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Journal of Apelied Sciences 8 (13) 2369-2377, 2008 ISSt 1812-5654 (© 2008 Asian Network for Scientific Information Modeling, Dynamic Analysis and Optimization of Budsan Truck Engine Mount Seyed Ahmad Mireei, Seyed Sucid Moblasebi, Mahmoud Omid and Reza Alimardani Department of Agricultural Machinery Enginesing, University of Tehran, raj, Iran ‘Abstract: This research presmis dynanic and vibrating analyss of Budeas tuck engine moont Rast the system equstions are presented and solved by MATLAB. After that the dynamic forces ecerted on the system ace cbtained ancl used far the harmonie analysis Then the FEM results are compared with analytical model results to verify analysicd moda, Finally, the optimum atffuese a wall az the dazping of the eystan are presented and disesssedto reduce the system vibration and avoid the resonance phenom en, The results shovr that an increase ia the stiffoess of the systeun from 2343 to SH00 kN weald seduce the cisplacement from 7 te 3.5 mm and an increase of the sliffuess to 5500 AT and a hystessic from 0.285 to 0.5 could redace the sisplacement from 7t0 2 mm. ‘Key words: Budsan ruck, engine mount, vibration analysis, dynanie analysis, natural frequencies INTRODUCTION ‘The major Fianetione of the engine mounting system we to suppatt the weight of the engine and to isolate the unbalanced engine disturbance foroe from the vehicle structure, For an internal combustion engine, there exist two basic dynamic dienebances: (a) the Bring pales de to the explosion of the fuel im the eplinder and () the inertia force and torque caused by the rotating and reciprocaing pats (piston, connecting red and crank), The firing pulses will cause atorque to act on the engine block about an ais parallel tothe crank, The directions of the ineria forces are bath parallel to the piston ais and petpendicalar to the crank: ond pistom ares. For a mnlti- cylinder engine, the components of the engine unbalanced dimsrbance depend on the aumber and asrongement of the cylinders in the engine. These engine istubsnces will exate the engine six Degree of Freedom DOF) vibration modes a shovm an Rg 1 (faetat., 2000) Tn eeder to obtain a low transmissibility, the natural Grequency of the mounting syssan in a certain dreviion oust be below the engine disturbance frequency of the engine idle speed to avcid excitaon of mounting system, resonance during conmal dkiving conditions. This means that she engine mount stiffness coefficient shonld be as low ae posable to obtain a low wanemisstbelity, If the elastic siffnese of the engine moun ie too low, then the transient response (of the eagune mount system) can be protlemalic for the shock exesation. Shock excitation ‘wouldbe arecult of sudden acceleration and deceleration, Fig. 1 Engine sit DOF modes braking and riding on uneven roads, So from this point of view, high stifiese and hich danping are required 10 minimize the engine motion and absorb engine shake and From the above disouscicn, it can be easly inferred that to isolate the engine vibration in a relatively high Frequency range, the engine mounts are required to be soft-low slastic stiffness and low damping end to prevent ceagine bounce in tic low frequency range, engine mounts should be hard-bigh elastic stiffness and ugh damping (Tueral., 2000) Elsstemenic (or mbber) mounts have been widely used to isolwe vebicle strucrwre from engine vsteanon since the 1930 Browne and Tayler, 1939), Since then, Corresponding Author: ‘Sayed Siad Mchtaseh, Department of Agata Machinery Engineering, Faculty of Biosystems Ensincering, Usivorsty of Tehran, P.O. Box 4111, Postal Code 31587-1167, arg, (ran Tel 0098912-1060502 Fax’ 0098261-2501011 2369 J. Applied Sei, 8 (13): 2369-2377, 2008 rnuch significant advancement, were made to improve the performance of the elastomeric mounts (Browne and ‘Taylor, 1939, Bucksbee, 1987). Flastomeric mounts can be designed for the necessary elastic stiffness rate characteristics in alll dzections for proper vibration isolation. They are compact, conteffective and maintenance free. The elastomeric mount can be merleled by Voigt model which consists of a spring and a viscous damper (Swanson, 1992) ‘The objective of the engine mount optimization should be clear in advance of realizing any optimization procedure. Different objectives of optimization have been ‘considered in the literatures, One objective of optimization is to tune the natural frequeney of the engine mounting aystem to some desired range to avoid resonanee and to improve the isolation of vibration ane noise and shock excitations (Arai ef al, 1993; Jonson and Subbedar, 1979), Johnson and Subhedar (1979) proposed a design objective, which tunes all of the system natural frequencies to 616 Hz and decouples each mode of vibration through dynamic analysis and optimization, Geck and Patton (1984) proposed a lower roll natural frequeney for the consideration of torque isolation and a relatively higher vertical natural frequency for the consideration of avoiding shock excitation, This is hhecause the requirements for shock prevention and vibration isolation ate conflicting ones. Hence, the selection of natural frequeney for a mounting system is only a compromise for the linear elastomeric mounts Bernard and Starkey (1983) attempted to move the system. natural frequency away from an undesired frequency range to reduce the large transferred forces, Swanson et af, (1993) showed that the transmitted force could be directly minimized in order to determine a truly optimal design of the mounts. Ashrafiuon (1993) also used these eriteria to minimize the dynamic force transmitted from the engine to the body. ‘The aim of this research is to present analytical as \wellas finite element model of Budsen truck engine mount system and verify the analytical model to achieve the best sliffiness and hystersis damping and reduce the system vibration, MODELING OF ENGINE MOUNT SYSTEM For the modeling of engine mount system, the engine is connected to the rigid base structure by rubber mounts and is modeled as a siX-DOF rigid body fiee to translate long and rotate about the three independent Cartesian axes. The center of this coordinate system is located at the center of gravity of the engine and gearbox. The rubber mounts are modeled as springs with the stiffness Fig. 2: Configuration of an engine with four mounts coefficient and a corresponding hystersis damping value in each of three principal directions. Figure 2 shows the configuration of a typical engine-mount system, Using the assumptions above and the Newton’s second law, the ‘equation of the motion of system may be written as: MO +CU +RU =f" a where, U, U and U- are the 6:1 displacement, velocity and acceleration vectors, respectively: M is simply the 66 engine’s rigid mass matrix, Kis the system’s 6-6 complex. stiffness matrix; and C is the 6%6 viscous damping matrix which is present only when dampers are also installed between the engine and its base, The right hhand side of Eq. 1 represents a 61 vector of harmonic foroes and their resulting moments where w is the forcing frequency, These forces are normally due to the rotating unbalanee The majority of mounts used in engine mounting applications are a rubber bonded to metal or elastomeric construction, Elastomeric materials behave clastically and for this reason, a complex spring stiftness is used to model the dynamic behavior of the mount; as: Rake jk KUL in) Q Where K',K" = Resistive and dissipative spring rates Lows factor Another interesting characteristic of elastomeric ‘mounts is that they generally postess a higher dynamic 2370 J.Applied Se, 8 (13): stiffness than static stiffness, To account for this, a cdynamio-to-statie spring ratio equal to KK” is defined. A. mount comtructed from a purely elastie material will have ‘loss fnctor of zero and a dynamie-to static spring ratio of cunt. ‘Based on Eq. 2, the stiffness matrix of an elastic or visco-elastic mounting in its local coordinate system can be written as Ke ° ° 0 Ky ik; ° ° 0 Rye 8 In this study, in spite ofthe existence of dampers in the Eq. 1, they don’t aecount for the analytic modeling, because the damping is exerted in complex term of stifliness (Ashrafiuon and Nataraj, 1992). Therefore Eq, 1 can be rewritten as: Mi+0c-ik U1 “ ‘The mass matrix Mis shown: moo 000 omoooe oomooe 5) Mlo 0 0 Ty 0 0 . cone, ooo om Here, isthe mass of engine and gearbox and I, is tensor clements of inertia, DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF ENGINE MOUNT Vibvation is a characteristic of all machinery such as IC engines which have rotating and reciprocating components, It is brought by gas or inertia forees causing, stretch in elastic materials, tus energy stored in the elastic deformation: strain energy. The dissipation ofthis energy and the return to equilibrium is the source of vibeation. The way its stored and/or rehum to equilibrium, is dependent on the characteristics of the engine mount system, Calculation of the harmonic forces on the eylinder block. Gas pressure forces: The gas pressure forees exerted om the piston area are replaced with one force acting along, the eylinder axis and applied tothe piston pin axis in order to make the dynamie analysis easier, It is determined for cach angle of crank rotation @ The piston pressure force 2371 2369-2377, 2008 MPa ia Fig. 3. Combustion pulse in a four-eylinder engine POA, © where, F, ib piston pressure force (MN), A, is piston aroa(m), pana p, are gas pessure at any moment of time and atmespheric pressive (MPa), respectively (Kolehin and Demidov, 1980). ‘The gas pressure due to the fuel combustion is in svch a way that itis maximized in top dead center of cylinder and decreases by moving the piston doveevvard In this study, gos pressure curve is assumed to be a saw- tooth, This form can simulate the actual curve of pressure with respect to the crank shaft angle. The combustion pulse ina four-eylinder engine is shown in Fig, 3. In Fig, 3, the function p,(@) ean be written as o Pak : =F) oc9st P@= PE -9) 0sest ‘where, py i the maxinmam mean effective pressure in the combustion chamber, Because this function is a periodic function with the period of it can be represented by ‘expansion of this funetion by writing its FS as: D yaPe ser) @) », nee Patani ang: Lent ap Petsintg + snsps Fsinl29+) Ina four-cylinder engine the primary forces and ‘moments are balanced whereas the secandary ones are imbalanced Thus the inertia foree for a four-cylinder engine is 2 =m Ralheos2y CO) where, m, is system of concentrated masses at piston pin (kg), Ris crank radius (m}, o is angular velocity (rad sec), 1 is crank radius to connecting rod length ratio and @ is crank angle. The mass m, in Eq. 9 is obtained from m,= m,4m,, where, m, is piston mass and J. Applied Sei, 8 (13): 2369-2377, 2008 ‘Table: Phaser 11-7 pepe of an uci Table 2: Mass and mast of nets of engite and gabon fir Pekin ine phe 135) Presser Value (g) Porter ae Mase afpisoa 12880 Comectnaedimgii 21911 mm (ceterty caster te) Maseofcompress 288 Neminalptoncroee 7636s? ego. sectional en Mavsofcanpress 19.7. Reds of ck 560m ring No.2 Mas of il ing 213 Maximum ofmen 402M Aleve presare Mass ocomesingrod 20800 Ma afpisiapin S760 Mase ofeomectigrod 4260 he m,,= 0275 m, ia most existing automobile engines, where, rm, is crankshaft mass. ‘The total foroes acting in a crank mechanism are determined algebraically by adding up the gas pressure forces tothe forces of reciprocating masses. According to the properties of erank mechanism of Perkins engine, pphaser 1397}, which is showin in Table 1 (Mizeei, 2004) and Eq, 8 and 9, the total force om erank mechanism ean be writen as P= PAP, = FytF eos t+F,sino,t+Fsino,tt Fsina th ao) Where F, = 53528 N, F, = -0.1845 w'N, F, = 34094 N, F, =17047N,F,=11365N, 0,= 20,0,=40, @,=80, 20 Modal analysis of Budsan truck engine mount: Generally, for determination of natural frequencies in the modal analysis, the equation of motion of the aystem should be solved under homogenous condition, ie. the solving Eq, 1 with f= 0. To find the natural frequencies of the Budsan track engine mount, frst, the mass and stiffness matrices should be determined using Eq, 3 and 5 and then the Bq, 1 must be solved. Table 2 shows the mass and moment of inertia of engine and gearbox for phaser 135Ti engine (Anonymous, 1995). ‘Using Table 2, mass matrix of equation of motion may. be written as: 0 0 6 9 Oo oro 6 0 0 0 7 6 0 0 ay 0 0 wr 0 0 0 0 6 mM 0 0 0 6 0 86 ‘Wahes of eng and Ta orks ‘Mas memento boat act "9 Thame ineniaofengine mdgenbox seat y mis ss0nkgnr bout 2 wie 27kg “Table 3: tte ioe vas in tee pig cee SuucsiTbes n-) — Roweygiemeu Rar agnemant retin 300 005 1661.6 9 dietie opie Test 40 rei ss ‘To find the stiffness matrix, static stiffness at engine and gearbox loading is determined. Although dynamic to static stiffness ratio may be achieved from manufacturing fof engine mounts that i equal to 1.2. Statie stfiness values of rear anc front engine mounts in three prineipal axes are shown in Table 3. As mentioned, dissipative of hystersis coefficient of engine mounts must be comsidered in Eq, 2 to ealeulate the complex stiffness, ‘This value actually isthe difference between loading and unloading curves and is 0.335 for front and 0.242 for rear engine mounts Dynamic stiffness of engine mounts in each direction can be determined by multiplying the statie stiffness by the dynamic to static stiflaess ratio. ‘The total dynamic stiffinesses in three principal directions. R, =4707 9107+ 0.2565) aay 895.741 0.266) aay R,-2983,10 ds 0288) ay Using the directional stiffness, geometrie properties of engine and gearbox and moment about each axis, we can write the rotational stiffness about three principal axes, ‘The rotational stiffness about x, y and z R= 2602.10 +0277 as) 39037104 0296), 16) 36.418 104+ D381) ay ‘Therefore F i 2372 J. Applied Sei, 8 (13): 2369-2377, 2008 707 90+ 0286) ° ° “ o 6 © sa3s4d+0268) 0 o ° ° pie o ° 291301 0285)) o ° ° as ° ° © 268.on-+02779 ° ° ° ° ° 0 so0sa+o2se) 0 ° ° ° “ 0 66st+0281, Using MATLAB software Ver, 65 and writing the mass and stifliess matrices we can get the natural frequencies ofthe system, Harmonic analysis of Budsan truck engine mount system: Generally, the displacement of the system can be found by using the mass, damping ancl stiffness matrices, Hence, for the system with complex. stiness, this dlisplacement ean be written by solving the Bq, 4 as: u=[K(+in-e]'t ay where, U is displacement vector, fis disturbance force veetor and K =X'(+in) (Eq, 2) is complex stiffness matrix. We use the MATLAB software to determine the system response to the frequeney changes from 0 to 200 Hz. Harmonie analysis of the system using finite element method: In this study, the engine and gearbox is modeled by MPC184 element whieh is @ rigid element in ANSY’ software, This element is placed between center of gravity of engine and gearbox and engine mount locations and between engine mounts too. Engine mounts is simulated by Voigt model using spring and damper elemeass, The spring and damper elements that is used here, is called COMBINIM element in ANSYS software. The stiffness and damping Values are obcained from Budsan engine mount manufacturer, Mast21 element in ANSYS is used to model the mass of the system, Finite element moclel of Budsan engine mount system is shown in Fig, 4 Since the total forces on the crank mechanism of engine is a force in y direction, the spring and damper clements are inthe y direction, COMBIN14 element is an clement with two nodes which define the direction of spring and damper in the model, This element is shown in Fig. 5. ‘To apply the boundary conditions to the model, the end of spring and damper elements assumed to be fixed (because of rigid chassis assumption) and the connection nodes between spring and damper elements and rigid clements are constrained tothe y displacement ‘A program is writen in ANSYS in such a way thatthe amplitude of harmonic force is F=F,sinet requested from user and then itis applied to the center of mass (Fig. 6). Fig, 4: Finite element model of Budsan engine mount system in ANSYS x' Fig, 5: COMBIN14 element (Anonymous, 2003) n ANSYS. met ‘na 22 2005 a e639 Fig, 6 Applying the boundary conditions and harmonic force 2373 J. Applied Sei, 8 (13 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Dynamic forces on a crank mechanism: Since the ‘minimum and maximum of engine speed in this study are 750 and 2600 rpm, respectively, the harmonic frequency range is 125 to 43 Hz Figure 7 shows the harmonic force ‘versus the erank angle at four frequencies 12, 24, 36 and 48H [As-can be seen from Fig, 7, because of increasing the CeCe Hoon esueey 1) Fig, 11; Optimized engine mount system, a stifiess $500 [EN and hystersis 0.285 and by) stiffness 5500 KN and hystersis 05 Shoureshi et al, 1986). Thus to design optimization of a system it is necessary to note: (1) Natural frequency in direction of applied force and (2) Harmonic frequency range. Aceording the modal analysis results, natural frequeney of the system in 2 direction is 59 Hz, Since the engine speed is between 750 to 2600 xpm (125 to 43 H2) and inertia force is FF, cos2ut thus harmonie frequency range is between 25 to 85 Hz and resonance frequency is: 29.54 He 20) Asshown in Fig. 11a, by increasing the stiffness from 2943 to 5500 KN, the natural frequency increases from 59 to 90 Hz and the total displacement reduces from 7 to 3.5 mm. The shaded area indicates the working mage of engine, The comparison between Fig. 9 and 11a illustrate that by increasing the stiffness from 2943 to $500 kN, maximum displacement decreases from 7 10 3.5 mm. However, by increasing the hystersis damping in z direction from 0.285 to 0.5 and stiffness to $500 KN, the ‘Tuble:Conpaion been taht and mune eas Sytem Sete Sytem responcto j reponsetog,—reaponsete ——__Amiic Numer Amabtis Music Amiic Numi Dimeenee 221098 as OT un total displacement eauld be reduced from 3.5 to 2 mm as shown in Fig. 11b. Thus, despite of limitations and trial and error methed we can conclude that the optimized stiffness and hystersis damping for the Budsan engine ‘mount system are 5500 and (15 KN, respectively, With these values, the total displacement could be reduced fom 7 to 2mm. CONCLUSION It is concluded that analytical engine mount model ‘based on complex stiffness and zero linear damping bas a ‘good fitness in results by finite element model based on spring and damper model. 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