addressing social aspect of SG and importance of social aspect making SG renewable.
 Social factor optimizes natural resources exploitation.
 Consumer becomes electricity co-producers and self-sufficient.
[29] Contribution: service oriented computing and social network models merged with SG.
 Consumers allowed to form communities based on energy consumption behaviour.
 Energy saving alliances set up on private basis.
 Precise energy demand prediction for energy producers.
 Substantial energy savings.

Table 5: Big Data-social perspective literature survey

Ref. Literature survey

[31] Contribution: put forward the idea of combining social network paradigms with Big Data to solve the challenges and complexity arising from Big Data.
 Big Data originates from vast domains.
 Complexity of knowledge extraction increased.
 Personal ad hoc clouds containing individuals in social network used to address Big Data challenges.
[32] Contribution: proposed social network model to mitigate challenges like user privacy and data credibility assurance in Big Data.
 Social network treated as a valuable resource for Big Data.
 Practical execution of design and mechanism model.
 Healthcare social network application related to model discussed.
[33] Contribution: Knowledge discovery for (1) massive data generated at large scale, pace, and diversity, and (2) complex social network connecting creators
of data.
[34] Contribution: social graph, social search engine, data integration, resource discovery, and ranking technology approach analysis to define key
required for utilizing social graphs for modelling and discovery of interconnected nodes in Big Data and IoT.

serving eNodeB. There are several problems associated level interference, device level behaviour, channel condi-
with D2D communications like resource allocation, tions, and network level loading [35]. These communica-
interference management, mode selection, peer discov- tion devices owned by human beings form social
Downloaded by [Deakin University Library] at 08:23 16 March 2016

ery, and the like. These problems are linked with cell networks that manifest social phenomena and structures.

Table 6: D2D communication-social perspective literature survey

Ref. Literature survey

[35] Contribution: proposed social aware D2D communication architecture.

 Optimized cellular design through social network properties.
 Social ties, community, and centrality explored.
 Better system throughput and transmission rate.
 Efficient peer discovery.
[36] Contribution: introduced resource allocation (RA) for D2D comm. based on social relationship model. Two-step coalitional game proposed using
uplink channels.
 Formed efficient coalition for cooperation among community
 RA optimized for same coalition D2D pairs.
 Simulations for real human trace and random network.
 Enhanced payoff for some communities.
 93.54% performance gain in case of community cooperation.
 Using optimal solution, 80% system utility obtained.
[37] Contribution: introduced social reciprocity and trust used for cooperative D2D communications. Physical-social graphs explored for effective
cooperation among devices using social relationships. Put forward coalitional game-theoretic technique for efficient D2D cooperative comm.
 Network-assisted relay selection mechanism introduced.
 Coalitional game solution implemented.
 Group deviation does not affect devised mechanism.
 Devised mechanism is computationally efficient and rational.
 Performance evaluated using real data-trace-based and Erdos Renyi social graphs.
 Proposed technique shows 122% performance gain.
[38] Contribution: put forward the idea of location aware social video sharing over future cellular networks.
 Location-based social video sharing using D2D communications.
 Sharing directly amongst devices thus bypassing the backhaul network elements.
 Social video re-buffering events decreased to as low as six using D2D links
 Social video re-buffering time decreased to lower than 10 seconds using D2D links
 Using D2D links jitter decreased to 8 ms.
[39] Contribution: novel scheme for enhancing performance of D2D communication by exploiting social influence and ties among individuals.
 OnSN introduced for OffSN user’s online activity analysis.
 Online content selection using Indian buffet process to model influence factor among users.
 Each content request probability discovered.
 Simulations carried out using real traces.
 User parameters and network variety declares overall performance.
 Simulation results show the enhancement of system data rate.
[40] Contribution: formulation of two optimization problems: (1) sociality aware and (2) sociality blind for RA in D2D communications for modelling of
sociality in D2D communication.
 Contact time obtained as characteristic of link strength.
 Contact time is applied to resource allocation.
 Network throughput and resource utilization maximized.
 Sociality model yields contact time, which is applied as constraint for binding each D2D link’s transmission time.
 Results show that RA and network performance is affected by social and physical property.
 Using contact time information, sociality-aware scheme performs better than sociality-blind in terms of network throughput
[41] Contribution: introduced social-aware approach for optimizing D2D communications by exploiting two layers: social and physical wireless network.
 Formulated D2D network’s physical layer on the basis of user encounter history.
 Modelled content distribution in online social network using Indian-Buffet process.
 Optimized D2D communication traffic offload process.
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Figure 2: Hierarchy of gains and applications related to social perspective of 5G network technologies.

We can use the social behaviours to mitigate the aforesaid of social infrastructure connection in order to dis-
problems faced by D2D communication, thus enhancing pense high quality and economic services is
system performance. Social perspective has an ability to another challenge in this area [3]. While uploading
empower D2D communications to optimize (1) resource social information of vehicles or infrastructure, a
management, (2) traffic/data offloading, (3) data distribu- user may upload harmful or fake content. Identify-
tion amongst devices, and (4) QoS. For e.g., Wang et al. ing these attacks is another crucial open issue.
in [40] present optimization of D2D communications (2) IoT and social network: heterogeneity in IoT devices
using sociality model to enhance network throughput and as well as diverse relationships along with the data of
resource utilization. Table 6 manifests literature survey of social networks lead to some open challenges like
D2D communications from social perspective. Figure 2 data and service management, interoperability,
summarizes the hierarchy of gains and applications device discovery, energy management, privacy and
related to social perspective of 5G network technologies security, application development, fault tolerance,
according to literature survey. context and semantic management, and the like
[12]. Authors feel that new designs should be built
that intelligently infuses the existing individual tech-
3. Looking forward
niques of IoT and social networks (SNs).
Empowering future network technologies with social (3) MCC and social networks: in MCC, every individ-
network gives rise to many challenges and open issues. ual owns their respective computing resources.
This section discusses all such open issues and chal- These resources can be shared to get access to other
lenges. Figure 3 depicts the open issues related to social resources by social network, which are difficult to
aspects of 5G network technologies. access directly. This gives rise to the problems like
(1) IoV and social network: users in IoV may belong to QoS guarantees and reliability. We think that social
diverse social groups as they may utilize diverse networks should be leveraged to upgrade user’s
services. In this context, we feel, scheduling of reputation and provide reliable resources. Band-
vehicle’s wireless medium access to attain optimal width optimization and effective resource utiliza-
quality is an open issue [3]. Exploration of inter- tion are some of the other noteworthy challenges
vehicular communication along with the utilization in combining MCC and social networks.
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Figure 3: Open issues of 5G network technologies from social perspective.

According to the authors, network coding techni- 4. Conclusion

ques can effectively mitigate this challenge.
This paper provides a cursory overview of various
(4) SG and social networks: Authors feel that applica-
research works done in the six key 5G network technolo-
tion of machine learning and social network to
gies from the social perspective. These future network
smart meters in SG network can enhance the pre-
(5G) technologies include IoT, IoV, SG, D2D communi-
diction accuracy. It can also enhance power man-
cations, Big Data, and MCC. Based on literature survey,
agement of SG. Dynamic social network model
we point out the open problems for future research.
should be used with real empirical data to improve
the efficiency of SG [23,24,26].
(5) Big Data and social networks: vocabulary of social
network varies from network to network which is
an open issue in combining social network and This research was supported by Basic Science Research Pro-
data analytics. We think that cross-domain analyt- gram through the National Research Foundation of Korea
ics should be implemented to mitigate the above- (NRF) funded by the ministry of Education [grant number
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Sukhdeep Singh completed his degree in Abhishek Roy is currently working in the
Bachelors of Technology and Masters of System Design Lab of Networks Systems
Technology from GyanVihar University, Division, Samsung Electronics in South
Jaipur, India. Currently, he is a PhD Korea. He received his PhD degree in
research scholar in ECE Department of 2010 from Sungkyunkwan University in
the College of Information and Commu- the College of Information and Commu-
nication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan nication Engineering, MS degree in 2002
University, South Korea. His research from the University of Texas at Arling-
interests are mobile video streaming in ton, USA, and BE degree in 2000 from
social networks, cloud computing, and green networking. He Jadavpur University, India. His research interests include dif-
has five international conferences and two journal ferent mobility and resource management aspects of 4G wire-
publications. less systems. He served as the lead guest editor of Springer
EURASIP Journal of Wireless Communications and Networking
E-mail: and in the technical program committee of many international
conferences. He has co-authored one book (published by Tay-
Navrati Saxena is an associate professor lor and Francis, USA) and published more than 20 interna-
in the Electrical Engineering Department, tional journals and more than 20 international conferences.
Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea.
She worked as an assistant professor in E-mail:
Amity University, India, and as a visiting
researcher in the Computer Science and HanSeok Kim received his BS and MS
Engineering Department of the Univer- degrees in electronics engineering at
sity of Texas at Arlington. She completed Seoul National University, Korea, in
her PhD degree from the Department of 1990 and 1992, respectively, and received
Information and Telecommunication, University of Trento, his PhD degree in electrical and com-
Italy. Her prime research interests involve 3G/4G/5G wireless puter engineering at Purdue University,
and ubiquitous/smart environments. She is serving as the guest USA, in 2003. He worked for LG Elec-
editor of Springer EURASIP Journal of Wireless Communica- tronics developing office automation
tions and Networking and in the technical program committee products from 1992 to 1997. In 2003, he
of many international conferences. She has co-authored one joined Samsung Electronics, HQ and has been developing cel-
book (published by Taylor and Francis, USA) and published lular network systems. Currently, he is the vice president at
more than 20 international journals and more than 20 interna- Samsung Electronics, HQ, Suwon, South Korea. His research
tional conferences. interests include traffic modelling, flow control, resource man-
agement, and performance analysis in wireless networks.

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