PA Letter To VP Pence

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January 5, 2021

The Honorable Mike Pence

Vice President of the United States
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20501

Re: Reclamation of Electoral College Electors from Pennsylvania

Dear Sir:

This letter is written to you by the elected members of the Senate and House of
Representatives of Pennsylvania, notifying you that we hereby nullify the Certificate of
Ascertainment of Presidential Electoral issued by the Governor of our state. Further, we stay any
designation of Presidential Electors from our state until such time as a comprehensive forensic
audit of the November 3, 2020 election has taken place to determine the actual winner. At the
end of that audit, we will exercise our constitutional authority to “appoint” electors consistent
with the actual winner of the election.

We take this action pursuant to a direct grant of authority to our state legislature under
Article II, Section 1, clause 2 of the United States Constitution which grants plenary power to the
legislatures of the several States to determine the “Manner” in which Presidential Electors are
appointed. The U.S. Constitution vests no authority whatsoever in the Governor or any other
state official to appoint electors.

Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State, Kathy Boockvar, unilaterally abrogated signature

verification requirements for absentee or mail-in ballots in violation of 25 P A. STAT. §§
3146.2(d) & 3150.12(c) and 25 PA. STAT. 350(a.3)(1)-(2) and § 3146.8(g)(3)-(7). Secretary
Boockvar also violated 25 PA. STAT. § 3146.8(a),(b), (g) for the opening, counting, and recording
of absentee and mail-in ballots by urging local election officials to illegally open mail-in ballots
prior to election day as set forth in those statutes to allow various persons—including political
parties—to contact voters to “cure” defective mail-in ballots. In addition, non-legislative
government officials violated 25 PA. STAT. §§ 3146.6(c), 3150.16(c) and 2019 Pa. Legis. Serv.
Act 2019-77, that, inter alia, set a deadline of 8:00 p.m. on election day for a county board of
elections to receive mail-in ballots, and unlawfully extended that deadline to three days after
Election Day, and further adopted a presumption that even non-postmarked ballots were
presumptively timely.
In addition, to these clear arrogations of Pennsylvania election laws in violation of the
United States Constitution, there is strong evidence of election outcome changing illegal or
fraudulent votes that cannot be ignored. For example:
• There is an unexplained 400,000 ballot discrepancy between the number of mail-in
ballots Pennsylvania sent out as reported on November 2, 2020 on the SURE system (2.7
million) versus the figure reported on November 4, 2020 (3.1 million).

• There are 118,426 mail-in ballots that had no mail date, were nonsensically returned
before the mailed date, or were improbably returned one day after the mail date.

• There are as 205,122 more votes than voters recorded in Pennsylvania. Even if this
number is off by fifty percent due to any purported delay in updates provided by counties,
that number would still far exceed the margin of 81,587 votes separating President Trump
and former Vice President Biden.

As members of the state legislature of Pennsylvania, we make the following findings.

We find that the laws enacted by our state legislature which should have governed the election of
Presidential Electors were not followed. We find that this abrogation of the laws of
Pennsylvania has led to greatly increased opportunities for massive voter fraud and election
fraud. We find that even in the short time since the election, the evidence that has been adduced
is clear and convincing that the number of votes that were fraudulently counted in favor of the
Biden-Harris slate far exceeds the reported vote differential between the Biden-Harris slate and
the Trump-Pence slate. Accordingly, we find that the Governor’s Certificate of Ascertainment
purports to certify the results of an unconstitutional and fraudulent election of Presidential
Electors, and therefore is null and void.

Although we would have preferred to make these findings as a body assembled, in this
day of COVID-19 restrictions and breaking new developments on a daily basis, that became
impossible. This requires us to make our decision through this letter.

If the joint session of Congress scheduled for January 6, 2021 proceeds to count electors
from some states, we hereby exercise our constitutional authority to direct you to not count any
Presidential Electors from our state. However, it is our fervent request, that the date of this joint
session of Congress be deferred until the completion of the forensic audit of the election.

Should you, as Vice President were to announce a winner based on a tally of

unconstitutionally and fraudulently elected Presidential Electors, it would create a rent in the
fabric of the nation. Our country is based on the consent of the governed, and if half of the
country were to believe that their votes no longer matter, we fear for the consequences for the
Having found that the process by which Presidential Electors were chosen was
unconstitutional, that it led to illegal or fraudulent votes, and the number of demonstrated illegal
votes exceeds the vote differential between the candidates, as members of the state legislature,
we are compelled to take these actions as stated above.

Respectfully submitted,



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